How to call a Gradle subproject’s task from a Gradle test? - gradle

I have a project that includes a subproject like so:
Root Project
The SubProject here contains a copy script that I need called when the root project’s test command is called.
So I have attempted to call the SubProject’s task in the Root project like this:
Task myTest(type: Test) {
However, this results in an error, “Could not get unknown property ‘myCopyTask’ for task set.”
Do you know how this call should be done, and what the proper syntax should be?

There a multiple things not working in your example:
You should never call execute on tasks! NEVER! Tasks are called by Gradles task system automatically and calling execute may break this system.
The closure ({ }) you use when creating a task is for configuration. It is not executed when the task gets executed, but when it is created.
Subprojects in Gradle are created and evaluated after the root project is created and evaluated. So tasks from subprojects do not even exist when the root project gets evaluated.
You can solve all these problems by using the dependsOn method with absolute task paths:
task myTest (type: Test) {
dependsOn ':Subproject:myCopyTask'


How to set ext properties inside gradle task and use it outside task and subprojects

This is what i am trying inside the gradle task
task parse(type: Exec) {
standardOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
executable 'make'
doLast {
println project.jdkver
Error: Could not get unknown property 'jdkver' for root project 'xyz'
of type org.gradle.api.Project.
Task actions, doFirst and doLast closures are executed during execution phase, but everything else in your build script, including your println statement is executed before that, during the so-called configuration phase.
Since the extension property is used before it's defined, the build fails.
If the value you determine is only required in another task, you can keep your approach and use the value in the tasks, if they are executed after this task (which you can ensure via dependsOn).
If you need the value in your configuration phase and independent from any task (or how you call Gradle), do not use an Exec task, but the exec method of your Project object, which will be executed immediately.

Task with path 'build' not found in root project

I have a multiproject and after the last subproject is built, I'd like to process all jars.
Therefore I created a task in the root-project:
task install(dependsOn: 'build', type: Copy) {
doLast {
println "exec install task"
Upon calling ./gradlew install in the root directory, I'm facing this error:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':install'.
> Task with path 'build' not found in root project 'foo'.
However, calling ./gradlew tasks shows me these tasks:
All tasks runnable from root project
Build tasks
assemble - Assembles the outputs of this project.
build - Assembles and tests this project.
How can I achieve the desired functionality?
I assume, that your root project organizes the build, but does not define build action taken by itself. The build task is often defined by language plugins (in most cases via apply plugin: 'java'), but if your root project does not use any of them, it won't have a build task.
The description of the help task tasks, which you used, says:
Displays the tasks runnable from root project 'projectReports' (some of the displayed tasks may belong to subprojects).
The help task followes the same logic as the task activation via the command line. You can provide a task name and any task with the name in any subproject will be executed (thats why gradle build works).
But if you define a dependsOn dependency, the given string is evaluated as task path for a single task. Since each task name can only be used once in a project, the name is unique for tasks in the root project, but many tasks could be found, if subprojects would be considered. Therefor, one can use the syntax :<projectName>:<taskName> to identify tasks in subprojects.
Now, let's face your specific problem: If the install task should depend on the build task of one single subproject, you could use dependsOn ':<mySubproject>:build'. But I assume you want the install task to depend on each subproject build task, so I'd like to propose this approach:
task install(type: Copy) {
dependsOn subprojects*.tasks*.findByName('build').minus(null)
doLast {
println "exec install task"
This way, for each registered subproject, findByName('build') is called and the result (the found task or null) is put into a list, which is then used as task dependency list. I added the .minus(null) part to remove null entries from the list, because I am not sure how Gradle handles such entries in a dependency collection. If you are sure, that each subproject provides a build task, you can use getByName('build'), too.
EDIT: OP found the optionally recursive getTasksByName method, which suits this case even better than iterating over all subprojects manually:
dependsOn getTasksByName('build', true)

GradleBuild changes path for invoked tasks

In my root build.gradle, I've defined a GradleBuild task like this:
project.task('distribute', type : GradleBuild) {
startParameter = gradle.startParameter.newInstance()
tasks = [":subprojectA:displayInfo"]
Given that my root project directory called root,
when I run the distribute task, the task that is executed is
How is it that root becomes what looks like a subproject and why does the gradle build task not execute the correct task like this:
This is actually not an issue. Even though the gradle output indicates that root is a subproject, the correct task is still executed.

