Video section on fullpage.js - fullpage.js

Is there a way to disable the fullpage.js functionality to move forward or back on scrolling so that moving forward to the next section can be controlled by events? I have a video section that we want the user to watch a video and then move to the next section either by clicking on a skip button or when the video has played all the way through.

You can check out the document, I remember there are two option you can set. You should set no auto scroll and no scroll first. Then, use setTimeout() function to call back allow auto scroll and scroll to other sections.

Of course, just make use of the fullpage.js methods moveSectionDown, movesSectionUp or even moveTo.
Check the fullpage.js methods on the docs.


Modifying scroll behavior in BottomSheet in Jetpack Compose

By default, in the ModalBottomSheetLayout in Jetpack Compose, when you try to scroll its content, instead of scrolling, the bottom sheet expands itself. Is there any way I can change this behavior and limit the max height of the bottom sheet? I want to be able to scroll the content and not expand the sheet.
I tried looking into the source code of ModalBottomSheet and it looks like it always gets the touch events first and only passes it down to the content when it has fully utilised them. I am not sure how to reverse this behavior, so, the content should always get the scroll events and only if it cannot consume it, it should go to the bottom sheet.

propagate scroll event to waterfall-tall core header panel

I am trying to replicate this demo:
I want to use a waterfall-tall header panel instead. If I just change the mode of the scroll header panel, it doesn't collapse because the scrollable div is not the one expected.
Which would be the best way to have this demo working in the same way with a waterfall-tall header?
I tried having the animated pages scrollable instead but the hero transition is then messed up.

Scroll management for LongListMultiSelector

In my WP8 application I use LongListMultiSelector and I would like to save it's scroll position when application is closed or tombstoned and then restore it when application is opened again. I will also need to scroll it programmatically to a specified item or specified position with animation when application is active.
The problem is that so far I can't find any methods on LongListMultiSelector that will allow me to scroll it with or without animation to a specified item or position. I also can't find methods that will allow me to get a list of all current items so I could choose of them to which one to scroll.
It can't be that scrolling is unmanageable on LongListMultiSelector so I'd like to get your advice on how I can get to this scroll functionality.
LongListSelector is kind of a "smart" controls. It means it has very complex behaviour but if you need to change it - better you shouldn't...
You have two options:
Write your own behavior on top of the content of the LongListMultiSelector. It contains primitives:ScrollBox control inside it.
Use standard LongListSelector and implement native ScrollTo method and your own multiselection. Multiselection is a simple task, ScrollTo is quite tricky since you basically can't scroll to position, only to item.

Slider stops working after first use

I have a Slider control inside a ScrollView (there are other elements, but those are the pertinent ones). When you "let go" of the slider (OnMouseLeftButtonUp - also works for taps), a network command is sent and the slider is momentarily greyed out. After the slider becomes available again, when I try to drag it, it will not work, and the "let go" event doesn't fire.
I have already tried setting e.Handled to True/False but it seems to do nothing. What would cause a Slider to stop working after it's used one time? -Or- Is there a better event I should be using to detect when the value changes on the slider after the user has let go of it?
Found the problem. You can't use a Toggle Switch (from the Silverlight SDK) with a slider because one takes exclusive control of a GestureListener.
Here's the fix I used, it worked perfectly (near the bottom):
You just have to wrap your sliders in a <Canvas> element and insert some event handlers.

Sticky XUL toolbar button

As I can see, addon-bar in FireFox 4 is a toolbar and close icon is a button. And despite the fact that toolbar is customizable (customizable="true") it is impossible to remove that button or even move it to another place.
How is it done?
I think if you overlay the element directly on to the toolbar (rather than the toolbarpalette, which is what you normally do) then you won't be able to move it unless you set the removable="true" attribute on the element.
You can remove the button (I haven't tried moving it around).
I used Dom Inspector addon:
Notice that close button is gone on the screenshot.
I did this manually through Dom Inspector - added that attribute hidden = true. Your button id is addonbar-closebutton so from chrome (chrome overlay) you should be able to do something like: document.getElementById('addonbar-closebutton').hidden = true. This is off the top of my head so maybe it isn't the most accurate but should be simple as that.
If you want to move it I suppose you can try reordering children, or mess with styling, that toolbarspring I think is keeping it on the left and the rest of it on the right.
