ABC pdf is not working for https - abcpdf

ABCpdf is not supported the https images , when we generate the pdf we will get the cross symbols.
Please help me .
Thank You

//Get the HTML. In this example I'm reading the html from a text file (for demonstration purposes)
var streamReader = new StreamReader(#"c:\html.txt");
HTML_STRING = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
// Create PDF
//Initiate the document
var theDoc = new Doc();
theDoc.TextStyle.Size = 20;
theDoc.Rect.Inset(40, 55);
theDoc.Color.String = "255 255 255"; //Clear rectangle
//Add the html
int theId = theDoc.AddImageHtml(HTML_STRING);
//We now chain subsequent pages together. We stop when we reach a page which wasn't truncated
while (true)
if (!theDoc.Chainable(theId))
theDoc.Page = theDoc.AddPage();
theId = theDoc.AddImageToChain(theId);
// Set pagenumber
//Set the position for the page number
theDoc.Rect.String = "35 30 580 50";
theDoc.Font = theDoc.AddFont("Trebuchet");
theDoc.FontSize = 11;
int pagenumber = 1;
//flatten the pages. We can't do this until after the pages have been added because flattening will invalidate our previous ID and break the chain.
for (int i = 1; i <= theDoc.PageCount; i++)
theDoc.PageNumber = i;
//Add page number
string txt = pagenumber.ToString();
theDoc.Color.String = "169 169 169"; //Dark grey text
//Positioning depends on if the page is even or odd
theDoc.VPos = 1.0;
if ((i%2) == 0)
theDoc.HPos = 0.01;
theDoc.HPos = 0.99;
//Add the page number
//Add a line above page number
theDoc.AddLine(21, 55, 590, 55);
//Flatten page
//Increase the page number count
// Save the pdf file
// Save the document


Unable to add an Image to a powerpoint presentation using open xml

I am using the following code to add a new slide to a ppt file and add an image. I am using Open XML 2.5 SDK.
A new slide is getting added but not the image. Is there anything wrong in this code?
int position = 1;
using (PresentationDocument presentationDocument = PresentationDocument.Open("c.pptx", true))
PresentationPart presentationPart = presentationDocument.PresentationPart;
Slide slide = new Slide(new CommonSlideData(new ShapeTree()));
NonVisualGroupShapeProperties nonVisualProperties = slide.CommonSlideData.ShapeTree.AppendChild(new NonVisualGroupShapeProperties());
nonVisualProperties.NonVisualDrawingProperties = new NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = 1, Name = "" };
nonVisualProperties.NonVisualGroupShapeDrawingProperties = new NonVisualGroupShapeDrawingProperties();
nonVisualProperties.ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties = new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties();
// Specify the group shape properties of the new slide.
slide.CommonSlideData.ShapeTree.AppendChild(new GroupShapeProperties());
// Create the slide part for the new slide.
SlidePart slidePart = presentationPart.AddNewPart<SlidePart>();
// Save the new slide part.
string imgId = "rId" + new Random().Next(2000).ToString();
ImagePart imagePart = slidePart.AddImagePart(ImagePartType.Png, imgId);
using (FileStream stream = new FileStream("a.png", FileMode.Open))
stream.Position = 0;
// Modify the slide ID list in the presentation part.
// The slide ID list should not be null.
SlideIdList slideIdList = presentationPart.Presentation.SlideIdList;
// Find the highest slide ID in the current list.
uint maxSlideId = 1;
SlideId prevSlideId = null;
foreach (SlideId slideId in slideIdList.ChildElements)
if (slideId.Id > maxSlideId)
maxSlideId = slideId.Id;
if (position == 0)
prevSlideId = slideId;
// Get the ID of the previous slide.
SlidePart lastSlidePart;
if (prevSlideId != null)
lastSlidePart = (SlidePart)presentationPart.GetPartById(prevSlideId.RelationshipId);
lastSlidePart = (SlidePart)presentationPart.GetPartById(((SlideId)(slideIdList.ChildElements[0])).RelationshipId);
// Use the same slide layout as that of the previous slide.
if (null != lastSlidePart.SlideLayoutPart)
// Insert the new slide into the slide list after the previous slide.
SlideId newSlideId = slideIdList.InsertAfter(new SlideId(), prevSlideId);
newSlideId.Id = maxSlideId;
newSlideId.RelationshipId = presentationPart.GetIdOfPart(slidePart);
// Save the modified prsentation.
Thanks in advance.

