Issue with capturing numeric values and displaying them - csh script - tcsh

I have abc1.log that has contents:
length: 2.3 %
Internal breadth value (for calculation only): 63205 (including size \
Internal area after transforming (for calculation only): 53000 (including type \
Internal depth after cleaning and drying (for calculation only): 33221 (including area \
abc2.log that has contents:
length: 3.9 %
Internal breadth value (for calculation only): 74605 (including size \
Internal area after transforming (for calculation only): 23330 (including type \
Internal depth after cleaning and drying (for calculation only): 99237 (including area \
I am using a csh script to extract the numerical values seen in each line after the symbol : in abc1.log and abc2.log, compare them and print a msg.
#! /bin/csh
### case1
set length_abc1=`awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i=="length:") print $(i+1)}' abc1.log | bc`
set length_abc2=`awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i=="length:") print $(i+1)}' abc2.log | bc`
if ($length_abc1:q > $length_abc2:q) then
echo $length_abc1
echo $length_abc2
echo "ERROR: value of length_abc1 is greater than length_abc2"
echo $length_abc1
echo $length_abc2
echo "PASS: value of length_abc1 is smaller than length_abc2"
error encountered with the above case1 code is, If : badly formed number
### case2
set breadth_area_depth_abc1=`awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i=="only):") print $(i+1)}' abc1.log`
set breadth_area_depth_abc2=`awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i=="only):") print $(i+1)}' abc2.log`
if ($breadth_area_depth_abc1:q > $ breadth_area_depth_abc2:q) then
echo $breadth_area_depth_abc1
echo $breadth_area_depth_abc2
echo "ERROR: value of breadth_area_depth_abc1 is bigger"
echo $breadth_area_depth_abc1
echo $breadth_area_depth_abc2
echo "PASS: value of breadth_area_depth_abc1 is smaller"
error encountered with the above case2 code is, If : Expression syntax
In case2, the variable breadth_area_depth_area1, variable breadth_area_depth_area2 will have values like 63205 53000 33221 and 74605 23330 99237 .
I would like to compare numeric values 63205 with 74605, 53000 with 23330, 33221 with 99237 and print the msgs. I am fine if that’s achieved either with one variable or three variables .
I even tried using below to capture 63205 numeric value (see in line 2 in abc1.log) in breadth_area_depth_abc1 but that also doesn’t work .
set breadth_area_depth_abc1=`awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i==" value (for calculation only):") print $(i+1)}' abc1.log`


Evaluate expression using printf in bash [duplicate]

