Following Spring 5 webmvc Rest service guide - No converter found for return value of type - spring

I am following the official guide for Building a RESTful Web Service from
In short, I'm following the above guide but using Tomcat to deploy and execute.
I've looked at some SO questions and answers regarding this issue.
Spring Boot Application: No converter found for return value of type
and some others.
I have the getter methods in the Greeting class though I don't have setters. This is exactly how the class is on the guide.
I tried adding the fasterxml json dependency on my pom.xml but the error message is the same.
All my setup is exactly the same as the guide except the app is bootstrapped by a dispatch-servlet.xml instead of a main method.
<context:component-scan base-package="com.test" />
This is it. All the other classes are written exactly the same as the guide. with #RestController and no #ResponseBody as #RestController is rolled out with #Controller and #ResponseBody according to the guide itself.
This is my error message.
WARNING: Failed to write HTTP message: org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotWritableException: No converter found for return value of type: class com.test.Greeting
I don't think it's the issue with getters( I definitely have them).
Nor it's the issue with not having the fasterxml dependency.
What am I missing?

You definitely need the main method:
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
The #SpringBootApplication annotation does more than you think. The most important thing is that it calls#EnableAutoConfiguration. This is used to figures out which other dependencies you do in your project. In your case that annotation would configure Jackson to parse your Java object to JSON.
Directly from the JavaDoc:
Enable auto-configuration of the Spring Application Context,
attempting to guess and configure beans that you are likely to need.
Auto-configuration classes are usually applied based on your classpath
and what beans you have defined. For example, If you have
tomcat-embedded.jar on your classpath you are likely to want a
TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory (unless you have defined your
own EmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean).
If you still think creating a war file is a good idea, check if this can help you setup Jackson with plain Spring.
EDIT: How to run Spring Boot without Tomcat
You could check this out, the doc says to do this:
And in theory you should be good to go, BUT that might not be the case so check out the sample project from Spring.
These people also got some issues, so check out if it also effects you.


Using a RestTemplate in a non Web app in SpringBoot app

I have a Spring Boot app that is not a web app, that has this piece of code
ResponseEntity<GeolocationAddress> response = new RestTemplate().getForEntity(urlStringConnection,
But then I have this error:
The import org.springframework.web cannot be
so I added this dependency
<!-- -->
But then when I start the app I got this error:
Could not evaluate condition on org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.EmbeddedServletContainerAutoConfiguration due to org/springframework/web/context/support/StandardServletEnvironment not found. Make sure your own configuration does not rely on that class. This can also happen if you are #ComponentScanning a springframework package (e.g. if you put a #ComponentScan in the default package by mistake)
I may be a little late, but I had similar issues. By default Spring Boot tries to deduce the type of the application context to use by examining the class path. If it finds either javax.servlet.Servlet or org.springframework.web.context.ConfigurableWebApplicationContext, it instantiates a WebApplicationContext.
To avoid the error you got, I had to do the following in the main method of the app:
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new SpringApplicationBuilder(App.class)
I also excluded any unwanted AutoConfigure classes in the :

How to inject a bean into JAX RS resource?

