ffmpeg multiple overlays at different times - ffmpeg

I have written a bash script which cycles through various RTMP live streams and switches every thirty seconds.
I have a PNG sequence which plays at the start of the video (blindRev-%d.png). A blind is pulled up, revealing the stream.
28 seconds later, I would like it to come back down to cover the stream so that when the next stream is loaded, it retracts to reveal the next stream in sequence once again (blind-%d.png). I've tried using itsoffset to accomplish this. No audio is required.
However, only the first PNG sequence is played, the second never seems to happen.
The command I am using is:
ffmpeg -i rtmp://localhost/live/$stream -i blind/blindRev-%d.png -itsoffset 28 -i blind/blind-%d.png -filter_complex overlay -an -f flv rtmp://localhost/live/All
What am I doing incorrectly?
Many thanks.

You'll have to loop the images and then alter their timestamps.
ffmpeg -i rtmp://localhost/live/$stream -loop 1 -i blind/blindRev-%d.png
-filter_complex [1]setpts='mod(N,50)/25/TB+30*trunc(N/50)'[im];[[0][im]overlay
-an -f flv rtmp://localhost/live/All
I assume that your sequence has 50 images, and that you want the overlay to start every 30 seconds.


Using ffmpeg, jpg to mp4 to mpegts, play with HLS M3U8, only first TS file plays - why?

Before posting I have searched and found similar questions on stackoverflow (I list some below) - none have helped me towards a solution, hence this post. The duration that each image is shown within the movie file differs from many posts that I have seen thus far.
A camera captures 1 image every 30 seconds. I need stream them, preferably via HLS, thus I wrap 2 images in an MP4. I then convert MP4 to mpegts. Each MP4 and TS file play fine individually (each contain two images, each image transitions after 30seconds, each movie file is 1minute long).
When I reference the two TS files in an M3U8 playlist, only the first TS file gets played. Can anyone advise why it stops and how I can get it to play all the TS files that I expect to create, not just the first TS file? Besides my ffmpeg commands, I also include my VLC log file (though I expect to stream to Firefox/Chrome clients). I am using ffmpeg 4.2.2-static installed on an AWS EC2 with AMI2 Linux.
I have four jpgs named image11.jpg, image12.jpg, image21.jpg, image22.jpg - The images look near identical as only the timestamp in top left changes.
The following command creates 1.mp4, using image11.jpg and image12.jpg, each image displayed for 30 seconds, total duration of the mp4 is 1 minute. It plays like expected.
ffmpeg -y -framerate 1/30 -f image2 -i image1%1d.jpg -c:v libx264 -vf "fps=1,format=yuvj420p" 1.mp4
I then convert 1.mp4 to an mpegts file, creating 1.ts. It plays like expected.
ffmpeg -y -i 1.mp4 -c:v libx264 -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -flags -global_header -f mpegts 1.ts
I repeat the above steps except specific to image21.jpg and image22.jpg, creating 2.mp4 and 2.ts
ffmpeg -y -framerate 1/30 -f image2 -i image1%1d.jpg -c:v libx264 -vf "fps=1,format=yuvj420p" 2.mp4
ffmpeg -y -i 1.mp4 -c:v libx264 -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -flags -global_header -f mpegts 2.ts
Thus now I have 1.mp4, 1.ts, 2.mp4, 2.ts and all four play individually just fine.
Using ffprobe I can confirm their duration is 60seconds, for example:
ffprobe -i 1.ts -v quiet -show_entries format=duration -hide_banner -print_format json
My m3u8 playlist follows:
Can anyone advise where I am going wrong?
VLC Error Log (though I expect to play via web browser)
I have researched the process using these (and other pages) as a guide:
How to create a video from images with ffmpeg
convert from jpg to mp4 by ffmpeg
ffmpeg examples page
FFMPEG An Intermediate Guide/image sequence
How to use FFmpeg to convert images to video
Take a look at the start_pts/start_time in the ffprobe -show_streams output, my guess is that they all start at zero/near-zero which will cause playback to fail after your first segment.
You can still produce them independently but you will want to use something like -output_ts_offset to correctly set the timestamps for subsequent segments.
The following solution works well for me. I have tested it uninterrupted for more than two hours and believe it ticks all my boxes. (Edited because I forgot the all important -re tag)
ffmpeg will loop continuously, reading test.jpg and stream it to my RTMP server. When my camera posts an image every 30seconds, I copy the new image on top of the existing test.jpg which in effect changes what is streamed out.
Note the command below is all one line, I have put new lines in to assist reading and The order of the parameters are important - the loop and fflags genpts for example must appear before the -i parameter
-loop 1
-fflags +genpts
-framerate 1/30
-i test.jpg
-c:v libx264
-vf fps=25
-pix_fmt yuvj420p
-crf 30
-f fifo -attempt_recovery 1 -recovery_wait_time 1
-f flv rtmp://localhost:5555/video/test
Some arguments explained:
-re implies play in real time
loop 1 (1 turns the loop on, 0 off)
-fflags +genpts is something I only half understand. PTS I believe is the start/end time of the segment and without this flag, the PTS is reset to zero with every new image. Using this arguement means I avoid EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY when a new image is served.
-framerate 1/30 means one frame for 30seconds
-i test.jpg is my image 'placeholder'. As new images are received via a separate script, it overwrites this image. When combined with loop it means the ffmpeg output will reference the new image.
-c:v libx264 is for H264 video output formating
-vf fps=25 Removing this, or using a different value resulted in my output stream not being 30seconds.
-pix_fmt yuvj420p (sometimes I have seen yuv420p referenced but this did not work on my environment). I believe there are different jpg colour palettes and this switch ensures I can process a wider choice.
-crf 30 implies highest quality image, lowest compression (important for my client)
-f fifo -attempt_recovery 1 -recovery_wait_time 1 -f flv rtmp://localhost:5555/video/test is part of the magic to go with loop. I believe it keeps the connection open with my stream server, reduces the risk of DISCONTINUITY in the play list.
I hope this helps someone going forward.
The following links helped nudge me forward and I share as it might help others to improve upon my solution
Creating a video from a single image for a specific duration in ffmpeg
How can I loop one frame with ffmpeg? All the other frames should point to the first with no changes, maybe like a recusion
Display images on video at specific framerate with loop using FFmpeg
Loop image ffmpeg HLS

