Formal Language Npda graph - formal-languages

I'm trying to Draw a npda for this language but cant seem to get it
I want to know how to Write the sequence of moves done by the npda for the input sequence w = aacb. and Is the string w accepted?
thanks I just cant seem to do this

Read at least two a's without touching the stack. Crash if you see anything else.
Continue reading a's and pushing one a onto the stack for each a you read.
If you read a c, then you must read a b immediately afterward or crash. Do not change the stack.
If you read a b, prepare to begin reading (ac) over and over again. Do not change the stack.
If the stack is not empty, you must read an a and then c or crash. If you do read a and then c, pop a single a from the stack.
Continue until you crash or the stack becomes empty after reading (ac) multiple times. If the input is exhausted, accept. Otherwise, crash.
Please let me know if you would like to see a state transition diagram to make this more concrete. I encourage you to try writing your own first.


RiscV forwarding, why don't we need it?

can someone help me understand why between line 1 and 3 we don't need forwarding (there is no green arrow as between 1 and 2)
I think we need it because sub uses the value of t0 which add determines and both are doing read and write of that value at same time.(To be precise write for add happens more lately when the clock rises)
You are correct that in the third instruction (sub), has already read an incorrect (e.g. stale) value in decode stage, and thus requires mitigation such as forwarding.
In fact, that sub instruction has read two incorrect (stale) values, one for the first operand, t0, and one for the second operand, t3, as that register is updated by the immediately prior instruction.
The first actual register update (of t0 by add) is available in cycle 5 (1-based counting), yet the decode of the sub happens in cycle 4.  A forward is required: here it could be from the W stage of the add to the ALU stage of the sub -or- it could be done from the M stage of the add to the D stage of the sub.
Only in the next cycle after (4th instruction, not shown) could the decode obtain the proper up-to-date value from the earlier instruction's W stage — if the W stage overlaps with a subsequent instruction's D stage, no forward is necessary since the W stage finishes early in the cycle and the D stage is able to pick up that result.
There is also a straightforward ALU-ALU dependency, a (read-after-write) hazard, on t3 between instruction 2 (the writer) and instruction 3 (the reader) that the diagram does not call out, so that is good evidence that the diagram is incomplete with respect to showing all the hazards.
Sometimes educators only show the most clear example of the read-after-write hazard.  There are many other hazards that are often overlooked.
Another involve load hazards.  Normally, a load hazard is seen as requiring both a forward and a stall; this if there is a use of the load result done in the next instruction at the ALU.  However, if a load instruction is succeeded by a store instruction (storing the loaded data), a forward from M (of load) to M of store can mitigate this hazard without a stall (much the same way that X to X forward can mitigate and ALU dependency hazard).
So we might note that a store instruction has two register sources, but the register for the value being stored isn't actually needed until the M stage, whereas the register for the base address computation is needed in the X (ALU) stage.  (That makes store somewhat different from, say, add which also has two register sources, in that there both are needed for the X stage.)

Is it safe to read a function pointer concurrently without a lock?

