A minimal Nightwatch test doesn't work with Firefox 57 - nightwatch.js

Here is a reproduction repo:
It's a clear installation of nightwatch and webdriver-manager. The test opens http://example.com, clicks on the link and checks some content on the next page.
The problem is that if I run it in Firefox, it fails on the first step where we check that <body> is visible. If we change firefox to chrome in nightwatch.conf.js, then the test will pass.
I run it on Windows 10, Firefox 57.0 (64-bit).
What am I doing wrong?

You are missing path to the driver files in your config files

This is nightwatch with cucumber. Download and write tests like in example here. You won't regret

Make sure you have the right version of geckodriver. Get the latest here: https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases


Selenium Firefox 19 CSS Menu Click Not Working

Using Selenium, with an earlier combo of the webdriver (2.28.0) and Firefox (pre-19), the following code worked.
With webdriver 2.31.0 and Firefox 19.0.2 the code does not work and I receive a NoSuchElementException for the second findElement.
I tried using xpath which doesn't work for Firefox but does work for Chrome and IE, which are part of the same test suite.
Any thoughts or another way to accomplish the same thing? I would prefer to use the same code for the mentioned browsers.
Not sure if it was a typo on your part, but it should be "find_element" instead of "findelement", at least it's so in 2.31 to my knowledge.
if that doesn't work, post your HTML code so we can possibly construct a working Xpath.

View PDFs with Chromium on Windows

It's possible?
Is there a way to install the plugin?
I've been searching trying to find a solution for this, but found nothing.
Edit: Without installing anything from Adobe.
Grab the "pdf.dll" from the latest Google Chrome version. (Download here from version 25.0.1364.172)
Put it in Chromium's install directory ("C:\Program Files\Chromium\Application" or "%appdata%/Chromium/Application/VersionNumberHere/")
Restart any running instance of Chromium.
Type "chrome://plugins" in Chromium, make sure the plugin is enabled and any other PDF plugin is disabled.
And test your browser in: http://www.google.com.br/search?q=pdf+test
Install Adobe Reader on the computer. The PDF will then display in Chrome.

Is something wrong with Firebug and Firepath?

My Firebug and Firepath were working fine, but they just started acting strange. When I click on objects on webpage, and do Inspect Element, it just does nothing. I didn't update or do anything on firefox. Anyone else having similar issues?
Well I tried the next release 1.8.1b1 and it still failed. I reinstalled 1.7.3 and its working again. Here is the link:
Addon Firbug 1.7.3 Download
and the versions page:
It's ok now,firepath 0.9.7 is compatable with firebug 1.8

Paypal-Sandbox buying with Selenium RC

I'm trying to buy something at Paypal-Sandbox with Selenium RC (Java), but it doesn't work.
I tried it with Selenium IDE (Firefox AddOn) and it did work. I changed the viewing and copied the JUnit 4 Code and it still doesn't work.
The problem is the part with the radio-button "payment_type_paypal". Somehow it doesnt work in RC (the radio-button is not checked). Do someone have similiar experiences and/or resolved the issue?
After loging in to developer.paypal.com and entering the homepage...
//linking homepage
//leaving homepage and switching to paypal
selenium.click("payment_type_paypal"); // <===== point of error
Thx :)
its me againg, Krzys. I know now the Problem. Its an issue with focussing the correct frame. I couldn't get it work with Selenium RC.
You can easily fix the issue in Selenium WebDriver with the command, before my "point of error":
its me again. If you encounter problems with the Sandbox System of Paypal, you can overcome the "submit"-button issues using xpath.

Location of Firefox throbber/spinner image

I'm trying to locate the "throbber" (or "spinner") image used in the Firefox 3.6x chrome to show that a request is being processed:
Firefox throbber http://i49.tinypic.com/kd7bth.png
I'm not familiar with the source code structure for Firefox, and a simple search hasn't yielded the answer.
Does anyone know which file I'm looking for? (E.g. can you provide a link to the file in the Mercurial repository, or tell me how to find it?).
Inside of your Firefox installation it's inside chrome/classic.jar, the path is: skin/classic/global/media/throbber.png
I'm not sure where it is in the Mozilla repository though.
Here's some info on how to customize it: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Throbber_URL