Set selection on tekst inside CKEditor

I'm having trouble to select text in CKEditor(3.6). As we use plain text i dont know how to use correctly the range selectors.
HTML code of the CKEditor:
<body spellcheck="false" class="rf-ed-b" contenteditable="true">
Cross those that apply:<br>
[«dummy»] If he/she is tall<br>
[«dummy»] If he/she is a male<br>
[«dummy»] If he/shi is a minor<br>
[«dummy»] «Write here the specialties if known»<br>
«You are now done with filling in this form»<br>
With the keys 'CRTL+N' I want to go to the next filleble spot:
I tried stuff like:
var editor = CKEDITOR.instances['MyEditor'];
var findString = '«';
var element = editor.document.getBody();
var ranges = editor.getSelection().getRanges();
var startIndex = element.getHtml().indexOf(findString);
if (startIndex != -1) {
ranges[0].setStart(element.getFirst(), startIndex);
ranges[0].setEnd(element.getFirst(), startIndex + 5);
Exception: Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount
While totally stripepd down it kinda works a bit:
var editor = CKEDITOR.instances['MyEditor'];
var ranges = editor.getSelection().getRanges();
var startIndex = 10;
if (startIndex != -1) {
ranges[0].setStart(element.getFirst(), startIndex);
ranges[0].setEnd(element.getFirst(), startIndex + 5);
here it selects 5th till 10th char on first row.
I used the following sources:
example on Stackoverflow
Another stackoverflow example
CKEditor dom selection API
All solutions i can find work with html nodes.
How can set selection range on the '«' till next '»'
I've managed to solve this solution. Meanwhile i also upgraded CKeditor to 4.0.
This shouldnt have an impact on the solution.
It is a lot of code in JS.
On my keybinding i call the following JS function: getNextElement()
In this solution it also searches behind the cursor, this makes it possible to step through multiple find results.
Also the view gets scrolled to the next search result
var textNodes = [], scrollTo=0,ranges = [];
function getNextElement(){
var editor =null;
ranges = [];
// I dont know the ID of the editor, but i know there is only one the page
for(var i in CKEDITOR.instances){
editor = CKEDITOR.instances[i];
if(editor ==null){
var startRange = editor.getSelection().getRanges()[0];
var cursorData ="",cursorOffset=0,hasCursor = false;
if(startRange != null && startRange.endContainer.$.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT){
cursorOffset = startRange.startOffset;
cursorData = startRange.endContainer.$.data;
hasCursor = true;
var element;
element = editor.document.getBody().getLast().getParent();
var selection = editor.getSelection();
// Recursively search for text nodes starting from root.
textNodes = [];
getTextNodes( element );
var foundElement = false;
foundElement = iterateEditor(editor,hasCursor,cursorData,cursorOffset);
foundElement =iterateEditor(editor,false,"",0);
// Select the range with the first << >>.
selection.selectRanges( ranges );
function iterateEditor(editor,hasCursor,cursorData,cursorOffset){
var foundElement = false;
var rowNr = 0;
var text, range;
var foundNode = false;
foundNode = true;
// Iterate over and inside the found text nodes. If some contains
// phrase "<< >>", create a range that selects this word.
for (var i = textNodes.length; i--; ) {
text = textNodes[ i ];
if ( text.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && text.getName() == "br" ){
} else if ( text.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
var sameNode = false;
if(text.$.data == cursorData){
foundNode = true;
sameNode = true;
var startIndex = -1;
var endIndex = 1;
// Check inside the already selected node if the text has multiple hits on the searchphrase
var indicesStart = getIndicesOf('\u00AB', text.getText());
var indicesEnd = getIndicesOf('\u00BB', text.getText());
for (var j = indicesStart.length; j--; ) {
if(indicesStart[j] > cursorOffset){
startIndex = indicesStart[j];
endIndex = indicesEnd[j];
} else{
startIndex = text.getText().indexOf( '\u00AB' );
endIndex = text.getText().indexOf( '\u00BB' );
if ( startIndex > -1 && (!sameNode || startIndex > cursorOffset)) {
range = editor.createRange();
range.setStart( text, startIndex );
foundElement = true;
// calculate the height the window should scroll to focus the selected element
scrollTo = (rowNr)*20;
if ( endIndex > -1 && foundElement ) {
range.setEnd( text, endIndex+1 );
ranges.push( range );
return true;
function getIndicesOf(searchStr, str) {
var startIndex = 0, searchStrLen = searchStr.length;
var index, indices = [];
while ((index = str.indexOf(searchStr, startIndex)) > -1) {
startIndex = index + searchStrLen;
return indices;
function getTextNodes( element ) {
var children = element.getChildren(), child;
for ( var i = children.count(); i--; ) {
child = children.getItem( i );
textNodes.push( child );

