Unable to run shell script from Qt GUI - bash

I am facing some trouble in running a shell script in my Ubuntu 16.04 from a Qt GUI application. onClick() for the push button is given below, which i found from How to start a Shell Script with QProcess?
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
QProcess process;
process.startDetached("/bin/sh", QStringList()<< "/home/rahul/ifak/generateCAM.sh");
But unfortunately, this is not working in my case. When i replaced "gedit" with "/bin/sh", the script is opening up in gedit. Is this an issue with the way i am using "/bin/sh"?
OR am i missing something else?
Please give your valuable suggestions. Thanks in advance.
tmux -2 new-session -d -s $SESSION
tmux set-option -g mouse
tmux new-window -t $SESSION:1 -n 'App'
tmux split-window -h
tmux select-pane -t 0
tmux send-keys "cd $BUILD_DIR/cam/src" C-m
tmux split-window -v
tmux send-keys "cd $BUILD_DIR/httpServer/src" C-m
tmux send-keys "./httpServer $GLOBAL_CONFIG $OPENC2X/httpServer/$LOCAL_CONFIG_RELATIVE $OPENC2X/httpServer/$LOGGING_CONF $OPENC2X/httpServer/$STATISTICS_CONF" C-m
tmux split-window -v
tmux send-keys "cd $BUILD_DIR/ldm/src" C-m
tmux send-keys "rm ../db/ldm-*.db" C-m
tmux split-window -v
tmux kill-pane
tmux select-pane -t 3
tmux send-keys "cd $BUILD_DIR/denm/src" C-m
tmux send-keys "./denm $GLOBAL_CONFIG $OPENC2X/denm/$LOGGING_CONF $OPENC2X/denm/$STATISTICS_CONF" C-m
tmux split-window -v
tmux send-keys "cd $BUILD_DIR/dcc/src" C-m
tmux split-window -v
tmux send-keys "cd $BUILD_DIR/obd2/src" C-m
tmux split-window -v
tmux send-keys "cd $BUILD_DIR/gps/src" C-m
tmux -2 attach-session -t $SESSION


Why I run "ssh username#ip 'bash test.sh'" in my shell but it gets stuck?

here is my test.sh:
tmux kill-session -t django
tmux new-session -s django -d
tmux send-keys -t django "cd ~/DialogueRobot/DiaRobot" C-m
tmux send-keys -t django "conda activate robot" C-m
tmux send-keys -t django "python manage.py runserver" C-m
i have checked my server by running tmux ls and test.sh actually works.
but it just can't exit when i run ssh username#ip 'bash test.sh' in local shell unless i input Ctrl+C.
i can't figure out why this happens.

How do I create a tmux session with multiple windows already opened?

I've tried just about everything I can find online, but nothing is working. I have tried the following methods, and the usual result is a new tmux session with only one window.
Simply in .bashrc.
tmx () {
tmux new-session -A -s SessionName
tmux new-window -n Win1
tmux new-window -n Win2
tmux new-window -n Win3
tmux new-window -n Win4
tmux attach-session -d -t SessionName # with and without this line
tmux select-window -t Win1 # with and without this line
And again only in .bashrc.
tmx () {
tmux new-session -A -s SessionName ||
tmux \
neww -s Win1 \; \
neww -s Win2 \; \
neww -s Win3 \; \
neww -s Win4 \; \
selectw -t Win1
This following attempt would be my preferred method, as it makes the most sense to me.
Calling tmux without the first line makes all the other lines cause a "Session not found" error to occur. This makes no sense, since aren't we supposed to call tmux in order to reach this stuff anyway? My original plan was to make a session and have this file automatically set up my tmux.
new-session -A -s SessionName
new-window -t Win1
new-window -t Win2
new-window -t Win3
new-window -t Win4
attach-session -d -t SessionName # with and without this line
select-window -t Win1 # with and without this line
This method, whether using an alias or making a function, usually results in "failed to connect to server". But when fiddling with it enough for that not to happen, it produces the same result as the rest.
alias tmx='tmux source-file "~/.tmux/mysession"'
new-session -A -s SessionName
new-window -t Win1
new-window -t Win2
new-window -t Win3
new-window -t Win4
attach-session -d -t SessionName # with and without this line
select-window -t Win1 # with and without this line
What am I doing wrong?
You need to create the session in detached mode (-d); otherwise, your script blocks until you detach from the new session. Likewise, your script will block after tmux attach-session until you detach, so you need to select the correct window first. Note that you can -d with new-window to avoid making each new window the current window, eliminating the need to call select-window at all.
Yes, -d gets used a lot.
tmx () {
# Use -d to allow the rest of the function to run
tmux new-session -d -s SessionName
tmux new-window -n Win1
# -d to prevent current window from changing
tmux new-window -d -n Win2
tmux new-window -d -n Win3
tmux new-window -d -n Win4
# -d to detach any other client (which there shouldn't be,
# since you just created the session).
tmux attach-session -d -t SessionName

