How to use data structures in interviews - algorithm

This question is about how to best approach a coding interview from a data structures point of view.
The way I see it, there are two different ways, I could implement a specific DS from scratch, initialise it and then use it to solve my problem, or simply use a library (I'm talking about Node.js here, but I guess this applies to other languages as well, at least those with some in-built support for DS) without worrying about the implementation and only focusing on how to use them to solve a problem.
In the first case, I'm also demonstrating that I can implement a specific DS from scratch, but at the same time I would need more time and there's some additional complexity. Instead, using a library would leave me more time to solve the actual problem, but some companies might take a dim view on this approach.
I know there's no silver bullet, and different companies will have different views, but what approach would you take if you could only pick one, and why?

Well it is always best to use the library but it is always better to know how common library functions work at least the basic ones.
For example, in many interviews Binary search is asked to be implemented instead of just using the library functions. This is because knowing the implementation adds some good concept which can be used in general problem solving like using the same concept in other divide and conquer algorithms.
In production level code we always look for the fail safe and properly tested library code.

You should pick available libraries, first hand. If needed, customize the behavior of already available libraries.


Right approach to learning data structures

Maybe some of you will not find this question to be inappropriate in this forum but I sincerely need some guidance on this. I have been working on Algorithms and Data structures lately, for Algorithm I have been practicing problem solving on topcoder and codechef, which is helping me a lot in understanding algorithms. But most problems are focused on algorithm, and I still don't get a lot problems where I have to focus on which data structure to pick. So can anybody recommend some website or other tools that focus on developing right instincts for choosing Data structures and their implementation.
The first step is to implement the different data structures so you understand the operations they support. You should also make a table of them with the operations they support and their complexity. Take a book on algorithms and data structures and implement all the data structures in it and work through the problems.
Once you understand the data structures well, you'll gain much more from doing hard problems and looking at clever solutions. If you see a clever use of a data structure you know well, it'll typically be much more surprising to you and you'll remember the solution.
Another important point is that if you typically use a specific programming language, make sure you know what data structures are provided by its standard library and make sure you know what the standard (or documentation) says about their implementation (i.e. what complexity bounds different operations are guaranteed to have etc.).

should we need to know how to implement built-in data structures?

I'm a C# developer and I use data structures such as List and Dictionary all the time, I'm reading some interview books and they all seem to suggest that we should know how to implement such data structures as well as how to use them, do a lot of you share the same viewpoint?
I would say that at a minimum every competent programmer should understand the internals of the most widely used data structures.
By that I mean being able to explain how they work internally, and what complexity guarantees (both time and space) they offer.
For the same reasons that a C or C++ programmer should be familiar with assembly language; it helps you understand what is going on under the hood, and improves your ability to select the appropriate data structure for your particular programming problem.
In the same vein, you don't have to write a compiler use your favorite programming language effectively, but you can greatly improve your knowledge about that language by writing a compiler for it.
If you don't know how to implement the data structure how can you possibly say you understand the strengths and weaknesses of the structure in question? As aix mentioned it should be a requirement that you understand the internals of what you are using. I would never trust a mechanic who didn't understand how an engine worked.
It is preferably that you know how to implement these data structures, but you do not need this knowledge in order to be a competent or even effective programmer.
You should have a high level understanding of (obviously) what they do but also how they do it. That should suffice.
I don't need to know the inner workings of every tool I use to be able to use it effectively. I just need to have a grasp on what it does, which uses it is suited to, and which uses it is not suited to.
The best programmers will know such data structures and all known variations inside out, but then they will also know every little corner of their chosen language / framework as well. They are well above the 'competent' level.

What are algorithms and data structures in layman’s terms?