Image resizes when inserted in PdfCell

I'm trying to create Pdf using itextsharp. I have added one table conataining two columns one containing text and other image. I want to have constant image size
My Image automatically resizes if the text present in another cell increases and image present in other cell has different sizes
for (int i = 0; i < visitInfo.VisitsiteComplience.Count; ++i)
cellprop.Colspan = 1;
cellprop.Pharse = visitInfo.VisitsiteComplience[i].Compliencedescription;
cellprop.BaseColor = null;
yesicon.ScaleAbsolute(35f, 35f);
noicon.ScaleAbsolute(35f, 35f);
if (visitInfo.VisitsiteComplience[i].Status == "1")
statuscell.AddElement(new Chunk(noicon, 0, 0));
// statuscell.AddElement(new Chunk(noicon, 0, 0));
statuscell.FixedHeight = 10;
//headerLeftCell.Border = PdfPCell.NO_BORDER;
2. Then I changed the code but now Image size increases and occupies full cell
for (int i = 0; i < visitInfo.VisitsiteComplience.Count; ++i)
cellprop.Colspan = 1;
cellprop.Pharse = visitInfo.VisitsiteComplience[i].Compliencedescription;
cellprop.BaseColor = null;
yesicon.ScaleAbsolute(35f, 35f);
noicon.ScaleAbsolute(35f, 35f);
if (visitInfo.VisitsiteComplience[i].Status == "1")
statuscell.AddElement(new Chunk(noicon, 0, 0));
// statuscell.AddElement(new Chunk(noicon, 0, 0));
//headerLeftCell.Border = PdfPCell.NO_BORDER;
I think you're scaling the image yourself like this: noicon.ScaleAbsolute(35f, 35f);
It also puzzles me why you're wrapping the image inside a Chunk. You can create a PdfPCell that takes an Image as parameter as well as a Bool to defines whether or not iText should scale the Image. See page 109 of the book iText in Action (of which I'm the author) and take a look at the XMen example of chapter 4.
Image image = Image.getInstance("D:/star.png");
PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell();

Performance difference when reading/writing many files with EPPlus versus Spreadsheet Gear

