Updating admin-on-rest version - admin-on-rest

In my package.json it says I have a admin-on-rest installed 0.9.4 version. We want to update the version of it. How to do it? I have tried using npm update but seems not working. I wanted to add the feature for custom toolbar.

Update the version inside your package.json file. Last one is 1.3.2 then run npm install again


trying to install Polymer 2 CLI

I am trying to run a web app using Polymer. I recently installed Bower & Polymer CLI via Bower – however, whenever I attempt to run 'polymer serve' I receive the message '-bash: polymer: command not found' on Terminal.
Any tips on how I can get this working?
You should update the polymer-cli then create a project using polymer init, use polymer 3.0 app which use npm instead of bower the run polymer serve
This is usually due to an old version of node. I suggest you update node, as well as npm and git. Try installing polymer-cli again with the new node. Then you should be able to run polymer command.
This generally happens when the module is not installed or configured properly or an outdated version. Install or update the required module i.e, polymer-cli. After installing open new terminal or restart terminal and run polymer serve command.

NativeScript Sidekick won't run since CLI 3.2.1 update doesn't work

I opened NativeScript Sidekick on my Mac and it updated to the latest version 0.2.5.
It shows a dialog stating I need to update NativeScript CLI to 3.2.1 and the only option is to quit.
I went to Terminal and tried tns update but it won't update to 3.2.1 saying the platforms for 3.2.1 are not available. (I posted to the NativeScript forums and was told that is correct -- the platforms are at 3.2.0 while only the CLI is updated to 3.2.1.)
I also tried tns update 3.2.1 which simply says 3.2.1 platforms are not available.
tns doctor says 3.2.1 update is available.
NativeScript CLI version is 3.2.0
npm version is 5.4.1
node version is 6.11.3
I've tried creating a new project and it gives me the same issues.
How can I update to NativeScript CLI 3.2.1 so that I can run NativeScript Sidekick?
Solved over on https://discourse.nativescript.org/t/tns-update-3-2-1-not-working/2766/5
the command tns update will update your project, not CLI. If you want to update CLI do:
npm uninstall -g nativescript
npm clear cache
npm install -g nativescript
The command ths update is currently not working, we’ll investigate.
If you are using nvm to manage your NodeJS versions you can try to set the default version to the one that has installed NativeScript CLI. For example if you have NativeScript CLI on NodeJS version 8.9.2, execute:
nvm alias default 8.9.2
To check the packages installed on your active NodeJS version, execute:
npm list -g --depth 0

bower version issue

I have a problem with VS2015 Community and Bower plugin.
I tried to install bootstrap version 3.3.7 (3.3.6 and early).
You can see my bower.json file:
But I always see only the latest version downloaded in libs folder:
Can someone explain why bower ignores the requested version?
Found reason, it was a old Git version installed issue.
Not VS or Bower problem. When I updated Git to latest and clear Bower cache I got correct version of libs. Don't know why Bower or Git don't show error when it can't execute my request correctly!

Composer.json getting latest package version and

For each new project, I want to:
Get the latest versions of all packages inside composer.json
Once I have them I no longer want to get the latest - just the version of the first run.
I know I could manually specify latest versions from packagist.org, but Ideally I'd like this automated.
I hope this makes sense.
the latest package:
"require": {
"namespace/libname": "#dev"
after install of this package, composer will dump all info (and version) to composer.lock. do not remove this file and do not use composer update.
always use composer install because this will force composer to look into composer.lock file for package version
Running composer require vendor/package will consult packagist.org for the most current released version and add both the latest release and the version requirement to get this release and compatible updates later.
This will install only stable versions.
After the initial install, you have two options:
composer install will again install the previously found packages.
composer update will look for updated packages that match the version requirement.
Never run update unattended. A developer should run this consciously and then run the test suite to determine if everything still works (or the continuous integration job does it if available). Especially only run install when deploying to production.

How to install latest casperJS version on CircleCI via yml file?

I start to use circeCI. I need to run my casperJS test automatically. But today CircleCI install 1.0 casperjs ver, but i need 1.1. version, the latest. How to explain in yml file, that i need the latest?
You can actually use npm to install casperjs. You just need to add the command to the dependencies.post section of your circle.yml. Your circle.yml will look like:
- npm install -g casperjs#1.1.0-beta3
Alternatively, if you're already using a package.json, then you can put casperjs there and CircleCI will install it for you automatically.
You can install your own version as part of the build: see https://circleci.com/docs/installing-custom-software
Alternatively, contact support and we can install it for you :)
