I have my head stuck in this exercise in prolog, I ve been trying to do it on my own but it just won't work. Example: ?-succesor([1,9,9],X) -> X = [2,0,0]. Had tried first to reverse the list and increment it with 1 and then do a if %10 = 0 the next element should be incremented too. Thing is that I m too used with programming syntax and I can't get my head wrapped around this.Any help would be appreciated.
I have done this so far, but the output is false.
%[1,9,9] -> 199 +1 -> 200;
numbers_atoms([X|Y],[C|K]) :-
atom_number(C, X),
digits_number(Digits, Number) :-
numbers_atoms(Digits, Atoms),
number_codes(Number, Atoms).
number_tolist( 0, [] ).
number_tolist(N,[A|As]) :-
N1 is floor(N/10),
A is N mod 10,
number_tolist(N1, As).
digits_number(X,Y1), %[1,9,9] -> 199
Y1 is Y1+1, % 199 -> 200
number_tolist(Y1,[Y]), % 200 -> [2,0,0]
You can solve this problem similarly to how you would solve it manually: traverse the list of digits until you reach the rightmost digit; increment that digit and compute the carry-on digit, which must be recursively propagated to the left. At the end, prepend the carry-on digit if it is equal to 1 (otherwise, ignore it).
% successor(+Input, -Output)
successor([X0|Xs], L) :-
successor(Xs, X0, C, Ys),
( C = 1 % carry-on
-> L = [C|Ys]
; L = Ys ).
% helper predicate
successor([], X, C, [Y]) :-
Z is X + 1,
Y is Z mod 10,
C is Z div 10. % carry-on
successor([X1|Xs], X0, C, [Y|Ys]) :-
successor(Xs, X1, C0, Ys),
Z is X0 + C0,
Y is Z mod 10,
C is Z div 10. % carry-on
?- successor([1,9,9], A).
A = [2, 0, 0].
?- successor([2,7],A), successor(A,B), successor(B,C), successor(C,D).
A = [2, 8],
B = [2, 9],
C = [3, 0],
D = [3, 1].
?- successor([7,9,9,8], A), successor(A, B).
A = [7, 9, 9, 9],
B = [8, 0, 0, 0].
?- successor([9,9,9,9], A), successor(A, B).
A = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
B = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1].
Here's a version which doesn't use is and can work both ways:
successor(ListIn, ListOut) :-
reverse(ListIn, ListInRev),
ripple_inc(ListInRev, ListOutRev),
reverse(ListOutRev, ListOut).
ripple_inc([], [1]).
ripple_inc([0|T], [1|T]).
ripple_inc([1|T], [2|T]).
ripple_inc([2|T], [3|T]).
ripple_inc([3|T], [4|T]).
ripple_inc([4|T], [5|T]).
ripple_inc([5|T], [6|T]).
ripple_inc([6|T], [7|T]).
ripple_inc([7|T], [8|T]).
ripple_inc([8|T], [9|T]).
ripple_inc([9|T], [0|Tnext]) :-
ripple_inc(T, Tnext).
?- successor([1,9,9], X).
X = [2, 0, 0]
?- successor([1,9,9], [2,0,0]).
?- successor(X, [2,0,0]).
X = [1, 9, 9]
although it's nicely deterministic when run 'forwards', it's annoying that if run 'backwards' it finds an answer, then leaves a choicepoint and then infinite loops if that choicepoint is retried. I think what causes that is starting from the higher number then reverse(ListIn, ListInRev) has nothing to work on and starts generating longer and longer lists both filled with empty variables and never ends.
I can constrain the input and output to be same_length/2 but I can't think of a way to constrain them to be the same length or ListOut is one item longer ([9,9,9] -> [1,0,0,0]).
This answer tries to improve the previous answer by #TessellatingHacker, like so:
successor(ListIn, ListOut) :-
no_longer_than(ListIn, ListOut), % weaker than same_length/2
reverse(ListIn, ListInRev),
ripple_inc(ListInRev, ListOutRev),
reverse(ListOutRev, ListOut).