I am sure this is most probably a silly question but I am not familiar with JAX RS (and Jersey).
We've had a standalone Java application that basically starts a RESTful service. As part of a refactoring, we've moved this application to be just a thread within another application. That other application uses Spring beans that are defined in an application-context.xml. So, I need to inject some of those beans to the resource class (if that's the correct name for it: the one with #Path annotations, etc.). The problem is I don't know what instantiates this particular class. There is a main class of the legacy app that is creating a (jetty) Server instance with ServletContexthandler to which a ServletHolder is added to which a ResourceConfig is set. Something like that.
So, I can inject my stuff from Spring to this main class but can't see how exactly I can pass those objects to the JAX RS resource?
I am sure I miss something pretty simple.
Edit: I have added a better explanation to my problem and a solution I found below.
Jersey has integration with Spring support. For this case, there are really only two things you need to do:
Make sure you have the integration dependency. You'll also need to the commons logging, so it doesn't complain
Just add a ContextLoaderListener along with a WebApplicationContext containing your Spring context configuration.
ServletContextHandler context
= new ServletContextHandler(ServletContextHandler.SESSIONS);
AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext wac
= new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext();
context.addEventListener(new ContextLoaderListener(wac));
Here the SpringConfig is just a "Java config" Spring configuration class. If you wanted you could use an XML application context, but the example I used in the below link uses a Java config class, but also show how to easily import an XML into the class if you just want to use your XML config. You can combine two.
That's pretty much it. Once you have this configured, you should be able to #Autowired your Spring beans into your Jersey resources.
For a complete example, check out this GitHub repo
Maybe I wasn't able to explain well my problem, so basically it was a problem of how to inject beans into JAX-RS resource classes when the actual JAX-RS app is not being instantiated through its own DI-mechanism but from somewhere else. In my case I already had a Spring container that creates those beans and there was no easy way to link the Spring's own bean application context to the JAX-RS's one. A better solution would have been the one already answered but additional problem is that our existing Spring solution is XML-based, whereas the #Injected annotation in JAX-RS won't work with it (at least that's what I've read in their documentation).
So, JAX-RS supports #Injected annotations and in order for it to know where to get bean definitions from, I had to go to the class that defines the ResourceConfig and add the following lines to it:
.register(new AbstractBinder() {
protected void configure() {
The actual beanImpl1 and beanImpl2 bean instances were coming through the constructor of that class, which in turn was instantiated from our Spring through the XML configuration.

Deploy Spring Boot (with JSP) to Elastic Beanstalk

I am attempting to deploy my Spring Boot project to Amazon Elastic Beanstalk. I have tested and have no issue if I use the default Thymeleaf configuration, but when I switch to JSP based setup I get 404's as it cannot find the JSP's (located in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp)
I have attempted to deploy the sample (spring-boot-sample-tomcat-jsp) and find that this as well gives me a 404 when I run the provided test.
Here is how I have typically been configuring my Spring Boot Projects to allow for the use of JSP's.
Add Jasper and JSTL to pom.xml
Override default view resolver configuration
public class MvcConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter
public ViewResolver getViewResolver(){
InternalResourceViewResolver resolver = new InternalResourceViewResolver();
return resolver;
public void configureDefaultServletHandling(DefaultServletHandlerConfigurer configurer){
Create folder for JSP's (src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp)
Now this method works without issue until I deploy to Elastic Beanstalk where I find that no matter if I create a jar and use Java (in Elastic Beanstalk) or create a war and use Tomcat (in eb) I get a 404 when any controller tries to return a view in the WEB-INF/jsp folder.
Is the above method for switching to JSP's not recommended? Is there a better way to configure Spring Boot to use Tomcat/Jasper/JSP's?
I have attempted the method provided in the Spring Boot Samples on github here
But what's interesting is if I run the provided test i get the same 404.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If there is a better way to deploy a Spring Boot project that utilizes JSP's I'd be happy to switch over, but currently I seem to have configured myself into a corner.
I am answering as a novice developer in Springboot development. And, I am just playing around with AWS EB and SpringBoot app deployment.
Here are my findings,
WebMvcConfigurerAdapter is deprecated
SpringBoot app works seamlessly on AWS EB only when we extend application/main class with SpringBootServletInitializer
I tried a sample HelloWorld application extending WebMvcConfigurerAdapter, which worked seamlessly on localhost and failed miserable on AWS EB.
I switched the application class extending from WebMvcConfigurerAdapter to SpringBootServletInitializer, this worked on both localhost as well as AWS EB.
The example I tried is inspired from here:
Here is the application class that I changed from extending SpringBootServletInitializer to WebMvcConfigurerAdapter, which didn't work and gave me 404.
Hopefully this helps ...!
Still finding out a reason about why we receive 404 when we extend Application class with WebMvcConfigurerAdapter. I Will update this same answer, once I find a reason.
Thank you...!

