Spring Security + Auth LDAP : BindRequest and UnbindRequest? - spring

After days of Google researching, Reading The F* Spring Security Manual and testing, I'm becoming desperate ...
The context : I'm implementing a Micro-Services architecture with Eureka etc...
I implemented an Auth Service which works very well with a MySQL authentication database. But now, I want to join my company LDAP through an OpenLDAP who works adequately.
So, I'm trying to join the LDAP with my spring security authentication.
The code of my configure() method (I replaced my company and domain name, the account {0} is "test"):
I also tried different ways to write this and all the time, I get Bad Credentials or LDAP 32 error. With userDnPattern, usersearchbase method, passwordcompare, passwordencoder and others. I also tried to put DC in the root() method and the OU in the group...() method, no change (I think in fact that Spring Security sort these parameters smartly before sending LDAP Requests). To be honest, I tried 357654 differents ways to write the configure() method ...
The problem is that : When I put the same config, credentials, domains ... in an LDAP explorer software, it works correctly.
So I monitored LDAP networks exchanges with Wireshark and I saw this :
Wireshark screen
As we can see, there's 8 requests exchanged. The first 5 are OK. It find my account "test" correctly. But there's three over requests (with the unbindRequest which going back).
The problem is that Spring give me the result of the last request and say me the account doesn't exist or the credentials don't work, etc...
Have you got a clue for this ? Do you know how Spring Security works to question LDAP ? How can I do to contact my LDAP adequately with the framework ?
Thank you for reading.
Help me Stack Overflow, you're my only hope ...

I finally found the problem and got a solution.
My enterprise LDAP is an LDAP above an AD.
And this LDAP+AD needs Bind Authentication and doesn't authorize anonymous bind then authentication.
In Spring Security, there's an object which can do this : BindAuthenticator
This is how I try to use it (and it works).
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder authManagerBuilder) throws Exception {
public LdapAuthenticationProvider ldapAuthenticationProvider() throws Exception {
LdapAuthenticationProvider lAP = new LdapAuthenticationProvider(ldapAuthenticator(), ldapAuthoritiesPopulator());
return lAP;
public LdapContextSource ldapContextSource() throws Exception {
DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource contextSource = new DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource([URL of the LDAP]);
return contextSource;
public LdapAuthenticator ldapAuthenticator() throws Exception {
BindAuthenticator authenticator = new BindAuthenticator(ldapContextSource());
authenticator.setUserDnPatterns(new String[] {"CN={0},"+[MY ENTERPRISE LDAP FILTER]});
return authenticator;
Hope this sample code will help some people ...
Thank you !


Invalid JWToken: kid is a required JOSE Header

I am trying to implement an Oauth2 Authorization Server with SpringBoot using this guide as a reference.
My keystore has a single key. I have successfully managed to create a JWToken (I can check it at jwt.io).
I have also a test Resource Server. When I try to access any endpoint I receive the following message:
"error": "invalid_token",
"error_description": "Invalid JWT/JWS: kid is a required JOSE Header"
The token really does not have a kid header but I can not figure out how to add it. I can only add data to its payload, using a TokenEnchancer. It also seems that I am not the first one with this issue.
Is there any way to add this header or, at least, ignore it at the resource server?
I've been working on an article that might help you out here:
So, to configure a Spring Security OAuth Authorization Server to add a JWT kid header, you can follow the steps of section 4.9:
create a new class extending the JwtAccessTokenConverter
In the constructor:
configure the parent class using the same approach you've been using
obtain a Signer object using the signing key you're using
override the encode method. The implementation will be the same as the parent one, with the only difference that you’ll also pass the custom headers when creating the String token
public class JwtCustomHeadersAccessTokenConverter extends JwtAccessTokenConverter {
private JsonParser objectMapper = JsonParserFactory.create();
final RsaSigner signer;
public JwtCustomHeadersAccessTokenConverter(KeyPair keyPair) {
this.signer = new RsaSigner((RSAPrivateKey) keyPair.getPrivate());
protected String encode(OAuth2AccessToken accessToken, OAuth2Authentication authentication) {
String content;
try {
content = this.objectMapper.formatMap(getAccessTokenConverter().convertAccessToken(accessToken, authentication));
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot convert access token to JSON", ex);
Map<String, String> customHeaders = Collections.singletonMap("kid", "my_kid");
String token = JwtHelper.encode(content, this.signer, this.customHeaders)
return token;
Then, of course, create a bean using this converter:
public JwtAccessTokenConverter accessTokenConverter(KeyPair keyPair) {
return new JwtCustomHeadersAccessTokenConverter(keyPair);
Here I used a KeyPair instance to obtain the signing key and configure the converter (based on the example of the article), but you might adapt that to your configuration.
In the article I also explain the relevant endpoints provided by the Spring Security OAuth Authentication Server.
Also, regarding #Ortomala Lokni's comment, I wouldn't expect Spring Security OAuth to add any new features at this point. As an alternative, you probably can wait to have a look at Spring Security's Authorization Server features, planned to be released in 5.3.0
I managed to solve it by changing the parameter used to identify the URL where the clients will retrieve the pubkey.
On application.properties, instead of:
I used:
If I understood correctly, the key-set-uri config points to an endpoint that presents a set of keys and there is the need for a kid. On the other side key-uri config points to an endpoint with a single key.

