Access username from basic authentication -

I have a MVC project with uses Identity. This enables users to sign up to the site and create a profile.
I have a separate WebAPI class to allow Embedded GSM devices to communicate with the server. Users are able to sign up and add many GSM units to their profile. I've had to use a Basic Authentication filter for the embedded GSM devices as it they are unable to cache a token / cookie.
My question is, how do i look up the username of the request within a webAPI controller? i've tried accessing the user with RequestContext.Principal as per suggestions, but it returns null.
public void Post([FromBody]string value)
// Get username from request for database lookup?
public class BasicAuthenticationAttribute : AuthorizationFilterAttribute
public override void OnAuthorization(HttpActionContext actionContext)
if (actionContext.Request.Headers.Authorization == null)
actionContext.Response = actionContext.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
string authenticationToken = actionContext.Request.Headers.Authorization.Parameter;
string decodedAuthenticationToken = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(authenticationToken));
string[] usernamePasswordArray = decodedAuthenticationToken.Split(':');
string username = usernamePasswordArray[0];
string password = usernamePasswordArray[1];
if (GSMSecurity.Login(username, password))
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = new GenericPrincipal(new GenericIdentity(username), null);
actionContext.Response = actionContext.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
I found the username using :

If your controller inherits from System.Web.Http.ApiController you can access the User property:
public void Post([FromBody]string value)
var name = User.Identity.Name;
In BasicAuthentication, do not forget to set the principal property correctly when signing in:
if (GSMSecurity.Login(username, password))
var currentPrincipal = new GenericPrincipal(new GenericIdentity(username), null);
actionContext.RequestContext.Principal = currentPrincipal;
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = currentPrincipal;
HttpContext.Current.User = currentPrincipal;

You should also consider setting the principal on the HttpContext
if (GSMSecurity.Login(username, password)) {
var principal = new GenericPrincipal(new GenericIdentity(username), null);
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal = principal;
if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current != null) {
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User = principal;
And then accessing it via the User property on the ApiController
public void Post([FromBody]string value) {
// Get username from request for database lookup?
var username = User.Identity.Name;
The framework will extract the user information from the context and associate it with the request context.

You can find the current user in the RequestContext.Principal


Is there any possibility to use allow anonymous attribute and remove authorization for swagger alone?

I wanted to remove authorization, that is to remove bearer token authentication for my web API application for swagger alone. And authorization should work as usual for rest of the console applications like postman.If so how can it be achieved for swagger alone. Provided I'm using the swashbuckle NuGet package for my application.
Below is the code i have tried, I have used custom authorization for swagger and other urls, It is working fine in local environment but my api is not accessible by other api's post deployment in https server, getting unauthorized error.
public class CustomAuthorization : AuthorizationFilterAttribute
public override void OnAuthorization(HttpActionContext actionContext)
Uri currentUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer;
if(currentUrl != null)
if (currentUrl.Segments.Contains("swagger"))
string accessToken = "";
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var form = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"grant_type", "password"},
{"username", "user"},
{"password", "password"},
string url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority);
var tokenResponse = client.PostAsync(url + "/token", new FormUrlEncodedContent(form)).Result;
var token = tokenResponse.Content.ReadAsAsync<AuthorizationToken>(new[] { new JsonMediaTypeFormatter() }).Result;
accessToken = token.access_token;
HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken);
var principal = actionContext.RequestContext.Principal as ClaimsPrincipal;
if (!principal.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
AuthorizationMessage autho = new AuthorizationMessage();
autho.Message = "Missing access credentials.";
autho.Type = "Unauthorize";
actionContext.Response = actionContext.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, autho);
class AuthorizationMessage
public string Type { get; set; }
public string Message { get; set; }

