Scheme - Simple list with three random elements - scheme

I haven't even seen Scheme before today, but need it to write a simple script for GIMP. Basically I'm in need of a list with three random elements from 0 to 255. I then give this list to a function that sets the foreground colour in gimp. I've tried:
(let* ( (x '(( random 255 ) 255 255))) x)
And all the variations thereof, but it will instead set the first value of x to a string of (random 255), resulting in an output of:
((random 255) 255 255)
Which naturally the GIMP function will not accept as it expects three numbers.
I tried looking up this problem but only found solutions that are really complex and that I, if I am honest, do not understand at all.

(random n) will generate a random number in the interval [0,n-1]. So, you can create a random number between 0 and 255 inclusive using (random 256).
To create the list of three values within the mentioned interval, you can define a function as follows:
(define (rgb)
(list (random 256)
(random 256)
(random 256)))
For example,
=> '(55 114 248)
=> '(206 195 169)
=> '(5 157 209)


Don't know how to round a number in racket

I'm trying to solve a problem in racket that I need to get a student's grade and put it inside a star. But if the grade has more than one decimal case I need to round it to show only 1. Ex: If the grade is 8.67 it should show 8.7. But I can't figure how to do it.
I tried using:
(round 8.67)
But it goes to closest integer. How can I round to only one decimal?
What would
(round (* 10 8.67))
What would
(/ 10 (round (* 10 8.67)))
return? (or should the ratio be flipped?)
Can you go from here and generalize it to get a working function, by replacing the specific values with symbolic ones, and specifying them as the function's parameters?
(define (nround ten eightSixtySeven)
Or remove the ten parameter if you want to use the hard-coded value of 10 instead:
(define (round1 eightSixtySeven)
...... 10 .....
(define (round2 eightSixtySeven)
...... 100 .....

Generating random floats in fish shell

I have been using fish's random start stop to generate a random integer, but I was curious if there was a way to get a random float from within fish or whether I need to use another program.
My current method feels a bit hack-y to me. For example, here's how I'd generate something like a float, but obviously to only one decimal place. Is there a better way to do this?
set myNum (random 0 9).(random 0 9)
Many languages go the opposite route of Fish shell's script, where the result of the random function is 0 <= r < 1. In that case, to obtain an integer, you just multiply by the max number you want.
So for Fish, I'd sort-of do the reverse process -- Divide to obtain the precision you want.
For your particular example:
set myNum (math (random 0 99)/10)
Of course, if you want to go from 0.0 to 10.0 inclusive (which wouldn't be possible with your example):
set myNum (math (random 0 100)/10)
If you to replicate the 0 <= r < 1 style to 4 decimal places:
set myNum (math (random 0 9999)/10000)
This will work to a maximum of 6 decimal places.