How to do arithmetic with floating point numbers such as 1.503923 in a shell script? The floating point numbers are pulled from a file as a string. The format of the file is as follows:
Here is some simplified sample code I need to get working. Everything works fine up to the arithmetic. I pull a line from the file, then pull multiple values from that line. I think this would cut down on search processing time as these files are huge.
# set vars, loops etc.
while [ $line_no -gt 0 ]
line_string=`sed -n $line_no'p' $file_path` # Pull Line (str) from a file
string1=${line_string:9:6} # Pull value from the Line
calc1= `expr $string2 - $string7` |bc -l # I tried these and various
calc2= ` "$string3" * "$string2" ` |bc -l # other combinations
calc3= `expr $string2 - $string1`
calc4= "$string2 + $string8" |bc
generic_function_call # Use the variables in functions
line_no=`expr $line_no - 1` # Counter--
Output I keep getting:
expr: non-numeric argument
command not found
I believe you should use : bc
For example:
echo "scale = 10; 123.456789/345.345345" | bc
(It's the unix way: each tool specializes to do well what they are supposed to do, and they all work together to do great things. don't emulate a great tool with another, make them work together.)
Or with a scale of 1 instead of 10:
echo "scale = 1; 123.456789/345.345345" | bc
Note that this does not perform rounding.
I highly recommand switching to awk if you need to do more complex operations, or perl for the most complex ones.
ex: your operations done with awk:
# create the test file:
printf '1.5493482,3.49384,33.284732,23.043852,2.2384,12.1,13.4,...\n' > somefile
printf '3.384,3.282342,23.043852,2.23284,8.39283,14.1,15.2,...\n' >> somefile
# do OP's calculations (and DEBUG print them out!)
awk -F',' '
# put no single quote in here... even in comments! you can instead print a: \047
# the -F tell awk to use "," as a separator. Thus awk will automatically split lines for us using it.
# $1=before first "," $2=between 1st and 2nd "," ... etc.
function some_awk_function_here_if_you_want() { # optionnal function definition
# some actions here. you can even have arguments to the function, etc.
print "DEBUG: no action defined in some_awk_function_here_if_you_want yet ..."
BEGIN { rem="Optionnal START section. here you can put initialisations, that happens before the FIRST file-s FIRST line is read"
(NF>=8) { rem="for each line with at least 8 values separated by commas (and only for lines meeting that condition)"
calc1=($2 - $7)
calc2=($3 * $2)
calc3=($2 - $1)
calc4=($2 + $8)
# uncomment to call this function :(ex1): # some_awk_function_here_if_you_want
# uncomment to call this script:(ex2): # cmd="/path/to/some/ \"" calc1 "\" \"" calc2 "\" ..." ; rem="continued next line"
# uncomment to call this script:(ex2): # system(cmd); close(cmd)
line_no=(FNR-1) # ? why -1? . FNR=line number in the CURRENT file. NR=line number since the beginning (NR>FNR after the first file ...)
print "DEBUG: calc1=" calc1 " , calc2=" calc2 " , calc3=" calc3 " , calc4=" calc4 " , line_no=" line_no
print "DEBUG fancier_exemples: see man printf for lots of info on formatting (%...f for floats, %...d for integer, %...s for strings, etc)"
printf("DEBUG: calc1=%d , calc2=%10.2f , calc3=%s , calc4=%d , line_no=%d\n",calc1, calc2, calc3, calc4, line_no)
END { rem="Optionnal END section. here you can put things that need to happen AFTER the LAST file-s LAST line is read"
' somefile # end of the awk script, and the list of file(s) to be read by it.
What about this?
calc=$(echo "$String2 + $String8"|bc)
This will make bc to add the values of $String2 and $String8 and saves the result in the variable calc.
If you don't have the "bc" you can just use 'awk' :
calc=$(echo 2.3 4.6 | awk '{ printf "%f", $1 + $2 }')
scale in bc is the precission so with a scale of 4 if you type bc <<< 'scale=4;22.0/7' you get 3.1428 as an answer. If you use a scale of 8 you get 3.14285714 which is 8 numbers after the floating point.
So the scale is a precission factor

BASH: How to calculate decimals using echo command? [duplicate]