I've made a simple performance test between EPPlus and Spreadsheet Gear to see if there is any significant difference that would justify buying Spreadsheet Gear.
I am no expert at either application so it's possible the tests aren't written the most efficient way.
The test does the following:
1. Opens an existing Excel-file with 1000 rows and 3 columns. Saves the three values into an entity that is saved into a List<>.
2. Open a new Excel-object
3. Create a header row (bold) with the title of each column.
4. Write back the 1000 entities.
5. Save the new Excelfile.
If I run this test once EPPlus comes out the winner (approx times are EPPlus = 280ms, SG = 500ms). If I run the test 10 times in a row instead (a for-loop opening, copying, saving 10 seperate times) Spreadsheet Gear is faster instead (approx times per file: EPPlus = 165ms, SG = 95ms). For 20 tests the approx times are EPPlus = 160ms / file and SG = 60ms / file.
It seems like (to a certain extent at least) Spreadsheet Gears gets faster and faster the more files I create.
Could anyone explain why EPPlus is the slower one when running consecutive tests? And can I make changes to the code to change this?
EPPlus test function:
var timer = new Stopwatch();
var data = new List<Item>();
using (var excelIn = new ExcelPackage(new FileInfo(folder + fileIn)))
var sheet = excelIn.Workbook.Worksheets[1];
var row = 2;
while (sheet.Cells[row, 1].Value != null)
data.Add(new Item()
Id = int.Parse(sheet.Cells[row, 1].Text),
Title = sheet.Cells[row, 2].Text,
Value = int.Parse(sheet.Cells[row, 3].Text)
using (var excelOut = new ExcelPackage())
var sheet = excelOut.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Out");
sheet.InsertRow(1, 1);
sheet.Cells[1, 1, 1, 3].Style.Font.Bold = true;
sheet.Cells[1, 1].Value = "Id";
sheet.Cells[1, 2].Value = "Title";
sheet.Cells[1, 3].Value = "Value";
excelOut.SaveAs(new FileInfo(folder + "EPPlus_" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".xlsx"));
return timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;
Spreadsheet Gear:
var timer = new Stopwatch();
var data = new List<Item>();
var excelIn = Factory.GetWorkbook(folder + fileIn);
var sheetIn = excelIn.Worksheets[0];
var rowIn = 1;
while (sheetIn.Cells[rowIn, 0].Value != null)
data.Add(new Item()
Id = int.Parse(sheetIn.Cells[rowIn, 0].Text),
Title = sheetIn.Cells[rowIn, 1].Text,
Value = int.Parse(sheetIn.Cells[rowIn, 2].Text)
var excelOut = Factory.GetWorkbook();
var sheetOut = excelOut.Worksheets.Add();
sheetOut.Name = "Out";
var rowOut = 0;
sheetOut.Cells[rowOut, 0, rowOut, 2].Font.Bold = true;
sheetOut.Cells[rowOut, 0].Value = "Id";
sheetOut.Cells[rowOut, 1].Value = "Title";
sheetOut.Cells[rowOut++, 2].Value = "Value";
foreach (var item in data)
sheetOut.Cells[rowOut, 0].Value = item.Id;
sheetOut.Cells[rowOut, 1].Value = item.Title;
sheetOut.Cells[rowOut++, 2].Value = item.Value;
excelOut.SaveAs(folder + "SpreadsheetGear_" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".xlsx", FileFormat.OpenXMLWorkbook);
return timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;
Main function
var runs = 1;
var testerG = new TestSpreadsheetGear();
var testerE = new TestEpPlus();
var msE = 0.0;
var msG = 0.0;
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < runs; ++i)
msG += new TestSpreadsheetGear().Run(folder, originalFile);
for(i = 0; i < runs; ++i)
msE += new TestEpPlus().Run(folder, originalFile);
Console.WriteLine("Spreadsheet time: " + msG + ". Per file: " + msG / runs);
Console.WriteLine("EP Plus time: " + msE + ". Per file: " + msE / runs);
I believe that the reason for the results you are seeing is the fact that on the first run the .NET CLR must JIT the code. Since SpreadsheetGear is a complete spreadsheet engine under the hood (as opposed to a read / write library) there is more code to JIT - thus the first run is taking longer for SpreadsheetGear than EPPlus (I am speculating here but have a great deal of experience in benchmarking .NET code over the last 10 years).
I do not have EPPlus installed but I did write a test which tries to do the same thing you are doing. with SpreadsheetGear 2012 Since I don't have your starting workbook I first build the workbook. Then, I used more optimal SpreadsheetGear APIs. The first time I run I get 141 milliseconds for SpreadsheetGear 2012. After the first run I get 9 or 10 milliseconds for each run on an overclocked Core i7-980x running Win7 x86 and a release build run without debugger.
I have pasted my code below (just paste it into a .NET 4.0 C# console application).
One more thought I have is that this is a very small test case. To really see the performance of SpreadsheetGear 2012 try this with 100,000 rows or even 1 million rows.
Disclaimer: I own SpreadsheetGear LLC
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SpreadsheetGear;
namespace SGvsEPPlus
class Program
internal struct Item
internal Item(int id, string title, int value)
Id = id;
Title = title;
Value = value;
internal int Id;
internal string Title;
internal int Value;
static void Test(int rows)
string filename = #"C:\tmp\MyWorkbook.xlsx";
Console.Write("Test({0})...", rows);
var timer = new Stopwatch();
// Create workbook since we don't have poster's original workbook.
var workbook = Factory.GetWorkbook();
var values = (SpreadsheetGear.Advanced.Cells.IValues)workbook.Worksheets[0];
for (int row = 1; row <= rows; row++)
values.SetNumber(row, 0, row);
values.SetText(row, 1, "Title " + row);
values.SetNumber(row, 2, row * 10);
Console.Write("Create workbook={0:0}...", timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
// Save workbook
workbook.SaveAs(filename, FileFormat.OpenXMLWorkbook);
Console.Write("Save workbook={0:0}...", timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
// Track total time of original test.
var totalTimer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
// Open workbook
var excelIn = Factory.GetWorkbook(filename);
Console.Write("Open excelIn={0:0}...", timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
// Copy workbook to list
var sheetIn = excelIn.Worksheets[0];
var valuesIn = (SpreadsheetGear.Advanced.Cells.IValues)sheetIn;
var rowIn = 1;
var data = new List<Item>(rows);
while (valuesIn[rowIn, 0] != null)
data.Add(new Item(
(int)valuesIn[rowIn, 0].Number,
valuesIn[rowIn, 1].Text,
(int)valuesIn[rowIn, 2].Number));
excelIn.Close(); // Not necessary but left for consistency.
Console.Write("excelIn->data={0:0}...", timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
var excelOut = Factory.GetWorkbook();
var sheetOut = excelOut.Worksheets[0];
var valuesOut = (SpreadsheetGear.Advanced.Cells.IValues)sheetOut;
sheetOut.Name = "Out";
var rowOut = 0;
sheetOut.Cells[rowOut, 0, rowOut, 2].Font.Bold = true;
sheetOut.Cells[rowOut, 0].Value = "Id";
sheetOut.Cells[rowOut, 1].Value = "Title";
sheetOut.Cells[rowOut++, 2].Value = "Value";
foreach (var item in data)
valuesOut.SetNumber(rowOut, 0, item.Id);
valuesOut.SetText(rowOut, 1, item.Title);
valuesOut.SetNumber(rowOut, 2, item.Value);
Console.Write("data->excelOut={0:0}...", timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
excelOut.SaveAs(#"C:\tmp\SpreadsheetGear_" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".xlsx", FileFormat.OpenXMLWorkbook);
excelOut.Close(); // Again - not necessary.
Console.WriteLine("Save excelOut={0:0}...", timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
Console.WriteLine(" Total={0:0}", totalTimer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
static void Main(string[] args)
// Do it three times with 1000 rows. Note that the first
// time takes longer because code must be JITted.

