GoLang and opening MS SQL Compact files (.sdf) - go

As the title suggests, I'm attempting to open an SDF/MSSQL CE database in GoLang. Is this possible?
The GoLang Libraries I've found do not appear to suppot MSSQL CE database connections.
I hope this is not a duplicate, but I can not find info online

I'm afraid it would hardly be possible to work with these files directly as they merely are on-disk storage format, and note that MSSQL DBs of all flavors use .sdf as the extension of the file names of their DBs, so by itself they mean nothing.
OTOH, one direct way to approach this problem would be using
OLE DB layer.

You can also try to use
to connect to MSSQL Express instance like that:


getting rid of tnsanme.ora

List item
What is the best way to get rid of tnsnames.ora file on each client
pc ?
Can we use Oracle "transparent gateway" - which uses ODBC drivers to
eliminate "tnsname.ora" file alto gather --to facilitate "oracle to
oracle" connections?
We know one can use Oracle "transparent gateway" to connect to
heterogeneous databases connection e.g., DB2, SQL Server. But can
we use it for Oracle to Oracle?
Any suggestions as to how to get rid of tnsnames.ora?
You can do that when you provide a name server which resolves the TNS alias for you.
With current Oracle you can use:
local naming naming method (which requires an tnsnames.ora file)
directory naming naming method (e.g. with an LDAP Server)
easy connect naming method
CDS external naming method
Network Information Service (NIS) external naming method
Check Oracle documentation Configuring Naming Methods, resp. NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH to get more information.
Thank you very much for your quick response. My problem is that we have more than 20 Oracle databases and every time when someone gets a new PC or new database is created - that TNSNAmes file needs to be updated, We still have a plenty of legacy client server (two-tier - fat client applications. Your suggestion that we can use Oracle internet directory (OID) in conjunction with Microsft LDAP. Correct? Can we use Microsoft LDAP only without OID? this way we can we get rid of client based Tnsname? correct?

how to use derby db data with Lazarus

I have a java program using a derby db in Eclipse. I want to use this derby db data with a new program I am about to create with the Lazarus ide. Can I connect direct to the derby db, if so how. Or do I need to export the derby db in some way to use with the Lazarus ide, if so how would I do this?
if you decide with export variant, then .csv (comma separated value) is probably the best inter database.
I have some experience with tdbf.
But from what I've read sqlite will be the best option.
I'm sorry for posting this as answer i have only 42 points reputation and can't post it as comment (need 50 for it)
Does derby support ODBC? Lazarus has a ODBC connection that can be used to connect databases that are not directly supported.
I searched quickly, but mostly saw references to older commercial Derby ODBC drivers. And it will probably depend on OS.

Do I need to add a DB file to the project to us LINQ to SQL?

In our legacy SW we make our own wrapper classes to perform DB command and query. Now we want to switch to .NET 4 and want to use LINQ to SQL. But I am not quite sure whether it is mandatory to add a .mdf file to make it work.
Because we have our database service running already, and we would like to keep using the database on it(because our customers would want to keep using their databases), obviously we don't want to distribute a brand-new database file with our SW. But every article I found about LINQ to SQL says that I need to add a .mdf file to the project to make it work. So how should we do that? Can we use LINQ without assigning any database in the development?
LINQ to SQL doesn't require a local .MDF file in a project to work. You can generate LINQ to SQL classes against an existing remote database. Just connect to the server in the Server Explorer and drag tables to the LINQ to SQL designer.
Many people use the .MDF file in examples simply because it's a small, self-contained database. It's a convenience to the demo, not a requirement.
Additionally, it's possible to create a .MDF file with a schema that matches a remote database and work against that file during development but simply switch connection strings to go from a local file to a remote database.

Importing Data from a Microsoft Access File on a Mac

I have an MS-Access mdb file that I need to import data from into my mysql instance. I am on a mac, is there any free/OSS tools that allow me to do that? If not, is there a free/OSS JDBC driver that I can use to extract the data I need?
Have a look at Jackcess. Note that this doesn't support Access 97 databases, however, only 2000+.
For Access 97, the only thing I'm aware of is mdbtools, but that's a C library, so you'll have to write some JNI glue code if you want to use it from Java; also, it's not maintained anymore, to the best of my knowledge.
UCanAccess is a pure-Java JDBC driver that can read from and write to Access 2000 and newer databases. (Access 97 files are supported read-only.) It will work on any machine that runs Java.
For more details see
Manipulating an Access database from Java without ODBC
Is your Access MDB on mac?
Does the mac Access have the option of using linked tables?
If so, you can create a Linked Table from Access MDB to mySQL. Then, you could treat mysql tables as if it were part of MS-Access.
EDIT: See if this helps.
You could export the MDB file using something like this. This won't help you if you need to do it from within your app, but if you are ok exporting the data then using it, then this should help.
I do the following way to convert;
Download ACCDB MDB Explorer
Open the MDB file
Export as SQL
Import in MySQL using MySQL Workbench.
Hope it helps..

How do I browse databases on an Oracle Server?

So I'm coming from a position as a SQL Server developer who has written a little bit of PL/SQL way back in the mists of time but effectively knows nothing.
I've got a laptop, it's running Oracle. There is a database on the laptop which I need to have a look at and neither I, nor anyone else I can speak to, knows what it's called.
I have a couple of logins including one which alleges to be an Admin login.
What's the easiest way to browse the databases on the server and then connect to one?
I suspect that my assumptions about relationships between servers, users and databases from SQL Server are leading me astray but right now I can't get past idea that the client tools Oracle ships are someone's idea of a joke but I'm really not finding it that funny.
I'm pretty sure that it's version 9.2 that's running.
Happy to provide more information but right now I don't know where to start.
If this is windows look in the services. Each database will have a separate service. By default these are named OracleServiceDATABASENAME.
You may be able to connect with just this information on the default port 1521.
If that does not work open the properties of that service you can find the location of the oracle home. The default place to keep your connection information in the ORACLEHOME\network\admin\tnsnames.ora . Using the database name you can find your connect information in this file.
If this is linux/unix look in the /etc/oratab file. This should have the database name and oracle home listed. The default location of the tnsnames.ora file is the same as on windows.
Once you have this information you can use any of the tools mentioned above to connect to the database.
I don't know what qualifies as "easiest" in your book. I'm moderately fond of Aqua Data Studio (www.aquafold.com); it's nice & visual & pretty & all. It's also Not Cheap, but might be worth a 2-week evaluation to see if it does anything helpful for you. I'm not an expert on this, and I joined an Oracle-based group from a SQL Server background; that's the tool they were using at the time, and I've found it extremely usable. But that's just me. Good luck.
Check out Oracle SQL Developer. (It's free)
I'm not a SQL Server expert, but there are differences in terminology.
An Oracle "Instance" is a single entity of the Oracle software. A database is the actual logical data that the instance serves. You may have multiple instances of the Oracle database software running against one database (This is considered a RAC setup); or just one instance running against one database.
I'm assuming what you mean by database here is actually the different schemas/users/tablespaces/procedures etc. that you have within an Oracle database. In that case, Oracle SQL Developer should do the job nicely.
If you are able to utilize Enterprise Manager (this is a licensed option), it provides this functionality as well, though it is more cumbersome than SQL Developer IMHO. EM does provide many other tools for providing a general overview of your Oracle instance health, alerts, and many things used to help tune the performance of your Oracle instance.
In Windows, the following command lists running database services:
net start | findstr -i ora
In Unix/Linux, grepping for the Oracle SMON process will give you the names of running databases:
ps -ef | grep smon
