Replacing multiple lines in a file - windows

I try to make, the line from the first array is read from a file and is replaced with a line from the second array, so some times with different lines. I made a script, but I do not understand why it does not work.
$OldStrings = #(
$NewStrings = #(
$LinesArray = Get-Content -Path 'C:\temp\My Copy\Default.rdp'
$LinesCount = $LinesArray.Count
for ($i=0; $i -lt $LinesCount; $i++) {
foreach ($OldString in $OldStrings) {
foreach ($NewString in $NewStrings) {
if ($LinesArray[$i] -like $OldString) {
$LinesArray[$i] = $LinesArray[$i] -replace $OldString, $NewString
Write-Host "`nline" $i "takes on value:" $LinesArray[$i] "`n" -ForegroundColor Gray
The file is probably why it is not read at all.
After executing the script, I see only
line 2 takes on value: desktopwidth:i:1734
line 3 takes on value: desktopwidth:i:1734
line 5 takes on value: desktopwidth:i:1734

You're looking through the string arrays twice. You want to do two loops, one for each line in the file AND another for each count in the lines you're replacing. I think this should work:
$OldStrings = #(
$NewStrings = #(
$LinesArray = Get-Content -Path 'C:\temp\My Copy\Default.rdp'
# loop through each line
for ($i=0; $i -lt $LinesArray.Count; $i++)
for ($j=0;$j -lt $OldStrings.Count; $j++)
if ($LinesArray[$i] -match $OldStrings[$j])
$LinesArray[$i] = $LinesArray[$i] -replace $OldStrings[$j],$NewStrings[$j]
Write-Host "`nline" $i "takes on value:" $LinesArray[$i] "`n" -ForegroundColor Gray
$LinesArray | Set-Content -Path 'C:\temp\My Copy\Default.rdp'

You don't need to bother checking the lines to look for matches. Since you have the replacements ready just do the replacements outright anyway. Should be faster this way as well.
$stringReplacements = #{
"desktopwidth:i:1440" = "desktopwidth:i:1734"
"desktopheight:i:900" = "desktopheight:i:990"
"winposstr:s:0,1,140,60,1596,999" = "winposstr:s:0,1,50,7,1800,1036"
$path = 'C:\temp\My Copy\Default.rdp'
# Read the file in as a single string.
$fileContent = Get-Content $path | Out-String
# Iterate over each key value pair
$stringReplacements.Keys | ForEach-Object{
# Attempt the replacement for each key/pair search/replace pair
$fileContent =$fileContent.Replace($_,$stringReplacements[$_])
# Write changes back to file.
# $fileContent | Set-Content $path
$stringReplacements is a key value hash of search and replace strings. I don't see you writing the changes back to file so I left a line on the end for you to uncomment.
You could add in checks to do the replacements still if you value the write-host lines but I figured that was for debugging and you already know how to do that.


Strip all lines from a file that match a pattern, except the first occurrence

I have a directory of .txt files that look like this:
I'd like to remove all occurrences of [LINETYPE]S except the first, which happens to always be 00:00:00 and on the first line, and then re-save the file to a new location.
That is, [LINETYPE]S[STARTTIME]00:00:00 must always be present, but the other lines that start with [LINETYPE]S need to be removed.
This is what I came up with, which works except it removes all [LINETYPE]S lines, including the first. I can't seem to figure out how to do that part after Googling for a while, so I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks for your help!
Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\Samples" -Filter *.txt | ForEach-Object {
Get-Content $_.FullName | Where-Object {
$_ -notmatch "\[LINETYPE\]S"
} | Set-Content ('C:\Users\Me\Desktop\Samples\Final\' + $_.BaseName + '.txt')
i couldn't figure out how to do this via a pipeline [blush], so i went with a foreach loop and a compound test.
# fake reading in a text file
# in real life, use Get-Content
$InStuff = #'
'# -split [System.Environment]::NewLine
$KeepFirst = '[LINETYPE]S'
$FoundFirst = $False
$FilteredList = foreach ($IS_Item in $InStuff)
if ($IS_Item.StartsWith($KeepFirst))
if (-not $FoundFirst)
$FoundFirst = $True
output ...
at that point, you can send the new collection out to a file. [grin]
Try the following:
Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\Samples" -Filter *.txt |
Foreach-Object {
$count = 0
Get-Content $_.FullName |
Where-Object { $_ -notmatch '\[LINETYPE\]S' -or $count++ -eq 0 } |
Set-Content ('C:\Users\Me\Desktop\Samples\Final\' + $_.BaseName + '.txt')
The script block passed to Where-Object runs in the same scope as the caller, so variable $count can be directly updated.
The 1st line that does contain [LINETYPE]S is included, because $count is 0 at that point, after which $count is incremented ($count++); subsequent [LINETYPE]S are not included, because $count is then already greater than 0.

