splitting small amount of data over multiple vs a single index? - elasticsearch

We are in the process of jumping from ES 2.3.2 to 6.0. As part of this work, we are breaking up our monolithic index into multiple indexes. The index we have is split into 23 shards, each of which is about 50 GB. We are doing two things:
1) Split out our types (we have 26 types with widely varying fields) into individual indexes
2) Create date-based indexes
We are doing #1 as that as mapping types are being deprecated.
We are doing #2 as 80% of our queries are on data from just the last 30 days. We do have queries that go back over all time. Also, our data is mutable (any document from any date can be updated), so we are managing our index targeting in our api.
What I am dealing with now is that when we split this all out, for some of our larger types, this works really well. For the smaller ones, we end up with indexes that, once split out by type and date, are very small (like ~100 mb). I am concerned that for the small types, we will end up with 15 (we have a 15 month retention) indexes that are all small, making it inefficient for searching. Is this really bad? I did a test of collapsing the smaller ones and not having them date based, but I found performance actually went down. I am hyothesizing that this is because all the data was in one shard (I set it to one shard), and the search could not be parallelized.
My root question is to find out if there is a penalty for having a small amount of data spread over multiple indexes vs collocating it in one index? We really need the date-based for our larger types, and managing a mix of date vs non-date-based is undesirable.

if you are able to get performance you need from time sliced indices. I'd go with that approach. A simple , indexing strategy is better than having another system to manage number of indices based on size.


How to split multiple typed index out to prepare for ES upgrade (where multiple types are deprecated)

We are currently running a cluster with ES 2.3.2 that has one large index with the following properties:
762 GB (366 million docs)
25 data nodes; 3 master nodes; 3 client nodes
23 shards / 1 replica
This one index has 20+ types, each with a few common and many unique fields. I am redesigning the cluster with the following goals:
1) Remove multiple types in an index so that we can upgrade ES. Though multi-types are supported in v5, we want to do the work to prep for v6 now.
2) Break up the large index into more manageable smaller indexes
I have set up a new identical cluster. I modified the indexing so that I have one index per type. I allocated a shard count based on the relative size of the data with a minimum of 2, and a max of 5 shards. After indexing all of our data into this new cluster, I am finding that the same query against the new cluster is slower than against the old cluster.
I figured this was due to the explosion of shards (i.e. was 23 primary, and now it is 78). I closed all but one index (that has a shard count of 2), then ran a test where I targeted a single type against my old monolithic index, and the new single-typed index (using a homebrew tool to run requests in parallel and parse out the "took"). I find that if I do a "size: 0", my new cluster is faster. When I return 7 or 8 they seem to be in parity. It then goes downhill where our default query of 30 records returned is about twice as slow. I am guessing this is because there are fewer threads to do the actual retrieval in the smaller index with two shards vs the large one with 23.
What is the recommendation for moving away from multi-typed indexes when the following is true:
- There are many types
- The types have very different mappings
- There is a huge variance in size per type running from 4 mb to 154 gb
I am currently contemplating putting them all in one type with one massive mapping (I don't think there are any fields with the same name but different mappings), but that seems really ugly.
Any suggestions welcome,
I don't know your data but you can try to lessen the indexes in the following way.
Those types that have similar mappings group in one index. In this index create property "type" and support this property by yourself in queries.
If every type has completely different structure I would put the smaller ones in one index. After all they were this way before.
Sharding is the way how elasticsearch scales, so it makes sense that you observe performance degradation for network/IO bound operation when it's executed against 2 shard vs. 23, as it essentially means it was run on 2 nodes in parallel as opposed to 23.
If you want to split the index, you need to go over all of the types and identify the minimum number of shards for each type for your target performance. It'll depend on multiple factors such as the number of documents, document size, request/indexing patterns. As you mentioned that types vary significantly in size, most likely the result will be less balanced than your initial set up (2-5 shards), i.e. some of the indexes will need a higher number of shards, while some will do fine with less, e.g. there is no need to split 4mb index (as in your example) into multiple shards, unless you expect it to grow significantly and have high update rate and you want to scale indexing, otherwise 1 shard is fine.

