Putting a Laravel site on a Synology NAS (DS215j) - laravel

I've created my first full Laravel tool. (Yiehaaa).
I'm looking to host it somewhere for my customer as he wants to be able to use it from different PC's in his network.
Therefore I was thinking to put it on a Synology NAS (DS215j) which is already available.
I took following steps :
Install WebStation
Install PHP7
Install Nginx with MariaDB10
Imported all tables
My Webstation is up-and-running, telling Nginx is running with PHP7.
Under PHP settings, I enabled : mysqli, openssl and pdo_mysql.
In the end, I created a Virtual host PORT based (on port 85 for http and port 86 for https) and connected the main folder to "web/maintoolfolder/public".
As http back-end server Nginx is chosen, with PHP 7.0
When I now open following url http://nasname:85 , I get to see my index.php page without any problem ! So yeahhhhh...
But, whatever link I click which needs to open one of my routes, I always get the error message "404 page can not be found".
Strange thing is that this 404 page is not even the own created Laravel 404 page.
What am I doing wrong ? Why can't I move between the different pages?
Thanks in advance for any help.
best regards,


How to disabled Phusion Passenger for hosting on Plesk? When I refresh web app in VueJS I always have error

My server has Plesk and I have mydomain.com with frontend in Vue and backend in api.mydomain.com with laravel. Before, when I went to mydomain.com/clients and tried to refresh the page, I got an error with Phusion Passenger. I have disabled Phusion Passenger on this domain but I don't remember how I did it.
Now, I have the same problem with the same front and back system. The only difference is that both domains are subdomains, that is, I have front.domain.es and api.domain.es.
If I refresh front.domain.com it works perfectly. If I navigate from the system menu it works fine. But, if I am in front.domain.com/clients for example and I try to refresh page, I get Pushion Passenger error.
Important comment that the system work perfectly, just when you try to refresh the page has this error. On the first example that I comment, now works perfecty without Passenger, I can refresh without problem, but I don't remember how I did it.
I want to disable Phusion Passenger for this hosting on plesk or domain or whatever, I hope you can help me!
Thank you very much!!
Log File:
[ E 2023-02-02 08:44:42.0486 476333/Tf age/Cor/App/Implementation.cpp:221 ]: Could not spawn process for application /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/front.domain.com: The application process exited prematurely.
Error ID: dbcc318c
Error details saved to: /tmp/passenger-error-BX09me.html
Go in Tools&Settings >> PHP Setting
In top of the page you should find this " Select the PHP handlers you want to make available. You can install additional handlers using the Plesk Installer. "
Follow the link and will take you to Plesk Installer, there you can enable/disable modules including fusion

Unable to locate the model you have specified - All i did was change servers

I have a codeigniter website, using the latest version of the frame work. I was hosting my website on Azure, and it was working fine - never any issues.
I've just moved all the files to a different server, a linux one - standard normal web hosting type server with cpanel.
My site loads up, however a lot of pages I use that require models, are giving off errors, as if the files do not exist
Unable to locate the model you have specified: UsersModel
Just note : I have read so many articles today, that you need to have uppercase / lowercase and all that stuff, but that's how i already have it setup, it just does not work since changing servers. and it worked perfectly fine yesterday on the Azure server.
Also, when going to the actual file in my address bar, it takes me to the 404 error. not sure if this has anything to do with it?
Did you change your base url in config file ?
All model , controllers, helper ,library name must me capital letter.
If you change server remove index.php from config file where you will get config['index']= ""; and save this.
Still you get error then save base url like domain/project_name/index.php

intervention-image with laravel 5.2 on ubuntu-server breaks the other calls

I am using laravel 5.2 to write services for a mobile app. all the calls are working fine. My project is deployed in ubuntu server.
Now I want to resize the uploaded images inorder to maintain same performance. I thought of trying intervention-image.
In local machine it worked fine. I installed intervention-image and set the provider and alias name, I included the alias name to controller. Once I do that and update the server, all the other calls are getting effected. I am getting 505 error.
It's the intervension-image which is causing this problem, I checked with previous upload and I am getting all the calls. Any suggestions?
I suggest you create a dev environment like your production , use vagrant . About error 505 check you error log file to have more detail about the bug

Laravel and Valet bizarre loading issue

Strange problem: Have installed Laravels 'Valet' to serve sites from .dev locally. When I am in my 'code' directory where I parked valet and create say laravel new blog installed perfectly and spins up on blog.dev. However say I create laravel new test and visit test.dev I get 404 - nothing found ...? I removed everything and tried again but the same thing happens. Has anyone else had the same problem?
Interestingly, from that same directory 'code' If i run a ping on blog.dev I get returned packets and pings. However I do the same on test, I get bunch of help commands?
So inside the project 'test' if I run php artisan serve I get a response of Laravel development server started: <> and If I visit the path bingo it works. But that confuses the issue even further for me...?
So, I wish to add this iMac was a previous developers so the home folder is called Adam, I am a seperate user but also an Admin with my own folder sat next to it called 'Dan'but not a 'home' directory as such it is just in the sames 'Users' directory whenever I try to do anything I get errors like: ERROR: Notice: Undefined index: domain in /Users/Adam/.composer/vendor/laravel/valet/cli/valet.php on line 55 That was when trying to spin up laravel share

Hosting a laravel application

I'm new here. I've tried all I could but couldn't setup my laravel app. I've also tried the solutions provided here
How to install Laravel 4 to a web host subfolder without publicly exposing /app/ folder?
but I keep on getting HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.Any help please?
change your host php version
PHP >= 5.4
MCrypt PHP Extension
Consider using Forge, it saves you a lot of time and you would support the creator
