Dynamics CRM form saving - dynamics-crm

I want to know if its possible in Dynamics to stop it from saving the last form you were in?
For example, I go to the main form of an entity, then go to the second form and Dynamics saves that I was last in the second form. I don't want it to do that - so that when i open a record i'll be navigated to the main form and not the second form.
So Dynamics' default behaviour is to save the last form you were in - I want to prevent it from doing that. I appreciate this is the way that Dynamics works but wanted to know if anybody has found any good workarounds.
Thanks :)

You could try to use the function Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector; OnLoad to dynamically set the form every time you load a record from the entity.

This user preference is stored for each Session by CRM in browser LocalStorageCache itself. Unfortunately this cannot be turned off by any User settings or System settings.
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Use this snippet to navigate back to default Form that you want.
var form = Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.getCurrentItem();
if (form != null) {
var formId = form.getId();
var formLabel = form.getLabel();
var items = Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.items.get();
for (var i in items) {
var form = items[i];
var formId = form.getId();
var formLabel = form.getLabel();
if (formLabel == "Required Form Name") {


How to reload kendo grid with filtered data?

I have a kendo grid, in which I have selected filter on one column, I am reloading the grid, I want the same filter to be there when grid reloads.
I am using the below code to reload the grid. It works, but it doesn't show the selected filter item checked. I checked IDR in the filter then reloaded the page, it shows 1 item selected but doesn't show IDR as checked.
function ReloadGrid() {
var grid = $('#gridId').data('kendoGrid');
Well there is two way to achieve this.
One way is to save filters in database and second one is to use local storage as mentioned in comment.
I prefer second one, using local storage to save filters and load it upon read.
#GaloisGirl is pointing you in right direction.
Check this example again: Persist state
Basic usage of locale storage is to save some data under some name (key,value):
let person = {
name: 'foo',
lastName: 'bar'
let save = function (person) {
let personString = JSON.stringify(person);
localStorage.setItem('person', personString);
console.log('Storing person: ', personString);
let load = function () {
let personString = localStorage.getItem('person'); // <----string
let person = JSON.parse(personString); // <----object
console.log('Stored person: ', person);
let remove = function (name) {
console.log('Removed from local storage!');
In kendo world you need to save current options state of grid in local storage, you can achieve that by adding button like in example or on the fly with change or with window.onbeforeunload or like in your example beforen reload grid.
You can check saved data under application tab in browsers, eg. chrome:
Hope it helps, gl!

Laravel 5: How can a dropdown be showing the selected value that the page loads initially

I'm using Laravel and I have a dropdown which fills its options from the database on load page and another text field.
Then on the submit I validate the text field to avoid empty entries, the validation is based on the request validator from Laravel. The validation is made correctly.
The problem is that when the validation is completed (it doesn't submit because i keep the text field empty) it returns to the page, but the dropdown remains selected with the last selection by the user, but in the back(sourcecode), its selected the original value that was loaded originally.
I want that the selectedIndex is the one original from the load page, not the last one selected. I tried with javascript but I had no luck change in it since it's already as the selectedIndex, but to the user, it still showing the other option. If I refresh manually it still showing the selected one incorrectly, I need to enter the URL manually so it shows correctly.
What could be a good approach to solve this "visual" issue?
Here is the controller code
public function update($user_id,GuardarBancoRequest $request)
$cuenta = user::whereId($user_id)->first();
$cuenta->nombrecompleto = Input::get('completo');
$temp = Input::get('tipo');
$cuenta->tipocuenta = Input::get('tipo');
$temp1 = Input::get('banco');
if ($temp == "1") {
$cuenta->cuentaclabe = Input::get('clabehidden');
$cuenta->cuentatarjeta = Input::get('cuentahidden');
} else {
$cuenta->cuentatarjeta = Input::get('cuentahidden');
$cuenta->cuentaclabe = Input::get('clabehidden');
if ( $temp1 == "10") {
$cuenta->otrobanco = Input::get('otro');
$cuenta->banco = "10";
} else {
$cuenta->banco = Input::get('banco');
return Redirect::route('bancos.show',array(Auth::user()->id));
The dropdown that I'm referring is the [tipo] one
It's hard to presume without getting a chance to look at your code, but it sounds like when you do a redirect after validation you have something like
return redirect()->back()->withInput(); which causes fields to be prepopulated with the values entered earlier on the page. Remove withInput() portion in your controller if you have this.
Otherwise please mind posting your code in addition to your question, that would be helpful. (the controller part with the redirection and the view where you have the dropdown)

Firefox addon: how to grab data from webpage?