Increase Solr performance when querying a subset of documents

The Usecase
I have an index of potentially millions of documents. I want to make around 20'0000 searches on a subset of these documents (around 25'000 documents). These 25'000 documents could take up around 100 MB stored in Solr (consisting of stored and indexes text fields).
The Problem
As the number of indexed documents increases, the performance of the queries decreases a lot. For example running 20'000 searches that hit 25'000 documents on 100'000 document index takes around 4 minutes. Running the same searches on 200'000 document index takes around 20 minutes.
So is there any way to cache these 25'000 documents in RAM before hitting them with searches?
Some things that really helped:
reducing returned row count (In almost all cases I had to iterate through returned results and in almost all cases where were no more than 100 matching results, but I had set rows to a very large value. Reducing the row count improved the performance around 2x. This seemed counter intuitive. If there are only 79 matches and I set returned row count to 100 it performs better than in a case when where are 79 matches and I set the row count to 1000. In the first case Solr already returns found item count and does it fast. Why should there be a performance difference?)
reducing multithreading (I had added multiple threads for querying because on the development box there were more resources available. On the resource constrained production box it was slowing things down. Using only one or two threads got me around 2x speed improvement.)
Some things that did not really help:
splitting up field queries (I was already using field queries everywhere it was possible, but I was combining them in one fq for each query fq=name:a AND type:b. Splitting them up with fq=name:a&fq=type:b caches them separately (see Apache Solr documentation) and could improve performance. But it did not make a huge difference in this case.
changing caching settings in this case filterCache seemed to have the most potential. However, increasing it or changing its settings did not make a huge difference.
A few things that are recommended for performance:
Have enough spare RAM on the box so index files can be in OS cache
Try to play around with solr caching settings in SolrConfig
Play around with autowarming after commits
Try to develop your queries to limit the result set. Large result sets, specifically if using grouping and faceting will kill performance. Now 200,000 document index is really quite small, so you should not have any problems, but I thought I'd mention this for when you scale.
Try to use Filter query (FQ) whenever possible. They are much faster than doing field:val in q, plus they are cached.

Elasticsearch - implications of splitting documents into separate indexes

Let's say I have 100,000 documents from different customer groups, which are formatted the same with the same type of information.
Documents from individual customer groups get refreshed at different times of the day. I've been recommended to give each customer group their own index so when my individual customer index is refreshed locally I can create a new index for that customer and delete the old index for that customer.
What are the implications for splitting the data into multiple indexes and querying using an alias? Specifically:
Will it increase my server HDD requirements?
Will it increase my server RAM requirements?
Will elasticsearch be slower to search by querying the alias to query all the indexes?
Thank you for any help or advice.
Every index has some overhead on all levels but it's usually small. For 100,000 documents I would question the need for splitting unless these documents are very large. In general each added index will:
Require some amount of RAM for insert buffers and other per-index related tasks
Have it's own merge overhead on disk relative to a larger single index
Provide some latency increase at query time due to result merging if a query spans multiple indexes
There are a lot of factors that go into determining if any of these are significant. If you have lots of RAM and several CPUs and SSDs then you may be fine.
I would advise you to build a solution that uses the minimum number of shards as possible. That probably means one (or at least only a few) index(es).

Should I control the Index size in Elastic Search?

I have a fast growing database and I'm using Elastic Search to manage it.it has only one index and gets 200 K new documents per day. each document contains of about 5 KB text.
Should I keep using only one index or it's better to have one index for each day or something else?
If so, what's the benefits of having multiple indices?
You should definitely worry about the maximum size of your shards/index. We use daily indexes for stuff where we are inserting millions of records per day and monthly indexes where were are inserting millions per month.
A good rule of thumb is that shards should max out around 4 GB (remember there are a configurable number of shards per index).
The advantage is that when you have daily/weekly/monthly indexes, you can eventually close/delete them when your cluster becomes too big or the data isn't useful anymore. If your data is time series data, you can craft your queries to only hit the indexes that are used for the given data. Also if you've made a mistake in how many shards you really need, you can correct it going forward (because you create a new index periodically).
The disadvantage is then that you have to manage all of the extra indexes, but there are tools to do that (elasticsearch-curator for example).

