Nested if-else in smarty - smarty

Hi I am a beginner and I was trying to write some nested if-else statements in smarty php. It doesn't recognize them and gives an error. I have posted my code snippet but it would be best if someone gave me an example. Thank you :D
{if $my_value[1]==1}
{if}{/if} ======>here I get the error
{elseif $my_value[1]==2}

Try this:
{if $my_value[1] == 1}
{elseif $my_value[1] == 2}


Smarty field value in If statement

I am trying to include a database field value in a Smarty if file exists statement like this.
{if file_exists('docs/owner_comments/{$}.shtml')}
{include file="{$incownercomments}/{$}.shtml"}
However it does not work. The problem is with the first line. How can I include the field value in the {if file exists...} part?
I appreciate your help.
You should change ' in first line into " and of course make sure path is valid
I've created test script:
$smarty->assign('property', array('id' => 2));
{if file_exists("templates/testme{$}.tpl")}
{include file="templates/testme{$}.tpl"}
Output is
2 testme2
as expected. If I change in index.php line
$smarty->assign('property', array('id' => 2));
$smarty->assign('property', array('id' => 3));
and file testme2.tpl doesn't exists, I get output
3 ....
as expected

How to remove duplicate values on array using Smarty

I have an array that have duplicated values, I want to print the value only once no matter how many time it exist on the array.
This is the code that I have:
{foreach item="item" from=$ }
{foreach from=$item.Tags item=tagitem key=kex}
This is what it prints right:
and this is what I am looking to print
Is there a way to achieve this only using Smarty Templates? or any way that I can use on the .tpl files?
Thanks in advance
{foreach item="item" from=$ }
{foreach from=$item.Tags item=tagitem key=kex}
{if !$done.$tagitem}
{$done.$tagitem = 1}
I am not sure it works with all the versions.
Maybe it would be a bit cleaner to call an array_unique() in the php.

smarty - how to use variables in code?

This is part of my smarty code:
{if $cat=="3_0" or $cat=="3_15" or $cat=="3_16" or $cat=="3_17"}
How can I setup my code to use variable for characters (numbers) 15, 16, 17...? For example I would like have short code like that:
{if $cat=="3_0" or $cat=="3_"+ any two characters}
I think that you can do something like:
{if $cat|substr:0:2 eq "3_"}
{if $cat|truncate:2 eq "3_"}
Let me know ;)

Smarty: cannot recognize continue tag

all im trying to do is to use the simple continue tag but it keeps giving me error like this:
string(145) "Smarty error: [in module_db_tpl:onlyimage4;image_detail line 26]: syntax error: unrecognized tag 'continue' (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 590)"
my code is as follow:
{foreach from=$itemlist item="item"}
< .. SOME CODE ..>
{if $maxCol == $colm}
{assign var ='colm' value = 0}
{continue} **<- THIS IS THE PROBLEM**
<.. SOME CODE ..>
does anyone have any idea whats wrong, I've been googling and see no comments of such sort everyone seem to suggest that this should work.. any ideas guys...
Old question, but you need to use: {$continue} (including the $)
For smarty 2:
I don't think the tag exists. if you read this thread you can see that there are people that want it, and a suggestion to fix it like so. (have not tried)
function smarty_compiler_con­tinue($contents, &$smarty)
return 'continue;';
(Bold part my addition)
Create these two files (in this case just one) and put them into your plugins directory
(notice the naming convention
The good news is, for smarty 3 there is such a tag! see the manual, with example:
{$data = [1,2,3,4,5]}
{foreach $data as $value}
{if $value == 3}
{* skip this iteration *}
prints: 1 2 4 5

Smarty current on associative array

i have an associative array and i am trying to get the first record with smarty.
In php i use current(array), but smarty dont seems to have current.
So i wrote the code below
{if is_array($ }
<ul class="products-grid">
{foreach from=$ item=item}
{assign var='image' value=''}
{if is_array($item.images) }
{php} $image=current($item.images); {/php}
in {php} section current($item.images) gives Warning: current() [function.current]: Passed variable is not an array or object
The syntax is right so i guess the $item.images from smarty can not be read by {php}
Any way to pass $item.images to {php} section, or what.
Any suggestion to solve my problem?
But what if the keys of the array are associative? You could alsdo do:
should return the first element of the $item.images array.
{if is_array($ }
<ul class="products-grid">
{foreach from=$ item=item}
{assign var='image' value=''}
{if is_array($item.images) }