How to do arithmetic with floating point numbers such as 1.503923 in a shell script? The floating point numbers are pulled from a file as a string. The format of the file is as follows:
Here is some simplified sample code I need to get working. Everything works fine up to the arithmetic. I pull a line from the file, then pull multiple values from that line. I think this would cut down on search processing time as these files are huge.
# set vars, loops etc.
while [ $line_no -gt 0 ]
line_string=`sed -n $line_no'p' $file_path` # Pull Line (str) from a file
string1=${line_string:9:6} # Pull value from the Line
calc1= `expr $string2 - $string7` |bc -l # I tried these and various
calc2= ` "$string3" * "$string2" ` |bc -l # other combinations
calc3= `expr $string2 - $string1`
calc4= "$string2 + $string8" |bc
generic_function_call # Use the variables in functions
line_no=`expr $line_no - 1` # Counter--
Output I keep getting:
expr: non-numeric argument
command not found
I believe you should use : bc
For example:
echo "scale = 10; 123.456789/345.345345" | bc
(It's the unix way: each tool specializes to do well what they are supposed to do, and they all work together to do great things. don't emulate a great tool with another, make them work together.)
Or with a scale of 1 instead of 10:
echo "scale = 1; 123.456789/345.345345" | bc
Note that this does not perform rounding.
I highly recommand switching to awk if you need to do more complex operations, or perl for the most complex ones.
ex: your operations done with awk:
# create the test file:
printf '1.5493482,3.49384,33.284732,23.043852,2.2384,12.1,13.4,...\n' > somefile
printf '3.384,3.282342,23.043852,2.23284,8.39283,14.1,15.2,...\n' >> somefile
# do OP's calculations (and DEBUG print them out!)
awk -F',' '
# put no single quote in here... even in comments! you can instead print a: \047
# the -F tell awk to use "," as a separator. Thus awk will automatically split lines for us using it.
# $1=before first "," $2=between 1st and 2nd "," ... etc.
function some_awk_function_here_if_you_want() { # optionnal function definition
# some actions here. you can even have arguments to the function, etc.
print "DEBUG: no action defined in some_awk_function_here_if_you_want yet ..."
BEGIN { rem="Optionnal START section. here you can put initialisations, that happens before the FIRST file-s FIRST line is read"
(NF>=8) { rem="for each line with at least 8 values separated by commas (and only for lines meeting that condition)"
calc1=($2 - $7)
calc2=($3 * $2)
calc3=($2 - $1)
calc4=($2 + $8)
# uncomment to call this function :(ex1): # some_awk_function_here_if_you_want
# uncomment to call this script:(ex2): # cmd="/path/to/some/ \"" calc1 "\" \"" calc2 "\" ..." ; rem="continued next line"
# uncomment to call this script:(ex2): # system(cmd); close(cmd)
line_no=(FNR-1) # ? why -1? . FNR=line number in the CURRENT file. NR=line number since the beginning (NR>FNR after the first file ...)
print "DEBUG: calc1=" calc1 " , calc2=" calc2 " , calc3=" calc3 " , calc4=" calc4 " , line_no=" line_no
print "DEBUG fancier_exemples: see man printf for lots of info on formatting (%...f for floats, %...d for integer, %...s for strings, etc)"
printf("DEBUG: calc1=%d , calc2=%10.2f , calc3=%s , calc4=%d , line_no=%d\n",calc1, calc2, calc3, calc4, line_no)
END { rem="Optionnal END section. here you can put things that need to happen AFTER the LAST file-s LAST line is read"
' somefile # end of the awk script, and the list of file(s) to be read by it.
What about this?
calc=$(echo "$String2 + $String8"|bc)
This will make bc to add the values of $String2 and $String8 and saves the result in the variable calc.
If you don't have the "bc" you can just use 'awk' :
calc=$(echo 2.3 4.6 | awk '{ printf "%f", $1 + $2 }')
scale in bc is the precission so with a scale of 4 if you type bc <<< 'scale=4;22.0/7' you get 3.1428 as an answer. If you use a scale of 8 you get 3.14285714 which is 8 numbers after the floating point.
So the scale is a precission factor