Changing the output results of Parser in Powershell

So I have a parser that goes through two different logs, both .csv files, and checks for certain lines based off the regex code that I have chosen.
This one grabs the IDNumber from the beginning of the filename(1234-randomfile.csv), then adds the files location to a variable($Validate), then based on the regex, adds files to certain variables($Scriptdone, $Updatedone, $Failed) and starts the checks to see if they have them.
I am trying to make it so that the output is not line for line as the files I parse through have the same IDNumbers. So for example:
Output Currently:
1234 Script Completed
1234 Update Completed
How I want output:
1234 Script Completed Update Completed
Anyways, Thanks for all the assistance!
function Get-MR4RES {
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0,
Mandatory = $True)]
[ValidateScript( {Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType 'Any'})]
[Parameter(Position = 1,
Mandatory = $false)]
$CSVPath) # End Param
begin {
# Setting Global Variables
$Scriptcompletedsuccess = '.+Script\scompleted\ssuccessfully.+' # 3:44:15 End function called, Script completed successfully at 3:44:15 on Tue 07/03/2018
$Updatecomplete = '\w+\s+\:\s\[\d+\:\d+\:\d+\]\s+\w+\scomplete' # STATUS : [03:43:07] Update complete
$FailedValidaton = '.+check\sfail.+'
$Fail1 = 'Validation Failed'
$Fail2 = 'Failed'
$Good1 = 'Script completed'
$Good2 = 'Update completed'
$array = #('IDNumber, Results')
$counter = 0
$FileList = (Get-ChildItem -Path $Files -File -Filter "*.log").FullName
$Done = ''
} # End begin
process {
# Do the following code in all the files in the filelist
foreach ($File in $fileList) {
# Test files variables to ensure is directory to ensure progress bar will be operational and needed
if ((Get-Item $Files) -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) {
# Counts once per each file variable in filelist variable
# Progress bar indicates the name of the current file and calculates percent based on current count verses total files in $filelist
Write-Progress -Activity 'Analyzing Files' -CurrentOperation $File -PercentComplete (($counter / $FileList.count) * 100)
# Calculates ID number based on filename, file name is -filtered in beginning to only contain properly named files
$IDNumber = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName("$File").split('-')[0]
# Puts file into Variable to be IF Else
$Validate = Get-Content -Path $File
$Scriptdone = $Validate | Where-Object {$_ -match $Scriptcompletedsuccess}
$Updatedone = $Validate | where-object {$_ -match $Updatecomplete}
$Failed = $Validate | Where-Object {$_ -match $FailedValidaton}
# Check if the file HAS a FAILED validation
# Creates an array of the data from each file that failed
$array += -join ("$IDNumber",', ',"$Fail1")
$Done = $Good1
# Creates an array of the data from each file that script completed
$array += -join ("$IDNumber",', ',"$Done")
} # if the parser found "Update complete"
$Done = $Good2
# Creates an array of the data from each file that update is done
$array += -join ("$IDNumber",', ',"$Done")
} # End of Successful
# Creates an array of the data from each file that failed
$array += -join ("$IDNumber",', ',"$Fail2")
} # End of foreach
} # End process section
End {
# If CSVPath is used in get-command
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CSVPath')) {
# Pipe the array data to a CSV
Add-Content -Path $CSVPath -Value $array -Encoding ascii
# If no CSVPath is used in get-command
else {
# Out-put to console
Write-Output $array
} # End of else
} # End of the End
} # End of function
If you want to append new message to existing output you have to tell PowerShell to which entry it should add new info. As manipulating strings is not very intuitive in my opinion I'd suggest to use an object for that.
First you have to define data structure:
// Before ForEach
$array = #()
$properties = #{'ID'="";
// In ForEach
$object = New-Object –TypeName PSObject –Prop $properties
$object.ID = $IDNumber
Next, in your if you can set the value (this can also be done using Switch as suggested by #LotPings but let's leave it as it is for simplicity):
$object.Results = $Done // or $Fail or $Fail2
Then you should first check if the entry with such $ID already exists and if yes, add new result. If no, just add new element to the array. Something like this should work:
$line = $array | Where-Object ID -eq $
if ($line) {
$line.Results += " $($object.Results)"
else {
$array += $object
Of course this will also require changing the way as you output you data (for example by using Export-Csv):
$array | Export-Csv $CSVPath -Append -NoTypeInformation

