optimization options and usage of windows dll calls - windows

I am building a dll for windows, using a Makefile, using cl.exe. I am using VS2015.. this dll uses CNG (bcrypt) for encryption operations, and bcryptr is loaded dynamically using loadlibrary call.
When i build with /Od option to disable optimization, i have no issues with any functionality. but if i use any optimization option /O1, /O2, /Ox, i see the strangest thing happen.. once i retrieve the address for a bcrypt function, such as BCryptGetFipsAlgorithmMode, using GetProcAddress, and then i make the call to that function ptr, the call stack goes away. This results in exception when the calling function tries to return.. it looks almost like when one calls a callback doesn't have the CALLBACK prefix, but i dont see the connection..
That bcrypt function's prototype looks like this:
NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptGetFipsAlgorithmMode( __out BOOLEAN *pfEnabled)
and WINAPI seems to be defined:
define WINAPI __stdcall
Is there something I am missing? what does optimization have to do with this?
Any help would be appreciated.. Thank You!
Heres the code:
NTSTATUS GetFipsAlgorithmMode(BOOLEAN *pfEnabled )
FARPROC pBCryptGetFipsAlgorithmMode = NULL;
NTSTATUS (*_BCryptGetFipsAlgorithmMode)( __out BOOLEAN *);
pBCryptGetFipsAlgorithmMode = GetProcAddress(g_hBCRYPTDLL, _T("BCryptGetFipsAlgorithmMode"));
if(pBCryptGetFipsAlgorithmMode != NULL)
_BCryptGetFipsAlgorithmMode = (NTSTATUS (*)( __out BOOLEAN *)) pBCryptGetFipsAlgorithmMode;
status = _BCryptGetFipsAlgorithmMode(pfEnabled);
return status;
step over the call to _BCryptGetFipsAlgorithmMode(), and the call stack basically gets cleared.


Associate clsid with Runtime Class for winrt::create_instance Function to Late Bind Runtime Class in External DLL

How can a Guid be associated with a Runtime Class to be used in the function call winrt::create_instance, so a winrt Runtime Class can be late bound? I don't see how in MIDL 3.0--though Interfaces work with uuid and version. Is this the answer to late binding in WinRT?
I still don't know how to use winrt::create_instance, but I took a really deep look into base.h. I found plenty of guts to late bind to a WinRT component dll using def calls and interop. This is my solution to the problem. It works. Choosing the right way to hold IUnknown was important, and there was some specifics I'm still working out; like why I have to wrap the IUnknown in a winrt::impl::abi_t<> (WinRT/COM conversion?). Using the following code you simply load the dll by file name (with qualified path if not in in the executable directory), and call the class according to it's runtime namespace.classname. It is absolutely not necessary to add the activatableclass to the Packackage.appxmanifest or to reference the winmd. A search shows a lot of people looking for this, but there is a general reluctance to point this out. It's just like COM really, with its own quirks.
UINT32 ret = 0;
void* dllHandle = WINRT_IMPL_LoadLibraryW(L"Project.dll");
if (!dllHandle) { throw; };
void* pProc = WINRT_IMPL_GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "DllGetActivationFactory");
auto DllGetActivationFactory = reinterpret_cast<int32_t(__stdcall*)(void* classId, void** factory)>(pProc);
static const WCHAR* cname = L"namespace.classname";
const UINT32 cnamelen = wcslen(cname);
HSTRING hcname = NULL;
HRESULT hr = WindowsCreateStringReference(cname, cnamelen, &header, &hcname);
com_ptr< winrt::impl::abi_t<winrt::Windows::Foundation::IActivationFactory> > oCOMActivationFactory{ nullptr };
ret = (*DllGetActivationFactory)(&header, oCOMActivationFactory.put_void());
com_ptr< winrt::impl::abi_t<winrt::Windows::Foundation::IUnknown> > iObj{ nullptr };
ret = oCOMActivationFactory.get()->ActivateInstance(iObj.put_void());
winrt::com_ptr<ProxyServer::ImplementationInterface> iImplementationInterface{ nullptr };
winrt::copy_from_abi(iImplementationInterface, iObj.as<ProxyServer::ImplementationInterface>());

How to get args from WinMain or wWinMain in Rust?

