Implement an NS2 LTE simulation with sumo and Ad-hoc network - adhoc

Hello everyone I want to ask for your valuable help to see if it is possible to add a SUMO scenario I have into NS2 to be able to simulate an ad-hoc network between cars and also allowed them to communicate with an LTE radio base station (eNodeB).
I already have SUMO and NS2 with the LTE patch running, I was able to add the LTE features thanks to an answer given by Knud Larsen in this post:
invalid command name "Queue/LTEQueue"

Ref. your note "7"
Your file unam.tcl :
set val(nn) 9
... change to
set val(nn) 11 ;# maximum number of nodes
# nn must be higher than the node number in traffic, movement files :
# any higher number can be used
It is forbidden to have two files with the same file name. unam.tcl is now named unam11.tcl, and mobility.tcl is mobility9.tcl .
Your file unam.tcl (unam11.tcl): No node higher than $node_(10) can be used. Your file line 111
$ns_ attach-agent $node_(22) $sink
... change to e.g.
$ns_ attach-agent $node_(3) $sink
Traffic file and movement files can also not exceed node numbers of 10 :
57 set opt(cp) "flowmod-teatinos-M40.tcl" ;# Network workload
.... must be e.g.
57 set opt(cp) "flowmod-urban-malaga-S10.tcl" ;# Network workload
... And
103 source mobility.tcl
104 source flowmod-teatinos-M40.tcl
.... can be
103 source mobility9.tcl
104 source flowmod-urban-malaga-S10.tcl
(The numbers are line numbers.) Other traffic files with max 10 nodes : cbr10, cbr-10-1-10-20 . And new traffic files with 9 .. 10 nodes can be created with e.g. $ ns cbrgen.tcl [options]
Traffic files etc.
My test : $ ns235-LTE-64 unam11.tcl : 'nam' opens OK, the files unam.nam 43.1MB, 31.9MB are created.
EDIT : An 802.11p file was omitted in your example, unam.tcl . New example = unam11-802.11p.tcl, with the connected 802.11p file = 802.11p-2.tcl. Link →
What is left out may be some LTE communication, see LTE examples


No output from spice simulation via netlist with Xyce

I am trying to use Xyce for a project and am running into this issue. I am copying the DC sweep netlist example from the Xyce user guide on page 39 to notepad and saving it as test2c.cir. I then copy it over into the Xyce directory and run the Xyce terminal and run the simulate command and am unable to generate any output. Is there a step I am missing to be able to run the Diode Clipper Circuit DC Sweep file? Am I saving the cir file in the right directory? It seems that the circuit "loads properly" and the syntax is fine, but I am not getting a figure output I am expecting. I believe the issue might be that my PC doesnt have a way to open prn files, in that case, how would I fix that?
Diode Clipper Circuit
** Voltage Sources
VCC 1 0 5V
VIN 3 0 0V
* Analysis Command
.DC VIN -10 15 1
* Output
.PRINT DC V(3) V(2) V(4)
* Diodes
D1 2 1 D1N3940
D2 0 2 D1N3940
* Resistors
R1 2 3 1K
R2 1 2 3.3K
R3 2 0 3.3K
R4 4 0 5.6K
* Capacitor
C1 2 4 0.47u
.MODEL D1N3940 D(
+ IS=4E-10 RS=.105 N=1.48 TT=8E-7
+ CJO=1.95E-11 VJ=.4 M=.38 EG=1.36
+ XTI=-8 KF=0 AF=1 FC=.9
+ BV=600 IBV=1E-4)
And this is the directory...
I changed the Analysis Command to save files as different formats (csv, raw, dat) and it still gives me the same error. Aborts because it cant open test.cir.___. Is the problem maybe something to do with where the program directory is located?
I was informed what a possible fix would be and it worked. The Xyce installation was in a location without admin permission (by default after serial installation). The easiest thing to try that worked was to cd to another directory with the netlist file and run Xyce in that other directory. That generated the output file correctly!