Spring Security Custom Authentication Filter and Authorization

I've implemented a custom authentication filter, and it works great. I use an external identity provider and redirect to my originally requested URL after setting my session and adding my authentication object to my security context.
Security Config
#EnableWebSecurity(debug = true)
class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
// this is needed to pass the authentication manager into our custom security filter
AuthenticationManager authenticationManagerBean() throws Exception {
return super.authenticationManagerBean()
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.addFilterBefore(new CustomSecurityFilter(authenticationManagerBean()), UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class)
Filter logic
For now, my custom filter (once identity is confirmed) simply hard codes a role:
SimpleGrantedAuthority myrole = new SimpleGrantedAuthority("METADATA_CURATORZ")
return new PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken(securityUser, null, [myrole])
That authentication object (returned above) is then added to my SecurityContext before redirecting to the desired endpoint:
Controller Endpoint
#RequestMapping(path = '/admin/test', method = GET, produces = 'text/plain')
String test(HttpServletRequest request) {
Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication()
String roles = auth.getAuthorities()
return "roles: ${roles}"
This endpoint then yields a response in the browser of:
Great. So my authentication and applying a role to my user is working great.
Now, if I uncomment this line from the security config:
I can no longer access that resource and get a 403 -- even though we've already proven the role was set.
This seems totally nonsensical and broken to me, but I'm no Spring Security expert.
I'm probably missing something very simple. Any ideas?
Some questions I have:
Does my custom filter need to be placed before a specific built-in filter to ensure the authorization step occurs after that filter is executed?
When in the request cycle is the antMatcher/hasRole check taking place?
Do I need to change the order of what I am calling in my security configure chain, and how should I understand the config as I've currently written it? It's obviously not doing what I think it should be.
Does my custom filter need to be placed before a specific built-in filter to ensure the authorization step occurs after that filter is executed?
Your filter MUST come before FilterSecurityInterceptor, because that is where authorization and authentication take place. This filter is one of the last to be invoked.
Now as to where the best place for your filter might be, that really depends. For example, you really want your filter to come before AnonymousAuthenticationFilter because if not, unauthenticated users will always be "authenticated" with an AnonymousAuthenticationToken by the time your filter is invoked.
You can check out the default order of filters in FilterComparator. The AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter pretty much corresponds to what it is you're doing - and its placement in the order of filters gives you an idea of where you could put yours. In any case, there should be no issue with your filter's order.
When in the request cycle is the antMatcher/hasRole check taking place?
All of this happens in FilterSecurityInterceptor, and more precisely, in its parent AbstractSecurityInterceptor:
protected InterceptorStatusToken beforeInvocation(Object object) {
Collection<ConfigAttribute> attributes = this.obtainSecurityMetadataSource()
if (attributes == null || attributes.isEmpty()) {
Authentication authenticated = authenticateIfRequired();
// Attempt authorization
try {
this.accessDecisionManager.decide(authenticated, object, attributes);
catch (AccessDeniedException accessDeniedException) {
throw accessDeniedException;
Extra information:
In essence, the FilterSecurityInterceptor has a ExpressionBasedFilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource that contains a Map<RequestMatcher, Collection<ConfigAttribute>>. At runtime, your request is checked against the Map to see if any RequestMatcher key is a match. If it is, a Collection<ConfigAttribute> is passed to the AccessDecisionManager, which ultimately either grants or denies access. The default AccessDecisionManager is AffirmativeBased and contains objects (usually a WebExpressionVoter) that process the collection of ConfigAttribute and via reflection invokes the SpelExpression that corresponds to your "hasRole('METADATA_CURATORZ')" against a SecurityExpressionRoot object that was initialized with your Authentication.
Do I need to change the order of what I am calling in my security configure chain, and how should I understand the config as I've currently written it? It's obviously not doing what I think it should be.
No, there shouldn't be any issue with your filters. Just as a side note, in addition to what you have in your configure(HttpSecurity http) methods, the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter you extend from has some defaults:
.addFilter(new WebAsyncManagerIntegrationFilter())
.apply(new DefaultLoginPageConfigurer<>()).and()
You can take a look at HttpSecurity if you want to see exactly what these do and what filters they add.
When you do the following:
... the role that is searched for is "ROLE_METADATA_CURATORZ". Why?
ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer's static hasRole(String role) method ends up processing "METADATA_CURATORZ":
if (role.startsWith("ROLE_")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"role should not start with 'ROLE_' since it is automatically inserted. Got '"
+ role + "'");
return "hasRole('ROLE_" + role + "')";
So your authorization expression becomes "hasRole('ROLE_METADATA_CURATORZ'" and this ends up calling the method hasRole('ROLE_METADATA_CURATORZ') on SecurityExpressionRoot, which in turn searches for the role ROLE_METADATA_CURATORZ in the Authentication's authorities.
SimpleGrantedAuthority myrole = new SimpleGrantedAuthority("METADATA_CURATORZ");
SimpleGrantedAuthority myrole = new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_METADATA_CURATORZ");