Spring boot metrics with Jersey2

I have an application running spring-boot, jersey2 and spring metrics:
below is maven snippet:
Jersey used to work well until introducing actuator dependency.
Then following bean has been created to make Jersey working as filter:
public FilterRegistrationBean jerseyFilterRegistration() {
FilterRegistrationBean bean = new FilterRegistrationBean();
bean.setFilter(new ServletContainer(resourceConfig()));
bean.addInitParameter("", managementContextRegex);
return bean;
Metrics are mapped to /admin path. With this configuration I cannot make metrics working. However by adding management.port (different than main app port) both Jersey resource and metrics are available.
What I'm missing here to make both metrics and Jersey resource start working on the same port?
This is the wrong property. That's for Jersey 1.x. For 2.x, it should be
As an aside you can avoid having to define your own FilterRegistrationBean by simply setting a couple configuration properties. In your, you could use the following
Or you can configure the regex in your ResourceConfig subclass
public class JerseyConfig extends ResourceConfig {
public JerseyConfig() {
property(ServletProperties.FILTER_STATIC_CONTENT_REGEX, "<your-regex>");
As another side, just an FYI, the cause of the problem is the default /* url-mapping used for Jersey. If you can change it, doing so would solve the problem. For instance /api. You can configure that in the properties with spring.jersey.applicationPath=/api or with #ApplicationPath("/api") on the ResourceConfig subclass.
And the final aside, there is also a property
I'm not exactly sure how the staticContenRegex property works, I never really dug into to source code. So I don't know if it just does some file IO to get the static file or it forwards the request, but if it does some file IO, then I don't think the property will work for your use case, as the endpoints are not files. In which case the forwardOn404 should work.

#EJB injection not working from JAX-RS service on Websphere AS 8

I have a RESTful service which injects an EJB(3.0) using the #EJB annotation. This injection does not work as I get a NullPointerException when I try access the greeting() method on the bean.
This exact code works on Glassfish 3.1 and now on WAS8.0.2 it fails. The injection however works in the same application when referenced from a servlet using the exact same approach
public class HelloRestService {
public HelloInterface helloImpl;
My Bean looks like this
package impl;
public class HelloImpl implements iface.HelloInterface {
public String greeting() {
return "Hello developer";
I have tried to do a lookup for the Implementation using the jndi name that gets printed out during server startup
helloimpl = (HelloImpl) new InitialContext().lookup("java:global/REST_EAR/REST_WAR/HelloImpl!iface.HelloInterface");
this however causes a ClassCastException
java.lang.ClassCastException: iface.EJSLocal0SLHelloImpl_f8ca883b incompatible with impl.HelloImpl
Can I read much into this..?
Now I am currently using Wink as my JAX-RS 1.1 implementation. I had previously used Jersey with the same results.
Does anyone know if this is a JAX-RS / WAS issue causing the DI to fail..? It definitely has something to do with REST as said previously the #EJB injection works from a Servlet
Regarding the casting problem: you should cast to iface.HelloInterface and not to HelloImpl since your bean is wrapped with proxy.
I don't know why #EJB does not work, but I'm pretty sure that Wink has nothing to do with the EJB annotations...
I managed to solve the issue in question, but was unable to use any other JAX-RS implementation than the default one in WAS 8. I had to extend from every RESTful resource and in my web.xml I registered my servlet as
I also had to have the ibm-web-bnd.xml and the ibm-web.ext.xml in my WEB-INF folder in the web project. I have a empty beans.xml file in there too, this is required for CDI, but I cannot recall if this was essential.
I hope this helps people sort out this issue as I have seen many online that cannot solve this.
I had similar problems with injection of EJBs (NPExc.) in app. deployed on WAS 8 (z/OS).
I was using no interface view (local EJB in the same EAR). On local WAS8 everything worked fine.
The solution was just removing EJBclient.jar from the WEB module class path (in manifest file).
you can use the old way of injection by context and it works for me this in case you run on IBM websphere 8 as this is fix in websphere 9
if (adapterBusinessFacadeRemote == null) {
try {
Context initialContext = new InitialContext();
adapterBusinessFacadeRemote = (IAdapterBusinessFacadeRemote) initialContext
.lookup("ejb/adapterBusinessFacadeRemote ");
} catch (NamingException ex) {
LOGGER.logError("process", "Cannot get connection: " + ex);