I currently work with PHP and Ruby on Rails as a web developer. My question is why would I need to know algorithms and data structures? Do I need to learn C, C++ or Java first? What are the practical benefits of knowing algorithms and data structures? What are algorithms and data structures in layman’s terms? (As you can tell unfortunately I have not done a CS course.)
Please provide as much information as possible and thank you in advance ;-)
Data structures are ways of storing stuff, just like you can put stuff in stacks, queues, heaps and buckets - you can do the same thing with data.
Algorithms are recipes or instructions, the quick start manual for your coffee maker is an algorithm to make coffee.
Algorithms are, quite simply, the steps by which you do something. For instance the Coffee Maker Algorithm would run something like
Turn on Coffee Maker
Grind Coffee Beans
Put in filter and place coffee in filter
Add Water
Start brewing process
Drink coffee
A data structure is a means by which we store information in a organized fashion. For further info, check out the Wikipedia Article.
An algorithm is a list of instructions and data structures are ways to represent information. If you're writing computer programs then you're already using algorithms and data structures even if you don't know what the words mean.
I think the biggest advantages in knowing standard algorithms and data structures are:
You can communicate with other programmers using a common language.
Other people will be able to understand your code once you've left.
You will also learn better methods for solving common problems. You could probably solve these problems eventually anyway even without knowing the standard way to do it, but you will spend a lot of time reinventing the wheel and it's unlikely your solutions will be as good as those that thousands of experts have worked on and improved over the years.
An algorithm is a sequence of well defined steps leading to the solution of a type of problem.
A data structure is a way to store and organize data to facilitate access and modifications.
The benefit of knowing standard algorithms and data structures is they are mostly better than you yourself could develop. They are the result of months or even years of work by people who are far more intelligent than the majority of programmers. Knowing a range of data structures and algorithms allows you to fit a problem roughly to a data structure or/and algorithm and tweak as required.
In the classic "cooking/baking equivalent", algorithms are recipes and data structures are your measuring cups, your baking sheets, your cookie cutters, mixing bowls and essentially any other tool you would be using (your cooker is your compiler/interpreter, though).
This book is the bible on algorithms. In general, data structures relate to how to organize your data to access it in memory, and algorithms are methods / small programs to resolve problems (ex: sorting a list).
The reason you should care is first to understand what can go wrong in your code; poorly implemented algorithms can perform very badly compared to "proven" ones. Knowing classic algorithms and what performance to expect from them helps in knowing how good your code can be, and whether you can/should improve it.
Then there is no need to reinvent the wheel, and rewrite a buggy or sub-optimal implementation of a well-known structure or algorithm.
An algorithm is a representation of the process involved in a computation.
If you wanted to add two numbers then the algorithm might go:
Get first number;
Get second number;
Add first number to second number;
Return result.
At its simplest, an algorithm is just a structured list of things to do - its use in computing is that it allows people to see the intent behind the code and makes logical (as opposed to syntactical) errors easier to spot.
e.g. if step three above said multiply instead of add then someone would be able to point out the error in the logic without having to debug code.
A data structure is a representation of how a system's data should be referenced. It might match a table structure exactly or may be de-normalised to make data access easier. At its simplest it should show how the entities in a system are related.
It is too large a topic to go into in detail but there are plenty of resources on the web.
Data structures are critical the second your software has more than a handful of users. Algorithms is a broad topic, and you'll want to study it if a good knowledge of data structures doesn't fix your performance problems.
You probably don't need a new programming language to benefit from data structures knowledge, though PHP (and other high level languages) will make a lot of it invisible to you, unless you know where to look. Java is my personal favorite learning language for stuff like this, but that's pretty subjective.
My question is why would I need to know algorithms and data structures?
If you are doing any non-trivial programming, it is a good idea to understand the class data structures and algorithms and their uses in order to avoid reinventing the wheel. For example, if you need to put an array of things in order, you need to understand the various ways of sorting, so that you can choose the most appropriate one for the task in hand. If you choose the wrong approach, you can end up with a program that is grossly inefficient in some circumstances.
Do I need to learn C, C++ or Java first?
You need to know how to program in some language in order to understand what the algorithms and data structures do.
What are the practical benefits of knowing algorithms and data structures?
The main practical benefits are:
to avoid having to reinvent the wheel all of the time,
to avoid the problem of square wheels.