How to find if a series of non-float numbers are missing in a string

In Bash,
I want to find a range of non-float numbers in a string.
If I have a string like so:
"1.4.jpg 2.005.jpg 003: Blah.jpg Blah4.jpg 4.5.jpg"
And I want to find if numbers firstNum-lastNum are missing. Say, if
the function would return
"1 is missing, 2 is missing, 5 is missing"
Its relatively easy to find non-float numbers in a string, but what confuses my script is the "2.005.jpg" part of the string. My script doesnt understand how to recognize that 5 is part of float 2, and therefore should ignore it.
I would just say if the number has leading zeros or has "[0-9]." in front of it, ignore it. But unfortunately, I need support for numbers with any amount of leading zeros.
If you're not against using awk, you can use this script:
echo "1.4.jpg 2.005.jpg 003: Blah.jpg Blah4.jpg" | \
awk -v min=1 -v max=5 -v RS="[^0-9. ]+" '
END{for(i=min;i<=max;i++)if(!(i in a))print i " is missing"}'
This is a GNU awk script that relies on the record separator RS to split the line with only (float) numbers.
The trick is to add 0 to the found number and check that it is still in decimal form (without any dot .). If so, the number is stored in the array a.
The END statement is looping through all decimal number from min (1) to max (5) and prints a message if the number is not part of the array a.
The posix compliant alternative script is the following:
echo "1.4.jpg 2.005.jpg 003: Blah.jpg Blah4.jpg" | \
awk -v min=1 -v max=5 '
split($0,n,"[^0-9. ]+");
for(i in n){
END{for(i=min;i<=max;i++)if(!(i in a))print i " is missing"}'
The main difference is the use of the function split() that replaces RS. split breaks the input string and puts number into the array n. The array elements are then checked and put in the array a in case of decimal number.
Take a look at this extglob pattern:
find_missing() {
shopt -s extglob
for(( i = $2; i <= $3; i++ )); do
[[ $1 = !(*[0-9]|*[0-9].)*(0)"$i"!(.[0-9]*|[0-9]*) ]] || printf '<%s> missing!\n' "$i"
Consider $i to be 4:
"$i": match the number
"$i"!(.[0-9]*|[0-9]*): match the number if it's not followed by either .<number>, which would make it a float number (4.1 for example), or simply followed by another number which would make it a different number (it would falsely consider 41 to be 4 for example)
*(0)"$i"!(.[0-9]*|[0-9]*): allow leading 0s
!(*[0-9]|*[0-9].)*(0)"$i"!(.[0-9]*|[0-9]*): match the number if it's not prefixed by <number>., which would make it a float number (1.4 for example), or prefixed by another number which would make it a different number (it would falsely consider 24 to be 4 for example)
shopt -s extglob: enable extended globbing
Test run:
$ find_missing "1.4.jpg 2.005.jpg 003: Blah.jpg Blah4.jpg" 1 5
<1> missing!
<2> missing!
<5> missing!
$ find_missing "1.4.jpg 2.005.jpg 003: Blah.jpg Blah4.jpg" 1 2
<1> missing!
<2> missing!
$ find_missing "001 3.002 A.4A" 1 4
<2> missing!
<3> missing!
Possible Answer:
Here's a bash function that gives the expected output value on the provided test case in a (hopefully) reasonable way:
function check_missing {
for i in {1..5}; do
# make sure that $i is present,
# with optional leading zeroes,
# but with at least one non-number
# *before* the zeroes and *after* $i
if ! [[ "$1" =~ .*[^0-9\.]0*"$i"\.?[^0-9\.].* ]]; then
echo -n "${prefix}${i} is missing"
prefix=", "
I'm not sure how well this will generalize to the other inputs you have (or how important the output formatting is), but hopefully it at least gives an idea for how to solve the problem.
Sample output:
> check_missing "001.004.jpg 2.005.jpg 003.jpg Blah4.jpg"
1 is missing, 2 is missing, 5 is missing
> check_missing "1.4.jpg 2.005.jpg 003: Blah.jpg Blah4.jpg"
1 is missing, 2 is missing, 5 is missing

Is there a way to implement a counter in bash but for letters instead of numbers?

