using remote control after pauseMissionWithCompletion in DJI SDK - dji-sdk

After pausing a mission using pauseMissionWithCompletion, i'm trying to manually move the aircraft to a different position using the remote control but the joystick does not respond to my inputs. However, if I resume the mission, the aircraft's flight can be overridden by the joystick. Does anyone know how to enable the joystick while the mission is paused?

Some missions might make the aircraft enter virtualStickMode (all missions which include yaw movement do that). If you pause the mission when it is in virtualStickMode, you will not have control of the joysticks. If you really want joystick control after pausing mission, you can flip the mode on the remote to atti mode and back, that should give you back the control of joysticks. However, I think it also does cancel the mission.

I don't think you can accomplish what you want - pause the mission, move to a different location, and then resume the mission. If you want accomplish what you are looking for is to: stop the mission. Set move via joystick and/or virtual stick to a different location. Then upload the remainder of the mission.


DroneKit Joystick Override

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to use DroneKit to override joystick control when it's enabled in Mission Planner. In my scenario if I enable joystick in Mission Planner and forcibly close Mission Planner, the joystick still maintains control over the UAV. Knowing that I'm still able to use switches on my RC transmitter, I'd like to be able to flip a switch and have joystick mode disabled so that the RC then has full control of the UAV again.
Would appreciate any pointers or examples if they already exist. I'm familiar with DroneKit and how to monitor RC channels, so looking more for what command I need to send to disable joystick mode.
Many thanks

Release Mouse Capture

I have an issue while using RDP and I fear the only solution is to run RDP via VMWare or similar.
I have some automated software that takes control of the mouse and executes various scripts on the remote machine. In order for me to start this I press a key which executes the software and takes over the mouse control. This prevents me from using my computer while I am connected to the remote machine as my mouse movements interrupt the script.
The problem is RDP appears to capture the mouse as soon as you hover over it. There is no way to release the mouse capture like you can with VMWare etc. Ideally a "click" to capture feature would be best. If it was available but so far my googles have failed.
Does anyone know a potential solution?
Press Ctrl+Alt+Home - this will release keyboard and mouse capture

Secondary touch monitor not moving with the cursor but still pressing buttons (or emitting events for Qt app)

I intend to make an app for Windows in Qt with multi-monitor support, one (secondary) monitor being touch. I want one person to be able to work with the touch screen independently on a second person, which would be working on the main screen with mouse and keyboard.
I don't have the the touch monitor yet, so I don't know how it really works, but I am afraid that touching the monitor would move the cursor (mouse pointer), making the work with mouse very hard.
So my question:
Is it possible somehow to make the touch screen not to affect the cursor in any way (not interrupting drag&drop counts, too), but still to be able to push buttons n' stuff, and that on either Windows or Qt level?
No buttons pushing, but generating QTouchEvents (or similar) would be sufficent, too.
Thanks for your responses.

Turn off computer when screen is powered down ( windows 7)

Mostly out of curiosity, i was wondering how should i approach this. I'd like to make it so that when i turn off my screen, the computer shuts down. In essence, i'd like to make a service that constantly check whether the screen is on or off.
Any ideas/suggestions are welcome. Thank you for taking the time and i wish you all a plesant day.
Well, if there would be a way to check the status of the connected monitors and you shut your computer down when the screen goes off, how do you plan to turn your computer on again? I expect then you have to use the normal hardware button on your tower. Why not stick to these buttons? It has worked the last 30 years or so...
To make an actual suggestion:
Setup a webcam to monitor your screen. Using simple picture analysis you can detect if the screen is on or off
Shutdown your computer down when screen goes off
Also you can monitor the szenario when turning your screen on. You should see a manufacturers logo for a few seconds or somethinglike this. (Now you need a second computer with a second webcam)
With the second computer you can build some little machine that pushes the power on button on your first computer to turn it on
But how to turn on/off the second computer? Well, you need another one for that...

Create a Program that Sits in The Windows Taskbar and, When Activated, Stops the Screensaver From Starting

I don't really know where to begin. Let's start with the stupid questions:
What language should I use for this? What is suited for the task at hand?
Next, the real ones:
Is there a way to stop the screensaver from starting, short of changing the cursor position? If not, will changing the cursor position even work?
SetThreadExecutionState will prevent the screensaver from coming on or the machine from automatically going to sleep if you pass the ES_CONTINUOUS and ES_DISPLAY_REQUIRED flags.
I wrote an app awhile ago that does exactly what you are asking for. It runs as an icon in the System Tray, not the Taskbar, and uses a global message hook to disable the WM_SYSCOMMAND/SC_SCREENSAVE notification from reaching any applications. If that notification does not reach the DefWindowProc() function, the screen saver will never run.
Your program does not need to be visible in the task bar at all.
You don't even need a program at all, if you can disable the screensaver in the registry.
What you want to do can perhaps be achieved by sending a MOUSE_MOVE event to the desktop window. If you want to use C# (the only language I am current with right now), you can look at this article, but maybe a simple C program using the WinAPI is better suited for this task.
.NET will easily allow you to put an application in the system tray (checkout the NotifyIcon object in System.Windows.Forms.Controls).
I believe you can use the SetCursorPos ( API call to prevent the screen saver, just make sure you set them to the current location so you don't actually move the mouse.
