Create partitioned table from non partitioned table - hadoop

Suppose I have internal orc non partitioned table in Hive:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS non_partitioned_table(
company STRING,
city STRING,
country STRING,
Is it possible somehow create parquet partitioned table this way via cte like statement?
create partitioned_table PARTITION ON (date STRING) like non_partitioned_table;
alter table partitioned_table SET FILEFORMAT PARQUET;
This create statement doesn't work.
So basically I need to add column and make table partitioned by this column. I know that I can create table through the simple create table statement, but I need to do it within CREATE TABLE LIKE and the altered somehow

Your table doesn't have a date column to begin with, so you're going to have to make a new one.
You might be able to ALTER TABLE non_partitioned_table ADD PARTITION, but haven't tried that myself. If you want to try it, I would suggest the partition location be outside of the existing HDFS directory.
Anyways, the CREATE-TABLE-LIKE DDL does not support PARTITIONED BY
LIKE existing_table_or_view_name
[LOCATION hdfs_path];
You need to copy the DESCRIBE TABLE schema from the first, then alter it and add the PARTITIONED BY, and optionally specify STORED AS. (SET FILEFORMAT PARQUET doesn't change the data type in-place).
Then, if you want the data in the new table, you need to INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE


Hive dynamic partitioned table build from non-partitioned table

I have a Hive table SMART_STG.CALL_RECORDS which is external non-partitioned text file table. I need to copy the data into a new target table. The requirements for the target table is:
Should have same structure as source table - SMART_STG.CALL_RECORDS
Should have partitioning on new column 'ingest_datetime'
This new table should get created automatically
I know I can create the partitioned table manually by using describe option and adding the partitioned BY(ingest_datetime string) but how do I build this table dynamically so that my code works on any table?
Sample structure of my source table.
Call_Number String,
Dollar_Amt Decimal(3,2),
Call_Value Decimal(3,2),
Date_Month INT,
Date_year INT
LOCATION '/smart_stg/CallRecords'

hive first column to consider in partition table

Creating partition table in hive, does it mandatory to choose always the last column for partition column.
If I choose 1st column as partition, I cant do filter data, is there any way to choose first column for partition?
In hive, if you want to partition a table, you have to define partition column first during table creation time. & while populating the data into table you need to specify as follow:
"INSERT INTO partitioned_table PARTITION(status) SELECT id , name, status from temp_tbl "
in this way using you can partition based on last column only. if you want to partition on the basis of first column. you have to write a Mapreduce job for that . that is the only option available.
I guess the problem you are facing is that you already have table "source" in your local system or hdfs and you want to upload it to partitioned table. And you want the first column in the source table to be partitioned in hive. As the source table does not have headers i guess we can not do anything here if we try to directly upload the file in the hive destination folder. The only alternate way i know is that create a non partitioned table in hive whose structure is exactly the same as the source file. then upload the source data to non partitioned table first, then copy the data from non partitioned table to partitioned table.
Suppose the source file is like this
create table source(eid int, ename int, esal int) partitioned by (dept string)
your non partioned table where you upload the data is like thiscreate table nopart(dept string, esal int,ename string, eid int)
then you use the dynamic partition by command insert overwrite table source partition(dept) select eid,ename,esal,dept from nopart;
the order of the parameters is the only point here.