I am trying to learn how to work with raw Win32 API's and am following the tutorial here, but cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to pass int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PWSTR pCmdLine, int nCmdShow) function signature to work. I do understand the int WINAPI isn't needed...but how do I get all of those parameters to pass to WinAPI calls? Especially hInstance and nCmdShow?
My Goal
Get hInstance and nShowCmd from
int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PWSTR pCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {}
into a Rust program, perhaps something like:
fn main(/* args, such as hInstance, nShowCmd here /*) {
or, the more likely way:
fn main() {
std::env::/* hopefully something like args() /*;
What I've tried
I've tried getting the args, but this just passes the command-line arguments that I used to spawn the program, just as args[0] being the name of the program, which is the expected behavior. Also, calling args_os() gives the same result.
I've also tried to set the windows subsystem, but the previous behavior is the same, not the desired behavior...
#![windows_subsystem = "windows"]
I am able to get the hInstance handle by manually calling GetModuleHandle() and passing in a null pointer, but have no idea how to get the nShowCmd manually.
Important Note
I am using the windows crate, which is what I would like to use.
Any help to this eluding mystery would be much appreciated!
P.S. My window does open, and everything works fine, as expected, including working with FFI, and all the crazies involved there, lol. But I just would like to understand how this is done. One can get by without the nShowCmd, but I would really like to be able to understand how this is done in rust. I also cannot overwrite the fn main() function signature, so not sure how to go about it.
WinMain is the user-provided entry point of a Windows application. The raw application entry point as seen by the OS is far simpler:
DWORD CALLBACK RawEntryPoint(void);
It is now up to language support libraries to recover the startup information and call into the user-provided entry point (see WinMain is just the conventional name for the Win32 process entry point for details):
GetModuleHandle(NULL) for hInstance
hPrevInstance is always NULL in 32-bit and 64-bit Windows
GetCommandLine for the unparsed command line passed to the program
GetStartupInfo for lots of state information, including the wShowWindow that corresponds to nCmdShow
If you have Visual Studio installed you can have a look inside exe_common.inl to see how the C and C++ support libraries go about this.
With Rust things are unfortunately more complex. Even though the compiler and linker repurpose MSVC's CRT implementation responsible for extracting the information that would be passed into WinMain, I'm not aware of a way to get a hold of this from Rust.
You're going to have to recover that information manually. Getting to the nCmdShow parameter is a bit more involved, so let's illustrate that here:
// build.rs
// Using windows-rs 0.17.2; version 0.10.0 and later should be just fine
fn main() {
// src/main.rs
mod bindings {
use bindings::Windows::Win32::System::Threading::{GetStartupInfoW, STARTUPINFOW};
fn main() {
let mut si = STARTUPINFOW {
cb: std::mem::size_of::<STARTUPINFOW>() as u32,
unsafe { GetStartupInfoW(&mut si) };
let cmd_show = si.wShowWindow as i32;
println!("nCmdShow: {:?}", cmd_show);
With that you now have access to a value that corresponds to the nCmdShow parameter passed into WinMain when compiling for C or C++ (roughly, anyway). Ideally you would need to see whether dwFlags contains the STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW bit, and fabricate a reasonable default when it doesn't.
That said, I'm not even sure what purpose the nCmdShow argument passed into WinMain serves. As explained under ShowWindow, using that value doesn't have any effect when it is populated from caller-provided information.
Update 2021-10-28
Starting with version 0.22.1 the windows crate comes with pre-built bindings, making it a lot easier to consume the Windows API. The following implements the same program using the pre-built bindings in place of compile-time code generation.
name = "startup_info"
version = "0.0.0"
edition = "2021"
version = "0.22.1"
features = ["Win32_Foundation", "Win32_System_Threading"]
use windows::Win32::System::Threading::{GetStartupInfoW, STARTUPINFOW};
fn main() {
let mut si = STARTUPINFOW {
cb: std::mem::size_of::<STARTUPINFOW>() as u32,
unsafe { GetStartupInfoW(&mut si) };
let cmd_show = si.wShowWindow as i32;
println!("nCmdShow: {:?}", cmd_show);
There is this function in Kernel32: GetStartupInfo() that in windows-rs seems to be mapped to bindings::Windows::Win32::System::Threading::GetStartupInfoW.
This function fills a STARTUPINFOW structure that has, between a lot of useful fields, WORD wShowWindow that has the same value as the last argument in WinMain().
The funny thing about WinMain is that there is nothing magic in it, it is just the function that the real entry point function, WinMainCRTStartup calls from the CRT initialization code. You can get an idea of how it does its thing by looking at the equivalent Wine source code. There you can see that your idea of calling GetModuleHandle(NULL) to get the hInstance is the right one.

