Where to store table version - oracle

Where's the best place to store the version of a table in Oracle? Is it possible to store the version in the table itself, e. g. similar to the comment assigned to a table?

I don't think you can store that information in Oracle, except maybe in a comment on the table, but that would be error prone.
But personally I think you shouldn't want to keep track of versions of tables. After all, to get from a version 1 to a version 2, you may need to modify data as well, or other objects like triggers and procedures that use to new version of the table.
So in a way, it's better to version the entire database, so you can 'combine' multiple changes in one atomic version number.
There are different approaches to this, and different tools that can help you with that. I think Oracle even has some built-in feature, but with Oracle, that means that you will be charged gold bars if you use it, so I won't get into that, and just describe the two that I have tried:
Been there, done that: saving schema structure in Git
At some point we wanted to save our database changes in GitHub, where our other source is too.
We've been using Red Gate Source Control for Oracle (and Schema Compare, a similar tool), and have been looking into other similar tools as well. These tools use version control like Git to keep the latest structure of the database, and it can help you get your changes from your development database to scripts folder or VCS, and it can generate migration scripts for you.
Personally I'm not a big fan, because those tools and scripts focus only on the structure of the database (like you would with versioning individual tables). You'd still need to know how to get from version 1 to version 2, and sometimes only adding a column isn't enough; you need to migrate your data too. This isn't covered properly by tools like this.
In addition, I thought they were overall quite expensive for the work that they do, they don't work as easy as promised on the box, and you'd need different tools for different databases.
Working with migrations
A better solution would be to have migration script. You just make a script to get your database from version 1 to version 2, and another script to get it from version 2 to version 3. These migrations can be about table structure, object modifications, or even just data, it doesn't matter. All you need to do is remember which script was executed last, and execute all versions after that.
Executing migrations can be done by hand, or you can simply script it. But there are tools for this as well. One of them is Flyway, a free tool (paid pro support should you need it) that does exactly this. You can feed it SQL scripts from a folder, which are sorted and executed in order. Each script is a 'version'. Meta data about the process is stored in a separate table in your database. The whole process is described in more detail on Flyway's website.
The advantage of this tool is that it's really simple and flexible, because you just write the migration scripts yourself. All the tool does is execute them and keep track of it. And it can do it for all kinds of databases, so you can introduce the same flow for each database you have.

One way is to define a comment on the table:
comment on table your_table is 'some comment';
Then you can read that meta information using all_tab_comments table.
How to get table comments via SQL in Oracle?
For further reading, see:


How can we do data analysis for DB replication project

We are facing one issue in our project i.e. Data verification issue.
The project is about Replication of data from Sybase to oracle DBs.
The table structures for Table A across Sybase, Oracle is same.
Same column and primary key combination across all the databases.
e.g. If Sybase has Table A with columns a, b and C
same table with same name and same columns will be available in different databses.
We are done with replication stuff part.But we faced some silent failure like data discrepancy just wondering if there will any tool already available for this.
Any information on his would be helpful. Thanks.
Sybase (now SAP) has a couple products that can be used for data comparisons and reconciliation:
rs_subcmp - an older, 32-bit tool that comes with the Sybase Replication Server product that can be used to compare data between
source and target; SQL reconciliation scripts can be generated from
the differences and then applied to the target to bring it in sync
with the source; if your tables are more than 1GB in size you can
still use rs_subcmp but you'll need to create multiple comparison
jobs (via where clauses) to work on different subsets of your tables
[I don't recall if rs_subcmp can be use for heterogeneous
replication setsup, eg, ASE-Oracle.]
Data Assurance (DA) - the newer, 64-bit product ... also from
Sybase ... which can also compare data and (re)sync the target(s)
from the source (either via SQL reconciliation scripts or directly);
DA is capable of handling comparisons between a handful of
different RDBMS products (eg, ASE-Oracle); I'm currently working on a
project where one of the requirements is to validate (and reconcile
where needed) 200+TB of data being migrated from Oracle to HANA and
I'm using DA for the validation/reconciliation portion of the project
As #TenG has hinted at with his answer, there's a good bit of effort involved to compare data and generate code to reconcile the differences. Rolling your own code is doable but will entail a lot of work. If you've got the money you'll likely find 3rd party tools can get most/all of the work done for you.
If you used a 3rd party product to replicate your data from Sybase to Oracle, you may want to see if the same vendor has a comparison/validation/reconciliation tool you could use.
I've worked on a few migration projects and a key part has always been data reconciliation.
I can only talk about the approaches we took, based on constraints around tools available and minimising downtime, and constraints of available space.
In all cases I took to writing scripts that worked on two levels - summary view and "deep dive". We couldn't find any tools readily available that did what we wanted in a timely enough manner. In fact even the migration tools we found had limitations (datapump, sqlloader, golden gate, etc) and hand coded scripts to handle the bits that we found to be lacking or too slow in the standard tools.
The summary view varied from project to project. It was part functional based (do the accounting figures for transactions match) for the users to verify, and part technical. For smaller tables we could just write simple reports and the diff was straight forward.
For larger tables we wrote technical reports that looked at bands of data (e.g group the PK into 1000s) collect all the column data and produce checksum, generating a report for each table like:
PK ID Range Start Checksum
----------------- -----------
100000 22773377829
200000 38938938282
Corresponding table pairs from each database were then were "diff"d against each other to highlight discrepancies. Any differences that were found could then be looked at in more detail.
The scripts were written in such a way to allow them to run in parallel looking at discrete bands. Te band ranges were tunable as well to get the best throughput. This obviously sped things up.
The scripts were shell scripts firing off sqlplus reports, and similar for the source database.
On one project there wasn't enough diskspace to do these reports, so I wrote a Java program that queried the two databases side by side, using block queues to fetch and compare rowsets. Being in memory meant this was super fast.
For the "deep dive" we looked at the details for key tables, or for tables that reports a checksum difference.
For the user reports, the users would specify what they wanted to see, and we wrote the reports accordingly.
On the last project, the only discrepancies found were caused by character set conversion issues (people names with accents weren't handled correctly).
On projects where the overall dataset was smaller we extracted the data to XML files and wrote a Java tool to processes pairs and report differences.
The SAP/Sybase rs_subcmp tool is pretty powerful and also pretty hard to use. For details see:
You have to pass it key field information, but once you do that, it can retry/restart the compare streams after transient differences. Pretty fancy.
rs_subcmp expects to work on Sybase data source. So to compare against Oracle, you'd probably have to setup one of those Sybase-to-Oracle gateway products ($$$$$).
Could you install the Oracle ODBC drivers and configure them to allow Sybase clients to access Oracle? I'm guessing not (but that's outside the range of my experience).
Note the "-h" option for rs_subcmp. The docs just say it runs a "fast comparison", but what it's actually doing is running queries using the hashbytes() function. Something like:
select keyfield1,keyfield2, hashbytes("Md5",datacol1,datacol2,datacol3)
from mytable
So this sort of query might be good for the "summary view" type comparison discussed above (if the Oracle STANDARD_HASH() function output matches up with the Sybase hashbytes() function (again, outside my experience))
Note, as of ASE 16, there was a bug with the hash() & hashbytes() functions running the Md5 hash option against large varbinary columns where they could use up all procedure cache, potentially crashing the server (CR 811073)

How can I log changing triggers events?