How do you decide whether to use a library or write your own implementation

Inspired by this question which started out innocently but is turning into a major flame war.
Let's say you need to a utility method - reasonably straightforward but not a one-liner. Quoted question was how to repeat a string X times. How do you decide whether to use a 3rd party implementation or write your own?
The obvious downside to 3rd party approach is you're adding a dependency to your code.
But if you're writing your own you need to code it, test it, (maybe) profile it so you'll likely end up spending more time.
I know the decision itself is subjective, but criteria you use to arrive at it should not be.
So, what criteria do you use to decide when to write your own code?
General Decision
Before deciding on what to use, I will create a list of criteria that must be met by the library. This could include size, simplicity, integration points, speed, problem complexity, dependencies, external constraints, and license. Depending on the situation the factors involved in making the decision will differ.
Generally, I will hunt for a suitable library that solves the problem before writing my own implementation. If I have to write my own, I will read up on appropriate algorithms and seek ideas from other implementations (e.g., in a different language).
If, after all the aspects described below, I can find no suitable library or source code, and I have searched (and asked on suitable forums), then I will develop my own implementation.
If the task is relatively simple (e.g., a MultiValueMap class), then:
Find an existing open-source implementation.
Integrate the code.
Rewrite it, or trim it down, if it excessive.
If the task is complex (e.g., a flexible object-oriented graphing library), then:
Find an open-source implementation that compiles (out-of-the-box).
Execute its "Hello, world!" equivalent.
Perform any other evaluations as required.
Determine its suitability based on the problem domain criteria.
If the library is too slow, then:
Profile it.
Optimize it.
Contribute the results back to the community.
If the code is too complex to be optimized, and speed is a factor, discuss it with the community and provide profiling details. Otherwise, look for an equivalent, but faster (possibly less feature-rich) library.
If the API is not simple, then:
Write a facade and contribute it back to the community.
Or find a simpler API.
If the compiled library is too large, then:
Compile only the necessary source files.
Or find a smaller library.
If the library does not compile out of the box, seek alternatives.
If the library depends on scores of external libraries, seek alternatives.
If there is insufficient documentation (e.g., user manuals, installation guides, examples, source code comments), seek alternatives.
Time Constraints
If there is ample time to find an optimal solution, then do so. Often there is not sufficient time to write from scratch. And usually there are a number of similar libraries to evaluate. Keep in mind that, by meticulous loose coupling, you can always swap one library for another. Find what works, initially, and if it later becomes a burden, replace it.
Development Environment
If the library is tied to a specific development environment, seek alternatives.
Open source.
10 questions ...
+++ (use library) ... --- (write own library)
Is the library exactly what I need? Customizable in a few steps? +++
Does it provide almost all functionality? Easily extensible? +++
No time? +++
It's good for one half and plays well with other? ++
Hard to extend, but excellent documentation? ++
Hard to extend, yet most of the functionality? +
Functionality ok, but outdated? -
Functionality ok, .. but weird (crazy interface, not robust, ...)? --
Library works, but the person who needs to decide is in the state of hybris? ---
Library works, manageable code size, portfolio needs update? ---
Some thoughts ...
If it is something that is small but useful, probably for others, too, then why now write a library and put it on the web. The cost publishing this kind of small libraries decreased, as well as the hurdle for others to tune in (see bitbucket or github). So what's the criteria?
Maybe it should not exactly replicate an existing already known library. If it replicates something existing, it should approach the problem from new angle, or better it should provide a shorter or more condensed* solution.
If it's a trivial function, it's not worth pulling in an entire library.