Spring Security & CAS - Backup login page in case of CAS failure?

I have an application that connects to a CAS server, allows the user to do the CAS/SSO login, and then redirects them to the application's home page. Simple enough.
The problem is that CAS is relatively new to my organization and as of today, we only have it set up on one server. So, if the server becomes unreachable for any reason, the application can no longer be accessed as the CAS login page will not load.
What I would like is for my application to be able to detect
a) the CAS server is unreachable after a reasonable number of retries
b) subsequently redirect the user to the non-CAS/SSO login page and use the basic Spring Security config that is in place using LDAP
I don't see anything in the Spring documentation for this particular scenario. Suggestions?
You could try extending CasAuthenticationEntryPoint. Entry points in Spring Security are the things that determine where to go when authentication is necessary.
public LocalLoginFallbackCasAuthenticationEntryPoint
extends CasAuthenticationEntryPoint {
protected String createRedirectUrl(final String serviceUrl) {
if ( prevailingCircumstancesMandate() ) {
return "/our/legacy/login/page";
} else {
// go to CAS, like normal
return super.createRedirectUrl(serviceUrl);
And then configure in your HttpSecurity object:
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) {

Authentication in Spring MVC via REST

I've been looking for a way to authenticate a user via REST controller (URL params).
The closest thing to do so is the following:
public class UserController extends BaseJSONController{
static Logger sLogger = Logger.getLogger(UserController.class);
#RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody String login(#RequestParam(value="username") String user, #RequestParam(value="password") String pass) throws JSONException {
Authentication userAuth = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, pass);
MyCellebriteAuthenticationProvider MCAP = new MyCellebriteAuthenticationProvider();
if (MCAP.authenticate(userAuth) == null){
response.put("isOk", false);
response.put("isOk", true);
response.put("token", "1234");
return response.toString();
However, this doesn't create a cookie.
Any idea or a better way to implement what I want to achieve?
Firstly, you should not do this manually:
It is better to employ special filter responsible for authentication, setting security context and clearing it after request is handled. By default Spring Security uses thread locals to store security context so if you don't remove it after client invocation, another client can be automatically logged in as someone else. Remember that server threads are often reused for different request by different clients.
Secondly, I would recommend using basic or digest authentication for your RESTful web service. Both are supported by Spring Security. More in docs http://static.springsource.org/spring-security/site/docs/3.1.x/reference/basic.html
And finally, remember that RESTful web service should be stateless.
Also remember that Spring Security documentation is your friend. :-)

How to configure grails/spring authentication scheme per url?

