When creating a new app project the alloy option does not appear in appcelerator - appcelerator

From the appcelerator studio I selected file -> new -> mobile app project.
The open dialog appears but does not display the option to create an alloy app.
These are the only options I can see in New mobile app project dialog box
Thanks in advance.

Seems Alloy was not installed in your system for any reason which is quite odd. But here you can install it using command-line/terminal by running this command :
sudo npm install -g alloy
After successfully installing Alloy, you can check for its version using below command:
appc -v mine is Alloy version 1.10.7
You can also check for Alloy installation in your Studio About section as shown in screenshot.
Select About Axway Appcelerator Studio -> Installation Details -> Plug-ins


Titanium CLI alloy execution location

I recently wrote a small hack to enable writing Titanium apps with TypeScript (https://github.com/developer82/Ti.TypeScript). This involves editing the SDK alloy compiler script.
As you can tell from what I've written the script is located at /Users/YOUR_USERNAME/.appcelerator/install/SDK_VERSION/package/node_modules/alloy/Alloy/commands/compile/index.js
When I run my project from Titanium Studio it works great. However when I try to run from command line using ti build -p ios I'm getting an error This project requires the TypeScript hack in Titnaium SDK - which is a validation I wrote that the hack was applied to the compiler.
The reason for this is that running from command line, the CLI is looking for alloy in /usr/local/bin/alloy - I learned that from the following output:
[INFO] Executing Alloy compile: /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/alloy compile /Users/ophir/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/MY_PROJECT/app --config platform=ios,version=0,simtype=none,devicefamily=universal,deploytype=development,target=simulator
Why the different location? Why the CLI doesn't work like Appcelerator Studio? how can I make it work like Appc Studio?
Solution turned up to simpler than I thought... instead of using ti command I started using appc command:
appc run --platform iphone --liveview
I think ti is the open source version (which uses the alloy installed from node) and appc is the Appcelerator platform (that's what Appcelerator Studio runs).

Appcelerator titanium with atom ide

I use atom to build titanium app, the titanium studio is very very slow while
Atom is a lightweight IDE, i followed this crate titanium app with atom ide
the only thing i want to know if is how to install modules or widget from atom ? and using tishadow too with atom?
The command is:
titanium build -p android -T device --shadow
According to http://tishadow.yydigital.com/getting%20started/
Install from atom using the package installer on the settings page.

Appcelerator Studio does not recognize xcode

I have been working on cross platform mobile app. I have develop the app its working on windows with android. Now I want to test it on iPhone. I have install the mac os x yosemite on virtual box. I have install the xcode 6.4 and also have create test app, its working. I have installed the Appcelerator Studio but it don't run the code in iPhone simulator. It says no required sdk installed. I have also try the xcode-select command. Here are xcode and Appcelerator Studio screenshot from my vm.
To identify the problem,
1.Check whether the Xcode is installed in the system?
2.Is Xcode identified by Appcelerator CLI. Run the following command to see whether it's detected?
$ appc ti info -t ios
Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.4.0
Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
7.1 (build 7B60) - Xcode default
Install Location = /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer
iOS SDKs = 9.1
iOS Simulators = 9.1, 8.4
Watch SDKs = 2.0
Watch Simulators = 2.0
Supported by TiSDK 5.2.0.v20151009204435 = yes
Teams = none
If it's not shown, Run sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app
Still not listed, make sure you have right version version of node,appc CLI and SDK.
If it's detected by CLI but not in the studio, open studio preferences.
Studio -> Platforms -> iOS -> Click on 'Refresh'
Can you try:
XCode > Preferences > Locations > Command Line Tools => Select desired version of Xcode.
Close studio and Install node https://nodejs.org/en/download/. Reopen studio and try Studio -> Platforms -> iOS -> Click on 'Refresh'

ionic-box vagrant box - Install Android target: "android-22"

I'm using the latest ionic-box as of 27th April 2015. I've been able to ionic platform add android but getting the following error when ionic build android:
[Error: Please install Android target: "android-22".
Hint: Open the SDK manager by running: /home/vagrant/android-sdk-linux/tools/android
You will require:
1. "SDK Platform" for android-22
2. "Android SDK Platform-tools (latest)
3. "Android SDK Build-tools" (latest)]
I've tried updating the sdk with the following command
android update sdk --no-ui
where I get the output of fetching a number of "https://dl-ssl.google.com/android*" File not found. However, if i copy that url and paste it on a browser the file is there.
My vagrant box is now bridged on the network to have direct access to the internet, since NAT was giving me the same errors.
Any help is much appreciated.
Follow these steps.
1) Type android on command line.(Make sure ANDROID_HOME and PATH are set properly)
2) Select API 22 from the populated list.
3) Click install packages.
4) Type android avd on command line.
5) Set API level and other config.
6) Now type ionic build android.
i work around this by changing https to http or vise versa, in options but as a quick fix
for supporting andorid API 21 like #astroanu commented this will help. it will add the support of API 21 in project.
$ cordova platforms remove android
$ cordova platforms add android#3.7.1
I was able to build an android apk by doing the following:
Open up the SDK manager after downloading/installing the android SDK (android studio). AndroidStuido>Appearance&Behavior>System Settings>Android SKD. Alternatively, you can just click on the "SDK Manager" button on the "Welcome to Android Studio" window that appears when you open Android Studio.
Under SDK Platforms, click on Android 5.1.1 - API Level 22 and hit apply to install the package.

Phonegap can't add platform FireFox OS

I have problems adding Firefox OS as a platform to my Cordova project. I tried the simplest way:
installed phonegap globally:
sudo npm install -g phonegap
created phonegap project:
cordova create HelloWorld com.domain.hello HelloWorld
CD'd into the new HelloWorld folder, then added iOS as platform:
cordova platform add iOS
which worked, but when trying to add Firefox OS, I get
[Error: Platform "firefoxos" not recognized as core cordova platform.]
I tried updating the platform with:
phone gap platform update firefoxos
but all I get is
[phonegap] updating Fire Fox OS platform...
[error] Platform "firefoxos" is not installed. See "platform list".
You want to use Cordova not PhoneGap (yes, there is a difference).
npm install -g cordova
then follow along in the link provided.
Additional information related to Cordova and FirefoxOS:
