Why SHA2 has a 384 bit version? - algorithm

I understand that there is a 256 and 512 versions because they are all powers of 2. But where 384 came from?
I know that binary representation of 384 is 110000000 but I can't understand the logic.
It is not in the middle between 256 and 512. It is not even a logarithmic middle.
Why 384?

A quick look on Wikipedia finds this:
SHA-256 and SHA-512 are novel hash functions computed with 32-bit and
64-bit words, respectively. They use different shift amounts and
additive constants, but their structures are otherwise virtually
identical, differing only in the number of rounds. SHA-224 and SHA-384
are simply truncated versions of the first two, computed with
different initial values.
Looking at the comparison between all the variants, it seems that SHA-384 is more resistant to length extension attacks than SHA-512 (its longer version).
You can find a more detailed answer on Cryptography Stack Exchange: here.

256 + 128 = 384
It is nothing but addition of two values which are above mentioned powers of 2 !!


Bitboard algorithms for board sizes greater than 64?

I know the Magic BitBoard technique is useful for modern games that are on a n 8x8 grid because you it aligns perfectly with a single 64-bit integer, but is the idea extensible to board sizes greater than 64 squares?
Some games like Shogi have larger board sizes such as 81 squares, which doesn't cleanly fit into a 64-bit integer.
I assume you'd have to use multiple integers but would it would it be better to use 2 64-bit integers or something like 3 32-bit ones?
I know there probably isn't a trivial answer to this, but what kind of knowledge would I need in order to research something like this? I only have some basic/intermediate algorithms and data structures knowledge.
Yes, you could do this with a structure that contains multiple integers of varying lengths. For example, you could use 11 unsigned bytes. Or a 64-bit integer and a 32-bit integer, etc. Anything that will add up to 81 or more bits.
I rather like the idea of three 32-bit integers because you can store three rows per integer. It makes your indexing code simpler than if you used a 64-bit integer and a 32-bit integer. 9 16-bit words would work well, too, but you're wasting almost half your bits.
You could use 11 unsigned bytes, but the indexing is kind of ugly.
All things considered, I'd probably go with the 3 32-bit integers, using the low 27 bits of each.

find encryption algorithm from known input and output

I have some inputs and outputs of a encryption function and i'm trying to find algorithm of it:
outputs are hexadecimal and fixed length(40 characters)
inputs are unicode characters
Can anyone help me?
What you're asking isn't possible, because we would need to guess both the encryption algorithm and the encryption key
In addition, it appears that the algorithm in question has a 160-bit block size (which is why the output is a fixed 160 bits - presumably if it were given 161 bits of input then its output would be 320 bits), but I am not aware of any encryption algorithm with a 160-bit block size - block sizes are typically a power of 2 (e.g. 128 bits or 256 bits). Maybe it's an encryption algorithm with a 128 bit block size plus a 32 bit checksum, but that's just complicating an already impossible task.

What are the design decisions behind Google Maps encoded polyline algorithm format?

