Change Multitenancy sessions manually - spring

I need to create a multitenanacy application with ability to switch between schemas inside my java-code (not based on a user request).
I've read articles:
Solution works fine, when the schema is passed in Rest-request.
However I need to implement the following logic:
public void compare(String originalSchema, String secondSchema){
List<MyObject> originalData = myRepository.findData();
List<MyObject> migratedData = myRepository.findData();
The point is, that connection is not switched, when I manually set up TenenantContext. MultiTenantConnectionProviderImpl.getConnection is invoked only on the first call to my repository.
public class MultiTenantConnectionProviderImpl implements MultiTenantConnectionProvider {
public Connection getConnection(String tenantIdentifier) throws SQLException {
final Connection connection = getAnyConnection();
try {
connection.createStatement().execute( "ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = " + tenantIdentifier );
catch ( SQLException e ) {
throw new HibernateException(
"Could not alter JDBC connection to specified schema [" + tenantIdentifier + "]",e);
return connection;
Is it possible to force switching sessions?

Found a hard-coded solution.
public class DatabaseSessionManager {
private EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;
public void bindSession() {
if (!TransactionSynchronizationManager.hasResource(entityManagerFactory)) {
EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
TransactionSynchronizationManager.bindResource(entityManagerFactory, new EntityManagerHolder(entityManager));
public void unbindSession() {
EntityManagerHolder emHolder = (EntityManagerHolder) TransactionSynchronizationManager
Each block, loading data in a new tenantContext should execute the following:
//execute selects

Well, you need it
public interface Service {
List<MyObject> myObjects();
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public class ServiceImpl implements Service {
private MyRepository myRepository;
public List<MyObject> myObjects() {
return myRepository.findData();
public class AnotherService() {
private Service service;
public void compare(String originalSchema, String secondSchema){
List<MyObject> originalData = service.myObjects();
List<MyObject> migratedData = service.myObjects();

Try using
in your file.
More info on this
What is this property in Spring Boot?
Hope this helps..


Session Timeout is not working Spring Boot?

I have set the following property
in my application properties but the session time out is not triggerd.
but after setting
the session time out got trigger but following code for updating logout time is not getting triggerd.
public class LogoutListener implements ApplicationListener<SessionDestroyedEvent> {
public void onApplicationEvent(SessionDestroyedEvent event)
List<SecurityContext> lstSecurityContext = event.getSecurityContexts();
UserDetails ud;
for (SecurityContext securityContext : lstSecurityContext)
ud = (UserDetails) securityContext.getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
System.out.println("lastloginspec : " + ud.getUsername() + " : 00 : " +;
public ServletListenerRegistrationBean<HttpSessionEventPublisher> httpSessionEventPublisher() {
return new ServletListenerRegistrationBean<HttpSessionEventPublisher>(new HttpSessionEventPublisher());
Could any one Help me out ?
I have implemented the session listener by following way.
Create a custom http session listener.
public class CustomHttpSessionListener implements HttpSessionListener{
private static final Logger LOG= LoggerFactory.getLogger(Test.class);
public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent se) {"New session is created.");
UserPrincipal principal = (UserPrincipal) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent se) {"Session destroyed.");
UserPrincipal principal = (UserPrincipal) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
Invoke new ServletListenerRegistrationBean and add CustomHttpListener to it and annotate it as #Bean.
#Autowired private CustomHttpSessionListener customHttpSessionListener;
public ServletListenerRegistrationBean<CustomSessionListner>sessionListenerWithMetrics() { ServletListenerRegistrationBean<CustomSessionListner>
listenerRegBean = new ServletListenerRegistrationBean<>();
return listenerRegBean;
Adding a property to
server.servlet.session.timeout = 15m
This is not a full answer, but a step to isolate and troubleshoot. Replace your LogoutListener with and see when you start the application if it is printing any events. If it is not printing your issue is not specific SessionDestroyedEvent instead generic to your listener.
public class LogoutListener
implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationEvent> {
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent event)
System.out.println("event caught at LogoutListener: " + event);
And also add this to to see if event is fired as it should log Publishing event:

Spring boot does not work in test class

I have this test class:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = { CrimeServiceDBImpl.class, CrimeController.class, Crime.class })
#EntityScan(basePackages = {"com.springmiddleware.entities"})
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = Replace.NONE)
public class TestCrimeServiceDB {
private CrimeServiceDBImpl service = new CrimeServiceDBImpl();
public void getAll() {
try {
List<Crime> list = this.service.getAllCrimes();
} catch (IOException e) {
The method getAllCrimes() from the service class does just this:
public class CrimeServiceDBImpl implements CrimeService{
private CrimeRepository repository;
private List<Crime> list = new ArrayList<Crime>();
public CrimeServiceDBImpl() {
list = UtilityMethods.readFromCSV();
public List<Crime> getAllCrimes() throws IOException {
return this.repository.findAll();
If I call this method when running the application, it correctly add all my objects to the database, but when it's called from the test it doesn't add anything, but no exception is thrown.
Which database are you using? Do you mean the data is not persisted in the database after the test has finished? That's because a test always perform a rollback/cleanup when it has finished its work.

Spring `#Autowire` field is `null` eventhough it works fine in other classes

Spring #Autowire field is null even though it works fine in other classes successfully.
public class SendRunner implements Runnable {
private String senderAddress;
private SubscriberService subscriberService;
public SendRunner(String senderAddress) {
this.senderAddress = senderAddress;
public void run() {
private void sendRequest() {
try {
HashMap<String, String> dataMap = new HashMap<>();
dataMap.put("subscriberId", senderAddress);
HttpEntity<?> entity = new HttpEntity<Object>(dataMap, httpHeaders);
Subscriber subscriber = subscriberService.getSubscriberByMsisdn(senderAddress);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error occurred while trying to send api request", e);
Also this class is managed as a bean in the dispatcher servlet :
<bean id="SendRunner" class="">
In here i'm getting a null pointer exception for subscriberService. What would be the possible reason for this? Thanks in advance.
Can you please try with below code snippet
public class Someclass{
private SubscriberService subscriberService;
Thread subscriberThread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
HashMap<String, String> dataMap = new HashMap<>();
dataMap.put("subscriberId", senderAddress);
HttpEntity<?> entity = new HttpEntity<Object>(dataMap, httpHeaders);
Subscriber subscriber = subscriberService.getSubscriberByMsisdn(senderAddress);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error occurred while trying to send api request", e);
Can you please annotate your SendRunner class with #Component or #Service and include the SendRunner package in componentscanpackage
Your bean not in Spring Managed context, below can be the reasons.
Package not in Component scan.
You are moving out of the Spring context by creating an object with new (see below),
this way you will not get the autowired fields.
SendRunner sendRunner = new SendRunner () ,
Just check how I implement. Hope this will help.
public class RestRequest {
SendRunner sendRunner;
public void Uri() {
SendRunner class
public class SendRunner extends Thread{
private SubscriberService subscriberService;
public void run() {
private void SendRequest() {
System.out.println("Object is " + subscriberService);
String senderAddress = "address";
Below are the logs printed when I hit the REST api.
Object is com.example.demo.SubscriberService#40f33492

Retrieving the value of a property pom.xml

I would like to retrieve the value of a property in file in my service layer of my application, the value of setVersion is null
and the function for recovery the version
public ProductDto getVersionApp() {
ProductDto dto = new ProductDto();
Properties prop = new Properties();
try {
prop.load(new FileInputStream("/concerto-rest-api/src/main/resources/"));
dto.setVersion(prop.getProperty("version"));"version ",prop.getProperty("version"));
} catch (IOException ex) {}
return dto;
You can use #Value("${version}") in you service, provided you service is a spring bean.
If you are using the spring-boot framework, there are several ways you can get that property.
public class SpringBoot01Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ConfigurableApplicationContext, args);
String str1=context.getEnvironment().getProperty("version");
public class Student {
private Environment env;
public void speak() {
System.out.println("=========>" + env.getProperty("version"));
#PropertySource("")//if is,then you don't need to write #PropertyScource("")
public class Jdbc {
private String user;
private String password;
public void speack(){