Suppose I have this:
go func() {
for range time.Tick(1 * time.Millisecond) {
a, b = b, a
And elsewhere:
i := a // <-- Is this safe?
For this question, it's unimportant what the value of i is with respect to the original a or b. The only question is whether reading a is safe. That is, is it possible for a to be nil, partially assigned, invalid, undefined, ... anything other than a valid value?
I've tried to make it fail but so far it always succeeds (on my Mac).
I haven't been able to find anything specific beyond this quote in the The Go Memory Model doc:
Reads and writes of values larger than a single machine word behave as
multiple machine-word-sized operations in an unspecified order.
Is this implying that a single machine word write is effectively atomic? And, if so, are function pointer writes in Go a single machine word operation?
Update: Here's a properly synchronized solution
Unsynchronized, concurrent access to any variable from multiple goroutines where at least one of them is a write is undefined behavior by The Go Memory Model.
Undefined means what it says: undefined. It may be that your program will work correctly, it may be it will work incorrectly. It may result in losing memory and type safety provided by the Go runtime (see example below). It may even crash your program. Or it may even cause the Earth to explode (probability of that is extremely small, maybe even less than 1e-40, but still...).
This undefined in your case means that yes, i may be nil, partially assigned, invalid, undefined, ... anything other than either a or b. This list is just a tiny subset of all the possible outcomes.
Stop thinking that some data races are (or may be) benign or unharmful. They can be the source of the worst things if left unattended.
Since your code writes to the variable a in one goroutine and reads it in another goroutine (which tries to assign its value to another variable i), it's a data race and as such it's not safe. It doesn't matter if in your tests it works "correctly". One could take your code as a starting point, extend / build on it and result in a catastrophe due to your initially "unharmful" data race.
As related questions, read How safe are Golang maps for concurrent Read/Write operations? and Incorrect synchronization in go lang.
Strongly recommended to read the blog post by Dmitry Vyukov: Benign data races: what could possibly go wrong?
Also a very interesting blog post which shows an example which breaks Go's memory safety with intentional data race: Golang data races to break memory safety
In terms of Race condition, it's not safe. In short my understanding of race condition is when there're more than one asynchronous routine (coroutines, threads, process, goroutines etc.) trying to access the same resource and at least one is a writing operation, so in your example we have 2 goroutines reading and writing variables of type function, I think what's matter from a concurrent point of view is those variables have a memory space somewhere and we're trying to read or write in that portion of memory.
Short answer: just run your example using the -race flag with go run -race
or go build -race and you'll see a detected data race.
The answer to your question, as of today, is that if a and b are not larger than a machine word, i must be equal to a or b. Otherwise, it may contains an unspecified value, that is most likely to be an interleave of different parts from a and b.
The Go memory model, as of the version on June 6, 2022, guarantees that if a program executes a race condition, a memory access of a location not larger than a machine word must be atomic.
Otherwise, a read r of a memory location x that is not larger than a machine word must observe some write w such that r does not happen before w and there is no write w' such that w happens before w' and w' happens before r. That is, each read must observe a value written by a preceding or concurrent write.
The happen-before relationship here is defined in the memory model in the previous section.
The result of a racy read from a larger memory location is unspecified, but it is definitely not undefined as in the realm of C++.
Reads of memory locations larger than a single machine word are encouraged but not required to meet the same semantics as word-sized memory locations, observing a single allowed write w. For performance reasons, implementations may instead treat larger operations as a set of individual machine-word-sized operations in an unspecified order. This means that races on multiword data structures can lead to inconsistent values not corresponding to a single write. When the values depend on the consistency of internal (pointer, length) or (pointer, type) pairs, as can be the case for interface values, maps, slices, and strings in most Go implementations, such races can in turn lead to arbitrary memory corruption.

How does the stack work?

I have a couple questions about the stack. One thing I don't understand about the stack is the "pop" and "push" idea. Say I have integers a and b, with a above b on the stack. To access b, as I understand it, a would have to be popped off the stack to access b. So where is "a" stored when it is popped off the stack.
Also if stack memory is more efficient to access than heap memory, why isn't heap memory structured like the stack? Thanks.
So where is "a" stored when it is popped off the stack.
It depends. It goes where the program that's reading the stack decides. It may store the value, ignore it, print it, anything.
Also if stack memory is more efficient to access than heap memory, why
isn't heap memory structured like the stack?
A stack isn't more efficient to access than a heap is, it depends on the usage. The program's flow gets deeper and shallower just like a stack does. Local variables, arguments and return addresses are, in mainstream languages, stored in a stack structure because this kind of structure implements more easily the semantics of what we call a function's stack frame. A function can very efficiently access its own stack frame, but not necessarily its caller functions' stack frames, that is, the whole stack.
On the other hand, the heap would be inefficient if it were implemented that way, because it's expected for the heap to be able to access and possibly delete items anywhere, not just from its top/bottom.
I'm not an expert, but you can sort of think of this like the Tower of Hanoi puzzle. To access a lower disc, you "pop" discs above it and place them elsewhere - in this case, on other stacks, but in the case of programming it could be just a simple variable or pointer or anything. When you've got the item you need, then the other ones can be put back on the stack or moved elsewhere entirely.
Lets take your case scenario .
You have a stack with n elements on it, the last one is a, b is underneath.
pop operation returns the popped value, so if you want to access the second from the top being b, you could do:
var temp = stack.pop()
var b = stack.pop()
However, stack would rarely be used this way. It is a LIFO queue and works best when accessed like a LIFO queue.
It seems you would rather need a collection with a random index based access.
That collection would probably be stored on the heap. Hope it clarified stack pop/push a little.
a is stored wherever you decide to store it. :-) You need to provide a variable in which to store the value at the top of the stack (a) when you remove it, then remove the next item (b) and store it in a different variable to use it, and then push the first value (a) back on the stack.
Picture an actual pile of dirty plates sitting on your counter to your left. You pick one up to wash it (pop it from the "dirty" stack), wash it, dry it, and put it on the top of the clean stack (push it) on your right.
If you want to reach the second plate from the top in either stack, you have to move the top one to get to it. So you pick it up (pop it), put it somewhere temporarily, pick up the next plate (pop it) and put it somewhere, and then put the first one you removed back on the pile (push it back on the stack).
If you can't picture it with plates, use an actual deck of playing cards (or baseball cards, or a stack of paper - anything you can neatly pile ("stack")) and put it on your desk at your left hand. Then perform the steps in my last paragraph, replacing the word "plate" with "card" and physically performing the steps.
So to access b, you declare a variable to store a in, pop a and save it in that variable, pop b into it's own variable, and then push a back onto the stack.