Several Google Maps products have the notion of polylines, which in terms of underlying data is basically just a sequence of lat/lng points that might for example manifest in a line drawn on a map. The Google Map developer libraries make use of an encoded polyline format that churns out an ASCII string representing the points making up the polyline. This encoded format is then typically decoded with a built in function of the Google libraries or a function written by a third party that implements the decoding algorithm.
The algorithm for encoding polyline points is described in the Encoded Polyline Algorithm Format document. What is not described is the rationale for implementing the algorithm this way, and the significance of each of the individual steps. I'm interested to know whether the thinking/purpose behind implementing the algorithm this way is publicly described anywhere. Two example questions:
Do some of the steps have a quantifiable impact on compression and how does this impact vary as a function of the delta between points?
Is the summing of values with ASCII 63 a compatibility hack of some sort?
But just in general, a description to go along with the algorithm explaining why the algorithm is implemented the way it is.
Update: This blog post from James Snook also has the 'valid ascii' range argument and reads logically for other steps I wondered. E.g. the left shifting before storing which makes place for the negative bit as the first bit.
Some explanations I found, not sure if everything is 100% correct.
One double value is stored in multiple 5 bits chunks and 0x20 (binary '0010 0000') is used as indication that the next 5 bit entry belongs to the current double.
0x1f (binary '0001 1111') is used as bit mask to throw away other bits
I expect that 5 bits are used because the delta of lat or lons are in this range. So that every double value takes only 5 bits on average when done for a lot of examples (but not verified yet).
Now, compression is done by assuming nearby double values are very close and creating the difference is nearly 0, so that the results fits in a few bytes. Then this result is stored in a dynamic fashion: store 5 bits and if the value is longer mark with 0x20 and store the next 5 bits and so on. So I guess you can tweak the compression if you try 6 or 4 bits but I guess 5 is a practically reasonable choice.
Now regarding the magic 63, this is 0x3f and binary 0011 1111. I'm not sure why they add it. I thought that adding 63 will give some 'better' asci characters (e.g. allowed in XML or in URL) as we skip e.g. 62 which is > but 63 which is ? is really better? At least the first ascii chars are not displayable and have to be avoided. Note that if one would use 64 then one would hit the ascii char 127 for the maximum value of 31 (31+64+32) and this char is not defined in html4. Or is because of a signed char is going from -128 to 127 and we need to store the negative numbers as positive, thus adding the maximum possible negative number?
Just for me: here is a link to an official Java implementation with Apache License

Arbitrary precision arithmetic with Ruby

How the heck does Ruby do this? Does Jörg or anyone else know what's happening behind the scenes?
Unfortunately I don't know C very well so bignum.c is of little help to me. I was just kind of curious it someone could explain (in plain English) the theory behind whatever miracle algorithm its using.
irb(main):001:0> 999**999
Simple: it does it the same way you do, ever since first grade. Except it doesn't compute in base 10, it computes in base 4 billion (and change).
Think about it: with our number system, we can only represent numbers from 0 to 9. So, how can we compute 6+7 without overflowing? Easy: we do actually overflow! We cannot represent the result of 6+7 as a number between 0 and 9, but we can overflow to the next place and represent it as two numbers between 0 and 9: 3×100 + 1×101. If you want to add two numbers, you add them digit-wise from the right and overflow ("carry") to the left. If you want to multiply two numbers, you have to multiply every digit of one number individually with the other number, then add up the intermediate results.
BigNum arithmetic (this is what this kind of arithmetic where the numbers are bigger than the native machine numbers is usually called) works basically the same way. Except that the base is not 10, and its not 2, either – it's the size of a native machine integer. So, on a 32 bit machine, it would be base 232 or 4 294 967 296.
Specifically, in Ruby Integer is actually an abstract class that is never instianted. Instead, it has two subclasses, Fixnum and Bignum, and numbers automagically migrate between them, depending on their size. In MRI and YARV, Fixnum can hold a 31 or 63 bit signed integer (one bit is used for tagging) depending on the native word size of the machine. In JRuby, a Fixnum can hold a full 64 bit signed integer, even on an 32 bit machine.
The simplest operation is adding two numbers. And if you look at the implementation of + or rather bigadd_core in YARV's bignum.c, it's not too bad to follow. I can't read C either, but you can cleary see how it loops over the individual digits.
You could read the source for bignum.c...
At a very high level, without going into any implementation details, bignums are calculated "by hand" like you used to do in grade school. Now, there are certainly many optimizations that can be applied, but that's the gist of it.
I don't know of the implementation details so I'll cover how a basic Big Number implementation would work.
Basically instead of relying on CPU "integers" it will create it's own using multiple CPU integers. To store arbritrary precision, well lets say you have 2 bits. So the current integer is 11. You want to add one. In normal CPU integers, this would roll over to 00
But, for big number, instead of rolling over and keeping a "fixed" integer width, it would allocate another bit and simulate an addition so that the number becomes the correct 100.
Try looking up how binary math can be done on paper. It's very simple and is trivial to convert to an algorithm.
Beaconaut APICalc 2 just released on Jan.18, 2011, which is an arbitrary-precision integer calculator for bignum arithmetic, cryptography analysis and number theory research......
It uses the Bignum class
irb(main):001:0> (999**999).class
=> Bignum
Rdoc is available of course

Best algorithm for hashing number values?