Eclipse Link Multitenancy not working

Eclipse Link Multitenancy is not working properly.
Example Entity (the schema is being created by liquibase):
#Table(name = "ENTITIES")
#TenantDiscriminatorColumn(name = "TENANT_ID", contextProperty = "eclipselink.tenant-id")
public class EntityClass
To set the multitenancy property on entity managers I use an aspect, like following:
#Around("execution(* javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory.*(..))")
public Object invocate(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
final Object result = joinPoint.proceed();
if (result instanceof EntityManager) {
EntityManager em = (EntityManager) result;
final String tenantId = TenantContext.getCurrentTenantId();
LOG.debug("Set EntityManager property for tenant {}.", tenantId);
return em;
return result;
When I start the Spring Boot application this works perfectly. To have tenant information available during integration tests, I defined an annotation:
#Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
public #interface AsTenant {
String value();
To bind this value, I use a TestExecutionListener:
public void beforeTestMethod(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
final Method testMethod = testContext.getTestMethod();
final AsTenant asTenantAnnotation = testMethod
if (asTenantAnnotation != null) {
By debugging I can clearly say that the TestExectionListener is called before any EM is created and that the property is properly set for the EMs. When persisting anything to the database, Eclipse Link does not set a value for the column.
Maybe anybody can help me out with this, I have no Idea why EclipseLink Multitenancy is not working.
Ok, I got it working. If anybody ever faces a similar problem, here is my solution to it.
If using transactions, the context property for the tenant discrimination has to be set after the transaction is started (
EntityManager em = createEntityManager(MULTI_TENANT_PU);
em.setProperty(EntityManagerProperties.MULTITENANT_PROPERTY_DEFAULT, "my_id");
To realise this in Spring Boot/Data environment, I customized Spring's JpaTransactionManager. This stays in addition to the Aspect in the Question, since there is not Transaction for SELECT queries.
public class MultitenantJpaTransactionManager extends JpaTransactionManager {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* #see org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager#doBegin(java.lang.Object, org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition)
protected void doBegin(Object transaction, TransactionDefinition definition) {
super.doBegin(transaction, definition);
final EntityManagerHolder emHolder = (EntityManagerHolder) TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResource(getEntityManagerFactory());
final EntityManager em = emHolder.getEntityManager();
final String tenantId = TenantContext.getCurrentTenantId();
if (tenantId != null) {
em.setProperty(EntityManagerProperties.MULTITENANT_PROPERTY_DEFAULT, tenantId);
This is easily wired via JpaConfiguration:
* Configures Eclipse Link as JPA Provider.
#AutoConfigureAfter({ DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class })
public class JpaConfiguration extends JpaBaseConfiguration {
public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager() {
return new MultitenantJpaTransactionManager();
protected AbstractJpaVendorAdapter createJpaVendorAdapter() {
EclipseLinkJpaVendorAdapter adapter = new EclipseLinkJpaVendorAdapter();
return adapter;
protected Map<String, Object> getVendorProperties() {
HashMap<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.WEAVING, detectWeavingMode());
return properties;
private String detectWeavingMode() {
return InstrumentationLoadTimeWeaver.isInstrumentationAvailable()
? "true" : "static";
Disclaimer: This does not answer the above query but provides an alternative.
Using bytecode instrumentation, I have created a java example on Multi-Tenancy (Table per Tenant) with Eclipse Link and Spring Data. This idea is chosen to utilize the complete power of Spring Data.
One can execute MultiTenantTest to see it working.
The idea is open-sourced and is available at Maven Central
1.Include dependency
2.Create a class as shown below. Package, Class and method has to be exactly same.
package org.swat.jpa.base;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
public class EntityManagerFactoryListener {
* This method is called by JPA Agent.
* #param entityManager the entity manager
public static void afterCreateEntityManager(EntityManager entityManager) {
//Business logic to set appropriate values in entityManager
final String tenantId = TenantContext.getCurrentTenantId();
if (tenantId != null) {
em.setProperty(EntityManagerProperties.MULTITENANT_PROPERTY_DEFAULT, tenantId);
3.Add javaagent when starting java