Find a non-deterministic CFL whose reverse is deterministic

I have a homework assignment, and i am finished other then one question (see title)
For the life of my, i cannot figure this out... so i started to think it was a trick question.
the current answer that i will submit is:
L1 = {a^n b^n: n>=1} is deterministic. And the reverse,
L2 = {b^n a^n: n>=1} is also deterministic.
However, since all deterministic languages are a subset of Non-deterministic languages, L2 can be considered non-deterministic.
On a side note, the only other example i was trying to make work is:
L3= {{a,b}a}
This seems possible because forward there is non-determinism, since the input could be either a, or b as long as its followed by an a.
and in reverse there is determinism since it will accept only an 'a'. But, it introduces new non-determinism since the second input could be either a or b.
any help / guidance would be great.
I know the deadline has passed, but somebody might find this useful in the future.
(a+b+c)*WcW^R, where W is in (a+b)+; this is non-deterministic because you don't know where the "WcW" bit starts.
W^RcW(a+b+c)*, where W is in (a+b)+; this is deterministic because you can write a deterministic PDA to accept simple palindromes of the form "W^RcW" and modify the accepting state to loop to itself on any of a, b and c.
The trick here is that PDAs have to read input from left to right.

Prefix to Infix Conversion Algorithm with figure

After some google search I find it!
Prefix to Infix
This algorithm is a non-tail recursive method.
The reversed input string is completely pushed into a stack.
1) IF stack is not empty
a. Temp -->pop the stack
b. IF temp is a operator
i. Write a opening parenthesis to output
ii. prefixToInfix(stack)
iii. Write temp to output
iv. prefixToInfix(stack)
v. Write a closing parenthesis to output
c. ELSE IF temp is a space -->prefixToInfix(stack)
i. Write temp to output
ii. IF NOT EQUAL to space -->prefixToInfix(stack)
when the Stack top is
and we enter the algorithm, "A" is written to the output as it was currently the value of
temp=A (say)
Now how I get '-' on the output column as according to the algorithm the next temp value will be "B" which was popped from the stack after the last recursive call.
How the diagram is showing output "((A-" ...
Where I am doing the incorrect assumption ?
Could someone take the trouble in explaining it ?
I don't quite understand your question.
If your stack is ABC, F(ABC) pops the A, goes into branch d.i. and writes an A to output, goes on into d.ii. and performs F(BC), which will, in the end, write both the B and C to output.
If you want your output to look like it does on the diagram, you'll need your stack to be * - A B C (note the spaces between every element!).
(As an aside: all this is easier stepped through than described, so I suggest you write the algorithm as a program and start it in your choice of debugger.)
OK, so you have stored the first * in temp (a), written a ( (b.i.), and called the algorithm with the remaining stack (b.ii.). This throws away a blank, then you store a - in the next branch's temp, write a (, and called the algorithm with the remaining stack. At some point, you end up in d.ii., you have just written an A to output, giving you
and the remaining stack is
with a space on top and another space between B and C.
So now d.ii. finds the space and doesn't do anything anymore: this control branch is done, and we go back to where we came from, which was d.ii. in your - control branch. You write the - to output at d.iii., call the algorithm with the remaining stack (_B_C) at d.iv., and there you go, writing the B, a ), the * and C and the last ).
Just remember where you came from, so you know where to jump back after your current recursion is done.
