I want to use script ksh with sftp but I don't know how to add password in the command sftp user#host ?
Thank you very much,
i am using sftp command in bash file,
sftp myname#server<<EOF
I wanted to take these values from the one of the like,
server = servername ; export server
how to use this value in the sftp command,
sftp %myname#%server<<EOF
i am getting error that hostname could not be resolved.
could anyone please suggest how to resolve the same.
# if these lines are in a file, ". filename" will set them in the current shell
sftp "${myname}#${server}" <<EOF
...commands here...
I have 2 Linux boxes and i am trying to upload files from one machine to other using sftp. I have put all the commands I use in the terminal to she'll script like below.
cd /home/tests/sftptest
sftp user1#
cd sftp/sftptest
put test.txt
But this is not working and gives me error like the directory does not exist. Also, the terminal remain in >sftp, which means bye is not executed. How can I fix this?
I suggest to use a here-document:
cd /home/tests/sftptest
sftp user1# <<< EOF
cd sftp/sftptest
put test.txt
When you run the sftp command, it connects and waits for you to type commands. It kind of starts its own "subshell".
The other commands in your script would execute only once the sftp command finishes. And they would obviously execute as local shell commands, so particularly the put will fail as a non existing command.
You have to provide the sftp commands directly to sftp command.
One way to do that, is using an input redirection. E.g. using the "here document" as the answer by #cyrus already shows:
sftp username#host <<< EOF
Other way is using an external sftp script:
sftp username#host -b sftp.txt
Where, the sftp.txt script contains:
I'm looking for a shell/bash script that can be used to transfer a file from my local to a remote serve using sftp protocol.
I have the one for ftp but can't figure out for sftp.
Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
You could use lftp:
lftp -u USER,PASS -e "put LOCAL_FILE;quit" sftp://SERVER_ADDRESS
I need some files from unix server. So, I am making sftp connection with password from my windows 7 machine to unix server. but, now i want to include all these commands in batch file.
So, I need help on how should make sftp connection from batch file (basically, how to pass password to sftp prompt from batch file)?
Commands I am using:
> C:\Users\e578589>sftp
> server : TSEDCLVSAPPD116.svr.us.jpmchase.net
> user name : a_avatar
>a_avatar's Password:
/home/a_avatar>cd /data/ailsa/archive/open-loans-txns-to-bancs
/dev2/data/ailsa/archive/open-loans-txns-to-bancs> get {$FILENAME}
May be the following solution you can think for your unix/linus server as well.
Secure FTP using Windows batch script
How about PSCP - PuTTY Download Page? It is easy to use in batch script.
Perhaps you can use PSFTP (PuTTY Download Page) in the same way.
How to write a bash script using sftp command to download files?
I can use the following command to login to the remote machine, however I need to type in the password manually.
bash-3.2$ sftp -o "Port 22022" mike#s-edm-ssh.local.files.stack.com
mike#s-edm-ssh.local.files.stack.com's password:
Connected to s-edm-ssh.local.files.stack.com.
How to do the sftp without the password prompt?
If I like to download aaa.txt file at /remote/mike/files to my local directory /local/mike/downloaded, how to build a script to do all of these work?
Since sftp runs over SSH, you can place your public key on the remote server.
If for some reason you can't place your key on the server, then you can write an Expect script to send your password when the prompt appears. See this example.