Dynamically created task of type Copy is always UP-TO-DATE

I've prepared a very simple script, that illustrates the problem I see using Gradle 1.7 (need to stick with it because of some plugins not yet supporting newer versions).
I'm trying to dynamically create tasks each of which corresponds to a file in the project directory. This works fine, but the tasks I create never get executed as soon as I assign them type 'Copy'.
Here is my problem build.gradle:
file('templates').listFiles().each { File f ->
task "myDist-${}" (type: Copy) {
//task "myDist-${}" {
doLast {
println "MYDIST-" +
task distAll(dependsOn: tasks.matching { Task task ->"myDist")}) {
println "MYDISTALL"
defaultTasks 'distAll'
in this way my tasks do not get executed when I call default task calling simply gradle:
:myDist-template1 UP-TO-DATE
:myDist-template2 UP-TO-DATE
:distAll UP-TO-DATE
If I remove type Copy from my dynamic task (uncommenting the line above), my tasks get executed:
(You'll need to create a folder name templates in the same directory where build.gradle is located and put couple of empty files into there in order to run the test)
According to the debug output:
Skipping task ':myDist-template1' as it has no source files.
Skipping task ':myDist-template2' as it has no source files.
So how can I specify source files and make my Copy tasks execute?
I've tried adding
from( '/absolute/path/to/existing/file' ) {
into 'myfolder'
to the task body, I've tried assigning task's inputs.source file('/my/existing/file') with no success.
Could you please advise on how to modify my simple script leaving dynamic task creation and keeping my dynamic tasks of type Copy?
Thank you!
All right, this way the task gets called:
file('templates').listFiles().each { File f ->
task "myDist-${}" (type: Copy) {
from f
into 'dist'
doLast {
println "MYDIST-" +
but it looks I must always specify from/into. It doesn't suffice to do that in the doLast{} body.
A Copy task only gets executed if it has something to copy. Telling it what to copy is part of configuring the task, and therefore needs to be done in the configuration phase, rather than the execution phase. These are very important concepts to understand, and you can read up on them in the Gradle User Guide or on the Gradle Forums.
doFirst and doLast blocks get executed in the execution phase, as part of executing the task. Both are too late to tell the task what to copy: doFirst gets executed immediately before the main task action (which in this case is the copying), but (shortly) after the skipped and up-to-date checks (which are based on the task's configuration). doLast gets executed after the main task action, and is therefore clearly too late.
I think the following Gradle User Guide quote answers my question the best:
Secondly, the copy() method can not honor task dependencies when a task is used as a copy source (i.e. as an argument to from()) because it's a method and not a task. As such, if you are using the copy() method as part of a task action, you must explicitly declare all inputs and outputs in order to get the correct behavior.
Having read most of the answers to "UP-TO-DATE" Copy tasks in gradle, it appears that the missing part is 'include' keyword:
task copy3rdPartyLibs(type: Copy) {
from 'src/main/jni/libs/'
into 'src/main/libs/armeabi/'
include '**/*.so'
Putting from and into as part of the doLast section does not work. An example of a working task definitions is:
task copyMyFile(type: Copy) {
def dockerFile = 'src/main/docker/Dockerfile'
def copyTo = 'build/docker'
from dockerFile
into copyTo
doLast {
println "Copied Docker file [$dockerFile] to [$copyTo]"
Not the behavior I was expecting.
Using gradle 3.2.1

gradle 'build' task confusion

Hi I have multi project gradle setup
All works great but one thing drives me crazy. In my build script:
defaultTasks 'build' <- this works just fine
task buildroom (description: 'This task is invoked by build room script, invokes default task plus publishes artifacts') {
// dependsOn('build') <-- this doesn't work
// alternative
when i call from command line 'gradlew' <- default task gets executed
when i call from command line 'gradlew tasks' <- task under 'all task runnable from root project' i see 'build'
but when i try to add dependsOn('build'), dependsOn(':build') or dependsOn(':root:build') it tells me
What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':tasks'.
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':buildroom'.
'base' plugin adds 'assemble', and 'clean' task but not build...
any tips?
The build task is declared by the java-base plugin. It's likely that your root project doesn't (directly or indirectly) apply java-base and therefore doesn't have a build task. This is why dependsOn("build"), which adds a task dependency on a task named build in the same project, eventually causes an error. defaultTasks is different in that:
It only accepts task names (whereas dependsOn also accepts task paths and Task objects).
Its task names get resolved to tasks as if the task names had been entered on the command line. In other words, all projects are searched for a task with the given name, and the set of matching tasks is returned.
