Command not found: ssh OpenSSH not found on your computer - windows

I'm trying to set up Ionic pro. But it gives an error.Any help?
I have installed Git Bash.But still, it shows above error. Why?
May we proceed? Yes
ionic ssh generate C:\Users\lokuge.ssh\ionic\4460 [ERROR] Command not found: ssh [WARN] OpenSSH not found on your computer. [INFO] You
will be prompted to provide a passphrase, which is used to protect
your private key should you lose it. (If
someone has your private key, they can impersonate you!) Passphrases are recommended, but not required. 'ssh-keygen' is not
recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or
batch file. [ERROR] Command not found: ssh-keygen

Simple: install SSH
Since you seem to be on Windows, I suggest getting Git Bash. That ships with OpenSSH. Oh, and Git, obviously.
Edit, because the solution is actually in the comments:
You have to run whatever command is causing the error in Visual Studio from within the actual Bash shipped with Git Bash. Simply installing Git Bash but running the command from within VS does not work, as VS assumedly uses a different terminal emulator.

I have the same issue, I have downloaded and configure ssh via cygwin I'm i going to use Cygwin to run ionic pro instead of cmd, because while i run ionic pro on cmd i have an error of : ionic ssh setup
[WARN] OpenSSH not found on your computer.
[ERROR] Command not found: ssh


I can't sign commits from IntellIJ on windows using git from WSL2

Ok, so I have installed WSL2 Ubuntu on my Windows 10 pc. I'm trying to sign a commit from intellij (running as admin) installed on windows, and I'm using the git binary from the WSL2 vm, I have configured the gpg and git stuff in both windows and wsl, but I don't know why this is not working...
Here is a screenshot of the gpg signing working on the wsl vm.
And here I have another picture of the gpg signing working on the windows terminal.
The dialog showed successfully on both terminals asking for my passphrase. Using the git cli the gpg key works:
And this is the error I get:
After some more research I found a workaround:
I found this comment in the YouTrack site. Which led me to this stackoverflow post. The workaround/solution is the following:
Edit the ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf inside your WSL setup and add the following line (or replace it if you already had a config with the same key):
This config will tell gpg to use the windows gui instead of the cli when asking for your passphrase
pinentry-program "/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/GnuPG/bin/pinentry-basic.exe"
You can keep the program path to the pinentry-basic.exe (that's the default one), but if you have it under another location make sure to change it.
After that you can try the following command and check that the windows pinentry dialog shows up:
This command will sign the text "test" and will ask you for your key passphrase.
echo "test" | gpg --clearsign

stata-se, xstata-se command not found

I can't open the GUI of Stata running on local macOS machine from remote Ubuntu server.
I have installed stata-se on my local machine, I can open X11 apps like xclock and xeyes. I'm using the following command to connect to the server:
ssh -X username#servername -p XXXX
Is there any to resolve this issue?
Since the distinction is a little unclear in the question:
According to the documentation the command to launch the Stata SE GUI is:
launches the console version.
Since these are not working you can confirm the syntax diagram with:
stata -h
which will tell you the correct syntax, if Stata is actually installed.
If you are seeing something like:
$ command not found: Stata
then you may, similar to this, need to make sure that the path to Stata is properly set in your path file. Exactly how you do this depends on your terminal and operating system.

Failed to launch git bash

The terminal process command 'C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe' failed to launch (exit code: 2)
I have already setup git. Git directory:
I had this issue with the 'start git-bash' extention in vscode. You just need to add the folder "C:\Program Files\Git\" to your path and restart vs code.
I reinstalled Git and all work well
Working Git Bash
If you have this issue, with the following error code:
'ExecutionPolicy', 'Bypass'" terminated with exit code: 2.'
What worked for me is I went into the settings.json file and removed the following line:
"": ["-ExecutionPolicy","Bypass"]
If Git Bash doesn't work you can try installing a Windows WSL2 such as Ubuntu 18.04 and use that instead of Git Bash.
Here is how you select a Windows WSL:
Check out this link if you need help installing WSL2 on Windows.
You can see a similar issue (with cmd, not bash) in Microsoft/vscode issue 62953.
Try with a portable version of Git bash (like, uncompress in a custom folder (like C:\Git, instead of C:\Program Files\Git)
Sometimes antivirus software might cause that behaviour, since launchin a terminal involes a process creating another process.
So add an exception in your Antivirus for Visual Studio Code or stop all the antivirus related services --at your own risk--
First, check that you have Git Bash downloaded on your PC. If you already have it installed, then check you can access python program.
If not installed, please install directly from the following link:

Silent/Automated Homebrew Install

I am trying to get homebrew installed remotely on a machine without a terminal open and without ssh access to the machine. Our company uses a Directory-as-a-Service which allows us to remotely push shell scripts to our computers which is great, but it requires the scripts to have no interactivity.
Is there a way to automate the installer and remove the “Press enter to continue” prompt in the install process?
Zach S
The env variable CI seems to silence this prompt:
export CI=1

Unable to create vagrant file (homestead.yaml) on windows

I'm gonna to use vagrant on my windows desktop to develop Laravel project. I have followed all the steps to do that. But it has been failed to create homestead.yaml using bash command.
Below is the error :
Fakhreddin#Lenovo-PC3 /cygdrive/d/laravel-vagrant/homestead
$ bash
cp: unwritable ‘/home/Fakhreddin/.homestead/Homestead.yaml’ (mode 0500, r-x------); try anyway?
I'm using Cygwin for simulating Unix terminal in the Windows.
(Copy of the comment I wrote above)
Never used Cygwin in my life, but what I would try is to run it as Administrator and re-try.
Otherwise, you may want to consider changing console client. For example, if you install Git, you should be able to use Unix commands via standard Windows console.
I would seriously point the fault at Cygwin, or its settings. I am a member of a team in which all of us run Homestead on Windows 7, with no problems at all. The difference is, we use native Windows command line.