Wait in bash script for env to load in tmux session

I have the following script:
# Startup tmux session, activate env inside session, wait, execute invoke command
DIR=$(echo $DIR_HOME)
tmux new -s $CLOUD -d
printf "Starting: $CLOUD \n"
tmux send-keys "cd $DIR_HOME" C-m
tmux send-keys 'pipenv shell' C-m
printf 'Env Started! \n'
if [[ "-z ${ENV_ACTIVE}" ]]; then
tmux send-keys -t $CLOUD "wait 15" C-m
tmux send-keys -t $CLOUD 'inv gce.cloud-sql-proxy -p 5432' C-m
tmux send-keys 'Server not ready!'
printf "$CLOUD started. Attach using: \n\n"
printf "tmux attach -t $CLOUD \n\n"
exit 0
I'd like for the pipenv shell command to finish before (inside the tmux session) running inv gce.cloud-sql-proxy .. but for some reason I see it executes those commands before/during the activation of pipenv shell..
On a side note, if I added a tmux attach -t $CLOUD before the if statement, it seemed to work although this was ideal and id like to exit the tmux session upon completion.
Thanks for your help!
I had the same problem, for me it was:
tmux send-keys "pipenv shell" C-m
tmux send-keys "python run.py" C-m
I solved it by appending the following to my Pipfile:
serve = "python run.py"
Then I changed my tmux to:
tmux send-keys "pipenv run serve" C-m
This runs my script called serve, i.e., runs a program using the env without needing to load it first. You can probably do the same by creating a script in Pipfile for inv gce.cloud-sql.proxy... and run that.

Bash script for tmux managing

I'd like to start tmux from terminal, split it window and execute in the splits some commands. Furthermore, I'd like to did with bash script, that I start from terminal. Now, I've been able to start tmux only.
# How to split tmux window there, and start commands in splits?
There is a script started tmux, splitted for to panes and started ls in the left pane and top in the right one.
tmux new-session -d -s main ;
tmux split-window -h ;
tmux select-pane -L
tmux send-keys -t main 'ls' C-m
tmux select-pane -R
tmux send-keys -t main 'top' C-m
tmux attach-session -d -t main

TMUX: how to make new window stay when start shell-command quits?

In tmux command mode, the following creates new window and opens vim inside:
:new-window vim
When you quit vim, the window is also closed. Is there a way to make it stay?
tmux has an option for this: remain-on-exit:
tmux set remain-on-exit on
I realise this is a long dead question. But I'm a recent user of tmux and I had this same question. It turns out that you might want to do this:
tmux new-session bash -l
That gets you a bash window (login shell). Then, run whatever commands you want. When they're done, they return to a command prompt, like you expect. I think a lot of people are looking for an interactive 'screen'-like behaviour. This is an easy way to do that.
I use send-keys so that it "types" the command into the shell. Here's my get.all script, which fires up many commands, some of which I may need to interact with after they're done (and the ones I don't, have exit):
tmux att -t get ||
tmux \
new -s get -n emacs \; \
send-keys 'get.emacs' C-m \; \
neww -n git \; \
send-keys 'get.git' C-m \; \
neww -n mini \; \
send-keys 'get.mini' C-m \; \
neww -n port \; \
send-keys 'get.port' C-m \; \
neww -n rakudo \; \
send-keys 'get.rakudo' C-m \; \
neww -n neil \; \
send-keys 'get.neil && get.neil2 && exit' C-m \; \
neww -n red \; \
send-keys 'get.red && exit' C-m \; \
neww -n cpan \; \
send-keys 'get.cpan && exit' C-m \; \
selectw -t emacs
Moving good comment of #Jo So to a separate answer.
This command drops to shell once the first ls -la finishes:
tmux new-window "/bin/sh -c 'ls -la; exec bash'"
If you intend to quit the process in the new window normally (as in, proper exit), then tmux new-window "vim ; exec bash" would mostly be fine.
However, if you would intend to quit the new process via system interrupt (SIGINT for example). You will have to use trap.
tmux new-window "bash -c 'trap \"bash\" INT; tail -f foo'"