My task is to make a trigger which will fire when our programmers create, alter, replace or delete triggers in database. It must log their changes to 2 datatables which I made similar to SYS.trigger$ table and added some extra info about user who made changes to them. I copied the principles of logging from already existing audit capability in ERP-system named Galaktika or Galaxy to be simple. However, I encountered a well-famous problem ORA-04089: no one can create triggers on system tables and stuck with it.
Now I'm looking for a way to gently modify my trigger according to database rules. Here is the original code:
ELSE :old.OBJ#
INTO Log_Rec;
VALUES (Log_Rec,
-- Consider logging the error and then re-raise
END MRK_AlTrigger$;
I can also provide MRK_TRIGGERS_LOG_HEADER and MRK_TRIGGERS_LOG_SPECIF DDL, but think it is not necessary. So to make summary, here are the questions I have:
How do I modify the above source to the syntax CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER ON DATABASE?
Am I inventing a wheel doing this? Is there any common way to do such things? (I noticed that some tables have logging option, but consider it is for debugging purposes)
Any help will be appreciated!
UPD: I came to decision (thanks to APC) that it is better to hold different versions of code in source control and record only revision number in DB, but dream about doing this automatically.
"We despaired to appeal to our programmers' neatness so my boss
requires that there must be strong and automatic way to log changes.
And to revert them quickly if we need."
In other words, you want a technical fix for what is a political problem. This does not work. However, if you have your boss's support you can sort it out. But it will get messy.
I have been on both sides of this fence, having worked as developer and development DBA. I know from bitter experience how bad it can be if the development database - schemas, configuration parameters, reference data, etc - are not kept under control. Your developers will feel like they are flying right now, but I guarantee you they are not tracking all the changes they make in script form . So their changes are not reversible or repeatable, and when the project reaches UAT the deployment will most likely be a fiasco (buy me a beer and I'll tell you some stories).
So what to do?
Privileged access
Revoke access to SYSDBA accounts and application schema accounts from developers. Apart from anything else you may find parts of the application start to rely on privileged accesses and/or hard-coded passwords, and those are Bad Things; you don't want to include those breaches in Production.
As your developers have got accustomed to having such access this will be highly unpopular. Which is why you need your boss's support. You also must have a replacement approach in place, so leave this action until last. But make no mistake, this is the endgame.
Source control
Database schemas are software too. They are built out of programs, just like the rest of the application, only the source code is DDL and DML scripts not C# or Java. These scripts can be controlled in SVN as with any other source code.
How to organise it in source control? That can be tricky. So recognise that you have three categories of scripts:
Schema scripts which deploy objects
Configuration scripts which insert reference data, manage system parameters, etc
Build scripts which call the other scripts in the right order
Managing the schema scripts is the hardest thing to get right. I suggest you use separate scripts for each object. Also, have separate scripts for table, indexes and constraints. This means you can build all the tables without needing to arrange them in dependency order.
Handling change
The temptation will be to just control a CREATE TABLE statement (or whatever). This is a mistake. In actuality changes to the schema are just as likely to add, drop or modify columns as to introduce totally new objects. Store a CREATE TABLE statement as a baseline, then manage subsequent changes as ALTER TABLE statements.
One file for CREATE TABLE and subsequent ALTER TABLE commands, or separate ones? I'm comfortable having one script: I don't mind if a CREATE TABLE statement fails when I'm expecting the table to already be there. But this can be confusing if others will be running the scripts in say Production. So have a baseline script then separate scripts for applying changes. One alter script per object per time-box is a good compromise.
Changes from developers consist of
alter table script(s) to apply the change
a mirrored alter table script(s) to reverse the change
other scripts, e.g. DML
change reference number (which they will use in SVN)
Because you're introducing this late in the day, you'll need to be diplomatic. So make the change process light and easy to use. Also make sure you check and run the scripts as soon as possible. If you're responsive and do things quickly enough the developers won't chafe under the restricted access.
Getting to there
First of all you need to establish a baseline. Something like DBMS_METADATA will give you CREATE statements for all current objects. You need to organise them in SVN and write the build scripts. Create a toy database and get this right.
This may take some time, so remember to refresh the DDL scripts so they reflect the latest statement. If you have access to a schema comparison tool that would be very handy right now.
Next, sort out the configuration. Hopefully you already know tables contain reference data, otherwise ask the developers.
In your toy database practice zapping the database and building it from scratch. You can use something like Ant or Hudson to automate this if you're feeling adventurous, but at the very least you need some shell scripts to get a build out of SVN.
Making the transition
This is the big one. Announce the new regime to the developers. Get your boss to attend the meeting. Remind the developers to inform you of any changes they make to the database.
That night:
Take a full export with Data Pump
Drop all the application schemas.
Build the application from SVN
Reload the data - but not the data structures - with Data Pump
Hopefully you won't have any structural issues; but if the developer has made changes without telling you you'll know - and they won't have any data in the table.
Make sure you revoke the SYSDBA access as soon as possible.
The developers will need access to a set of schemas so they can write the ALTER scripts. In the developers don't have local personal databases or private schemas to test things I suggest you let them have access to that toy database to test change scripts. Alternatively you can let them keep the application owner access, because you'll be repeating the Trash'n'Rebuild exercise on a regular basis. Once they get used to the idea that they will lose any changes they don't tell you about they will knuckle down and start Doing The Right Thing.
Last word
Obviously this is a lot of vague windbaggery, lacking in solid detail. But that's politics for you.
I was at a UKOUG event yesterday, and attended a session by a couple of smart chaps from Regdate. They have a product Source Control for Oracle which provides an interface between (say) SVN and the database. It takes a rather different approach from what I outlined above. But their approach is a sound one. Their tool automates a lot of things, and I think it might help you a lot in your current situation. I must stress that I haven't actually used this product but I think you should check it out - there's a 28 day free trial. Of course, if you don't have any money to spend then this won't help you.
you can find the desierd infos in the following trigger attributes
here is the simple ON DATABASE trigger
IF dictionary_obj_type = 'TRIGGER'
INSERT INTO log_table ( trg_name, trg_owner, trg_action) VALUES (dictionary_obj_name,dictionary_obj_owner, ora_sysevent);

Can a database be refactored in SQL Server?

