How can insert into the table with the original day as partition in Hive? - hadoop

create table h5_qti_desc
( h5id string,
query string,
title string,
item string,
query_ids string,
title_ids string,
item_ids string,
label bigint
insert overwrite into h5_qti_desc
select * from aaa
I create a table named h5_qti_desc, and I want to insert into it from another aaa table, which has the field of day and there is no partition in aaa.
Table aaa has several days, like '20171010','20171015'...
How can I insert into h5_qti_desc with day as partition once, and the days in aaa acted as day in h5_qti_desc's partition.

You can use Hive dynamic partition functionality to insert data. Dynamic-partition insert (or multi-partition insert) is designed to solve this problem by dynamically determining which partitions should be created and populated while scanning the input table.
Below is an example of loading data to all partitions using one insert statement:
hive>set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;


Loading Data into an empty Impala Table with account data partitioned by area code

I'm trying to copy data from a table called accounts into an empty table called accounts_by_area_code. I have the following fields in accounts_by_area_code: acct_num INT, first_name STRING, last_name STRING, phone_number STRING. The table is partitioned by areacode (the first 3 digits of phone_number.
I need to use a SELECT statement to extract the area code into an INSERT INTO TABLE command to copy the speciļ¬ed columns to the new table, dynamically partitioning by area code.
This is my last attempt:
impala-shell -q "INSERT INTO TABLE accounts_by_areacode (acct_num, first_name, last_name, phone_number, areacode) PARTITION (areacode) SELECT STRLEFT (phone_number,3) AS areacode FROM accounts;"
This generates ERROR: AnalysisException: Column permutation and PARTITION clause mention more columns (5) than the SELECT / VALUES clause and PARTITION clause return (1). I'm not convinced I have even the basic syntax correct so any help would be great as I'm new to Impala.
Impala creates partitions dynamically based on data. So not sure why you want to create an empty table with partitions because it will be auto created while inserting new data.
Still, I think you can create empty table with partitions like this-
impala-shell -q "INSERT INTO TABLE accounts_by_areacode (acct_num) PARTITION (areacode)
SELECT CAST(NULL as STRING), STRLEFT (phone_number,3) AS areacode FROM accounts;"

How to use insert statement for a Hive partitioned table?

I have a hive table dynpart.
id int
name char(30)
city char(30)
thisday string
# Partition Information
# col_name data_type comment
thisday string
It is partitioned by 'thisday' whose datatype is STRING.
How can I insert a single record into the table in a particular partition. I know there is load command to load an entire file data into hive table. I just want to know how an Insert statement can be written for a partitioned table. I tried to write command like below but this is taking data from another table.
insert into droplater partition(thisday='30/03/2017') select * from dynpart;
The table: Droplater has the same structure as dynpart. But the above command is to insert the data from another table. What I'd like to learn is to write a simple insert command into a partition, like: insert into tabname values(1,"abcd","efgh");into the table.
This will work for primitive types only (no arrays, structs etc.)
insert into tabname partition (thisday='30/03/2017') values (1,"abcd","efgh");
This will work for all types
insert into tabname partition (thisday='30/03/2017') select 1,"abcd","efgh";
By all means, partition your table by date ((thisday date) )
insert into tabname partition (thisday=date '2017-03-30') ...
or at least use the ISO date format
insert into tabname partition (thisday='2017-03-30') ...

Hive, Bucketing for the partitioned table

This is my script:
--table without partition
drop table if exists ufodata;
create table ufodata ( sighted string, reported string, city string, shape string, duration string, description string )
row format delimited
fields terminated by '\t'
Location '/mapreduce/hive/ufo';
--load my data in ufodata
load data local inpath '/home/training/downloads/ufo_awesome.tsv' into table ufodata;
--create partition table
drop table if exists partufo;
create table partufo ( sighted string, reported string, city string, shape string, duration string, description string )
partitioned by ( year string )
clustered by (year) into 6 buckets
row format delimited
fields terminated by '/t';
--by default dynamic partition is not set
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
--by default bucketing is false
set hive.enforcebucketing=true;
--loading mydata
insert overwrite table partufo
partition (year)
select sighted, reported, city, shape, min, description, SUBSTR(TRIM(sighted), 1,4) from ufodata;
Error message:
FAILED: Error in semantic analysis: Invalid column reference
I tried bucketing for my partitioned table. If I remove "clustered by (year) into 6 buckets" the script works fine. How do I bucket the partitioned table
There is an important thing we should consider while doing bucketing in hive.
The same column name cannot be used for both bucketing and partitioning. The reason is as follows:
Clustering and Sorting happens within a partition. Inside each partition there will be only one value associated with the partition column(in your case it is year)therefore there will not any be any impact on clustering and sorting. That is the reason for your error....
You can use the below syntax to create bucketing table with partition.
CREATE TABLE bckt_movies
(mov_id BIGINT , mov_name STRING ,prod_studio STRING, col_world DOUBLE , col_us_canada DOUBLE , col_uk DOUBLE , col_aus DOUBLE)
when you're doing dynamic partition, create a temporary table with all the columns (including your partitioned column) and load data into temporary table.
create actual partitioned table with partition column. While you are loading data from temporary table the partitioned column should be in the last in the select clause.

Excluding the partition field from select queries in Hive

Suppose I have a table definition as follows in Hive(the actual table has around 65 columns):
Once the table is created, when I run hive -e "describe s.test", I see extract_date as being one of the columns on the table. Doing a select * from s.test also returns extract_date column values. Is it possible to exclude this virtual(?) column when running select queries in Hive.
Change this property
and run the query as
SELECT `(extract_date)?+.+` FROM <table_name>;
I tested it working fine.

Hive static partitions issue

I have a csv file which have 600 records, 300 for male and female each.
I have created a Table_Temp and fill all these records in that table. Then, I create Table_Main with gender as partition column.
For Temp_Table query is:
Create table if not exists Temp_Table
(id string, age int, gender string, city string, pin string)
row format delimited
fields terminated by ',';
Then I write the below query:
Insert into Table_Main
partitioned (gender)
select a,b,c,d,gender from Table)Temp
Problem: I am getting a file in /user/hive/warehouse/mydb.db/Table_Main/gender=Male/000000_0
In this file, I am getting total 600 records. I am not sure whats happening but what I was expected is I should get 300 records in this file(only Male).
Q:1. Where am I mistaken ?
Q:2. Should I not get one more folder for all other values(which are not in static partition) ? If NOT, what will happen to those ?
In static partition we need to specify a where condition while inserting data into partition table.(which I have not done).
For this we can use dynamic partition without where condition.