The definition of no_longer_than/2 follows. Note the similarity to same_length/2:
no_longer_than([],_). % same_length([],[]).
no_longer_than([_|Xs],[_|Ys]) :- % same_length([_|Xs],[_|Ys]) :-
no_longer_than(Xs,Ys). % same_length(Xs,Ys).
The following sample queries still succeed deterministically, as they did before:
?- successor([1,9,9], X).
X = [2,0,0].
?- successor([1,9,9], [2,0,0]).
The "run backwards" use of successor/2 now also terminates universally:
?- successor(X, [2,0,0]).
X = [1,9,9]
; false.
Given a list of possible summands I want to determine which, if any, can form a given sum. For example, with [1,2,3,4,5] I can make the sum of 9 with [4,5], [5,3,1], and [4,3,2].
I am using GNU Prolog and have something like the following which does not work
all_unique(_, []).
all_unique(L, [V|T]) :-
fd_exactly(1, L, V),
all_unique(L, T).
fd_sum([], Sum).
fd_sum([H|T], Sum):-
S = Sum + H,
fd_sum(T, S).
sum_clp(N, Summands):-
length(Numbers, F),
between(1, F, X),
length(S, X),
fd_domain(S, Numbers),
fd_domain(Y, [N]),
all_unique(S, Numbers),
fd_sum(S, Sum),
Sum #= Y,
I think the main problem is that I am not representing the constraint on the sum properly? Or maybe it is something else?
Just in case you're really interested in CLP(FD), here is your corrected program.
% note: use builtins where available, both for efficiency and correctness
%all_unique(_, []).
%all_unique(L, [V|T]) :-
% fd_exactly(1, L, V),
% all_unique(L, T).
fd_sum([], 0). % warning: singleton variables [Sum] for fd_sum/2
fd_sum([H|T], Sum):-
% note: use CLP(FD) operators and the correct operands
Sum #= S + H,
fd_sum(T, S).
sum_clp(N, S):- % warning: singleton variables [Summands] for sum_clp/2
length(Numbers, F),
between(1, F, X),
length(S, X),
fd_domain(S, Numbers),
%fd_domain(Y, [N]),
%all_unique(S, Numbers),
fd_sum(S, N),
%Sum #= Y,
?- sum_clp(3,L).
L = [3] ? ;
L = [1,2] ? ;
L = [2,1] ? ;
I think mixing the code for sublist into clp code is causing some confusion. GNU-Prolog has a sublist/2 predicate, you can use that.
You seem to be building the arithmetic expression with fd_sum but it is incorrectly implemented.
sum_exp([], 0).
sum_exp([X|Xs], X+Xse) :-
sum_exp(Xs, Xse).
sum_c(X, N, Xsub) :-
sublist(Xsub, X),
sum_exp(Xsub, Xe),
N #= Xe.
| ?- sum_exp([A, B, C, D], X).
X = A+(B+(C+(D+0)))
| ?- sum_c([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 9, X).
X = [4,5] ? ;
X = [2,3,4] ? ;
X = [1,3,5] ? ;
(1 ms) no
| ?- length(X, 4), sum_c(X, 4, [A, B]), member(A, [1, 2, 3]).
A = 1
B = 3
X = [_,_,1,3] ? ;
A = 2
B = 2
X = [_,_,2,2] ? ;
A = 3
B = 1
X = [_,_,3,1] ?
The following Prolog program defines a predicate sorted/2 for sorting by permutation (permutation sort) in ascending order a list passed in first argument, which results in the list passed in second argument:
sorted(X, Y) :-
permuted(X, Y),
permuted([], []).
permuted(U, [V|W]) :-
permuted(X, W),
deleted(V, U, X).
deleted(X, [X|Y], Y).
deleted(U, [V|W], [V|X]) :-
deleted(U, W, X).
ordered([X, Y|Z]) :-
ordered([Y|Z]), X =< Y.