How i can convert a txt to int in powershell

i have a txt file with this :
and i want to convert this in an int
but is doesn't work... he juste return the last number
here is my code :
$numbertxt = get-content -Path C:\mysticpath\number.txt -Raw
write-host $numbertxt
foreach ($flags in $numbertxt)
$integer = [int]$flags
echo $integer
somebody can help me ?
Sorry for my english
$numbertxt = (get-content -Path C:\mysticpath\number.txt -Raw) -split ';'
write-host $numbertxt
foreach ($flags in $numbertxt)
$integer = [int]$flags
echo $integer
First a integer can only be made of numbers so you will need to split the contents by ';'. This will make a array of strings that are numbers.
Also put the echo on the inside of the for loop will allow for it to display each number as its processed
try this method (control if it's convertible to integer before print)
#verbose version
(Get-Content "c:\temp\test.txt") -split ';' | where {[int]::TryParse($_, [ref] $res)} | foreach {$res}
#short version
(gc "c:\temp\test.txt") -split ';' | ?{[int]::TryParse($_, [ref] $res)} | %{$res}

Formatting large text file in Windows Powershell

I'm trying to format large text files (~300MB) between 0 to 3 columns :
12345|123 Main St, New York|91110
23456|234 Main St, New York
34567|345 Main St, New York|91110
And the output should be:
000000000012345,"123 Main St, New York",91110,,,,,,,,,,,,
000000000023456,"234 Main St, New York",,,,,,,,,,,,,
000000000034567,"345 Main St, New York",91110,,,,,,,,,,,,
I'm new to powershell, but I've read that I should avoid Get-Content so I am using StreamReader. It is still much too slow:
function append-comma{} #helper function to append the correct amount of commas to each line
$separator = '|'
$infile = "\large_data.csv"
$outfile = "new_file.csv"
$target_file_in = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -Arg $infile
If ($header -eq 'TRUE') {
$firstline = $target_file_in.ReadLine() #skip header if exists
while (!$target_file_in.EndOfStream ) {
$line = $target_file_in.ReadLine()
$a = $line.split($separator)[0].trim()
$b = ""
$c = ""
if ($dataType -eq 'ECN'){$a = $a.padleft(15,'0')}
if ($line.split($separator)[1].length -gt 0){$b = $line.split($separator)[1].trim()}
if ($line.split($separator)[2].length -gt 0){$c = $line.split($separator)[2].trim()}
$line = $a +',"'+$b+'","'+$c +'"'
$line -replace '(?m)"([^,]*?)"(?=,|$)', '$1' |append-comma >> $outfile
I am building this for other people on my team and wanted to add a gui using this guide:
Is there a faster way to do this in Powershell?
I wrote a script using Linux bash(Cygwin64 on Windows) and a separate one in Python. Both ran much faster, but I am trying to script something that would be "approved" on a Windows Platform.
All that splitting and replacing costs you way more time than you gain from the StreamReader. Below code cut execution time to ~20% for me:
$separator = '|'
$infile = "\large_data.csv"
$outfile = "new_file.csv"
if ($header -eq 'TRUE') {
$linesToSkip = 1
} else {
$linesToSkip = 0
Get-Content $infile | select -Skip $linesToSkip | % {
[int]$a, [string]$b, [string]$c = $_.split($separator)
'{0:d15},"{1}",{2},,,,,,,,,,,,,' -f $a, $b.Trim(), $c.Trim()
} | Set-Content $outfile
How does this work for you? I was able to read and process a 35MB file in about 40 seconds on a cheap ole workstation.
File Size: 36,548,820 bytes
Processed In: 39.7259722 seconds
Function CheckPath {
IF ((Test-Path -LiteralPath $Path) -EQ $False) {Write-host "Invalid File Path $Path"}
END {}
$infile = "infile.txt"
$outfile = "restult5.txt"
#Check File Path
CheckPath $InFile
#Initiate StreamReader
$Reader = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.StreamReader($InFile);
#Create New File Stream Object For StreamWriter
$WriterStream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream(
#Initiate StreamWriter
$Writer = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.StreamWriter(
If ($header -eq $True) {
$Reader.ReadLine() |Out-Null #Skip First Line In File
while ($Reader.Peek() -ge 0) {
$line = $Reader.ReadLine() #Read Line
$Line = $Line.split('|') #Split Line
$OutPut = "$($($line[0]).PadLeft(15,'0')),`"$($Line[1])`",$($Line[2]),,,,,,,,,,,,"
$endDTM = (Get-Date) #Get Script End Time For Measurement
Write-Host "Elapsed Time: $(($endDTM-$startDTM).totalseconds) seconds" #Echo Time elapsed
Regex is fast:
$infile = ".\large_data.csv"
gc $infile|%{
I have another approach. Let powershell read the input file as a csv file, with a pipe character as delimiter. Then format the output the way you want it. I have not tested this for speed with large files.
$infile = "\large-data.csv"
$outfile = "new-file.csv"
import-csv $infile -header id,addr,zip -delimiter "|" |
% {'{0},"{1}",{2},,,,,,,,,,,,,' -f $,'0'), $_.addr.trim(), $} |
set-content $outfile

