Visual Studio 2013 crashes on startup; no updates or changes made [duplicate] - visual-studio-2013

Yesterday I studied a little MVC5 before bed.
Today, I open Visual Studio 2013 and while loading, the following exception occurs:
Exception Details
System.ArgumentNullException was unhandled
Message: An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentNullException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: Buffer cannot be null.
Parameter name: buffer
I have already repaired Visual Studio and nothing has changed.
Does anyone know what's going on?

The Update 5 worked for me. However you need to be part of Dev Essentials in order to download this update.

Appears to be fixed now, although I see no confirmation on
I'm running VS2013 U3 and able to startup without issue. A colleague is able to run VS2013 as well.


Visual Studio build fail but no error shown

There are several similar questions but no one of them actually works for me.
I wanted to make a .Net Core application (API) but as I said the build fails (even with the default application). If I try to continue, IIS shows "Error 500.0 - ANCM In-Process Handler Load Failure".
Tried everything, from restarting VS to deleting and reinstalling it but it does not work. It instead works on a virtual machine but have no idea what's the difference. What might I do?
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019
Version 16.8.3
I've the same error but in an ASPNET u need see the errors in the build/debugging output
I've an error but that don't show
You need to find the error within the logs
My error was an update Panel
Try this: Select Entire Solution and Build Only to show the Errors

Visual Studio 2012 shell keeps breaking- SSIS in particular

I have Visual Studio 2012 shell installed just for SQL Server Data tools so I can do SSIS and SSAS projects. I used it for several days and one afternoon, it just wouldn't work- got a popup saying "Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 has stopped working" and it had these long error messages in any windows relating to SSIS, like the SSIS toolbox and Variables window. I ran it in safe mode and no longer got the popup message, but still saw the SSIS errors and SSIS projects would not load (in Solution Explorer they were empty and say "incompatible"). I tried uninstalling and reinstalling VS and installed CU5 and CU15 (cumulative updates) for SQL Server and even started uninstalling SQL Server (that got complicated, it never seemed to really remove everything), but ran out of luck and reformatted my computer. After doing that, I installed SQL Server (Developer edition) and VS and things worked great for a couple days until I installed Windows Updates last night. This morning, Visual Studio was back showing the errors again. This is so frustrating!! I tried uninstalling all updates that I saw that ran the last couple days.
Errors that appear in SSIS Toolbox (or Variables window, etc):
An exception was encountered while constructing the content of this frame. This information is also logged in "C\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\ActivityLog.xml". Exception details: System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: Provide value on 'System.Windows.Markup.StaticExtension' threw an exception.--->
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException:Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.--->
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Microsoft.SQLServer.Dts.Design, Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91'. at Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.Designer.Common.ImageSourceHelper.GetImageSourceFromResource(Assembly assembly, String resourceName, Size size) at
Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.Designer.Common.ImageSourceHelper.GetImageSourceFromResource(Assembly assembly, String resourceName, Boolean isLarge)
I am unable to see the rest of the error right now, but I also saw this error frequently before I reformatted my computer: "The type initializer for 'Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.SharedIcons' threw an exception. I think I saw this after I ran VS in Safe Mode, and then started it again, although I haven't seen it this time around.
I ended up resolving this by opening up SQL Server Installation Center. I went to Maintenance and then Repair, and once that finished, VS started working again. I also want to point out that while Repair was running, I got a couple error popups and messages asking me to insert a CD or media file that I did not have. I just hit Cancel or whatever was needed to move on, so don't be deterred by that.

Crashes when trying to sign in

Came to work this monday and started up Visual Studio 2013 and it says my license has expired and I need to sign in to extend it, but when I press the sign in button VS crashes and says "Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 has stopped working".
I've tried repairing my installation of VS but I get the same error.
I've tried running VS in safe mode but I get the same error.
I've tried debugging VS and found this message "An unhandled exception of type 'System.ExecutionEngineException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.WebApi.dll" but I find nothing relevant when googling it.
Any suggestions are on how to fix this are welcome. I've had this version installed since it came out and I have a license for it. And I've signed in before without problems.

VS 2012 New project creation throws exception

this isn't duplicate question
I am using windows 7 , vs 2102.
Whenever I try to create a new project I get this exception,
set property ''
threw an exception
have checked installed program list I don't have any Azure installed.
Also devenv /resetuserdata doesn't help , it shows Unknown error .
I guess you are not closing visual studio and trying to hit resetuserdata command.
OR there are multiple users logged in (someone might have disconnected and visual studio running) , nutshell only when visual studio is running unknown error will be visible, I tried and i too get unknown error. (though yours and mine unknown error may be different)
Reboot machines and try resetuserdata that should solve this error.

A first chance exception of type 'StructureMap.StructureMapException' occurred in StructureMap.DLL

Hello I'm getting this exception thrown at me whenever I try to test a web application via visual studio, any ideas why? I'm building a project using MVC3 model and visual studio 2010
Exception: A first chance exception of type 'StructureMap.StructureMapException' occurred in StructureMap.DLL
First chance exceptions might occur while debugging. They might be handled properly by your code and never propagate when running the application normally but nevertheless Visual Studio shows them in Debug mode. If you don't want to be bothered you could disable them in Visual Studio and they will no longer appear.