I am trying to make a common answer database for a website form. The form is a description of computer hardware specifications, and I am trying to make it so that based on a model field, other fields are filled in automatically. The extension with have two buttons, "populate" which will based on the model field, check the database for a matching entry, and then populate data into the forms based on that. The second button being "save", which will take data in the fields and marry it to the model field and place it into the database.
So, my main question is on interacting with the webpage itself, how do I grab data from the webpage, and then how do I make changes to fields?
So, my main question is on interacting with the webpage itself, how do I grab data from the webpage, and then how do I make changes to fields?
You can do this with a Firefox Add-on SDK Page-mod, click here for the documentation
Here is an example for getting data:
Example Page-Mod
var tag = "p";
var data = require("sdk/self").data;
var pageMod = require("sdk/page-mod");
include: "*.mozilla.org",
contentScriptFile: data.url("element-getter.js"),
onAttach: function(worker) {
worker.port.emit("getElements", tag);
worker.port.on("gotElement", function(elementContent) {
self.port.on("getElements", function(tag) {
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName(tag);
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
self.port.emit("gotElement", elements[i].innerHTML);

Populating a grid via autocomplete and posting the results

I have a view where I create a new company.
The company has a number of trades, or which 1 is a primary trade.
So when I enter the trades for that company, I select a trade via autocomplete, and this trade is added to a grid of trades underneath the autocomplete textbox. The grid contains the tradeId as a hidden field, the trade, and a radio button to indicate whether the trade is a primary trade and a remove button.
This is part of a form that contains other company details such as address.
Now I am wondering if I can use knockout and (maybe) jsrender to populate the grid without posting to the server?
When I have filled in the grid AND the other company details, I then want to submit the data to the controller post method.
Normally I use the Html helpers to post values to the controller, but I don't see how I can do that using knockout.
Yes you can use Knockout for this. If you have not checked the tutorials out yet then try this Knockout List and Collections tutorial. This should point you in the right direction. What you'll need to do is create a Trade object with observable properties and in a separate knockout view model create an observableArray to store trade objects. For information on posting to the server there are other tutorials in the same location.
function Trade(item) {
var self = this;
self.tradeId = ko.observable(item.tradeId);
self.tradeName = ko.observable(item.tradeName);
self.isPrimary = ko.observable(item.isPrimary);
function TradesViewModel() {
var self = this;
// Editable data
self.trades = ko.observableArray([]);
self.removeTrade = function(trade) { self.trades.remove(trades) }
self.save = function() {
$.post("/controller/action", self.trades);
ko.applyBindings(new TradesViewModel());

Navigate to last page on mvc telerik grid

How can you navigate to the last page of a telerik grid using javascript. My scenario is that I want to go to the last page of the grid in which the new record was added. I know I can use the 'pageTo' method in the Telerik Client API but I am not able to figure out how to count the number of pages a grid has. I was looking up if somebody was doing the same thing that I want to do and stumbled across this piece of code
var lastPage = ticketsGrid.totalPages(ticketsGrid.total);
But the value of the variable lastPage is infinity which is not possible as I only have 1 page in that grid.
Any suggestions anyone?
You can use the OnDataBound event.
You need to use a boolean flag which checks if this is the first load.
var firstTimeLoad = true;
function onDataBound(e) {
if (firstTimeLoad) {
firstTimeLoad = false;
var grid = $('#Grid').data('tGrid');
