Watir 'Wait' doesn't wait - ruby

gem "watir", "6.9"
Trying to execute this code
2.times { next_button.when_present.click }
or like this
2.times { next_button.wait_until(&:present?).click }
And getting this error
unable to locate element: #<Watir::Button: located: false; {:class=>"course-player__content-next-btn", :tag_name=>"button"}>
But I'm telling Watir to wait for an element before clicking on that!
What's going on? I'm not a fan of sleeps and don't want to resort to using them!
Thank you!
P.S. next_button has been found and identified.
The code works with sleeps and doesn't wait for an element by default.

You can try for example -
if element is visible in gui and exist in html = continue to click
browser.element(class: button_ok).wait_until_present
browser.element(class: button_ok).click
or - if element is exist in html and it is visible in gui = continue to click
browser.element(class: button_ok).present?
browser.element(class: button_ok).click
or - if element is exist in html = continue to click
browser.element(class: button_ok).exists?
browser.element(class: button_ok).click
or - wait until element is not visible(disapear)
browser.element(class: button_ok).wait_while_present
browser.element(class: button_ok).click
Hope it will help you.
of course button_ok is variable
button_ok = "path"

As of 6.15 #wait_while_present and #wait_until_present are deprecated. For versions 6.2 through 6.14 these methods had subtly different behaviour or from .wait_until(&:present?) & .wait_while(&:present?). This is no longer the case and these methods should no longer be used.


Capybara wait until button is enabled?

Surprised I actually haven't come across this, but I have a simple button that is disabled until a dropdown is selected. Sometimes the page isn't fast enough to "enable" the button to be clicked on after the previous dropdown is selected causing it to fail.
I could throw in a "sleep" of a second or two and fix this, but that seems like a lazy/poor way to do this.
Is there a way in capybara (or purely selenium) that I can make it wait until the button is actually enabled? I'd like to throw this is the page model method for this button (as im trying to avoid API specific methods/selenium/etc... in the actual test specs (Although I can if I need to).
FWIW this is specifically for Ruby's capybara framework but pure selenium is fine as well.
Assuming the button you're referring to is actually a button (<button> element, or <input> element with type submit, reset, image, or button) then Capybaras :button selector will (by default) wait for it to be non-disabled.
find(:button, 'button_value').click
If any of the finder or action methods aren't waiting long enough for a specific element you can always increase the maximum wait time for a specific finder/action by passing a :wait option
find(:button, 'Something', wait: 10).click
If you're not using selector types (if not, why not) and instead are just using raw CSS to locate the element then you can use the :enabled pseudo class along with your existing CSS and something like
find('#my_button:enabled', wait: 10).click
If the element you're calling a button isn't actually a button but some other type of element (<a> etc) styled to look like a button, then you'll need to explain exactly how you're disabling the "button".
In Python you can do something like this:
def wait_until_clickable(driver, xpath, timeout = 1):
while timeout > 0:
element = driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath)
return element
timeout = timeout - 0.1
return False

how to reload page until a button appears using capybara and ruby

I want to click a button after an action and button does not appear until and unless I reload the page. And some times it takes some time to appear the button and I have to reload page for more than once. I don't want to put static delays. So is there a way to achieve following using capybara and ruby:
until a button appears
While Mesut's code should work fine, I would re-write it as:
Timeout.timeout(Capybara.default_max_wait_time) do
loop do
break if page.has_selector?(...)
This will make sure to fail if it will have to wait more than timeout defined in Capybara settings. It can be useful when for example specs are running on the CI server.
Be aware that it can still lead to unexpected behaviors in some drivers, because it can interrupt while some scripts are evaluating.
reoload until page.has_selector? returns true, check this:
while true
page.evaluate_script 'window.location.reload()'
if page.has_selector?("css_selector")

Element is not clickable at point (617, 690.5). Other element would receive the click: <th>...</th> (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError)