If it's a non-trivial function, then it may be worth it.
If it's multiple functions which can all be handled by pulling in a single library, it's almost definitely worth it.
Keep it in balance
You should keep several criteria in balance. I'd consider a few topics and ask a few questions.
Developing time VS maintenance time
Can I develop what I need in a few hours? If yes, why do I need a library? If I get a lib am I sure that it will not cause hours spent to debug and documentation reading? The answer - if I need something obvious and straightforward I don't need an extra-flexible lib.
Simplicity VS flexibility
If I need just an error wrapper do I need a lib with flexible types and stack tracing and color prints and.... Nope! Using even beautifully designed but flexible and multipurpose libs could slow your code. If you plan to use 2% of functionality you don't need it.
Dig task VS small task
Did I faced a huge task and I need external code to solve it? Definitely AMQP or SQL operations is too big tasks to develop from scratch but tiny logging could be solved in place. Don't use external libs to solve small tasks.
My own libs VS external libs
Sometimes is better to grow your own library because it is for 100% used, for 100% appropriate your goals, you know it best, it is always up to date with your applications. Don't build your own lib just to be cool and keep in mind that a lot of libs in your vendor directory developed "just to be cool".
For me this would be a fairly easy answer.
If you need to be cost effective, then it would probably be best to try and find a library/framework that does what you want. If you can't find it, then you will be forced to write it or find a different approach.
If you have the time and find it fun, write one. You will learn a lot along the way and you can give back to the open source community with you killer new bundle of code. If you don't, well, then don't. But if you can't find one, then you have to write it anyway ;)
Personally, if I can justify writing a library, I always opt for that. It's fun, you learn a lot about what you are directing your focus towards, and you have another tool to add to your arsenal and put on your CV.
If the functionality is only a small part of the app, or if your needs are the same as everyone else's, then a library is probably the way to go. If you need to consume and output JSON, for example, you can probably knock something together in five minutes to handle your immediate needs. But then you start adding to it, bit by bit. Eventually, you have all the functionality that you would find in any library, but 1) you had to write it yourself and 2) it isn't a robust and well document as what you would find in a library.
If the functionality is a big part of the app, and if your needs aren't exactly the same as everyone else's, then think much more carefully. For example, if you are doing machine learning, you might consider using a package like Weka or Mahout, but these are two very different beasts, and this component is likely to be a significant part of your application. A library in this case could be a hindrance, because your needs might not fit the design parameters of the original authors, and if you attempt to modify it, you will need to worry about a much larger and more complex system than the minimum that you would build yourself.
There's a good article out there talking about sanitizing HTML, and how it was a big part of the app, and something that would need to be heavily tuned, so using an outside library wasn't the best solution, in spite of the fact that there were many libraries out that did exactly what seemed to be called for.
Another consideration is security.
If a black-hat hacker finds a bug in your code they can create an exploit and sell it for money. The more popular the library is, the more the exploit worth. Think about OpenSSL or Wordpress exploits. If you re-implement the code, chances that your code is not vulnerable exactly the same way the popular library is. And if your lib is not popular, then an zero-day exploit of your code probably wouldn't worth much, and there is a good chance your code is not targeted by bounty hunters.
Another consideration is language safety. C language can be very fast. But from the security standpoint it's asking for trouble. If you reimplement the lib in some script language, chances of arbitrary code execution exploits are low (as long as you know the possible attack vectors, like serialization, or evals).