Using both OAuth and Basic Auth in Asp.Net Web Api with Owin

I've implemented OAuth authentication in my Web Api project based on these blog posts
It works well, including the refresh token logic.
I want to add an option for basic authentication as well for a couple of calls for scheduled jobs.
I've tried adding a Basic Auth solution as middleware but I'm still getting 401 asking for the Bearer token.
I can get it to work by removing the [Authorize] attribute from those api calls and checking manually in code if the user is authenticated but seems like the wrong way to solve it.
Is there a way to support both Basic Auth and OAuth authentication using OWin?
How about you attribute your actions or controller with you want to implement Basic authentication with the attribute [OverrideAuthentication] Then you create custom authentication filter attribute which inherits from Attribute, IAuthenticationFilter as the code below
public class BasicAuthenticationAttribute : Attribute, IAuthenticationFilter
public Task AuthenticateAsync(HttpAuthenticationContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var req = context.Request;
// Get credential from the Authorization header
//(if present) and authenticate
if (req.Headers.Authorization != null && "basic".Equals(req.Headers.Authorization.Scheme, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var rawCreds = req.Headers.Authorization.Parameter;
var credArray = GetCredentials(rawCreds);
var clientId = credArray[0];
var secret = credArray[1];
if (ValidCredentials(clientId, secret))
var claims = new List<Claim>()
new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, clientId)
var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(claims, "Basic");
var principal = new ClaimsPrincipal(new[] { identity });
// The request message contains valid credential
context.Principal = principal;
context.ErrorResult = new UnauthorizedResult(new AuthenticationHeaderValue[0], context.Request);
context.ErrorResult = new UnauthorizedResult(new AuthenticationHeaderValue[0], context.Request);
return Task.FromResult(0);
private string[] GetCredentials(string rawCred)
var encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8");
var cred = encoding.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(rawCred));
var credArray = cred.Split(':');
if (credArray.Length == 2)
return credArray;
return credArray = ":".Split(':');
private bool ValidCredentials(string clientId, string secret)
//compare the values from web.config
if (clientId == secret)
return true;
return false;
public Task ChallengeAsync(HttpAuthenticationChallengeContext context,CancellationToken cancellationToken)
context.Result = new ResultWithChallenge(context.Result);
return Task.FromResult(0);
public class ResultWithChallenge : IHttpActionResult
private readonly IHttpActionResult next;
public ResultWithChallenge(IHttpActionResult next)
{ = next;
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteAsync( CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var response = await next.ExecuteAsync(cancellationToken);
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
response.Headers.WwwAuthenticate.Add(new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic"));
return response;
public bool AllowMultiple
get { return false; }
Now you use it to attribute you controllers or actions as the code below:
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Get()
Notice how we are creating claims identity and setting the Authentication scheme to Basic, you can put any claims you want here.

How to write into session with web api?

I am writing an authentication code. I am authenticating against the web server. currently my code take the username and password from xcode and send it over to the web service via the URL which then returns a json string that I am reading in xcode. When the connection is succefull I want to create a session and in xcode i want to read that session.
Web Api:
public class SessionController : ApiController
public bool loggedin = false;
public class MyHttpControllerHandler: HttpControllerHandler, IRequiresSessionState
public MyHttpControllerHandler(RouteData routeData): base(routeData)
{ }
public class MyHttpControllerRouteHandler : HttpControllerRouteHandler
protected override IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(
RequestContext requestContext)
return new MyHttpControllerHandler(requestContext.RouteData);
public void Authenticate(string txtLoginId, string txtPassword)
Subs objSub = SubService.GetSubs(txtLoginId.Trim(), txtPassword.Trim());
if (objSub != null)
loggedin = true;
loggedin = false;
public string Get(string user, string pass)
byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(pass);
string password = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
Authenticate(user, password);
if(loggedin == true)
var session = HttpContext.Current.Session;
session["Time"] = DateTime.Now;
return "Session Time: " + session["Time"] + user;
return "Session is not availabe " + user;
it returns the following error on this line,
session["Time"] = DateTime.Now;
ExceptionMessage":"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Web API 2 OWIN Bearer token authentication - AccessTokenFormat null?