How to generate random numbers in [0 ... 1.0] in Common Lisp

My understanding of Common Lisp pseudorandom number generation is that (random 1.0) will generate a fraction strictly less than 1. I would like to get numbers upto 1.0 inclusive. Is this possible? I guess I could decide on a degree of precision and generate integers and divide by the range but I'd like to know if there is a more widely accepted way of doing this. Thanks.
As you say, random will generate numbers in [0,1) by default, and in general (random x) will generate random numbers in [0,x). If these were real numbers and if the distribution really is random, then the probability of getting any number is zero, so this is effectively no different than [0,1]. But they're not real numbers: they're floats, so the probability of getting any particular value is higher since there are only a finite number of floats in [0,1].
Fortunately you can express exactly what you want: CL has a bunch of constants with names like *-epsilon which are defined so that, for instance
(/= (+ 1.0f0 single-float-epsilon) 1.0f0)
and single-float-epsilon is the smallest single-float for which this is true.
Thus (random (+ 1.0f0 single-float-epsilon)) will produce random single-floats in the range [0,1], and will eventually probably turn out 1.0f0. You can test this:
(defun tsit ()
(let ((f (+ 1.0f0 single-float-epsilon)))
(assert (/= f 1.0f0) (f) "oops")
(loop for i upfrom 1
for v = (random f)
when (= v 1.0f0)
return (values i v))))
And for me
> (tsit)
If you use double floats it takes ... quite a lot longer ... to get 1.0d0 (and remember to use double-float-epsilon).
I have a bit of a different idea here. Instead of trying to stretch the range over an epsilon, we can work with the original range, and pick a victim number somewhere in that range which gets mapped to the range limit. We can avoid a hard-coded victim by choosing one randomly, and changing it from time to time:
(defun make-random-gen (range)
(let ((victim nil)
(count 1))
(lambda ()
(when (zerop (decf count))
(setf count 10000
victim (random range)))
(let ((out (random range)))
(if (eql out victim) range out)))))
(defun testit ()
(loop with r = (make-random-gen 1.0)
for x = (funcall r)
until (eql x 1.0)
counting t))
At the listener:
[5]> (testit)
There is a small bias here in that the victim is never equal to range. So that is to say, the range value such as 1.0 is never victim and therefore always has a certain chance of occurring. Whereas every other value can potentially take a turn at being victim, having its chance of occurring temporarily reduced to zero. That should be faintly detectable in a statistical analysis of the output in that the range value will occur slightly more often than any other value.
It would be interesting to update this approach with a correction for that, an attempt to do which is this:
(defun make-random-gen (range)
(let ((victim nil)
(count 1))
(labels ((gen ()
(when (zerop (decf count))
(setf count 10000
victim (gen)))
(let ((out (random range)))
(if (eql out victim) range out))))
Now when we select victim, we recurse on our own function which can potentially select range. Whenever range is selected as victim, that value is correctly suppressed: range will not occur in the output, because out will never be eql to range.
We can justify this with the following hand-waving argument:
Let us suppose that the recursive call to gen has a slight bias in favor of range being output. But whenever that happens, range is selected as victim, which prevents it from appearing in the output of gen.
There is a kind of negative feedback which should almost entirely correct the bias.
Note: our random-number-generating lambda would be better designed if it also captured a random state object also and used that. Then the sequence it yields would be undisturbed by other uses of the pseudo-random-number generator. That's a different topic.
On a theoretical note, note that neither [0, 1) nor [0, 1] yield strictly correct distributions. If we had a mathematically ideal PRNG, it would yield actual real numbers in these ranges. Since that range contains an uncountable infinity of real values, each one would occur with a zero probability: 1/aleph-null, which, I'm guessing, so tiny, that it cannot be distinguished from a real zero.
What we want is the floating-point PRNG to approximate the ideal PRNG.
The problem is that each floating-point value approximates a range of real values. So this means that if we have a generator of values in the range 0.0 to 1.0, it actually represents a range of real numbers from -epsilon to 1.0 + epsilon. If we take values from this PRNG and plot a bar graph of values, each bar in the graph has to have some nonzero width. The 0.0 bar is centered on 0, and the 1.0 bar is centered on 1. The distribution of real numbers extends from the left edge of the left bar, to the right edge of the right bar.
In order to create a PRNG which mimics an even distribution of values in the 0.0 to 1.0 interval, we have to include the 0.0 and 1.0 values with half probability. So that is to say, when we collect a large number of values from the PRNG, the 0.0 and 1.0 bars of the graph should be about half as high as all the other bars.
Under these conditions, we cannot distinguish the [0, 1.0) interval from the [0, 1.0] interval because they are exactly as large. We must include the 1.0 value, at about half the usual probability to account for the above uniformity problem. If we simply exclude that value, we create a bias in the wrong direction, because the 1.0 bar in the histogram now has a zero value.
One way we could rescue the situation might be to take the 1.0-epsilon bar of the histogram and make that value 50% more likely, so that the bar is 50% taller than average. Basically, we overload that last value of the range just before 1.0 to represent everything up to and not including 1.0, requiring that value to be more likely. And then, we exclude the 1.0 value from the output. All values approaching 1.0 from the left get mapped to the extra 50% probability of 1.0 - epsilon.

Need explanation on reverse scientific notation function in Lisp

Here's the function i have and understand to go from 1) your coefficient and 2) your exponent to then extract the number out of the scientific notation.
coefficient 7,
exponent 3
7 * 10^3 = 7000
(define (scientific coeffiecent exponent) (* coefficient (expt 10 exponent)))
Here's what im struggling with: The function to go the other way around, From 7000 to the coeffiecent and exponent used to get it into the scientific notation. I've got a working function through networking, but really struggle understanding it entirely.
(define (sci-exponent number)
(floor (/ (log number) (log 10))))
(define (sci-coefficient number)
(/ number (expt 10 (sci-exponent number))))
if anyone could help me understand, It'll be greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading either way!
Look at the body of sci-exponent, it takes the floor of log(number)/log(10). As you might remember from math class: loga(n1)/loga(n2) = logn2(n1). So what you're getting there is log10(number), the floor of which gives you the number of digits of number minus 1, which would be the exponent for the scientific notation.
The coefficient is then easily derived from the exponent. Since, as you wrote, coeff * exp = number, then number / exp = coeff, which is exactly what sci-coefficient is implementing.

Is there a function in Scheme/Racket that can be used to check if a number lies within a range of numbers

What is the function in Scheme/Racket that can be used to check if a real number lies within a given range of numbers.
Use <=. For instance, to check if x is between 0 and 100, including the endpoints of the range:
(<= 0 x 100)
Similarly, but excluding the endpoints:
(< 0 x 100)