ffmpeg concat converts multiple videos to chipmunk version with half the video silence

i try to concat multiple videos to one video and add an background music to it.
for some reason the background music is perfectly added to the output video but the audio of each part of the output is speed up to a chipmunk version of the video itself. this results in an output video of 7 minutes with about 5 minutes of silence since everything is so fast that all the audio finishes after about 2 minutes.
my command is:
ffmpeg -safe 0 -i videolist.ffconcat -i bg_loop.mp3 -y -filter_complex "[1:0]volume=0.3[a1];[0:a][a1]amix=inputs=2" -vcodec libx264 -r 25 -filter:v scale=w=1920:h=1080 -map 0:v:0 output.mp4
i tried to remove the background music (since i wasn't able to loop it through the video i thought maybe that's the issue) and still.. all the audio of the video clips is still speed up resulting in chaotic audio at the beginning and silence at the end.
my video list looks like this:
ffconcat version 1.0
file intro.mp4
file clip-x.mp4
file clip-y.mp4
file clip-x.mp4
file clip-y.mp4
[... and so on]
i hope somebody can tell me what i'm doing wrong here (and maybe how to adjust my command to loop the background music through all the clips)
i googled a bit and found the adjustment of my command to add amix=inputs=2:duration=first but that doesn't do the trick and if i add duration=shortest or duration=longest nothing changes the output audio
The concat demuxer requires that all streams in inputs have the same properties. For audio, that includes codec, sampling rate, channel layout, sample format..
If audio of some inputs is sounding funny after concat, that usually indicates a sampling rate mismatch. Run ffprobe -show_streams -select_streams a -v 0 "input-file" on each input to check. For those which are different, you can re-encode only the audio by adding -ar X where X is the most common sampling rate found among your inputs e.g. -ar 44100. Other parameters will depend on format details. Keep video by using -c:v copy.

How to force ffmpeg to refresh overlay image more often?

