Connect Apache Zeppelin to Hive - hadoop

I try to connect my apache zeppelin with my hive metastore. I use zeppelin 0.7.3 so there is not a hive interpreter only jdbc. I have copied my hive-site.xml to zeppelin conf folder but I don't know how to create a new hive interpreter.
I also tried to access hive tables through spark's hive context but when I try this way, I can not see my hive databases only a default database is shown.
Can someone explain either how to create a hive interpreter or how to access my hive metastore through spark correctly?
Any answer is appreciated.

I solved it by following this documentation. After adding this parameters in jdbc connector you should be able to run hive interpreter with
In my case it was a little trickier because I used Cloudera Hadoop so the standard jdbc hive connector was not working. So I changed the external hive-jdbc.jar with the one suitable for my cdh version (for cdh 5.9.- for example it located here).
I also find out that you can change hive.url with the one for impala port and connect with jdbc to impala if you prefer.


Migrating from one cluster to another

I have a source emr cluster with hive metastore as a external mysql ( emr version 3.1 ).
We are planning to upgrade a cluster to 5.11.1.
Does anyone know how to migrate hive and hdfs from one cluster to another with a remote mysql metastore?
None of your data should be on HDFS persistently. Copy any important files to S3.
HIve provides metastore upgrade scripts for all versions.
Use schematool command available under /usr/lib/hive/bin to perform an upgrade migration.

Unable to create sql context with hive support in spark

In spark 1.6
After creating a soft link under /etc/spark/conf when I am running spark-shell it is not creating sql context with hive support and
error---“native snappy library not available: This version of hadoop was built without snappysupport” is displayed.
Please advice what can be done here?
I am trying to create sql context with hive support but unable to do so.
You can use sqlContext to access Hive tables.

Does Hive depend on/require Hadoop?

Hive installation guide says that Hive can be applied to RDBMS, my question is, sounds like Hive can exist without Hadoop, right? It's an independent HQL engineer that could work with any data source?
You can run Hive in local mode to use it without Hadoop for debugging purposes. See below url,Map-ReduceandLocal-Mode
Hive provided JDBC driver to query hive like JDBC, however if you are planning to run Hive queries on production system, you need Hadoop infrastructure to be available. Hive queries eventually converts into map-reduce jobs and HDFS is used as data storage for Hive tables.

Connect tableau with Elastic search via Spark SQL

I found a post that discusses about connecting Tableau to Elastic Search via Hive SQL. I was wondering if there is a way to connect to Elastic Search via Spark SQL as I am not much familiar with hive.
The right driver is here please try with this one. Could be solve your issue.
#NicholasY It got it resolved after a couple of trials. Two steps that I took:-
I wasn't using the right driver for connection. I was using datastax enterprise driver. However, they have a driver for spark sql as well. I used windows 64bit version of driver. Using MapR Hadoop Hive and Hortonworks Hadoop Hive drivers didn't work as I've Apache hive.
When I used right driver (from DataStax) I realized that my hive metastore and spark-thrift-server running on same port. I changed spark-thrift-server's port to 10001 and a successful connection was established.
A new problem: I've created external table in hive. I am able to query the data as well. I start hive-metastore as a service. However, as mentioned on this link I am not able to see my tables in hive in Spark SQL. My connection of Tableau with Spark Sql is of no use unless I see tables from hive metastore!! When I do show tables; in spark sql (via spark-sql shell and hive metastore running as a service as same time), it runs a job which gives a completion time also but now table names. I monitored it via localhost:4040 I see that input and output size are 0.0. I believe I am not able to get tables from hive in spark sql that is why I don't see any table after connection is established from Tableau to spark sql.
I changed metastore from derby to mysql for both hive and spark sql.
I'm trying to do that, so maybe i can help you to warn up something.
First, compile a Spark SQL version with Hive and thrift Server (ver 0.13):
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2g -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m"
mvn -Pyarn -Phadoop-2.4 -Dhadoop.version=2.4.0 -Phive -Phive-thriftserver -DskipTests clean package
You need to have a hive-site.xml properly configurered to work with Hive and to copy it to spark/conf folder.
Then, you have to set the $CLASSPATH with the elasticsearch-hadoop jar path.
Be careful ! Spark SQL 1.2.0 is not working with elasticsearch-hadoop-2.0.x. You have to use a elasticsearch-hadoop-2.1.0-Beta4 or BUILD-SNAPSHOT available here.
To finish you have to run thriftserver with something like that:
./ --master spark://master:7077 --driver-class-path $CLASSPATH --jars /root/spark-sql/spark-1.2.0/lib/elasticsearch-hadoop-2.1.0.Beta4.jar --hiveconf --hiveconf hive.server2.thrift.port 10000
It works for me but only on small docType ( 5000 rows ) , the data-colocation seems not working. I looking for a solution to move elasticsearch-hadoop.jar on each Spark workers as ryrobes did for Hadoop.
If you find a way to locate access to elasticsearch, let me know ;)

Hive Server doesn't see old hdfs tables

I'm having a problem about hive server that I don't understand. I've just set up a hadoop cluster and want to access to it from a hive service. First try I did was running the hive server in one of the cluster machines.
Everything worked nicely but I wanted to move the hive service to another machine outside the hadoop cluster.
So I just started a new machine outside this hadoop cluster. I've just install hive (+ hadoop libraries) and copied the hadoop config from the cluster. When I run the hiveserver almost everything goes ok. I can connect with the hive cli from a different machine to my hiveserver, create new tables in the hive warehouse within the hdfs filesystem in the hadoop cluster, query then and so on.
The thing I don't understand is that hiveserver seems to not recognize old tables which were created in my first try.
Some notes about my config are that all tables are handled by Hive and stored in HDFS. Hive configuration is the default one. I suppose that it has to do with my hive metastore but it couldn't say what.
Thank you!!