How to solve the following issues?
The program duplicates solutions for queries in which a list with duplicate elements is passed in second argument:
?- sorted(X, [1, 1, 2]).
X = [1, 1, 2]
; X = [1, 1, 2]
; X = [1, 2, 1]
; X = [1, 2, 1]
; X = [2, 1, 1]
; X = [2, 1, 1]
; false.
The program exhausts resources for queries in which a free variable is passed in second argument:
?- sorted([2, 1, 1], Y).
Y = [1, 1, 2]
; Y = [1, 1, 2]
Time limit exceeded
The Prolog program is based on the Horn clause program given at section 11 of Robert Kowalski’s famous paper Predicate Logic as Programming Language:
To solve non-termination, you can add same_length/2 to sorted/2 as #false suggested:
sorted(X, Y) :-
same_length(X, Y),
permuted(X, Y),
same_length([], []).
same_length([_|Xs], [_|Ys]) :-
same_length(Xs, Ys).
Or you may embed it into permuted/2 by adding a new argument:
sorted(X, Y) :-
permuted(X, X, Y),
permuted([], [], []).
permuted(U, [_|L1], [V|W]) :-
permuted(X, L1, W),
deleted(V, U, X).
The program will still return duplicates as it only sees one item at a time.
To solve duplication, you can either generate all permutations and discard the repeated ones (which is not efficient), or only generate distinct permutations. The following modification does the latter by taking the idea of the recursive procedure permuted/2 + deleted/2 which for each item puts it at the beginning of the list and does a recursive call on the remaining list, and changes it to another recursive procedure permuted_all/2 + deleted_all/2 which for each group of same items puts them at the beginning of the list and does a recursive call on the remaining list. This program uses difference lists for better efficiency:
sorted(X, Y) :-
same_length(X, Y),
permuted_all(X, Y),
permuted_all([], []).
permuted_all(U, [V|W]) :-
deleted_all(V, U, X, n-T, [V|W]),
permuted_all(X, T).
% deleted_all(Item, List, Remainder, n-T, Items|T)
deleted_all(_, [], [], y-[X|Xs], [X|Xs]).
deleted_all(X, [V|Y], [V|Y1], y-[X|Xs], Xs1) :-
dif(X, V),
deleted_all(X, Y, Y1, y-[X|Xs], Xs1).
deleted_all(X, [X|Y], Y1, _-Xs, Xs1) :-
deleted_all(X, Y, Y1, y-[X|Xs], Xs1).
deleted_all(U, [V|W], [V|X], n-T, Xs) :-
dif(U, V),
deleted_all(U, W, X, n-T, Xs).
Sample runs:
?- sorted(X, [1, 1, 2]).
X = [1, 2, 1]
; X = [1, 1, 2]
; X = [2, 1, 1]
; false.
?- sorted([2, 1, 1], Y).
Y = [1, 1, 2]
; false.
As per OPs comment asking for a version which does not use difference lists, here goes one which instead obtains the remainder using same_length/2 + append/3 and with added comments:
permuted_all([], []).
permuted_all(U, [V|W]) :-
deleted_all(V, U, X, n, [V|W]),
same_length(X, T), % the remaining list X has the same length as T
append(_, T, [V|W]), % T corresponds to the last items of [V|W]
permuted_all(X, T). % T is a permutation of X
% deleted_all(Item, List, Remainder, n, Items|_)
deleted_all(_, [], [], y, _). % base case
deleted_all(X, [V|Y], [V|Y1], y, Xs1) :-
% recursive step when the current item is not the one we are gathering
dif(X, V),
deleted_all(X, Y, Y1, y, Xs1).
deleted_all(X, [X|Y], Y1, _, [X|Xs1]) :-
% recursive step when the current item is the one we are gathering
deleted_all(X, Y, Y1, y, Xs1).
deleted_all(U, [V|W], [V|X], n, Xs) :-
% recursive step when we have not selected yet the item we will be gathering
dif(U, V),
deleted_all(U, W, X, n, Xs).