I am trying to do sports live-streaming using ffmpeg. Score of a streaming match is being fetched from server and converted to png. This png must appear on top of the video.
ffmpeg allows to put an overlay over a video stream using image2 demuxer. If I use -loop1, this overlay updates approximately every 5 seconds. How can I force ffmpeg to read it from disk more often?
My current attempt with overlay updating once in 5 seconds(mp4 video for testing purposes):
nice -n -19 ffmpeg \
-re -y \
-i s.mp4 \
-f image2 -loop 1 -i \
-filter_complex "[0:v][1:v]overlay" \
-threads 4 \
-v 0 -f mpegts -preset ultrafast udp:// \
I know, that I can make youtube streaming widget on the website and put score on top of it just using html/css/js. But unfortunately it must be done directly in the video stream.
I know, that I can use ffmpeg drawtext. But it is not what I want. I have specially designed png, which must be updated as frequently, as possible ( once in 1-2 seconds would be just great )
Three things:
1) -re is applied per input, so ffmpeg is currently reading your image at a rate asynchronous with respect to the video. Since the video is being read in real time, the image reader queues the packets of the looped image till the filtergraph can consume them. So the updated image will consumed much later and with a greater timestamp assigned than when it was actually updated. Add -re before the image -i to correct this.
2) Skip -loop 1 and use -stream_loop -1 since the image2 demuxer can abort if the input is blocked or empty (due to update) when it's trying to read it. Although, since the input is read via a network protocol, this may not be an issue for you.
3) You've specified no encoder in the output options. Since the format is MPEG-TS, ffmpeg will choose mpeg2video with a default bitrate of 200 kbps. The ultrafast preset does not apply to this encoder. You probably want to add -c:v libx264.
I have found, that increasing framerate value of image2 to 90-100 makes file reading process faster, but audio becomes throttled

How to capture multiple screenshot from online video stream using ffmpeg with specific seek time

I'm using ffmpeg to take screenshot from online video stream. I want to seek multiple timeline. I've used the following command to capture 1 screenshot by seek command:
ffmpeg -ss 00:02:10 -i "stream-url" -frames:v 1 out1.jpg
How I can take multiple screenshot via multiple seek time. I've searched for the solution but no success.
I've used the following command to take multiple screenshot as follows:
ffmpeg -noaccurate_seek -ss 00:01:10 -i "stream-url" -map 0:v:0 -vframes 1 -f mpeg "thumb/output_01.jpg" -ss 00:02:10 -i "stream-url" -map 1:v:0 -vframes 1 -f mpeg "thumb/output_02.jpg"
Is there any way to generate screenshots from same input via seek command? How to make it more faster? How to skip multiple input(-i param)? I've also tried with other commands but those are more slower. Can anyone help me?
There's no easy way I know to specify a number of arbitrary seek points from which to extract frames (similar question here).
However, seeking is very fast with the way you specified. Instead of constructing a complex command, you could just download the YouTube video using youtube-dl (if you haven't done that already) and generate the commands like this:
ffmpeg -ss 00:01:10 -i input -frames:v 1 out1.jpg
ffmpeg -ss 00:02:05 -i input -frames:v 1 out2.jpg
ffmpeg -ss 00:03:20 -i input -frames:v 1 out3.jpg
Note that exporting JPG might lead to low quality. Using PNG is preferred; you will get lossless frames that you can handle with another program later (e.g. to resize or compress).
If you want to get frames from regular intervals, use the fps filter to drop the framerate:
ffmpeg -i input -filter:v fps=1/60 out%02d.jpg
This will output a frame every minute (1/60 frames per second = 1 frame per minute), with two zero-padded digits as output numbers. You could additionally offset the start by providing a -ss option before the input file.

ffmpeg command to combine audio and images

I'm trying to achieve something which I earlier thought should be a simple task.
Is there a ffmpeg command that can do the following:
convert an audio.wav file to a video,
Add some 100 pics (img%d.png) to the video so they "automatically" stretch to fill the entire length of the video.
I don't want to set the frame rate manually because it's either making the audio go ahead or lack behind.
I also don't want the following to happen, which happenned when I used "loop_input":
A short video of images got created, which played fast and then repeated itself for the entire duration of the audio.
Please let me know the command.
I've currently tried the following, but these are not giving me the desired results:
This one makes, but video goes fast and audio is not full:
ffmpeg -i img%d.png -i audio.wav -acodec copy output.mpg
This one makes short video which repeats for full audio duration:
ffmpeg -loop_input -shortest -i img%d.png -i audio.wav -acodec copy output.mpg
This one works nearly, but "-r 4" makes video go slow and audio goes ahead. If I use "-r 5" then audio goes slow, and video goes ahead:
ffmpeg -r 4 -i img%d.png -i audio.wav -acodec copy -r 30 output.mpg
measure the time of the audio track and then use -t $audio_duration.
this arg, along with "-loop 1" will stop the mp4 at a time that matches the audio.
you might also try 2 pass technique , including -vcodec libx264 as it works well producing mp4.
and think about the following adjusted for your inputs and record rates:
-b:v 200k -bt 50k