When dealing with a series of numbers, and wanting to use hash results for security reasons, what would be the best way to generate a hash value from a given series of digits? Examples of input would be credit card numbers, or bank account numbers. Preferred output would be a single unsigned integer to assist in matching purposes.
My feeling is that most of the string implementations appear to have low entropy when run against such a short range of characters and because of that, the collision rate might be higher than when run against a larger sample.
The target language is Delphi, however answers from other languages are welcome if they can provide a mathmatical basis which can lead to an optimal solution.
The purpose of this routine will be to determine if a previously received card/account was previously processed or not. The input file could have multiple records against a database of multiple records so performance is a factor.
With security questions all the answers lay on a continuum from most secure to most convenient. I'll give you two answers, one that is very secure, and one that is very convenient. Given that and the explanation of each you can choose the best solution for your system.
You stated that your objective was to store this value in lieu of the actual credit card so you could later know if the same credit card number is used again. This means that it must contain only the credit card number and maybe a uniform salt. Inclusion of the CCV, expiration date, name, etc. would render it useless since it the value could be different with the same credit card number. So we will assume you pad all of your credit card numbers with the same salt value that will remain uniform for all entries.
The convenient solution is to use a FNV (As Zebrabox and Nick suggested). This will produce a 32 bit number that will index quickly for searches. The downside of course is that it only allows for at max 4 billion different numbers, and in practice will produce collisions much quicker then that. Because it has such a high collision rate a brute force attack will probably generate enough invalid results as to make it of little use.
The secure solution is to rely on SHA hash function (the larger the better), but with multiple iterations. I would suggest somewhere on the order of 10,000. Yes I know, 10,000 iterations is a lot and it will take a while, but when it comes to strength against a brute force attack speed is the enemy. If you want to be secure then you want it to be SLOW. SHA is designed to not have collisions for any size of input. If a collision is found then the hash is considered no longer viable. AFAIK the SHA-2 family is still viable.
Now if you want a solution that is secure and quick to search in the DB, then I would suggest using the secure solution (SHA-2 x 10K) and then storing the full hash in one column, and then take the first 32 bits and storing it in a different column, with the index on the second column. Perform your look-up on the 32 bit value first. If that produces no matches then you have no matches. If it does produce a match then you can compare the full SHA value and see if it is the same. That means you are performing the full binary comparison (hashes are actually binary, but only represented as strings for easy human reading and for transfer in text based protocols) on a much smaller set.
If you are really concerned about speed then you can reduce the number of iterations. Frankly it will still be fast even with 1000 iterations. You will want to make some realistic judgment calls on how big you expect the database to get and other factors (communication speed, hardware response, load, etc.) that may effect the duration. You may find that your optimizing the fastest point in the process, which will have little to no actual impact.
Also, I would recommend that you benchmark the look-up on the full hash vs. the 32 bit subset. Most modern database system are fairly fast and contain a number of optimizations and frequently optimize for us doing things the easy way. When we try to get smart we sometimes just slow it down. What is that quote about premature optimization . . . ?
This seems to be a case for key derivation functions. Have a look at PBKDF2.
Just using cryptographic hash functions (like the SHA family) will give you the desired distribution, but for very limited input spaces (like credit card numbers) they can be easily attacked using brute force because this hash algorithms are usually designed to be as fast as possible.