How can I configure a grails application using Spring security such that one set of url's will redirect unauthenticated users to a custom login form with an http response code of 200, whereas another set of url's are implementing restful web services and must return a 401/not authorized response for unauthenticated clients so the client application can resend the request with a username and password in response to the 401.
My current configuration can handle the first case with the custom login form. However, I need to configure the other type of authentication for the restful interface url's while preserving the current behavior for the human interface.
If I understood right what you want to do, I got the same problem, before! but it is easy to solve it using Spring Security grails Plugin! So, first of all, you have to set your application to use basic authentication:
grails.plugins.springsecurity.useBasicAuth = true
So your restful services will try to login, and if it doesnt work it goes to 401!
This is easy but you also need to use a custom form to login right?! So you can just config some URL to gets into your normal login strategy like this:
grails.plugins.springsecurity.filterChain.chainMap = [
'/api/**': 'JOINED_FILTERS,-exceptionTranslationFilter',
'/**': 'JOINED_FILTERS,-basicAuthenticationFilter,-basicExceptionTranslationFilter'
So noticed, that above, everything that comes to the URL /api/ will use the Basic Auth, but anything that is not from /api/ uses the normal authentication login form!
More information goes to http://burtbeckwith.github.com/grails-spring-security-core/docs/manual/guide/16%20Filters.html
I had the same issue and did not found a good solution for this. I am really looking forward a clean solution (something in the context like multi-tenant).
I ended up manually verifying the status and login-part for the second system, which should not redirect to the login page (so I am not using the "Secured" annotation). I did this using springSecurityService.reauthenticate() (for manually logging in), springSecurityService.isLoggedIn() and manually in each controller for the second system. If he wasn't, I have been redirecting to the specific page.
I do not know, whether this work-around is affordable for your second system.
You should make stateless basic authentication. For that please make following changes in your code.
"/api/restLogin"(controller: 'api', action: 'restLogin', parseRequest: true)
grails.plugin.springsecurity.useBasicAuth = true
grails.plugin.springsecurity.basic.realmName = "Login to My Site"
grails.plugin.springsecurity.filterChain.chainMap = [
'*' : 'statelessSecurityContextPersistenceFilter,logoutFilter,authenticationProcessingFilter,customBasicAuthenticationFilter,securityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter,rememberMeAuthenticationFilter,anonymousAuthenticationFilter,basicExceptionTranslationFilter,filterInvocationInterceptor',
'/api/': 'JOINED_FILTERS,-basicAuthenticationFilter,-basicExceptionTranslationFilter'
statelessSecurityContextRepository(NullSecurityContextRepository) {}
statelessSecurityContextPersistenceFilter(SecurityContextPersistenceFilter, ref('statelessSecurityContextRepository')) {
customBasicAuthenticationEntryPoint(CustomBasicAuthenticationEntryPoint) {
realmName = SpringSecurityUtils.securityConfig.basic.realmName
customBasicAuthenticationFilter(BasicAuthenticationFilter, ref('authenticationManager'), ref('customBasicAuthenticationEntryPoint')) {
authenticationDetailsSource = ref('authenticationDetailsSource')
rememberMeServices = ref('rememberMeServices')
credentialsCharset = SpringSecurityUtils.securityConfig.basic.credentialsCharset // 'UTF-8'
basicExceptionTranslationFilter(ExceptionTranslationFilter, ref('customBasicAuthenticationEntryPoint'), ref('basicRequestCache')) {
accessDeniedHandler = ref('basicAccessDeniedHandler')
authenticationTrustResolver = ref('authenticationTrustResolver')
throwableAnalyzer = ref('throwableAnalyzer')
public class CustomBasicAuthenticationEntryPoint extends
BasicAuthenticationEntryPoint {
public void commence(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, AuthenticationException authException)
throws IOException, ServletException {
class ApiController {
def springSecurityService
def restLogin() {
User currentUser = springSecurityService.currentUser