Powershell - Speeding up writing to files

I wrote this script to find all of the folders in a directory and for each folder, check inside a common file if some strings exist and if not add them. I needed to insert strings in particular places. Not really knowing how to do this, I opted for simpler find and replace where the strings needed to be inserted. Anyway this script takes almost an hour to work through 800 files. I'm hoping some experienced members can point out ways to make my task quicker as I have only been working with Powershell for two days. Many Thanks!!!
# First find and replace items.
$FindOne =
$ReplaceOneA =
$ReplaceOneB =
$ReplaceOneC =
# Second find and replace items.
$FindTwo =
$ReplaceTwo =
# Strings to test if exist.
# To avoid duplicate entries.
$PatternOne =
$PatternTwo =
$PatternThree =
$PatternFour =
# Gets window folder names.
$FilePath = "$ProjectPath\$Station\WINDOW"
$Folders = Get-ChildItem $FilePath | Where-Object {$_.mode -match "d"}
# Adds folder names to an array.
$FolderName = #()
$Folders | ForEach-Object { $FolderName += $ }
# Adds code to each builder file.
ForEach ($Name in $FolderName) {
$File = "$FilePath\$Name\main.xaml"
$Test = Test-Path $File
# First tests if file exists. If not, no action.
If ($Test -eq $True) {
$StringOne = Select-String -pattern $PatternOne -path $File
$StringTwo = Select-String -pattern $PatternTwo -path $File
$StringThree = Select-String -pattern $PatternThree -path $File
$StringFour = Select-String -pattern $PatternFour -path $File
$Content = Get-Content $File
# If namespaces or object don't exist, add them.
If ($StringOne -eq $null) {
$Content = $Content -Replace $FindOne, $ReplaceOneA
If ($StringTwo -eq $null) {
$Content = $Content -Replace $FindOne, $ReplaceOneB
If ($StringThree -eq $null) {
$Content = $Content -Replace $FindOne, $ReplaceOneC
If ($StringFour -eq $null) {
$Content = $Content -Replace $FindTwo, $ReplaceTwo
$Content | Set-Content $File
# End of program.
You could try writing to the file with a stream, like this
$stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] $File