ModBus TCP communication using Ruby: failing to implement HelloWorld

I am able to communicate with a ventilation installation (Helios KWL EC 500 W which supports holding registers only, english description starts at 50% of the file) using the modpoll utility v3.4. But I failed to transfer the very first communication to Ruby and the rmodbus library v1.3.3.
With modpoll, I may request some temperature value with the command
./modpoll -m tcp -a 180 <ipaddr> 0x7630 0x3031 0x3034 0x0000
and then read the data using
./modpoll -m tcp -a 180 -t4:hex -c 8 -0 -1 <ipaddr>
Protocol configuration: MODBUS/TCP
Slave configuration...: address = 180, start reference = 1 (PDU), count = 8
Communication.........: x.x.x.x, port 502, t/o 2.00 s, poll rate 1000 ms
Data type.............: 16-bit register (hex), output (holding) register table
-- Polling slave...
[1]: 0x7630
which outputs 8 16bit registers as stated as example in the Helios modbus documentation. As very first step, I tried to move the read part to Ruby. However, my Ruby code times out:
require 'rmodbus', 502) do |client|
client.with_slave(1) do |slave|
slave.debug = true
puts slave.holding_registers[180..187]
and throws the exception
/var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rmodbus-1.3.3/lib/rmodbus/slave.rb:241:in `rescue in query':
Timed out during read attempt (ModBus::Errors::ModBusTimeout)
from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rmodbus-1.3.3/lib/rmodbus/slave.rb:232:in `query'
from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rmodbus-1.3.3/lib/rmodbus/slave.rb:164:in `read_holding_registers'
What's wrong?
I am not sure if / how to use the parameters output by modpoll "address =180" and "start reference =1". Is "address" equivalent to "holding register #"?
Okay, this one was rather stupid. For the records (and others who might want to talk to their Helios using rmodbus):
slave.debug = 1
turns on the debugging which outputs the byte stream sent to the modbus slave. The first bytes sequence is supposed to be: transaction number (2 byte), protocol specifier (2 byte, always zero), size of the following message (2 byte), unit identifier (1 byte, always 180 for Helios KWL).
The slave needs to be initialized with its unit identifier 180, instead of 1:
client.with_slave(180) do |slave|

error in train casacde

Hi I am having an error saying "Train dataset for temp stage can not filled. Branch training terminated. Cascade Classifier can't be trained. check the used training parameters" when I am trying to do training. I used 50 positive and 100 negative images. I saw a similar question here . My bg.txt file is already in the form mentioned in that solution but still having the error.
my console output was as follows-
C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\cv_traincascade
\Debug>cv_traincascade.exe -data test -vec positives.vec -bg infofile.txt -numPos 50 -
numNeg 100 -numStages 20 -precalcValBufSize 1024 -precalcIdxBufSize 1024 -w 24 -h 24
cascadeDirName: test
vecFileName: positives.vec
bgFileName: infofile.txt
numPos: 50
numNeg: 100
numStages: 20
precalcValBufSize[Mb] :1024
precalcIdxBufSize[Mb] :1024
stageType: BOOST
featureType: HAAR
sampleWidth: 24
sampleHeight: 24
boostType: GAB
minHitRate: 0.995
maxFalseAlarmRate: 0.5
weightTrimRate: 0.95
maxDepth: 1
maxWeakCount: 100
mode: BASIC
===== TRAINING 0-stage =====
POS count : consumed 50 : 50
Train dataset for temp stage can not be filled. Branch training terminated.
Cascade classifier can't be trained. Check the used training parameters.
Can anyone please say what is wrong in my command? any help will be appreciated. thank you.
You have a problem with your Background dataset, otherwise it would move through the Bg Count and start the classifier. Check the file locations are all correct in your background file "infofile.txt"
EDIT: Upload a portion of your bg file.

