How to add threads every second in load testing using JMeter? - jmeter

Hi guys im newbee in JMeter. My load testing needs to test 200 users in 1hr only. But I want to start in 20 users only and add 20 users every 360 seconds until reach 200 users after 1 hr. How to do that in thread group?

The easiest way would be using Stepping Thread Group with the configuration like:
You can install Stepping Thread Group as a part of Custom Thread Groups bundle using JMeter Plugins Manager


How to add 10k concurrent users on a website using JMeter?

The requirement is to start with 500 users initially and then increase slowly till 10 thousand.
I am new to performance testing, it would be great if anyone could guide me with the steps.
The easiest option is to go for Stepping Thread Group where you can specify how many threads to start initially and how to increase the load gradually.
Example setup
Stepping Thread Group can be installed using Custom Thread Groups bundle using JMeter Plugins Manager

Is it possible to simulate Once Only login but 100 concurrent users with JMeter

I'm testing a web application that only allow 5 active sessions. I want to simulate 100 concurrent REST API calls. But the below script doesn't work.
Jmeter script
Is it possible to simulate Once Only login but 100 concurrent users with JMeter?
You don't seem to be understanding what does Once Only Controller do.
It runs its child(ren) during only first iteration of the Thread Group, it doesn't execute them at the same time.
If you want to run 100 requests at the same moment - take a look at Synchronizing Timer
If in your setup 5 requests are successful and other 95 are failing you could consider logging in somewhere in setUp Thread Group and then pass the JMeter Variables holding the authentication context to the main Thread Group so all 100 threads would share the same login details.

Perform load testing in JMeter with different number of users

I have a question where it might be very easy.
I have to perform load testing on a site(login) with these scenarios.
100 users within 5 minutes
500 users within 5 minutes
1000 users within 5 minutes
I can test each scenario separately by changing the threads in thread group. But what I want to do is run all 3 scenarios one after one automatically. I tried if controller and loop controller but could not fix it. I don't understand where it go wrong.
Ultimate Thread Group case (JMeter plugin)
You can define several steps with different number of threads (and more configuration)
If you don't have JMeter plugin yet, you can download plugins-manager.jar and put it into lib/ext directory, then restart JMeter.

How to run multiple request sequentially in Apache Jmeter

I have an Application where i have to do load test.Its like i have request A and B,and i have to test with 10 users and request should go like first request - A,B ,second request - A,B with ramp up period 0.
Could Any one help on this.I tried doing with Simple controller but the request are sent randomly and fring error
Check the box for "Run Thread Groups Consecutively" in your test plan. It will send your request A and B for first users then for second users and so on.
See this:
If you really need to wait until 1st user is done before starting 2nd one the fastest and the easiest solution would be setting Number of Threads to 1 and loop requests A and B 10 times in your Thread Group configuration.
If for any reason you need to have 10 concurrent users but executing requests sequentially you can go for Inter-Thread Communication JMeter Plugin which allows synchronizing JMeter threads (even residing in different Thread Groups)
The recommended way of installing JMeter Plugins and keeping them up-to-date is using JMeter Plugins Manager

JMeter concurrent user testing

I am new to JMeter. I want to run a 200 concurrent user load on my website with 50 users on different page. Do I need to create multiple thread groups with 50 users each or can I do it in the same thread group.
You can do it with one thread group using Throughput Controller