We have a relatively new database project that we have been writing views and stored procedures for over the last 6 months or so.
The database works
The views work
The stored procedures work
However, the general scope of the project has grown considerably since this project was started, and now some of the table names and field names are a little off base.
For example, the main table in the database is called SheetMetalRequest, but the project has grown to where an actual Sheet Metal Request is now but one of the enumerable types of requests. So, the name on this table is misleading to people coming into the project.
In addition to this main table, there are various columns in other tables that need to be changed as well (think SheetMetalRequestID, for example).
The problem with making this change are the 10 different Views and 30 Stored Procedures that are now a part of this database. Naturally, if something gets changed and not everything is changed with it, our working pre production database could take several man hours to get back to a running state.
It would be GREAT if there were a Refactor ability somehow like what exists in Visual Studio.
SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY('edition')
productversion | productlevel | edition
10.0.1600.22 | RTM | Standard Edition (64-bit)
If a tool like SSDT does not work for you for whatever reason, you could do this manually at your own pace. Sometimes a "click one button and go home" approach is actually not what you want.
You could start with introducing synonyms, e.g.
CREATE SYNONYM dbo.Requests FOR dbo.SheetMetalRequest;
Now you can refactor your code in pieces, pointing each reference to the new name. When you are confident that you have captured all references (and this won't be easy even with a tool like SSDT, since it can't see code outside of the database - or even code in dynamic SQL inside the current database), you can drop the synonym and rename the table:
DROP SYNONYM dbo.Requests;
EXEC sp_rename 'dbo.SheetMetalRequest', 'Requests', 'OBJECT';
(You'll also want to update all of your modules with sp_refreshsqlmodule in a loop, twice, to make sure you've completely corrected dependencies.)
This would allow you to update different portions of your code (not just views / stored procedures but also middle-tier classes and even front end stuff) to reference the right names, and not have to do it all at once.
Red Gate's SQL Prompt has a 'smart rename' feature, which sounds like is what you are looking for. This will not only rename the object, but also any references to it in other objects. This is a commercial tool from the company I work for, but has a 14-day fully functional evaluation period.
See http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/features

Logical grouping schemas in ORACLE?

We are planning a new system for a client in ORACLE 11g. I've been mostly in the Sql Server world for several years, and am not really current on the latest ORACLE updates.
One particular feature I'm wondering if ORACLE has added in by this point is some sort of logical "container" for database objects, akin to Sql Server's SCHEMA.
Trying to use ORACLE's schemas like Sql Server winds up being a disaster for code comparisons when trying to push from dev > test > live.
Packages are sort of similar, except that you can't put tables into a package (so they really only work for logical code grouping).
The only other option I am aware of is the archaic practice of having to prefix object names with a "schema" prefix, i.e. RPT_REPORTS, RPT_PARAMETERS, RPT_LOGS, RPT_USERS, RPT_RUN_REPORT(), with the prefix RPT_ denoting that these are all the objects dealing with our reporting engine say. Writing a system like this feels like we never left the 8.3 file-naming age.
Is there by this point in time any cleaner, more direct way of logically grouping related objects together in ORACLE?
Oracle's logical container for database objects IS the schema. I don't know how much "cleaner" and "more direct" you can get! You are going to have to do a paradigm shift here. Don't try to think in SQL Server terms, and force a solution that looks like SQL Server on Oracle. Get familiar with what Oracle does and approach your problems from that perspective. There should be no problem pushing from dev to test to production in Oracle if you know what you're doing.
It seems you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder about Oracle when you use terms like "archaic practice". I would suggest you make friends with Oracle's very rich and powerful feature set by doing some reading, since you're apparently already committed to Oracle for this project. In particular, pick up a copy of "Effective Oracle By Design" by Tom Kyte. Once you've read that, have a look at "Expert Oracle Database Architecture" by the same author for a more in-depth look at how Oracle works. You owe it to your customer to know how to use the tool you've been handed. Who knows? You might even start to like it. Think of it as another tool in your toolchest. You're not married to SQL Server and you're not being unfaithful by using Oracle ;-)
In response to questions by OP:
I'm not sure why that is a logistical problem. They can be thought of as separate databases, but physically they are not. And no, you do not need a separate data file for each schema. A single datafile is often used for all schemas.
If you want a "nice, self-contained database" ala SQL Server, just create one schema to store all your objects. End of problem. You can create other users/schemas, just don't give them the ability to create objects.
There are tools to compare objects and data, as in the PL/SQL Developer compare. Typically in Oracle you want to compare schemas, not entire databases. I'm not sure why it is you want to have multiple schemas each with their own objects anyway. What does is buy you to do that? Keep your objects (tables, triggers, code, views, etc.) in one schema.

Is there a way to mandate table/column comments in Oracle 11g

Is there a way to mandate table/column comments in Oracle 11g.
Some Database parameters or something of that sort.
Probably not, no.
Presumably, when you're creating objects, you do so by giving the DBA a script to run in each environment. Just as the DBA would do things like examine the naming conventions of the tables and columns that you create, the DBA should be enforcing whatever other standards you have such as requiring comments on objects.
You could run a report of objects and/or columns that don't have comments and instruct the developers to correct the problems.
If you really want a technical solution, you may be able to hack something together. For example, you could create a DDL trigger that fired when a new object was created. The trigger could use the DBMS_JOB package to create a job that will run a few minutes later and check whether comments have been added. Assuming that comments were missing, you could take whatever action you deem appropriate-- that could include dropping the object if you really wanted to. I would strongly suggest a process solution instead but you could build a technical solution.