Print a postscript document with CUPS and a thermal printer

I installed an epson TM-T20 in Ubuntu 12.04, using the official driver. This is a thermal printer, I'm using 80mm paper.
My problem: When I print an image (using a postscript document) it waste a lot of paper because the image uses around 5cm and the printer before the image sends out 25cm of white paper.
I use the following command to send the document to the printer:
lpr -P tm-t20 -o
The printer prints the image (a 200x200 image), but first sends out a lot of non printed paper.
The printer wasn't recognized by CUPS (using the web interface at localhost:631). Then I installed it using the following procedure:
sudo lpadmin -p tm-t20 -E -v serial:/dev/ttyUSB0 -P /usr/share/ppd/epson-tm-t20-rastertotmt.ppd
Then the printer appeared in the CUPS web interface and I configured it (baud rate, bit parity, etc).
The printer works ok when I send some text.
Here is part of the printer ppd:
*PageRegion RP80x297/Roll Paper 80 x 297 mm: "<</PageSize[204 841.8]/ ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice"
*PageRegion RP58x297/Roll Paper 58 x 297 mm: "<</PageSize[141.7 841.8]/ ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice"
*CloseUI: *PageRegion
*DefaultImageableArea: RP80x297
*ImageableArea RP80x297/Roll Paper 80 x 297 mm: "0 0 204 841.8"
*ImageableArea RP58x297/Roll Paper 58 x 297 mm: "0 0 141.7 841.8"
*DefaultPaperDimension: RP80x297
*PaperDimension RP80x297/Roll Paper 80 x 297 mm: "204 841.8"
*PaperDimension RP58x297/Roll Paper 58 x 297 mm: "141.7 841.8"
I suppose that this waste of paper is because the 297mm of long that appears in the ppd file. Then I tried adding another configuration of 100mm instead of 297mm, but the problem persists.
I also tryied adding the tag %%DocumentMedia to the ps file, but the same problem:
%%Creator: GIMP PostScript file plugin V 1.17 by Peter Kirchgessner
%%CreationDate: Thu Sep 13 13:44:26 2012
%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit
%%LanguageLevel: 2
%%Pages: 1
%%BoundingBox: 14 14 215 215
%%DocumentMedia: Plain 72 72 0 white Plain
% Use own dictionary to avoid conflicts
10 dict begin
%%Page: 1 1
% Translate for offset
14.173228346456694 14.173228346456694 translate
% Translate to begin of first scanline
0 199.99999999999997 translate
199.99999999999997 -199.99999999999997 scale
% Image geometry
200 200 8
% Transformation matrix
[ 200 0 0 200 0 0 ]
% Strings to hold RGB-samples per scanline
/rstr 200 string def
/gstr 200 string def
/bstr 200 string def
{currentfile /ASCII85Decode filter /RunLengthDecode filter rstr readstring pop}
{currentfile /ASCII85Decode filter /RunLengthDecode filter gstr readstring pop}
{currentfile /ASCII85Decode filter /RunLengthDecode filter bstr readstring pop}
true 3
%%BeginData: 14759 ASCII Bytes
Any idea?
Finally after a lot of pain. I discover that the problem was the serial to USB cable (in order to connect the serial printer to an USB port). I tried with two different serial to USB cables, but the problem persists and finally I conclude that The printer works erratically if is not connect to a "real" serial port. I tested the printer under identical conditions in a PC with a serial port and it works perfect, just installing the driver provided by epson and giving chmod 777 to /dev/ttyS0. At the job list sometimes I see the error: "/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf failed". But the printer prints ok, like no error occurred.
I have to chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0 in order to get the printer working (Even if a run the commands with sudo).
I'm getting acceptable results (text is not at the center) with the option media=B8
lp -d tm-t20 -o media=B8
I also tried with
lp -d tm-t20 -o media=Custom.80x90mm
But the printer doesn't print and the job appears as completed at the cups web interface.
If I try with
lp -d tm-t20 -o media=Custom.200x190
The printer prints (not correctly centered, I guess that I need to try with different values until I get the desired result). The paper dimensions in dots are in this site:
The printer isn't cutting the paper, I dont know how to give that option (print and cut the paper).
The options accepted by the printer are:
lpoptions -p tm-t20 -l
PageSize/Media Size: *RP80x297 RP58x297 Custom.WIDTHxHEIGHT
Resolution/Resolution: *203x203dpi
TmtSpeed/Printing Speed: *Auto 1 2 3 4
TmtPaperReduction/Paper Reduction: Off Top *Bottom Both
TmtPaperSource/Paper Source: *DocFeedCut DocFeedNoCut DocNoFeedCut DocNoFeedNoCut PageFeedCut PageFeedNoCut PageNoFeedCut
TmtBuzzerControl/Buzzer: *Off Before After
TmtSoundPattern/Sound Pattern: *A B C D E
TmtBuzzerRepeat/Buzzer Repeat: *1 2 3 5
TmtDrawer1/Cash Drawer #1: *Off Before After
How to make the printer print and cut the paper? I need to do it from the console, to use it from a custom C++ program. If you have any other experience with this kinds of printers under Linux, please give me some advice. My goal is to use the printer from a C++ program, I didn't find a fast way to do it (sending directly ESC/POS commands to the printer, there isn't official documentation to do it under Linux), so I'm working with CUPS from the console.
lp -d tm-t20 -o media=Custom.200x258 -o source=DocFeedCut
I don't know why it works, because as is shown in the options DocFeedCut is the default option.
Now I just will try to center correctly the text.

Asynchronous Read/Writing with libraw1394

I'm trying to get two computers to communicate with each other over firewire. Both of the computers are running Ubuntu 9.10 and both have read/write access to the /dev/raw1394 node. I'm using firecontrol to quickly test sending read/write requests. If I can get it to work with firecontrol, I should be able to figure out how to do the same in my code.
On computer A, I do this:
computerA $ ./commander
Work Now
Copyright (C) 2002-2007 by Manfred Weihs
This software comes with absolutely no warranty.
No adapter specified!
successfully got handle
current generation number (driver): 1
1 card(s) found
nodes on bus: 2, card name: ohci1394
using adapter 0
found: 2 nodes on bus, local ID is 1, IRM is 1
current generation number (adapter): 7
entering command mode
Type 'help' for more information!
Command: w . 0 0 0xDE
insufficient arguments for operation!
Command: w . 0 0 2 0xDe
writing to node 0, bus 1023, offset 000000000000 2 bytes:
00 DE
write succeeded.
Ack code: complete
Since computer A is on node 1, I send to node 0. Then I go to computer B and read from node 0 and get this:
computerB $ ./commander
Copyright (C) 2002-2007 by Manfred Weihs
This software comes with absolutely no warranty.
No adapter specified!
successfully got handle
current generation number (driver): 1
1 card(s) found
nodes on bus: 2, card name: ohci1394
using adapter 0
found: 2 nodes on bus, local ID is 0, IRM is 1
current generation number (adapter): 9
entering command mode
Type 'help' for more information!
Command: r . 0 0 1
reading from node 0, bus 1023, offset 000000000000 1 bytes
read failed.
Ack code: pending; Response code: address error
I'm using the same offset for both of them. What am I doing wrong and how am I supposed to read/write from/to firewire nodes?
I have these same problems when I try and use raw1394 in my own code.