LoadString with numeric idetifier

i have problem with this code:
Getdesc(IN WORD wcode,
WCHAR szDescription[256];
int res = LoadStringW(NULL,wcode,szDescription,256);
if(res == 0)
wcscpy(lpBuf, L"Undefined");
return 0;
return 0;
The function is placed in a DLL, and when i access it, it always returns "Undefined",
I think there is problem in my LoadString call, but i can't figure it out.
I'm new to windows programming, any help would be appreciated
The problem is that you are passing NULL as the HINSTANCE parameter. That means that you look for the resource in the executable host and not the DLL. You'll have to pass the module handle of the DLL. You are provided with that instance handle as the first parameter passed to your DllMain function.
If you are compiling with MSVC then you could use __ImageBase to obtain the module handle. Personally I would suggest that making a note of the value passed to DllMain is a cleaner approach. It avoids taking a dependency on one specific compiler.
Note also that you can call GetLastError in case LoadString fails to obtain more information about the reason for the error. It's quite possible that would have helped you identify the fault.

SysInternal's WinObj device listing mechanism

SysInternals's WinObj can list all device objects.
I wonder how it can list the devices.
Is there any open source we can read?(or a code snippet)
What is the most significant function I should know?
WinObj uses the NT system calls NtOpenDirectoryObject and NtQueryDirectoryObject. There is no driver or kernel code needed. You won't see the imports because these NT functions are loaded via LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress.
You don't have to enumerate the entire object namespace. If you're interested in the device objects call NtOpenDirectoryObject with "\Device", then call NtQueryDirectoryObject on the returned handle.
According to SysInternals' web page:
The native NT API provides routines
that allow user-mode programs to
browse the namespace and query the
status of objects located there, but
the interfaces are undocumented.
I've tried looking at WinObj's import table (dumpbin /imports winobj.exe) but there are no obvious suspects :-(
As per the answer from user1575778 you can use NtOpenDirectoryObject and NtQueryDirectoryObject (which from user mode are identical to ZwOpenDirectoryObject and ZwQueryDirectoryObject respectively) to list the objects inside the object manager namespace.
Have a look at objmgr.hpp of NT Objects aka ntobjx, in particular at the class NtObjMgr::Directory (or DirectoryT). It provides the same functionality nicely wrapped into a C++ class. The whole utility is open source under a liberal license (dual-licensed due to WTL-use: MIT and MS-PL), so bits and pieces can be reused however you please, provided you comply with the license terms.
But here's a simple C++ code example catering just your use case:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <winternl.h>
#define DIRECTORY_QUERY (0x0001)
#define DIRECTORY_TRAVERSE (0x0002)
#define STATUS_SUCCESS ((NTSTATUS)0x00000000L) // ntsubauth
int PrintDevices()
NTSTATUS ntStatus;
HANDLE hDeviceDir = NULL;
RtlInitUnicodeString_(&objname, L"\\Device");
InitializeObjectAttributes(&oa, &objname, 0, NULL, NULL);
ntStatus = NtOpenDirectoryObject(&hDeviceDir, DIRECTORY_QUERY | DIRECTORY_TRAVERSE, &oa);
size_t const bufSize = 0x10000;
BYTE buf[bufSize] = {0};
ULONG start = 0, idx = 0, bytes;
BOOLEAN restart = TRUE;
ntStatus = NtQueryDirectoryObject(hDeviceDir, PBYTE(buf), bufSize, FALSE, restart, &idx, &bytes);
for(ULONG i = 0; i < idx - start; i++)
if(0 == wcsncmp(pdilist[i].TypeName.Buffer, L"Device", pdilist[i].TypeName.Length / sizeof(WCHAR)))
_tprintf(_T("%s\n"), pdilist[i].Name.Buffer);
start = idx;
restart = FALSE;
if((STATUS_SUCCESS == ntStatus) || (STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES == ntStatus))
return 0;
_tprintf(_T("Failed NtOpenDirectoryObject with 0x%08X"), ntStatus);
return 1;
int _tmain(int /*argc*/, _TCHAR** /*argv*/)
HMODULE hNtDll = ::GetModuleHandle(_T("ntdll.dll"));
*(FARPROC*)&NtOpenDirectoryObject = ::GetProcAddress(hNtDll, "NtOpenDirectoryObject");
*(FARPROC*)&NtQueryDirectoryObject = ::GetProcAddress(hNtDll, "NtQueryDirectoryObject");
*(FARPROC*)&RtlInitUnicodeString_ = ::GetProcAddress(hNtDll, "RtlInitUnicodeString");
*(FARPROC*)&NtClose_ = ::GetProcAddress(hNtDll, "NtClose");
if (!NtOpenDirectoryObject || !NtQueryDirectoryObject || !RtlInitUnicodeString_ || !NtClose_)
_tprintf(_T("Failed to retrieve ntdll.dll function pointers\n"));
return 1;
return PrintDevices();
Some remarks: This will not delve into subdirectories, it will not list any types other than Device and it will not resolve symbolic links, if any. For any of those features, please look at the aforementioned utility's source code and adjust as needed. winternl.h should be available in any recent Windows SDK.
The functions RtlInitUnicodeString_ and NtClose_ have a trailing underscore to avoid clashes with these native API functions, which are declared in winternl.h, but use __declspec(dllimport).
Disclosure: I am the author of ntobjx.
You can use NtOpenDirectoryObject and NtQueryDirectoryObject to enumarate the objects list in a given directory.
To get the details of the object namespace, you must use the Windows NT Undocumented API. That is also used by the WinObj as it is described here that how WinOBj getting the all results..and for those who are saying that we need a driver to do this please, read these lines on given page.
"One obvious way is to use a driver – in kernel mode everything is accessible – so the client app can get the required information by communicating with its own driver. WinObj does not use a driver, however (this is one reason it’s able to execute without admin privileges, although with admin privileges it shows all objects as opposed to partial results)."
You can start with SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoList and use other related functions to enumerate all the devices. This stuff is painful to use.