I'm working with an existing script which was written a bit messily. Setting up a loop with all of the spaghetti code could make a bigger headache than I want to deal with in the near term. Maybe when I have more time I can clean it up but for now, I'm just looking for a simple fix.
The script deals with virtual disks on a xen server. It reads multipath output and asks if particular LUNs should be formatted in any way based on specific criteria. However, rather than taking that disk path and inserting it, already formatted, into a configuration file, it simply presents every line in the format
UUID, of course, is an actual UUID.
The script actually presents each of the found LUNs in this format expecting the user to copy and paste them into the config file replacing each ? with a letter in sequence. This is tedious at best.
There are several ways to increment a number in bash. Among others:
Is there a way to do the same with characters which doesn't involve looping over the entire alphabet such that I could easily "increment" the disk assignment from xvda to xvdb, etc?
To do an "increment" on a letter, define the function:
incr() { LC_CTYPE=C printf "\\$(printf '%03o' "$(($(printf '%d' "'$1")+1))")"; }
Now, observe:
$ echo $(incr a)
$ echo $(incr b)
$ echo $(incr c)
Because, this increments up through ASCII, incr z becomes {.
How it works
The first step is to convert a letter to its ASCII numeric value. For example, a is 97:
$ printf '%d' "'a"
The next step is to increment that:
$ echo "$((97+1))"
$ echo "$(($(printf '%d' "'a")+1))"
The last step is convert the new incremented number back to a letter:
$ LC_CTYPE=C printf "\\$(printf '%03o' "98")"
$ LC_CTYPE=C printf "\\$(printf '%03o' "$(($(printf '%d' "'a")+1))")"
With bash, we can define an associative array to hold the next character:
$ declare -A Incr; last=a; for next in {b..z}; do Incr[$last]=$next; last=$next; done; Incr[z]=a
Or, if you prefer code spread out over multiple lines:
declare -A Incr
for next in {b..z}
With this array, characters can be incremented via:
$ echo "${Incr[a]}"
$ echo "${Incr[b]}"
$ echo "${Incr[c]}"
In this version, the increment of z loops back to a:
$ echo "${Incr[z]}"
How about an array with entries A-Z assigned to indexes 1-26?
IFS=':' read -r -a alpharray <<< ":A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z"
This has 1=A, 2=B, etc. If you want 0=A, 1=B, and so on, remove the first colon.
IFS=':' read -r -a alpharray <<< "A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z"
Then later, where you actually need the letter;
The only problem is that if you end up running past 26 letters, you'll start getting blanks returned from the array.
Use a Bash 4 Range
You can use a Bash 4 feature that lets you specify a range within a sequence expression. For example:
for letter in {a..z}; do
echo "phy:/dev/mapper/UUID,xvd${letter},w"
See also Ranges in the Bash Wiki.
Here's a function that will return the next letter in the range a-z. An input of 'z' returns 'a'.
((num=(36#$(printf '%c' $1)-9) % 26+97));
printf '%b\n' '\x'$(printf "%x" $num);
It treats the first letter of the input as a base 36 integer, subtracts 9, and returns the character whose ordinal number is 'a' plus that value mod 26.
Use Jot
While the Bash range option uses built-ins, you can also use a utility like the BSD jot utility. This is available on macOS by default, but your mileage may vary on Linux systems. For example, you'll need to install athena-jot on Debian.
More Loops
One trick here is to pre-populate a Bash array and then use an index variable to grab your desired output from the array. For example:
letters=( "" $(jot -w %c 26 a) )
for idx in 1 26; do
echo ${letters[$idx]}
A Loop-Free Alternative
Note that you don't have to increment the counter in a loop. You can do it other ways, too. Consider the following, which will increment any letter passed to the function without having to prepopulate an array:
increment_var () {
local new_var=$(jot -nw %c 2 "$1" | tail -1)
if [[ "$new_var" == "{" ]]; then
echo "Error: You can't increment past 'z'" >&2
exit 1
echo -n "$new_var"
var=$(increment_var "$var")
echo "$var"
This is probably closer to what the OP wants, but it certainly seems more complex and less elegant than the original loop recommended elsewhere. However, your mileage may vary, and it's good to have options!