creating partition in external table in hive

I have successfully created and added Dynamic partitions in an Internal table in hive. i.e. by using following steps:
1-created a source table
2-loaded data from local into source table
3- created another table with partitions - partition_table
4- inserted the data to this table from source table resulting in creation of all the partitions dynamically
My question is, how to perform this in external table? I read so many articles on this, but i am confused , that do I have to specify path to the already existing partitions for creating partitions for external table??
Step 1:
create external table1 ( name string, age int, height int)
location 'path/to/dataFile/in/HDFS';
Step 2:
alter table table1 add partition(age)
location 'path/to/already/existing/partition'
I am not sure how to proceed with partitioning in external tables. Can somebody please help by giving step by step description of the same?.
Thanks in advance!
Yes, you have to tell Hive explicitly what is your partition field.
Consider you have a following HDFS directory on which you want to create a external table.
Let's say this directory already have data stored(partitioned) department wise as follows:
Each of these directories have bunch of files where each file
contains actual comma separated data for fields say name,age,height.
Now let's create external table on this:
Step 1. Create external table:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE testdb.table1(name string, age int, height int)
PARTITIONED BY (dept string)
LOCATION '/path/to/dataFile/';
Step 2. Add partitions:
ALTER TABLE testdb.table1 ADD PARTITION (dept='dept1') LOCATION '/path/to/dataFile/dept1';
ALTER TABLE testdb.table1 ADD PARTITION (dept='dept2') LOCATION '/path/to/dataFile/dept2';
ALTER TABLE testdb.table1 ADD PARTITION (dept='dept3') LOCATION '/path/to/dataFile/dept3';
Done, run select query once to verify if data loaded successfully.
1. Set below property
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict
2. Create External partitioned table
create external table1 ( name string, age int, height int)
location 'path/to/dataFile/in/HDFS';
3. Insert data to partitioned table from source table.
Basically , the process is same. its just that you create external partitioned table and provide HDFS path to table under which it will create and store partition.
Hope this helps.
The proper way to do it.
Create the table and mention it is partitioned.
create external table1 ( name string, age int, height int)
partitioned by (age int)
stored as ****(your format)
location 'path/to/dataFile/in/HDFS';
Now you have to refresh the partitions in the hive metastore.
msck repair table table1
This will take care of loading all your partitions into the hive metastore.
You can use msck repair table at any point during your process to have the metastore updated.
Follow the below steps:
Create a temporary table/Source table
create table source_table(name string,age int,height int) row format delimited by ',';
Use your delimiter as in the file instead of ',';
Load data into the source table
load data local inpath 'path/to/dataFile/in/HDFS';
Create external table with partition
create external table external_dynamic_partitions(name string,height int)
partitioned by (age int)
location 'path/to/dataFile/in/HDFS';
Enable dynamic partition mode to nonstrict
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict
Load data to external table with partitions from source file
insert into table external_dynamic partition(age)
select * from source_table;
That's it.
You can check the partitions information using
show partitions external_dynamic;
You can even check if it is an external table or not using
describe formatted external_dynamic;
External table is a type of table in Hive where the data is not moved to the hive warehouse. That means even if U delete the table, the data still persists and you will always get the latest data, which is not the case with Managed table.

Create new hive table from existing external portioned table

I have a external partitioned table with almost 500 partitions. I am trying to create another external table with same properties as of the old table. Then i want to copy all the partitions from my old table to the newly created table. below is my create table query. My old table is stored as TEXTFILE and i want to save the new one as ORC file.
'add jar json_jarfile;
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE new_table_orc (col1,col2,col3...col27)
PARTITIONED BY (year string, month string, day string)
LOCATION 'path';'
And after creation of this table. i am using the below query to insert the partitions from old table to new one.i only want to copy few columns from original table to new table
'set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE new_table_orc PARTITION (year,month,day) SELECT col2,col3,col6,year,month,day FROM old_table;
i am getting below error.
'FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10044]: Line 2:23 Cannot insert into target table because column number/types are different 'day': Table insclause-0 has 27 columns, but query has 6 columns.'
Any suggestions?
Your query has to match the number and type of columns in your new table. You have created your new table with 27 regular columns and 3 partition columns, but your query only select six columns.
If you really only care about those six columns, then modify the new table to have only those columns. If you do want all columns, then modify your select statement to select all of those columns.
You also will not need the "recover partitions" statement. When you insert into a table with dynamic partitions, it will create those partitions both in the filesystem and in the metastore.

convert normal column as partition column in hive

I have a table with 3 columns. now i need to modify one of the column as a partition column.
Is there any possibility? If not, how can we add partition to existing table. I used the below syntax:
create table t1 (eno int, ename string ) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
load data local '/....path/' into table t1;
alter table t1 add partition (p1='india');
i am getting errors.........
Any one know how to add partition to existing table......?
Thanks in advance.
I don't think this is directly possible. Hive would have to completely rearrange and split the files in HDFS because adding the partition would impose a new directory structure.
What I suggest you do is simply create a new table with the desired schema and partition, and insert everything from the first into the second.
You can't add a partition to a created table.
But you can do something like these steps.
Create a new table and insert data from the old table to the new one.
/*Original table structure*/
CREATE TABLE original_table(
c1 string,
c2 string,
c3 string)
/*Partitioned table structure*/
CREATE TABLE partitioned_table(
c1 string,
c2 string)
partitioned by (c3 string)
/*load data from original_table to partitioned_table*/
insert into
table partitioned_table partition(c3)
select c1, c2, c3
from original_table;
/*rename original_table to old_table. You can just drop it if you want it*/
ALTER TABLE original_table RENAME TO old_table;
/*rename partitioned_table to original_table*/
ALTER TABLE partitioned_table RENAME TO original_table;
I think there is no way to convert an existing column of a table to partition.
If you want to add a partition in a table use ALTER command as you have already done. If you are dealing with the external table then specify the location field as well. I am not sure whether a partition can be added using ALTER command for managed tables.
