How to stress test my page [closed] - performance

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to test my web app under high load.
What I'd need to do is.
Load the page => click the button => fill the form => click the button.
I'd need to do this to simulate 5-10k page requests, which is expected to happen after we launch one service (based on previous years data as there's going to be some big pre-sale discount for only a couple of items)
What service or approach would be the most suitable to do this?

You can use services such as SoapUI or Loader.IO. Both are supposed to be free if I am not mistaken. is another good tool you can use for this.

There is a number of free and open source load testing tools you can consider listed at
Given your requirement of 5-10k concurrent requests my expectation is that you need the tool which can be run in "clustered" mode as you might hit the resource limit of a single load generator so you can use several machines running the load testing tool so it can be done in distributed manner.
One more factor would be possibility to record and replay the scenario so you could just run your steps in browser and the load testing tool would capture the relevant requests so you will be able to replay them with increased number of users.
Check out Open Source Load Testing Tools: Which One Should You Use? for example evaluation and research. Once you stick to this or that tool you can ask questions regarding your scenario implementation using a specific StackOverflow tag.


How to achieve performance testing on smpp protocol [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm trying to achieve performance testing for mobile originated(MO). I want to simulate mobile to application communication. anyone with SMS performance testing experience or knowledge can guide me on how to load test SMSC. Using an open-source tool preferably JMeter.
The easiest would be using i.e. jSMPP library calls from the JSR223 Sampler using Groovy language
There are several useful examples including StressClient which seems to be exactly what you're looking for.
So just download the .jar, drop it to JMeter Classpath, restart JMeter to pick it up and start coding your use cases with the JSR223 Samplers.
You may also be interested in How to Write a plugin for JMeter if you need to share the implementation with not-too-technical people.

compile code online for coding competitions [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to conduct online coding competitions. For that I am developing a website. I have a webpage to take the code from user. Once the user has finished his coding, on submitting I want to send that code to some compiler to check the code. And I can check with the test cases if its compiled without errors. Is there any online compilers available for that. I mean, Is there any site to send my_code, test_cases, programming_languages to that and get back the results? Or should I use system commands to do this process?
Compiling requires a fair amount of computation. You will have to consider how well your system will scale to user demand. Most online services would eventually charge a fee to cover their infrastructure costs (+ profit).
Depending on the scale, you may want to use system commands. I would suggest doing so until your project reach a certain maturity. You could also have a setup like Jenkins, were compilation work is dispatched to build nodes which can be added for increased demand.
Existing software like PC2 ask the hosts of the competition to provide the compilation server. However, the setup is local.

determine status of project [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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i am currently working on a very very simple project-management/bug-tracking system, and i want to display the status ("horrible as hell" to "nice like a butterfly" ) of a project on its summary page.
The problem i have - how to determine said status, i thought about the quotient of solved/resolved issues, but this quotient is going to 0 as more and more isses are resolved. I also thought about issues/files, but then i have to monitor the count of files (whats gonna be hard b/c theres binary files i have to monitor so a svn or git binding is not possible).
sorry if i posted on wrong site - don't sure if this belong to meta
This is highly subjective, but here's my two cents worth after managing hundreds of projects.
Each project is so unique that you won't find a suitable "automated" way of measuring the health of a project in the way you are asking. The best you can do is to display such metrics as-is.
For an overall project health status, the project manager should be responsible for analyzing the metrics you are providing and manually determining the health of the project.
Again, I know it's subjective, but project management is as much art as it is science, and no software is ever going to be able to be able to nicely summarize the project status as well as a competent project manager. Even an incompetent project manager should be able to give a better status report than the computer. All the computer do is spit out stats. It takes someone who knows how to interpret the stats to put the stats in a nice "executive-level" summary.

Benchmarking tool [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm unable to decide which is a better benchmarking tool-Is it apachebench tool or httperf?
Please help me to decide which one would be the most appropriate tool to be chosen for benchmarking the web application.
I suppose it depends on what kind of testing you want to do.
ApacheBench basically tests a general load, but httperf gives more a surgical precision and can simulate real user activity.
is “ab” or “httperf” better for checking performance of a website?
How do you test the performance of a website?
Most effective and realistic free web-app load tester?
Tools to benchmark web-services
They're both good for doing different types of testing. httperf will just send a barage of data to your server, whether or not it's answered. That gives you the breaking point of your app, and shows you how it fails out. Use this to find bottlenecks.
apachebench is a bit different in that it sends exactly what you tell it, and is more typically used to measure response times (for example, if you optimize). Once the bottlenecks are found and fixed, check the speed with this.
Please Note: That's what I do, but I'm not a master
I'm unable to decide which is a better
benchmarking tool-Is it apachebench
tool or httperf?
There is an extensive discussion about the benefit of each tool here:
The guy went as far as to write a wrapper (public domain C code) around Apache Benchmark and HTTPerf to illustrate the pro and cons of each solution.
He also explains how to make sure system settings will not make the benchmark fail, and how to get the most of a server machine (OS, virtualization, etc.).
Hope this helps!

Buy or build tool for Data Reporting? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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We have been asked to provide a data reporting solution. The followng are the requirements:
i. The client has a lot of data which is generated everyday as an outcome of the tests they run. These tests are run at several sites and they get automatically backed up into a central server.
ii. They already have perl scripts which post process them and generates excel based reports.
iii. They need a web based interface for comparing those reports and they need to mark and track issues which might be present in those data.
I am confused if we should build our own tool for this or we should go for already exiting tool(any suggestions?). Can you please provide supportive arguments for the decision that you would suggest?
You need to narrow down your requirements (what kind of data needs to be compared, and in which format?). Then check if there is already a software available (commercial or free) that fulfills your needs. Based on that, decide if its better (i.e. cheaper) to implement the functionality yourself, or use the other software.
Don't reinvent the wheel.
There are quite a few tools out there that specialise in this sort of thing, my gut feeling is that you can find something ready made that does what you need.
As a side note, that tool may also be a better solution for creating those excel reports than the perl scripts.
