Akamai cache clear/refresh and its APIs - caching

We're using Akamai system as CDN and using Cache Clear/purging function of it to clear the cached assets. Whenever we deploy static/any content on Apache we do manual cache clear from Akamai portal. This manual activity is missed sometimes. We're looking for some options wherein once deployment is done it triggers the Akamai cache clear.
Is there any API available in Akamai which we can utilize for this purpose?

Akamai does provide an API for clearing the cache. It's called the Content Control Utility v3. There are several other versions of the Purge API set, but the CCU v3 is the recommended API against which you should work.
If you require any assistance in implementing that particular API, Akamai also maintains a Customer Community where you can work directly with Akamai employees.


I want to clear DNS cache

I have a problem with clearing DNS Cache.
When we publish any post on our website it was getting published in the Dailyhunt news portal.
But for the past few days, our posts are not getting posted in Dailyhunt. When we ask their technical team they told us to clear the DNS cache on regular basis. Because of cache, our posts are not getting published in Daily Hunt.
So how to clear the DNS cache on regular basis?
The response you received seems a little bit superficial. I can't find an immediate correlation between the DNS cache and your posts not being published on a portal. Especially if you are publishing content, and not provisioning new hosts.
If you need to clear the DNS cache locally you can follow these instructions on how to flush the DNS cache on various operating systems. However, while these commands will produce the expected outcome on your system, I do not expect them to solve your problem.
From what I read, I think the cache they referred to was not the DNS cache, but the site cache. It is possible your site has a caching mechanism that doesn't immediately publish new content. If you use a CMS or publishing platform, such as Wordpress, check your settings and plugins. It is very plausible that you have a setting that caches your published pages for a period of time to increase performance.

My Heroku app is being used by another site

My Heroku-app is being used by other people, on other websites then mine.
Is there a way that only my site can use the app?
I have a small site so i use a free account, this way my free "dynos" are gone very quick.
You have some options...
If your app or api is being used by javascript web apps in the browser then setting a CORS heading specifying your top level domain should do the trick.
If your app or api is being consumed by other servers or non-browser based processes then specifying an authentication process such as http basic (user/password) should restrict access to the set of clients that you control. If your service is successful then congratulations! Maybe you should scale up and start charging?
It seems like your goal is to stay in the free tier at Heroku.
Heroku starts your dynos triggered by the request coming in on their router mesh. This means every authentication or blocking technique inside your application will still lead to the dynos being started (that includes CORS).
Heroku itself doesn't give you configuration for their routing in the free/low-price tiers. If you pay for it, there is private spaces.
One possible solution is to have another layer over your app that does the authentication.
For example this could be:
Amazon CloudFront (not sure, with the Web Application Firewall)
other CDN
These will likely have a free tier that's enough for you, but also be rather complex to setup for a beginner.
I hope I could help you a little

AppFabric 1.1 Session State Caching and Distributed Caching Configuration

I have 0 experience of AppFabric but was given a task while some people were on vacation.
First question is, don't you need to configure Session State Caching and Distributed Cache on the server hosting AppFabric before you can code against it and use it?
If so where do I find information on how to do it cause I can't find any?
If not, where do I find information on what I need to include for each cache (this is for Sharepoint 2013 apps)?
Anyone who has expiernce that can help me?
Session State Caching doesn't require any server-side setup, it's purely client side, using the AppFabricCacheSessionStoreProvider class. For Sharepoint and AppFabric, there's a overview and configuration guide on MSDN, and a page on how to manage the Sharepoint Distributed Cache service on technet with an associated download on configuration and installation

Google Cloud Storage to serve website images

We will launching a Google Campaign for our Website and expecting high number of users visiting our website.
Hence, I did some pre-calculations and figured out that serving images from Cloud servers would be best approach, which are currently being served from dedicated server.
I haven't got any clue on how Google Cloud Storage works or any other service. So can someone please guide me to relevant steps that I should be taking for hosting all our images to Google Cloud Storage and how can I serve them from Europe, and mapping of subdomain.
Currently I am following this Guide
Before going for Cloud I compared the purpose of CDN vs Cloud and this what I figured out.
CDN: Used for serving contents from multiple regions: Speed is the purpose
Cloud: Used for serving contents for high bandwidth usage: High Availability is the purpose
And my Main purpose is High Availability, I hope I have gained correct information from dear friend Google.
Are you looking for this: https://developers.google.com/storage/docs/bucketnaming
You need verifying your domain name so it can use a CNAME in Google Cloud Storage
After second thought, are you sure you need Google Cloud Storage?
It sounds like you just need a CDN or Amazon S3 stuff.
If memory serves, you need to do the following to use Google Cloud Storage with a custom domain:
verify your own domain names, such as example.com
upload images to Google Cloud Storage, you can use tools such as gsutil etc
serve these images with your own subdomain names such as images.example.com etc
You can serve images from google cloud storage. The nice benefit is: Google will do the serving for you and when you use the images api to create serving_url's you can crop and size the images while serving.
Look at this gist for details.
If you like to use you own domain as part of the image url, you cannot use https!
Serving Static Files
Applications often need to serve static files such as JavaScript, images, and CSS in addition to handling dynamic requests. Apps in the flexible environment can serve static files from a Google Cloud option like Cloud Storage.

Azure Caching Platform Options - What Are The Alternatives?

I'm currently building a site that will be hosted in Microsoft Azure. The last site I created in this hosting environment used "Windows Azure Shared Caching". Some of you may already be aware that "Windows Azure Shared Caching" service will soon be deprecated over the next year.
I have applied for the preview release of "Windows Azure Cache". However, I'm finding that my request is still "queued".
I wouldn't mind using "Windows Azure Shared Caching" since the site I'm building will only be live for around 10 weeks and the fact it being deprecated next year doesn't worry me. However, I am unable to create a new caching service through the old Azure Management Portal since new caching has to be done using "Windows Azure Cache".
So my question...
Since my application for the new caching platform is still yet to be approved and I am unable to create a new caching service under the old platform, what other options are there? Have I missed something?
Microsoft is surely making things difficult.
The other option you have is using In-Role Cache for Web/Worker roles (Azure Cloud Services). Any role within the same cloud deployment can access the cache. If you have just 1 web role - this acts very similar to ASP.NET State Server which provides an in-memory cache. However, as you add more web roles - you can choose to distribute this in-memory cache across all roles or use a dedicate worker role for managing the cache.
Dedicated In-Role Cache: worker role uses all available memory
Co-Located In-Role Cache: percentage of available memory is used across all roles
See In-Role Cache FAQ on MSDN for more details.
Your request should have been approved (irrespective of whether yours is a paid/trial/free subscription). If it still hasn't, put the query up here. This is the forum for Cache.
This is a proper release of the Cache Service! The core is very mature and Microsoft is giving great support on top of it. Go ahead and use it!
This flavor of Cache is THE right one for Azure Websites.
Leave a post at the forum for any concerns/issues you have. It is being constantly monitored and replied to.
I guess I am the first to suggest Azure Redis Caching?
