I am using Json Path Extractor to extract root reponse:
which looks like:
[a,c] [b,c]
So i want extractor to get values using $ as expression, so it will be put into variable like this:
[a,b,c] [a,null,c],[null,b,c]
But when I do as I say I get only empty value for resulting variable.
Is there simple solution for what I want to achieve?
I use Jmeter 3.2 and jpgc Standard Set tools in version: 2.0
I have two variables (create_date) took from SQL queries, and I want to validate the results.
Using Regular Expression I fetch both created date and I want to make sure that the dates is not equal.
I have created the following BeanShell assersion to compare both variables:
enter image description here
however, I'm getting the following error:
enter image description here
You're mixing 2 approaches:
Referencing variables like ${CreateDateBefore} in scripts (which you should not be using at all)
And using vars shorthand for JMeterVariables class instance
Apart from this you're using double to store some form of a timestamp
So you need to update your code like:
String var1 = vars.get("CreateDateBefore");
String var2 = vars.get("CreateDateAfter");
Also be aware that since JMeter 3.1 you should be using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting so consider migrating to JSR223 Assertion
And last but not the least, you can compare 2 JMeter Variables using "normal" Response Assertion configured like:
I want to extract the contents of SFDCProductList in a variable, which is an array.
How to do this?
I have this following xml:
Thank You! Your request has been successfully executed. Code PIM 10000
<EnhancedServicePrequalResponse xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<Message>Thank You!</Message>
<OfferDisplayName>New Offer</OfferDisplayName>
<OfferLineItemCategory>Transport Service</OfferLineItemCategory>
I tried with xpath extractor but its not storing it in a variable.
I have successfully extracted the SFDCProductlist with Boundary extractor but as its an array i only want that SFDCProductlist which has "New" keyword in the element .
The beanshell Script:
int SFDCProduct_matchNr =vars.get("SFDCProduct_matchNr");
String list="SFDCProduct"+"_"+"SFDCProduct_matchNr";
int SFDCProduct_matchNrvalue=SFDCProduct_matchNr-1;
vars.put("SFDCProduct_matchNr", "SFDCProduct_matchNrvalue");
vars.put("sfdc", "list");enter code here
But still its not assigning the sfdc with SFDCProduct_1 value??
To extract contents inside specific boundaries you can use Boundary Extractor:
Choose as Left boundary and </SFDCProductList> as Right boundary.
Put new variable name in Name of created variable as productList and use it later as ${productList} or vars.get("productList") inside a JSR223 script.
Allows the user to extract values from a server response using left and right boundaries. As a post-processor, this element will execute after each Sample request in its scope, testing the boundaries, extracting the requested values, generate the template string, and store the result into the given variable name.
Without seeing the full XML response we cannot come up with an exact solution, however for XML response types it makes sense to stick to XPath Extractor
The relevant XPath query should be something like: //SFDCProductList - it will basically return everything under <SFDCProductList> tag:
If it doesn't - double check your XPath expression using "XPath Tester" mode of the View Results Tree listener, in some cases you might need to:
Tick Use Tidy box if the response is not valid XML/XHTML
If there are XML Namespaces in the response you will either need to declare the namespaces using xpath.namespace.config property or use functions like name() or local-name() functions instead of tag names
In case of any troubles first of all check jmeter.log file - in the majority of cases it contains enough information to get to the bottom of the issue.
XPath Tutorial
Using the XPath Extractor in JMeter
From you response code, seems like there are more than one product list.
To fetch all, you need to set Match No. to -1 in the Boundary extractor. Then, use the vars.get{"Product_List_1"} to fetch specific one.
If you need all in one variable, one way, is to combine different array list.
With RegEx:-(.\d\n)
I am trying to extract key "count" from response data and write it's value (int) in CSV file.
I have used BeanShell PostProcessor for the same.
Below is script I have used:
count = vars.get("count");
f = new FileOutputStream("file path", true);
p = new PrintStream(f);
And JSON sample, I am trying to extract:
Doing this, "null" gets printed in CSV file.
Please let us know what am I missing here?
It supposed to be 295 gets printed in CSV file.
Check whether your extractor is fetching the correct value. Below, I have used the same code and used regular expression extractor to fetch the values from the json. It is working fine.
Hope it helps.
Update for Reg Ex
Regular expression config;-
Below is to test the regular expression. You can always test your regular expression in view result tree using RegEx Tester:-
Since JMeter 3.1 users are strongly advised to switch to JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language mainly because Groovy has much better performance comparing to Beanshell.
So I would suggest going for JSR223 PostProcessor in order to extract the "count" value and write it into a file in a "single shot", the relevant code would be something like:
new File('file path') << new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parse(prev.getResponseData()).meta.count
More details:
Groovy: JsonSlurper
Groovy: Parsing and producing JSON
I'm using jmeter and I would like to automate below scenario :
(In general I would like to increase value, I already know how to extract value from previous request)
Execute request_1
Extract value1 from request_1 using Regular expression extractor
Increment value1.
Put new value (increased) to the request_2
Any idea how can I achieve it ?
Check out __intSum() function, you can sum an arbitrary number of arbitrary integers via it.
Given you have a JMeter Variable called yourVar where the extracted value lives, the relevant __intSum() function configuration to increment ${yourVar} value by 1 will be something like:
If the value you're getting from the Regular Expression Extractor is more than 2 147 483 647 you will need to use __longSum() function instead.
See Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction guide for more information on JMeter functions concept.
I want to add 2 kind of parameters to a post request.
From an http request I extract 2 list of variables:
Order_id = input type="hidden" name="(drag.+?)" value="(\d+?)"
Weight_id = class="draggableviews-weight form-select" id=".+?" name="(drag.+?)"
In the Post Request that follows, I need to repost all this variables. I use a BeanShell PreProcessor for this. The first list is no problem, since this get the same value. The second list should get a new random value between -50 and 50. I also want a different random value for each iteration.
How should I do this ?
If I use Random Variabele Config Element I get the same random int for each variabele. I want a different one for each iteration.
enter image description here
I would recommend using ThreadLocalRandom.nextInt() method like
sampler.addArgument(name2, String.valueOf(java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(-50, 51)));
Don't inline JMeter Functions into Beanshell scripts, either pass them via "Parameters" section and refer via Parameters or args shorthands or use appropriate code-based substitutions.
See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component guide for more information on Beanshell scripting in JMeter tests.
To retrieve multiple values from single Regular Expression Extractor, we use Templates as follows:
then refer groups as follows:
In the image, you can see that link is Reference Name and there is only match found with the regular expression.
number of matches is : link_matchNr
first group value : link_1_g1
second group value : link_1_g2
Note: The regular expression I tried on is google.com, you can also simulate the same as follows:
Use Random function as follows:
value2 = ${__Random(-50,50)};
log.info("valuee2 " + value2);
Use Random Variable:
then, refer Output Variable in Beanshell Preprocessor as follows:
value2 = vars.get("randomInt");