max number of couchbase views per bucket

How many views per bucket is too much, assuming a large amount of data in the bucket (>100GB, >100M documents, >12 document types), and assuming each view applies only to one document type? Or asked another way, at what point should some document types be split into separate buckets to save on the overhead of processing all views on all document types?
I am having a hard time deciding how to split my data into couchbase buckets, and the performance implications of the views required on the data. My data consists of more than a dozen relational DBs, with at least half with hundreds of millions of rows in a number of tables.
The http://www.couchbase.com/docs/couchbase-manual-2.0/couchbase-views-writing-bestpractice.html doc section "using document types" seems to imply having multiple document types in the same bucket is not ideal because views on specific document types are updated for all documents, even those that will never match the view. Indeed, it suggests separating data into buckets to avoid this overhead.
Yet there is a limit of 10 buckets per cluster for performance reasons. My only conclusion therefore is that each cluster can handle a maximum of 10 large collections of documents efficiently. Is this accurate?
Tug's advice was right on and allow me to add some perspective as well.
A bucket can be considered most closely related to (though not exactly) a "database instantiation" within the RDMS world. There will be multiple tables/schemas within that "database" and those can all be combined within a bucket.
Think about a bucket as a logical grouping of data that all shares some common configuration parameters (RAM quota, replica count, etc) and you should only need to split your data into multiple buckets when you need certain datasets to be controlled separately. Other reasons are related to very different workloads to different datasets or the desire to be able to track the workload to those datasets separately.
Some examples:
-I want to control the caching behavior for one set of data differently than another. For instance, many customers have a "session" bucket that they want always in RAM whereas they may have a larger, "user profile" bucket that doesn't need all the data cached in RAM. Technically these two data sets could reside in one bucket and allow Couchbase to be intelligent about which data to keep in RAM, but you don't have as much guarantee or control that the session data won't get pushed out...so putting it in its own bucket allows you to enforce that. It also gives you the added benefit of being able to monitor that traffic separately.
-I want some data to be replicated more times than others. While we generally recommend only one replica in most clusters, there are times when our users choose certain datasets that they want replicated an extra time. This can be controlled via separate buckets.
-Along the same lines, I only want some data to be replicated to another cluster/datacenter. This is also controlled per-bucket and so that data could be split to a separate bucket.
-When you have fairly extreme differences in workload (especially around the amount of writes) to a given dataset, it does begin to make sense from a view/index perspective to separate the data into a separate bucket. I mention this because it's true, but I also want to be clear that it is not the common case. You should use this approach after you identify a problem, not before because you think you might.
Regarding this last point, yes every write to a bucket will be picked up by the indexing engine but by using document types within the JSON, you can abort the processing for a given document very quickly and it really shouldn't have a detrimental impact to have lots of data coming in that doesn't apply to certain views. If you don't mind, I'm particularly curious at which parts of the documentation imply otherwise since that certainly wasn't our intention.
So in general, we see most deployments with a low number of buckets (2-3) and only a few upwards of 5. Our limit of 10 comes from some known CPU and disk IO overhead of our internal tracking of statistics (the load or lack thereof on a bucket doesn't matter here). We certainly plan to reduce this overhead with future releases, but that still wouldn't change our recommendation of only having a few buckets. The advantages of being able to combine multiple "schemas" into a single logical grouping and apply view/indexes across that still exist regardless.
We are in the process right now of coming up with much more specific guidelines and sizing recommendations (I wrote those first two blogs as a stop-gap until we do).
As an initial approach, you want to try and keep the number of design documents around 4 because by default we process up to 4 in parallel. You can increase this number, but that should be matched by increased CPU and disk IO capacity. You'll then want to keep the number of views within each document relatively low, probably well below 10, since they are each processed in serial.
I recently worked with one user who had an fairly large amount of views (around 8 design documents and some dd's with nearly 20 views) and we were able to drastically bring this down by combining multiple views into one. Obviously it's very application dependent, but you should try to generate multiple different "queries" off of one index. Using reductions, key-prefixing (within the views), and collation, all combined with different range and grouping queries can make a single index that may appear crowded at first, but is actually very flexible.
The less design documents and views you have, the less disk space, IO and CPU resources you will need. There's never going to be a magic bullet or hard-and-fast guideline number unfortunately. In the end, YMMV and testing on your own dataset is better than any multi-page response I can write ;-)
Hope that helps, please don't hesitate to reach out to us directly if you have specific questions about your specific use case that you don't want published.
As you can see from the Couchbase documentation, it is not really possible to provide a "universal" rules to give you an exact member.
But based on the best practice document that you have used and some discussion(here) you should be able to design your database/views properly.
Let's start with the last question:
YES the reason why Couchbase advice to have a small number of bucket is for performance - and more importantly resources consumption- reason. I am inviting you to read these blog posts that help to understand what's going on "inside" Couchbase:
Sizing 1: http://blog.couchbase.com/how-many-nodes-part-1-introduction-sizing-couchbase-server-20-cluster
Sizing 2: http://blog.couchbase.com/how-many-nodes-part-2-sizing-couchbase-server-20-cluster
Compaction: http://blog.couchbase.com/compaction-magic-couchbase-server-20
So you will see that most of the "operations" are done by bucket.
So let's now look at the original question:
yes most the time your will organize the design document/and views by type of document.
It is NOT a problem to have all the document "types" in a single(few) buckets, this is in fact the way your work with Couchbase
The most important part to look is, the size of your doc (to see how "long" will be the parsing of the JSON) and how often the document will be created/updated, and also deleted, since the JS code of the view is ONLY executed when you create/change the document.
So what you should do:
1 single bucket
how many design documents? (how many types do you have?)
how any views in each document you will have?
In fact the most expensive part is not during the indexing or quering it is more when you have to rebalance the data and indices between nodes (add, remove , failure of nodes)
Finally, but it looks like you already know it, this chapter is quite good to understand how views works (how the index is created and used):
Do not hesitate to add more information if needed.