Is anyone familiar with the undocumented ObReferenceObjectByName windows kernel function?

I read a very fascinating article that was about programming drivers using the wdk, and one of the functions it used is called ObReferenceObjectByName. This function has given me lots of headaches. The first bad thing is that it's not documented by microsoft. The second thing, is that the language used in the article was C++, and I want to keep my code in plain ol' C. I know that most of the time this shouldn't be a problem, but I haven't - for the life of me - been able to figure out how to include this function.
The code in the article goes something like:
extern "C"{
#include <ntifs.h>
ULONG Attributes,
ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
PVOID* Object);
I've been trying to replicate this for hours. I tried declaring it without the 'extern' keyword, I tried changing the calling convention, I tried changing the includes... I always end up with the error "unresolved external symbol...".
I'm absolutely stumped, so if anyone could offer some advice, I'd be grateful. Thanks.
You wouldn't be reading http://www.codeproject.com/KB/recipes/keystroke-hook.aspx and trying to create your own Keyboard Logger would you?
Anyways, instead of using this, call ZwCreateFile then ObReferenceObjectByHandle instead.
Here is a test C code compiled and built with no problems:
#include <ntddk.h>
ULONG Attributes,
ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
PVOID* Object
NTSTATUS DriverEntry(
ObReferenceObjectByName(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
I don't know this API, but I can give you a trick that might help you diagnose the problem.
at a command prompt that has MSVC tools in the path
link /dump /exports ???.dll
where ???.dll is the dll were you expect this function to be. This will give you a complete list of exported symbol names and will tell you two things. 1) is the symbol there? and 2) is it being decorated the same as your attempted prototype.
For 32 bit kernel, you should expect this to be called _ObReferenceObjectByName#64,
