Undoing whitespace changes in Perforce - whitespace

Is there an easy way to undo whitespace changes in Perforce?
I have a .vimrc script that trims trailing whitespace on save, but in certain branches of code, the owner of said code doesn't want whitespace diffs.
I typically have to make a copy of my file, revert the original file, then manually integrate the non-whitespace changes I made.
Is there a simple command in Perforce (or other UNIX tools) that can do this automatically?
p4 resolve as a -dw option for ignoring whitespace, but I don't know how I'd make the file resolvable in the first place.

Assuming in this example your revision was #4 and your file is foo:
p4 sync file#3
p4 edit file
p4 sync file
p4 resolve -dw
You can also do this across many files at the changelist level; sync back to previous change, open for edit, sync to your change, resolve with whatever options.
I think that when you do resolve -dw it keeps the "yours" version of whitespace-only diffs, which in this case will be file#3 which is what you want.
Note that if you have individual lines with both whitespace and non-whitespace diffs you'll most likely get the whitespace diff along with the rest of the line since Perforce's merge operates per-line. If all else fails, find another merge tool that'll do the specific thing you want to do with the whitespace, set P4MERGE to that, and do p4 resolve;m.
If your changes are still pending I think you can do something like:
p4 print -o depotRev file
p4 merge3 -dw depotRev file depotRev > merged
rm depotRev
then do:
diff file merged
to make sure the diffs look right before replacing your file with merged.


How do I generate a diff or patch file only showing the differences of the files included in another patch file?

I was banging my head into my wall looking for an easy way to do this but couldn't find anything online, so I figured I'd share the solution I came up with.
This is useful for when you need to break apart specific diff files.
So while working on a bigger company project that required the issue being broken into multiple tickets, I found myself needing to create separate diff/patch files for each ticket, even though I was working on the same branch with quite a few file changes. Each patch file needed to only contain the differences for specific files, which you can do with:
git diff master FILENAME_X FILENAME_Y FILENAME_Z (etc.)
but that was quite time consuming to do manually for each file every single time I needed to generate a patch, and it includes the possibility of me forgetting files every time.
The following command will create a diff/patch file of all files included in a different patch file:
`cat NAME_OF_INPUT_DIFF.diff | grep "+++" | awk -F "+++ b/" '{if (NR == 1)printf "git diff master " $2; else printf " " $2}'` > NAME_OF_OUTPUT_DIFF.diff
The cat NAME_OF_INPUT_DIFF.diff | grep "+++" breaks the previous diff into only the lines with the names of files that were added/modified, then awk -F "+++ b/" breaks that into just the parsed names of the files, stripping the preceding characters. The rest creates the lengthy git command to generate a diff of specific files, and wrapping it all in backticks makes it be evaluated on execution. Then > NAME_OF_OUTPUT_DIFF.diff outputs the resulting diff to a file.
Anyways, I hope this helps someone like it did me! Quite a timesaver.

Apply Staged Changes to New Repo

What mistake am I making in the steps I'm following?
I've edited files in repo Alpha on my local box. I then realized I wanted those changes in a different repo Bravo that is also on my local box. I tried this:
c:/repos/alpha/>git diff --cached > mypatch.txt
I then copy the patch file to the other repo location and type this:
c:/repos/bravo/>git apply mypatch.txt
If the shell I used for the diff and apply was powershell or "Git CMD", then the second command makes the error:
fatal: unrecognized input
If instead I use the "Git Bash" shell to execute the two commands, then I get a different error:
5109e.patch:19: trailing whitespace.
warning: 1 line adds whitespace errors.
I then try to apply the changes more carefully with the following command:
$ git apply --reject --whitespace=fix mypatch.txt
From this I get a dump of numerous errors. Example:
error: while searching for:
-- Anchor table ------------------------------------------------------------
-- IL_InvoiceLine table (with 33 attributes)
IF Object_ID('dbo.IL_InvoiceLine', 'U') IS NULL
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[IL_InvoiceLine] (
error: patch failed: scripts/bi/sql/Unified_ODS_Schema.sql:302
The branch in repo Alpha and the corresponding branch in repo Bravo both come from the same origin and both have a git status that report "up to date" with the upstream. In other words, the branches are identical except for the staged changes that exist on Alpha. I am expressly avoiding a push/pull with the origin.
There's nothing wrong, and you can completely ignore the warning. You don't need --reject or --whitespace=fix, but if you do want to use the latter, use it without the former.
If the shell I used for the diff and apply was powershell ...
This winds up writing the output as Unicode (through some mechanism I cannot describe properly since I don't "do" Windows). You'd have to filter that back to UTF-8 or ASCII to get it to apply.
If instead I use the "Git Bash" shell to execute the two commands, then I get a different error:
5109e.patch:19: trailing whitespace.
warning: 1 line adds whitespace errors.
That's not really an error, that's a warning. It means that your original patch adds a blank before an end-of-line. By default, git apply calls this an "error" but it really means "warning". It's meant to alert you to the fact that there's an invisible character on the line(s) in question, which you may not have intended. (Or maybe you did! For instance, in some Markdown formats, ending a line with two blanks inserts a paragraph break. See aslo Git ignore trailing whitespace in markdown files only.)
What constitutes a "whitespace error" (which really should be "whitespace annoyance" or "whitespace warning" or "whitespace glitch" everywhere, rather than "error") is configurable. By default git diff will highlight such whitespace glitches. While I cannot quite show it here, imagine the - line is in red and the + line is in green and that <space> represents a trailing blank:
- blah blah
+ blah foo blah<space>
This space would be highlighted in red, to make it stand out as a "whitespace error" (which I would call a whitespace glitch or annoyance or warning, but as long as we are using Git we should understand what the phrase "whitespace error" means here).
With --whitespace=fix, git apply will find the things it considers to be whitespace errors and determine whether it can fix them automatically by:
stripping trailing whitespace
removing some space-before-tab spaces
fussing with CRLF vs LF-only
If it can fix them, it will. This includes applying the patch even if the context does not quite match up but can be made to do so by this kind of fussing, so it's more than just "removing trailing whitespace in the added lines".