Okay, security is no concern for your task. Because you have already a numerical input, you could just use this (account) number modulo your hash table size. If you process it as string, you might indeed encounter a bad distribution, because the ten digits form only a small subset of all possible characters.
Another problem is probably that the numbers form big clusters of assigned (account) numbers with large regions of unassigned numbers between them. In this case I would suggest to try highly non-linear hash function to spread this clusters. And this brings us back to cryptographic hash functions. Maybe good old MD5. Just split the 128 bit hash in four groups of 32 bits, combine them using XOR, and interpret the result as a 32 bit integer.
While not directly related, you may also have a look at Benford's law - it provides some insight why numbers are usually not evenly distributed.
If you need security, use a cryptographically secure hash, such as SHA-256.
I needed to look deeply into hash functions a few months ago. Here are some things I found.
You want the hash to spread out hits evenly and randomly throughout your entire target space (usually 32 bits, but could be 16 or 64-bits.) You want every character of the input to have and equally large effect on the output.
ALL the simple hashes (like ELF or PJW) that simply loop through the string and xor in each byte with a shift or a mod will fail that criteria for a simple reason: The last characters added have the most effect.
But there are some really good algorithms available in Delphi and asm. Here are some references:
See 1997 Dr. Dobbs article at burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/doobs.html
code at burtleburtle.net/bob/c/lookup3.c
SuperFastHash Function c2004-2008 by Paul Hsieh (AKA HsiehHash)
You will find Delphi (with optional asm) source code at this reference:
13 July 2008
"More than a year ago Juhani Suhonen asked for a fast hash to use for his
hashtable. I suggested the old but nicely performing elf-hash, but also noted
a much better hash function I recently found. It was called SuperFastHash (SFH)
and was created by Paul Hsieh to overcome his 'problems' with the hash functions
from Bob Jenkins. Juhani asked if somebody could write the SFH function in basm.
A few people worked on a basm implementation and posted it."
The Hashing Saga Continues:
2007-03-13 Andrew: When Bad Hashing Means Good Caching
2007-03-29 Andrew: Breaking SuperFastHash
2008-03-03 Austin Appleby: MurmurHash 2.0
SuperFastHash - 985.335173 mb/sec
lookup3 - 988.080652 mb/sec
MurmurHash 2.0 - 2056.885653 mb/sec
Supplies c++ code MurmurrHash2.cpp and aligned-read-only implementation -
// Here is Landman's MurmurHash2 in C#
//2009-02-25 Davy Landman does C# implimentations of SuperFashHash and MurmurHash2
//Landman impliments both SuperFastHash and MurmurHash2 4 ways in C#:
//1: Managed Code 2: Inline Bit Converter 3: Int Hack 4: Unsafe Pointers
//SuperFastHash 1: 281 2: 780 3: 1204 4: 1308 MB/s
//MurmurHash2 1: 486 2: 759 3: 1430 4: 2196
Sorry if the above turns out to look like a mess. I had to just cut&paste it.
At least one of the references above gives you the option of getting out a 64-bit hash, which would certainly have no collisions in the space of credit card numbers, and could be easily stored in a bigint field in MySQL.
You do not need a cryptographic hash. They are much more CPU intensive. And the purpose of "cryptographic" is to stop hacking, not to avoid collisions.
If performance is a factor I suggest to take a look at a CodeCentral entry of Peter Below. It performs very well for large number of items.
By default it uses P.J. Weinberger ELF hashing function. But others are also provided.
By definition, a cryptographic hash will work perfectly for your use case. Even if the characters are close, the hash should be nicely distributed.
So I advise you to use any cryptographic hash (SHA-256 for example), with a salt.
For a non cryptographic approach you could take a look at the FNV hash it's fast with a low collision rate.
As a very fast alternative, I've also used this algorithm for a few years and had few collision issues however I can't give you a mathematical analysis of it's inherent soundness but for what it's worth here it is
=Edit - My code sample was incorrect - now fixed =
In c/c++
unsigned int Hash(const char *s)
int hash = 0;
while (*s != 0)
hash *= 37;
hash += *s;
return hash;
Note that '37' is a magic number, so chosen because it's prime
Best hash function for the natural numbers let
No conflicts ;)