I have an existing ASP.NET MVC 5 project and I'm adding a Web API 2 project to it. I want to use bearer token authentication and have followed Hongye Sun's tutorial "OWIN Bearer Token Authentication with Web API Sample" and this question as well.
In my Login method, for the line Startup.OAuthBearerOptions.AccessTokenFormat.Protect(ticket);, the AccessTokenFormat is null. Any idea why?
My AccountController:
public class AccountController : ApiController
public AccountController() {}
// POST api/login
public HttpResponseMessage Login(int id, string pwd)
if (id > 0) // testing - not authenticating right now
var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(Startup.OAuthBearerOptions.AuthenticationType);
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, id.ToString()));
AuthenticationTicket ticket = new AuthenticationTicket(identity, new AuthenticationProperties());
var currentUtc = new SystemClock().UtcNow;
ticket.Properties.IssuedUtc = currentUtc;
ticket.Properties.ExpiresUtc = currentUtc.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30));
var token = Startup.OAuthBearerOptions.AccessTokenFormat.Protect(ticket);
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
Content = new ObjectContent<object>(new
UserName = id.ToString(),
AccessToken = token
}, Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
// POST api/token
public HttpResponseMessage Token(int id, string pwd)
// Never reaches here. Do I need this method?
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
Startup class:
public class Startup
private static readonly ILog _log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
public static OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions OAuthBearerOptions { get; private set; }
public static OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions OAuthOptions { get; private set; }
public static Func<MyUserManager> UserManagerFactory { get; set; }
public static string PublicClientId { get; private set; }
static Startup()
PublicClientId = "MyWeb";
UserManagerFactory = () => new MyUserManager(new UserStore<MyIdentityUser>());
OAuthBearerOptions = new OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions();
OAuthOptions = new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions
TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/api/token"),
Provider = new MyWebOAuthProvider(PublicClientId, UserManagerFactory),
AuthorizeEndpointPath = new PathString("/api/login"),
AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(14),
AllowInsecureHttp = true
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
// Enable the application to use bearer tokens to authenticate users
app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions
AuthenticationType = DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie,
LoginPath = new PathString("/api/login")
// Configure Web API to use only bearer token authentication.
var config = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration;
config.Filters.Add(new HostAuthenticationFilter(OAuthBearerOptions.AuthenticationType));
MyIdentityUser just adds an extra property:
public class MyIdentityUser : IdentityUser
public int SecurityLevel { get; set; }
MyUserManager calls my custom user authentication method to an internal server:
public class MyUserManager : UserManager<MyIdentityUser>
public MyUserManager(IUserStore<MyIdentityUser> store) : base(store) { }
public MyIdentityUser ValidateUser(int id, string pwd)
LoginIdentityUser user = null;
if (MyApplication.ValidateUser(id, pwd))
// user = ??? - not yet implemented
return user;
MyWebOAuthProvider (I took this from the SPA template. Only GrantResourceOwnerCredentials has been changed):
public class MyWebOAuthProvider : OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider
private readonly string _publicClientId;
private readonly Func<MyUserManager> _userManagerFactory;
public MyWebOAuthProvider(string publicClientId, Func<MyUserManager> userManagerFactory)
if (publicClientId == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("publicClientId");
if (userManagerFactory == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("userManagerFactory");
_publicClientId = publicClientId;
_userManagerFactory = userManagerFactory;
public override async Task GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context)
using (MyUserManager userManager = _userManagerFactory())
MyIdentityUser user = null;
var ctx = context as MyWebOAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext;
if (ctx != null)
user = userManager.ValidateUser(ctx.Id, ctx.Pwd);
if (user == null)
context.SetError("invalid_grant", "The user name or password is incorrect.");
ClaimsIdentity oAuthIdentity = await userManager.CreateIdentityAsync(user,
ClaimsIdentity cookiesIdentity = await userManager.CreateIdentityAsync(user,
AuthenticationProperties properties = CreateProperties(user.UserName);
AuthenticationTicket ticket = new AuthenticationTicket(oAuthIdentity, properties);
public override Task TokenEndpoint(OAuthTokenEndpointContext context)
... // unchanged from SPA template
public override Task ValidateClientAuthentication(OAuthValidateClientAuthenticationContext context)
... // unchanged from SPA template
public override Task ValidateClientRedirectUri(OAuthValidateClientRedirectUriContext context)
... // unchanged from SPA template
public static AuthenticationProperties CreateProperties(string userName)
... // unchanged from SPA template
public class MyWebOAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext : OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext
public MyWebOAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext (IOwinContext context, OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions options, string clientId, string userName, string password, IList<string> scope)
: base(context, options, clientId, userName, password, scope)
{ }
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Pwd { get; set; }
How is AccessTokenFormat set? Is what I've set up correct? I'm not authenticating against any external services, just a legacy internal server.
I had the same problem - it was to do with my initialisation in Startup().
Like you, I was storing the OAuthBearerOptions in a static field:
OAuthBearerOptions = new OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions();
But then I was wrongly using a new instance of the same class later on:
app.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication(new OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions()); // wrong!
Obviously the fix was to use the static field instead:
In fact, it doesn't look like you call UseOAuthBearerAuthentication() at all. I followed this excellent series of posts by Taiseer Joudeh.
Full Startup.cs:
public class Startup
public static OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions OAuthBearerOptions { get; private set; }
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration();
public void ConfigureOAuth(IAppBuilder app)
//use a cookie to temporarily store information about a user logging in with a third party login provider
OAuthBearerOptions = new OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions();
OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions OAuthServerOptions = new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions() {
AllowInsecureHttp = true,
TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/token"),
AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(1),
Provider = new SimpleAuthorizationServerProvider() // see post
// Token Generation
//[Configure External Logins...]
I'm not sure if you're still looking for the answer to this - but here's a bit of code that I'm using in my AngularJS app to get the security token from my WebAPI2 endpoint.
method: 'POST', url: '/token', data: { username: uName, password: uPassword, grant_type: 'password' },
transformRequest: function (obj) {
var str = [];
for (var p in obj)
str.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[p]));
return str.join("&");
}).success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
console.log("http success", data);
accessToken.value = data.access_token;
console.log("access token = ", accessToken.value);
}).error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
console.log("http error", data);
I can then pass the accessToken in the header of any other requests in order to get the authentication validation.
I have removed the sample code as it can cause confusion when it's used with Web API and SPA template. You'd better stay with the template code to use OAuth authorization server to generate token. In your scenario, you should use resource owner password grant to authenticate the user. Please check my blog on SPA template which has details about the password flow on
Instead of writing your own Web API to handle login, you need to use OWIN OAuth Server's /token endpoint to handle password login.

session becoming null in MVC AuthorizeAttribute

I am using an AuthorizeAttribute to check that users have an over 18 age cookie set to access pages.
This works fine, but I am extending in slightly now.
As all Views use this Attribute, I am using it to allow me to launch my site early.
If uses add ?VIEWSITE=true to any URL, it will set a Session variable, and allow them access to the site. Otherwise, they get directed to a holding page.
This works fine first time the page runs. But, I am using output caching on the page, and the next time the page loads, my httpcontext.session is null?
I've added an "Order" varible to my attributes to ensure they execute in the correct order:
[OfAge(Order = 1)]
[OutputCache(Order = 2, Duration = 2000, VaryByParam = "categoryName")]
Snipit from my Attribute:
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
HttpRequestBase req = httpContext.Request;
HttpResponseBase res = httpContext.Response;
DateTime Live_Date = new DateTime(2011, 07, 01, 07, 0, 0);
if (DateTime.Now > Live_Date || req.QueryString["VIEWSITE"] != null || httpContext.Session["VIEWSITE"] != null)
httpContext.Session["VIEWSITE"] = true;
Is there something I am missing here for me to be able to read/set session variables once a page is loaded from cache?
To be clear, it's httpContext.Session that is null, and not specifically httpContext.Session["VIEWSITE"]
3 years down the line and I ran into a similar issue. Now I'm no expert but I believe each controller context call is unique in it's own space, thus httpContext.Session would be null on a new call.
My issue came in the form of a logged in AD user I wanted to store (with his custom application permissions) in a session variable. I'm extending on the AuthorizationAttribute too, but when this filter is applied to a controller action, httpContext is null even though the user was saved.
For people battling with the same issue, the way around this is to create a base controller where this user and it's session state is kept throughout other controllers (inheriting the base controller).
My Model:
public class LoggedInUser
public somenamespace.userclass UserProfile { get; set; }
public List<somenamespace.user_permission_class> UserPermissions { get; set; }
My Base Controller:
public class ControllerBase : Controller
private LoggedInUser _LoginUser;
public LoggedInUser LoginUser
if (_LoginUser != null)
return _LoginUser;
if (Session["_LoginUser"] == null)
return null;
return Session["_LoginUser"] as LoggedInUser;
_LoginUser = value;
Session["_LoginUser"] = _LoginUser;
public void PerformUserSetup(string sUsername) // sUsername for testing another user, otherwise User.Identity will be used.
sUsername = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sUsername) ? User.Identity.Name : sUsername;
sUsername = (sUsername.IndexOf("\\") > 0) ? sUsername.Split('\\').ToArray()[1] : sUsername;
// Todo - SQL conversion to stored procedure
List<userclass> tmpUser = Root.Query<userclass>(/*sql to select user*/).ToList();
List<user_permission_class> tmpUserpermissions = Root.Query<user_permission_class>(/*sql to select user permissions*/).ToList();
LoggedInUser _LoginUser = new LoggedInUser();
_LoginUser.UserProfile = tmpUser.First();
_LoginUser.UserPermissions = tmpUserpermissions;
LoginUser = _LoginUser;
My HomeController (standard with any MVC example) :
public class HomeController : ControllerBase
[Authorize] // Standard AuthorizeAttribute (AD test)
public ActionResult Index()
if (Session["_LoginUser"] == null)
return View();
My Custom permission checking filter which I'll use on any other controller action:
public class PermissionAuthorize : AuthorizeAttribute
private readonly string[] permissions;
public PermissionAuthorize(params string[] perms)
this.permissions = perms;
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
bool auth = false;
if (httpContext.Session["_LoginUser"] == null)
// Do nothing as auth is false.
// Check permissions and set auth = true if permission is valid.
auth = true;
return auth;
/* not using
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
var tmp = filterContext.HttpContext.Session;
protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
// Todo - direct to "unauth page"
public class Some_OtherController : /*PossibleNamespace?.*/ControllerBase
[PermissionAuthorize("somepermission")] // This was a CRUD application thus 1 permission per actionresult
public ActionResult ViewWhatever()