Replace/sync only certain lines using Bash, SSH and rsync

I am looking for a quick and dirty one-liner to sync only certain settings in remote config files. Need to preserve what's unique and sync generic settings. Example:
I need to sync or copy replace only the bottom 3 lines over ssh. The line numbers are predictable, by the way. Always lines 4,5 and 6 in this case.
Here's a working idea that is missing one piece (a standard replacement for the non-standard utility I used to replace the vars in the local conf):
for var in $(ssh root# 'sed -n "4,6p" /etc/conf1.conf');do <missing piece> ${var/=*}=${var/*=} local-conf.conf; done
So this uses variable expansion and a non-standard utility but needs like a sed or Perl routine to replace the info in the local conf.
The last line of code actually works. Tested and works! However -- the missing piece is a custom non-standard utility. I'm asking if someone can think of something, using standard Linux tools, to replace that.
One solution would be to take the left side and match, then replace the right side. This is basically what that utility does. Looks for the variable in the conf then sets it. Using variable expansion is one way (shown).
Here's an alternative solution that does not require the command to have special knowledge of the file contents:
Take a copy of the files you want to sync. Then, in the copy, deliberately vandalise (arbitrarily modify) the lines you do not want synced. It doesn't matter what they say as long as there are the same number of lines and they'll never match the actual file contents. Have some fun. This becomes your base version. Your example might look like this:
rsync the remote files into a temporary location. This is the remote version.
For each file, take a three-way diff.
diff3 -3 <localfile> <basefile> <remotefile>
The output of diff3 is an "ed script" that decribes what edits to make to the local file so that it would look like the remote file.
The -3 option tells it to only output the non-conflicting differences. This is why we vandalised the base files in the first place: so those lines would have conflicts.
Once you have the ed script for a file, you can visually check it, if you choose, and then apply the update using patch:
cat <ed-script> | patch --ed <localfile>
So, to do this recursively, you might have:
cd $localdir
for file in `find . -type f`; do
diff3 -3 "$file" "$basedir/$file" "$remotedir/$file" | patch --ed "$file"
You probably need to add some checks that the base and remote files actually exist.

How can I debug .gitignore file handling?

I’m having lots of trouble convincing git to ignore files in my project.
Basically, sometimes it works, sometimes it just seems to ignore the .gitignore file for no obvious reason. (By “seems” I mean that there are patterns in it that look as if they should exclude something, but that something is not excluded.)
There’s a 'git check-ignore' command, but it only says which pattern matched a file. But I can’t find any option to make it say which patterns it’s found and where, nor why those patterns do not match a file.
Is there a way to do this kind of debugging?
P.S. There is a single issue which I did find, and I’m mentioning it here in case it helps others:
I was adding patterns using “echo pattern >> .gitignore”, which at least on my system results in spaces at the of the line (i.e., everything between “echo” and “>>” is echoed in the file, except for the first space character after “echo”).
Git does not trim those spaces when matching patterns, so for the command above it wouldn’t match a file named “pattern” but it would match “pattern{space}”.
I think most of my issues stem from this. Those extra spaces are hard to notice, so I’d still like a debug command that makes sure I notice them, if there is one.
Edit #1:
Yes, I did try -v. For example:
> mkdir test
> touch test/file.txt
> echo test >> .gitignore
> git check-ignore -v test/file.txt
(nothing is printed)
> echo test>> .gitignore
> git check-ignore -v test/cuc.txt
.gitignore:8:test test/cuc.txt
Note the extra space in the first echo line, which makes it enter “test[space]” as a pattern. As I mentioned, “check-ignore” tells you what matched, but it doesn’t tell you what didn’t nor why.

SVN Mac - commiting files with an "#" in their name

I am using the default SVN client on Mac that you use with the terminal. The problem is I want to commit three files that contains an "#" in them, and only those files. However it does not seem to work, SVN cannot read the # for some reason. I did it like this:
svn commit Assets/Monkey#Prime.pck -m "test"
What is the correct syntax?
That's the syntax for peg revisions. This is the workaround suggested in the manual:
The perceptive reader is probably wondering at this point whether the
peg revision syntax causes problems for working copy paths or URLs
that actually have at signs in them. After all, how does svn know
whether news#11 is the name of a directory in my tree or just a syntax
for “revision 11 of news”? Thankfully, while svn will always assume
the latter, there is a trivial workaround. You need only append an at
sign to the end of the path, such as news#11#. svn cares only about
the last at sign in the argument, and it is not considered illegal to
omit a literal peg revision specifier after that at sign. This
workaround even applies to paths that end in an at sign—you would use
filename## to talk about a file named filename#.
Ugly, isn't it? :)
