simulate key press CTRL+V in firemonkey application - firemonkey

how can simulate the event key press like CTRL+V and Enter in an application Firemonkey Delphi for Mobile?
The function like Keybd_event() but this function is only for VCL Application
yes I have to simulate paste clipboard action to send in an other application on android.


Run a program on: hard "Power" button press

I want to run a program (exe file) when the Power button of my laptop is pressed. (Not when system is shutting down)
I tried getting its keycode using c# and js, but none of them capture this keypress as they only capture keyboard buttons. Look at the drop-down menu I have opened:
My problem would be solved if they add "Run a specific program..." in this drop-down:
But of course they won't add this option!
So, how do I get it done? Maybe using Task Scheduler?
There's no keycode for the power button. The driver is sitting between your OS and your hardware. When you push the "G" button on your keyboard, the driver translates that to an OS system call representing the "G" key which your program can listen for and intercept. But there's no OS system call for a representing the "power" button. Instead, your driver is translating that to OS system calls to initiate a shutdown, turn off the monitor, etc.
Your laptop driver allows you to configure which system call you want to initiate when the power button is pressed, but that driver is going to be unique to the brand and model of your laptop, and if they don't offer support for capturing that keypress through their driver, then you probably don't have any easy way to intercept it.

C++ Hotkey to run function

Hey looking to assign F1 as a hotkey to run a function. I have a windows 32 project with a Form, however the form will be in the background and not the active window when I press F1.
Is there a way to code a hotkey or shortcut so when I press F1 it will run that function even if the Form1 isn't active?
Have a look at the RegisterHotKey function.
It allows you to define a system-wide hot key. When the hot key is pressed, you will receive a WM_HOTKEY message even if your window is not active.

Opening onscreen keyboard wxpython

I'm developing an app using wxpython for use specifically with a Microsoft surface, which requires text input. Is there a way to automatically bring up the onscreen keyboard when an input box is selected?
You can create an onscreen keyboard with wxPython for your applications. If you want keyboard to appear when you click your app's wx.TextCtrl, you just need to bind wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN and/or wx.EVT_LEFT_UP events to it. However, if you want keyboard to appear when any app's input is clicked then it is really hard to achieve, instead you can assign a function key to popup.

AS3/AIR - Desktop application alerts (?)

Is it possible to generate alerts in AS3 for Adobe Air desktop applications running in Win OS?
Developing in Flash CS5.
Thanks in advance.
Import the mx.controls.Alert class into your application, and then call the static show() method in ActionScript to display an Alert control. You cannot create an Alert control in MXML.
The Alert control closes when you select a button in the control, or press the Escape key.
More info here:
There is no built in way to get native alerts in AIR with Flash, but here's a workaround:

How can I send keyboard presses/mouse clicks to other GUI application in Ubuntu?

I'd want to send mouse clicks, keyboard presses to already opened 3rd party GUI application from my Ruby program.
How can I send mouse clicks, keyboard presses to Ubuntu?
Take a look at this autoit like app for Ubuntu.
It's command-line so you can call it from Ruby
