Showing RSS feeds in Liferay 6.2 - liferay-6.2

There is RSS portlet in Liferay 6.2. There is option of providing URL for feeds. But I want to have feeds(.rss files) from my Linux server(same server on which Liferay is running). Is it possible?


Can I use github pages to host a web page made with Spring framework(.jsp)? hosting github pages

As it the title states itself,
I was wondering if I could host a web page using github pages, and the web page is made with Spring framework(.jsp files..).
Or to use gitgub pages, only web languages(html,js..etc) can be used?
Nothing can be executed on the server side on GitHub, beside GitHub Actions.
That means GitHub can only host the sources for your project, but cannot be a release/deployment destination.
For instance, Heliohost might have a free tier allowing JSP deployment.

Serving HTML snapshot from alternative server when using #! and _escaped_fragment_

We currently are developing a set of (jquery)plugins to use our software from the sites of our clients. Our clients include these plugins in their pages, the plugins get their data from our API (on another server) and render the application in the client-page.
Within the plugins de user navigates through hash-changes. We really like to do some SEO for these urls. Google provides a way to index ajax-enabled sites through providing HTML snapshots as alternative content:
This is all very nice when serving the ajax-enabled application from your own server. But in our situations, the host-page is served on, and our javascripts are served from There plugins get their data through CORS-calls from We have no access to the server of
Long story, short question: is there a way of serving the HTML snapshots from an alternative server we control, e.g. from Or are there other alternative for indexing our application on the client pages?

SEO-friendly static snapshots of single-page web apps without using a dynamic server

I'm hosting a single-page application on GitHub Pages. When accessed via browser, JavaScript processes #! URLs and updates the UI.
I also want my app's content to appear in search results. Since I'm using GulpJS already, I want to add a task to create and save pre-rendered HTML snapshots of my page to accommodate web crawlers.
My content is served by GitHub Pages, so I don't have any way to handle the _escaped_fragment_ parameter that web crawlers send. Every tutorial I've found on AJAX SEO assumes you are hosting your content on e.g. a NodeJS or Apache server and have a way to process such URL parameters.
Can a single-page web app be SEO-friendly when hosted on a static file server (e.g. GitHub Pages)? Is there a special directory I can use? Some special Sitemap or robots.txt configuration? Something else?
What I've found already:
Frequently Asked Questions (via Google Webmasters)
How do I create an HTML snapshot? (via Google Webmasters)
AngularJS and SEO (via Yearofmoo)

Can I use spring liferay for mobile web development

Can I use spring liferay for mobile web development?
This is very basic question but I tried on google but I can't find any tutorial on this. Can anyone suggest anything on this.
Yes you can use it I think, since Spring is a server side java framework and for mobile web-development I don't think you need to do anything special apart from customizing the look-and-feel of the page which can be done through themes in liferay.
Starting from Liferay 6.1 you can even define Mobile Device Rules.
For a quick demo of this you can go to Liferay site, and try to change the window size of the browser and then see how the page changes. Even you can try to view this site in a mobile phone.
Hope this helps.

YUI 3.5 App Framework server routing

I am currently looking at implementing YUI 3.5 pr1 (and then the final version when released) in a fairly large application.
The backend is built with PHP and MySQL using a MVC structure with a front controller pattern. By it self, the server can process URLs ( etc and return a fully rendered page.
I would like to implement the App Framework in YUI across the whole application so that javascript-enabled browser will effectively have something like a 1-page app with history management avaliable.
I am currently looking at the app framework docs on the staging site. Unfortunately, the docs aren't complete (in particular sections on routing coordination with server and progressively enhanced apps).
In any case, if a user visits with an HTML4 browser (all versions of IE), and he has javascript enabled, he would need to be redirected to
Is this something that's built into the App Framework? I would prefer to utilise a solution that does not require the whole page to be rendered out and then redirected to the hashtaged URL and then rerendered again.
Finally, I have watched the intro video on the App Framework and it mentioned that they are using the Handlebars template engine. I am using Twig as my template engine on the server side. Is it possible to use an alternative template engine with the app framework? In particular the twig js engine.