Real world implementations of "classical algorithms"

I wonder how many of you have implemented one of computer science's "classical algorithms" like Dijkstra's algorithm or data structures (e.g. binary search trees) in a real world, not academic project?
Is there a benefit to our dayjobs in knowing these algorithms and data structures when there are tons of libraries, frameworks and APIs which give you the same functionality?
Is there a benefit to our dayjobs in knowing these algorithms and data structures when there are tons of libraries, frameworks and APIs which give you the same functionality?
The library doesn't know what your problem domain is and won't be able to chose the correct algorithm to do the job. That is why I think it is important to know about them: then YOU can make the correct choice of algorithms to solve YOUR problem.
Knowing, or being able to understand these algorithms is important, these are the tools of your trade. It does not mean you have to be able to implement A* in an hour from memory. But you should be able to figure out what the advantages of using a red-black tree as opposed to a normal unbalanced tree are so you can decide if you need it or not. You need to be able to judge the fitness of an algorithm for solving your problem.
This might sound too school-masterish but these "classical algorithms" were not invented to give college students exam questions, they were invented to solve problems or improve on current solutions, just like the array, the linked list or the stack are building blocks to write a program so are some of these. Just like in math where you move from addition and subtraction to integration and differentiation, these are advanced techniques that will help you solve problems that are out there.
They might not be directly applicable to your problems or work situation but in the long run knowing of them will help you as a professional software engineer.
To answer your question, I did an implementation of A* recently for a game.
Is there a benefit to understanding your tools, rather than simply knowing that they exist?
Yes, of course there is. Taking a trivial example, don't you think there's a benefit to knowing what the difference is List (or your language's equivalent dynamic array implementation) and LinkedList (or your language's equivalent)? It's pretty important to know that one has constant random access time, while the other is linear. And one requires N copies if you insert a value in the middle of the sequence, while the other can do it in constant time.
Don't you think there's an advantage to understanding that the same sorting algorithm isn't always optimal? That for almost-sorted data, quicksort sucks, for example? Naively just calling Sort() and hoping for the best can become ridiculously expensive if you don't understand what's happening under the hood.
Of course there are a lot of algorithms you probably won't need, but even so, just understanding how they work may make it easier for yourself to come up with efficient algorithms to solve other, unrelated, problems.
Well, someone has to write the libraries. While working at a mapping software company, I implemented Dijkstra's, as well as binary search trees, b-trees, n-ary trees, bk-trees and hidden markov models.
Besides, if all you want is a single 'well known' algorithm, and you also want the freedom to specialise it and optimise it if it becomes critical to performance, including a whole library seems like a poor choice.
We use a home grown implementation of a p-random number generator from Knuth SemiNumeric as an aid in some statistical processing
In my previous workplace, which was an EDA company, we implemented versions of Prim and Dijsktra's algorithms, disjoint set data structures, A* search and more. All of these had real world significance. I believe this is dependent on problem domain - some domains are more algorithm-intensive and some less so.
Having said that, there is a fine line to walk - I see no business reason for re-implementing STL or Java Generics. In many cases, a standard library is better than "inventing a wheel". The more you are near your core application, the more it may be necessary to implement a textbook algorithm or data structure.
If you never work with performance-critical code, consider yourself lucky. However, I consider this scenario unrealistic. Performance problems could occur anywhere. And then it's necessary to know how to fix that problem. Obviously, merely knowing a few algorithm names isn't enough here – unless you want to implement them all and try them out one after the other.
No, knowing (at least some of) the inner workings of different algorithms is important for gauging their strengths and weaknesses and for analyzing how they would handle your situation.
Obviously, if there's a library already implementing exactly what you need, you're incredibly lucky. But let's face it, even if there is such a library, using it is often not completely straightforward (at the very least, interfaces and data representation often have to be adapted) so it's still good to know what to expect.
A* for a pac man clone. It took me weeks to really get but to this day I consider it a thing of beauty.
I've had to implement some of the classical algorithms from numerical analysis. It was easier to write my own than to connect to an existing library. Also, I've had to write variations on classical algorithms because the textbook case didn't fit my application.
For classical data structures, I nearly always use the standard libraries, such as STL for C++. The one time recently when I thought STL didn't have the structure I needed (a heap) I rolled my own, only to have someone point out almost immediately that I didn't need to do that.
Classical algorithms I have used in actual work:
A topological sort
A red-black tree (although I will
confess that I only had to implement
insertions for that application and
it only got used in a prototype).
This got used to implement an
'ordered dict' type structure in
A priority queue
State machines of various sorts
Probably one or two others I can't remember.
As to the second part of the question:
An understanding of how the algorithms work, their complexity and semantics gets used on a fairly regular basis. They also inform the design of systems. Occasionally one has to do things involving parsing or protocol handling, or some computation that's slightly clever. Having a working knowledge of what the algorithms do, how they work, how expensive they are and where one might find them lying around in library code goes a long way to knowing how to avoid reinventing the wheel poorly.
I use the Levenshtein distance algorithm to help implement a 'Did you mean [suggested word]?' feature in our website search.
Works quite well when combined with our 'tagging' system, which allows us to associate extra words (other than those in title/description/etc) with items in the database. \
It's not perfect by any means, but it's way better than most corporate site searches, if I don't say so myself ; )
Classical algorithms are usually associated with something glamorous, like games, or Web search, or scientific computation. However, I had to use some of the classical algorithms for a mere enterprise application.
I was building a metadata migration tool, and I had to use topological sort for dependency resolution, various forms of graph traversals for queries on metadata, and a modified variation of Tarjan's union-find datastructure to partition forest-like structured metadata to trees.
That was a really satisfying experience. Most of those algorithms were implemented before, but their implementations lacked something that I would need for my task. That's why It's important to understand their internals.
