How to get exact macth first next followed matches in elastic search - shell

I am very new to elastic search, I need to search the words with particular word match
ex: I have words as
cricketnplay, cricket23, cricket, criketlegend
when I search a word cricket
the result will be like 1st one exact match and next followed matches
how to query to get output like this please help,
Thanks in advance

You need to search with _search query.
GET /twitter/tweet/_search
"query" : {
"term" : { <field> : "cricket" }
This query will return all matched elements with match score sorted in descending order of score.
Read more about _search query here


Elastic Search - Conditional field query if no match found for another field

Is it possible to do conditional field query if match was not found for another field ?
for eg: if I have a 3 fields in the index local_rating , global_rating and default_rating , I need to first check in local_rating and if there is no match then try for global_rating and finally for default_rating .
is this possible to do with one query ? or any other ways to achieve this
thanks in advance
Not sure about any existing features of Elasticsearh to fulfill your current requirements but you can try with fields and per-fields boosting, Individual fields can be boosted with the caret (^)notation. Also I don't know boosting is possible with numeric value or not?
GET /_search
"query": {
"multi_match" : {
"query" : 10,
"fields" : [ "local_rating^6", "global_rating^3","default_rating"]

elastic search fetch the exact match first followed by others

I am newbie to elastic search
I have an education index in es
index creation
when i search 'btech' with match query as
"match" : { "name" : "btech" }
the result is like
result json object
but i need btech(exact match word) as the first document and remaining documents followed by it.
so for that what i have to change in my index creation
can anybody please help me
You can use term query
"term" : { "name" : "btech" }
Or regexp query
"regexp" : { "name" : "btech" }
You are using text type, make sure to check keyword type too
from documentation
If you need to index structured content such as email addresses,
hostnames, status codes, or tags, it is likely that you should rather
use a keyword field.

Elasticsearch match query and tokenization

I wrote the following query concerning a field that is tokenized by whitespace :
"match" {
"field" : {
"query" : "bora"
I have two documents that matches the query on my index, one with "bora" on that field, another with "bora bora".
My problem is that "bora bora" document ends up with a better score than the other and this is not the required behaviour.
Do you see a way to do the same query but prioritizing the records which are not a repetition of the searched word ?
I can't update the index / remove the tokenization.

How to show exact match (either word or sentence) result first and then others in elastic search?

Hi is any query in the elastic search which will display exact match (either word or sentence) results first and then partial match results.please help me into this?
You can use multi-match queries and boost exact matches. Chech
You can use a match query as follows.
Suppose you are looking for a word "tim"
GET /index/type/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [{"match": {"field_name": "tim"}}
This will automatically return the best results first, and for partial matches, you can read on fuzzy queries:

Elasticsearch how to match documents for which the field tokens are a sub-set of the query tokens

I have a keyword/key-phrase field I tokenize using standard analyser. I want this field to match if if there is a search phrase that has all tokens of this field in it.
For example if the field value is "veni, vidi, vici" and the search phrase is "Ceaser veni,vidi,vici" I want this search phrase to match but search phrase "veni, vidi" not match.
I also need "vidi, veni, vici" (weird!) to match. So the positions and ordering of the terms is not really important. A phrase match would not quite work for me I think.
I can use "bool query" with "minimum_should_match" parameter for this specific example but that is not really what I want as minimum should match is about ratio/number of tokens in the search phrase.
Pure ES solution would go like this. You will need two requests.
1) First you need to pass user query through analyze api to get all the search tokens.
curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_analyze' -d '
"analyzer" : "standard",
"text" : "Ceaser veni,vidi,vici"
you will get 4 tokens ceaser, veni, vidi, vici . You need to pass these tokens as an array to next search request.
2) We need to search for documents whose tokens are subset of search tokens.
"query": {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query": {
"match": {
"title": "Ceaser veni,vidi,vici"
"script": {
"script": "if(search_tokens.containsAll(doc['title'].values)){return true;}",
"params": {
"search_tokens": [
Here job of first match query inside the filter is to narrow down the documents on which script should run. containsAll method will check if the documents tokens are sublist of search tokens. This will be slow but will do the job with your current set up. One big improvement you can do is store tokens as an array so that doc['title'].values can be replaced with that field which will improve the script.
Hope this helps!
No built-in solution but this works:
Add an extra field with the number of terms in the field for each document. So in your "veni, vidi, vici" example, you would have a field like "field_term_count" : 3.
Perform a separate match search for each token in the search query.
Sum the number of searches that matched for each document with at least one match (e.g. a hashtable with key of document ID and value of count).
Compare the number of matches in 3 to the "field_term_count" field for each of the documents with matches. If they are equal then the document is a match.
Then "Ceaser veni,vidi,vici" will match but the search phrases "veni, vidi" will not, as desired. It should be quite fast for reasonable numbers of matches.