Floating-point arithmetic in UNIX shell script

How to do arithmetic with floating point numbers such as 1.503923 in a shell script? The floating point numbers are pulled from a file as a string. The format of the file is as follows:
Here is some simplified sample code I need to get working. Everything works fine up to the arithmetic. I pull a line from the file, then pull multiple values from that line. I think this would cut down on search processing time as these files are huge.
# set vars, loops etc.
while [ $line_no -gt 0 ]
line_string=`sed -n $line_no'p' $file_path` # Pull Line (str) from a file
string1=${line_string:9:6} # Pull value from the Line
calc1= `expr $string2 - $string7` |bc -l # I tried these and various
calc2= ` "$string3" * "$string2" ` |bc -l # other combinations
calc3= `expr $string2 - $string1`
calc4= "$string2 + $string8" |bc
generic_function_call # Use the variables in functions
line_no=`expr $line_no - 1` # Counter--
Output I keep getting:
expr: non-numeric argument
command not found
I believe you should use : bc
For example:
echo "scale = 10; 123.456789/345.345345" | bc
(It's the unix way: each tool specializes to do well what they are supposed to do, and they all work together to do great things. don't emulate a great tool with another, make them work together.)
Or with a scale of 1 instead of 10:
echo "scale = 1; 123.456789/345.345345" | bc
Note that this does not perform rounding.
I highly recommand switching to awk if you need to do more complex operations, or perl for the most complex ones.
ex: your operations done with awk:
# create the test file:
printf '1.5493482,3.49384,33.284732,23.043852,2.2384,12.1,13.4,...\n' > somefile
printf '3.384,3.282342,23.043852,2.23284,8.39283,14.1,15.2,...\n' >> somefile
# do OP's calculations (and DEBUG print them out!)
awk -F',' '
# put no single quote in here... even in comments! you can instead print a: \047
# the -F tell awk to use "," as a separator. Thus awk will automatically split lines for us using it.
# $1=before first "," $2=between 1st and 2nd "," ... etc.
function some_awk_function_here_if_you_want() { # optionnal function definition
# some actions here. you can even have arguments to the function, etc.
print "DEBUG: no action defined in some_awk_function_here_if_you_want yet ..."
BEGIN { rem="Optionnal START section. here you can put initialisations, that happens before the FIRST file-s FIRST line is read"
(NF>=8) { rem="for each line with at least 8 values separated by commas (and only for lines meeting that condition)"
calc1=($2 - $7)
calc2=($3 * $2)
calc3=($2 - $1)
calc4=($2 + $8)
# uncomment to call this function :(ex1): # some_awk_function_here_if_you_want
# uncomment to call this script:(ex2): # cmd="/path/to/some/ \"" calc1 "\" \"" calc2 "\" ..." ; rem="continued next line"
# uncomment to call this script:(ex2): # system(cmd); close(cmd)
line_no=(FNR-1) # ? why -1? . FNR=line number in the CURRENT file. NR=line number since the beginning (NR>FNR after the first file ...)
print "DEBUG: calc1=" calc1 " , calc2=" calc2 " , calc3=" calc3 " , calc4=" calc4 " , line_no=" line_no
print "DEBUG fancier_exemples: see man printf for lots of info on formatting (%...f for floats, %...d for integer, %...s for strings, etc)"
printf("DEBUG: calc1=%d , calc2=%10.2f , calc3=%s , calc4=%d , line_no=%d\n",calc1, calc2, calc3, calc4, line_no)
END { rem="Optionnal END section. here you can put things that need to happen AFTER the LAST file-s LAST line is read"
' somefile # end of the awk script, and the list of file(s) to be read by it.
What about this?
calc=$(echo "$String2 + $String8"|bc)
This will make bc to add the values of $String2 and $String8 and saves the result in the variable calc.
If you don't have the "bc" you can just use 'awk' :
calc=$(echo 2.3 4.6 | awk '{ printf "%f", $1 + $2 }')
scale in bc is the precission so with a scale of 4 if you type bc <<< 'scale=4;22.0/7' you get 3.1428 as an answer. If you use a scale of 8 you get 3.14285714 which is 8 numbers after the floating point.
So the scale is a precission factor