I get the error above when trying to press the "add" button on the integration test I am trying to implement. I thought that was a delay with the javascript, and I tried the following, but none of them worked:
Then /^I should click "([^"]*)"$/ do |selector|
# if page.should have_selector(selector)
# find(selector).click
# end
# page.execute_script("$(#{selector}).click()")
I tried all of the above, but that didn't solve the problem.
This is hardly a great answer, but I'll give it anyway...
I've only ever seen this problem when testing with Chrome. There are two solutions that worked for me:
Use Firefox instead of Chrome
Instead of find(selector).click, use page.execute_script("$(#{selector}).click()")
But since you've tried the second option and it didn't work, try using Firefox instead. Sorry :(
I found resizing the browser window made a similar problem go away:
Given(/^I open a new browser window$/) do
Capybara.current_session.current_window.resize_to(1000, 1000)
I was getting the same error in Capybara when trying to click_button a 'Save' button at the end of a page. Scrolling and bringing the element to view using JS proved to be an effective workaround.
def scroll_to(element)
script = <<-JS
Capybara.current_session.driver.browser.execute_script(script, element.native)
element # return the element
find(:xpath, '//button[text()=\'Save\']')
For me, it turned out to be a mismatch between the version of installed Chrome and Chromedriver and no code change was necessary after all.
Chrome 61+ includes modifications to scrolling behaviors. A quick examination of Chromedriver page revealed that I had to upgrade my Chromedriver (from 2.29 to 2.32) in order to make the driver compatible with those changes. This was part of the Chromedriver 2.30 (Supports Chrome v59-61) release notes:
Fixes a bug where Chromedriver fails to click due to page scrolling changes in Chrome 61+.
I had a sticky header that was preventing Selenium from sending the click to the right radio button on both Chrome and Firefox (though Poltergeist worked fine). This is a hack to delete all fixed elements (like sticky headers), and it worked for me:
def kill_sticky_headers
# https://alisdair.mcdiarmid.org/kill-sticky-headers/
script = <<-EOS
(function () {
var i, elements = document.querySelectorAll('body *');
for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
if (getComputedStyle(elements[i]).position === 'fixed') {
page.execute_script script
I was facing a similar problem where I have to check two check boxes one after the other. But I was getting the same above error, hence I added a wait in between my steps for checking the checkboxes. It's working fine and great.
Here are the steps:-
When I visit /administrator/user_profiles
And I press xpath link "//*[#id='1']"
Then I should see "Please wait for a moment..."
When I wait for 5 seconds
And I press xpath link "//*[#id='2']"
Then I should see "Please wait for a moment..."
When I visit /administrator/user_profiles_updates

Selenium Webdriver - How do I skip the wait for page load after a click and continue

I have an rspec test using webdriver that clicks on a button... after clicking the button, the page never fully loads (which is expected and correct behaviour). After clicking the button, I want to wait 2 seconds and then navigate to a different URL... despite the fact that the page has not loaded. I don't want to throw an error because the page hasn't loaded, I want to just ignore that, and continue on as if everything is good. The page should never load, that is the expected and correct behaviour.
How can I avoid waiting until the timeout, and secondly, how can I have that not throw an error which casuses the test to fail.
Thank you!
WebDriver has a blocking API and it will always wait for page to be loaded. What you can do instead, is to press the button via JavaScript, i.e. trigger its onclick event. I am not familiar with Ruby, but in Java it would be:
WebDriver driver = ....; // Init WebDriver
WebElement button = ....; // Find your element for clicking
String script = "if (document.createEventObject){"+
"return arguments[0].fireEvent('onclick');"+
"var evt = arguments[0].ownerDocument.createEvent('MouseEvents');"+
"return !element.dispatchEvent(evt);}" ;
((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript(script, button);
After this you can wait for 2 seconds and continue
I had this similar problem, I tried this solution which #Sergii mentioned but was getting below error:
org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptException: javascript error: element is not defined (Session info: chrome=84.0.4147.89)
As a workaround had to initialize element within java script code.
String script = "var element = document.querySelector('button[type=submit]');" +
"if (document.createEventObject){"+
"return element.fireEvent('onclick');"+
"var evt = element.ownerDocument.createEvent('MouseEvents');"+
"return !element.dispatchEvent(evt);}" ;
Thank you #Sergii for your answer, I was not able to add this as a comment due to limited characters, so added it as a separate answer.
why don't you try a simple trick of using "waiting()" after waitForPageToLoad() which makes it to neglect the previous command in Selenium and never fails that step
What if you used RSpec's expect method:
expect {
Thread.new() {
raise RuntimeError
}.to raise_error
Send the 'Enter' key to the link or button in question instead of a click, webdriver won't wait for the page to load and will return instantly (this is in C#, just translate to Ruby):

selenium RC ruby, wait for hidden element to appear?

How can I wait for a hidden element to appear on the page?
I tried seleum.is_element_present but it dosent seem to be working.
What you want is the is_visible method. Below will wait for 30 seconds to become visible
!30.times{ break if (#selenium.is_visible("locator") rescue false); sleep 1 }
wait_for_element(locator, options={})
Wait for an element to be present (the wait in happenning browser side).
Came across the same problem using Watir, present? only works if element is visible. To wait for an invisible element to appear you can do this in Watir
Watir::Wait.until { browser.div(:class => "loaded").exists? }
exists? returns true if element is in the DOM, doesn't care about visibility