Abcpdf copyable/selectable text

i'm using websupergoos abcpdf to convert html pages to pdf via addimageurl.
Works great, but the resulting pdf does not allow the user to select text and copy. All is one 'image'.
Is it possible to do this? Which are the settings to use?
This is my current code. The commented "flatten" does not seem to do anything relevant. The HttpStream simply forewards the pdf to users as a doc.
var doc = new Doc();
doc.HtmlOptions.UseScript = true;
doc.Units = "mm";
doc.MediaBox.String = "0 0 210 297";
doc.Rect.String = doc.MediaBox.String;
doc.Rect.Inset(10.0, 10.0);
doc.SetInfo(0, "License", abcpdfkey);
doc.HtmlOptions.UseScript = true;
doc.HtmlOptions.AddMovies = true;
doc.HtmlOptions.RetryCount = 0;
doc.HtmlOptions.ContentCount = 1;
doc.Page = doc.AddPage();
for (int i = doc.AddImageUrl(url); doc.Chainable(i); i = doc.AddImageToChain(i))
doc.Page = doc.AddPage();
int pageCount = doc.PageCount;
for (int j = 1; j <= pageCount; j++)
doc.PageNumber = j;
// doc.Flatten();
this.HttpStream(doc.GetData(), filename);
Before sending the PDF to the HTTP stream, you can set the encryption properties
The CanCopy Property sets if the user can copy text from the PDF
To set it add the following code:
doc.Encryption.CanCopy = true;
You may need to set doc.Encryption.CanExtract as well