Your second problem can by solved by replacing first line with
sorted(X, Y) :-
permuted(X, Y),
sorted(X, Y) :-
permuted(X, Y),
length(X, Z),
length(Y, Z).
The first one is not so easy to solve because of the implementation of this algorithm. Both 1st [1, 1, 2] and 2nd [1, 1, 2] are valid permutations since your code that generated permutations generates all permutations not unique permutations.
I want to merge list of digits to number.
[1,2,3] -> 123
My predicate:
merge([X], X).
merge([H|T], X) :-
merge(T, X1),
X is X1 + H * 10.
But now I get:
[1,2,3] -> 33
Another way to do it would be to multiply what you've handled so far by ten, but you need an accumulator value.
merge(Digits, Result) :- merge(Digits, 0, Result).
merge([X|Xs], Prefix, Result) :-
Prefix1 is Prefix * 10 + X,
merge(Xs, Prefix1, Result).
merge([], Result, Result).
The math is off. You're rule says you have to multiply H by 10. But really H needs to be multiplied by a power of 10 equivalent to its position in the list. That would be * 100 for the 1, and * 10 for the 2. What you get now is: 10*1 + 10*2 + 3 which is 33. The problem is that your recursive clause doesn't know what numeric "place" the digit is in.
If you structure the code differently, and use an accumulator, you can simplify the problem. Also, by using CLP(FD) and applying some constraints on the digits, you can have a more general solution.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
digits_number(Digits, X) :-
digits_number(Digits, 0, X).
digits_number([], S, S).
digits_number([D|Ds], S, X) :-
D in 0..9,
S1 #= S*10 + D,
digits_number(Ds, S1, X).
?- digits_number([1,2,3], X).
X = 123
?- digits_number(L, 123).
L = [1, 2, 3] ;
L = [0, 1, 2, 3] ;
L = [0, 0, 1, 2, 3] ;
L = [0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3] ;
L = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3]
I am working on a prolog program, but I have no idea to finish the program. Here is the requirement.
The program allows multiple fact, however, the length of list in each fact must equals
Example 1
f(first, [1, 6, 10]).
f(second, [7, 3, 8]).
f(third, [5, 9, 5]).
Example 2
f(first, [1,6,10]).
f(second, [7,3,8]).
f(third, [5,9,5]).
f(fourth, [7,3,9]).
f(fifth, [7,7,2]).
Example 3
f(first, [1,6,10,54,11,6]).
f(second, [7,3,8,34,2,7]).
Now, I need to write a predicate sum_list(), so that users can do the following things.
Example 1
?-sum_list([first,second,third], Even, Result).
Even = 1
Result = [13,18,23]
Example 2
?-sum_list([first,second,third,fourth,fifth], Even, Result).
Even = 2
Result = [27,28,34]
Example 3
?-sum_list([first,second], Even, Result).
Even = 3
Result = [8,9,18,88,13,13]
Result is a list which contains the sum of each element in the corresponding fact lists.
Even is counting the number of even number in the Result, in Example 2, only 28 and 34 are even, so Even = 2.
Thanks for SimoV8's hints, and I get some ideas to solve in the way:
f(first, [1, 6, 10]).
f(second, [7, 3, 8]).
sum_list([Head|Tail], E, R) :-
f(Head, P),
sw(P, Tail, [R]),
sw(H1, [Head|Tail], [X|R]) :-
sum(H1, S, X),
sw(X, Tail, R).
sw(_, [], []).
sum([H1|T1],[H2|T2],[X|L3]) :-
sum(T1,T2,L3), X is H1+H2.
even(E, [X|R]) :-
even(E2, R),
((X mod 2) =:= 1 -> E is E2; E is E2 + 1).
even(0, []).
However, the answer only accepts two f(), if more than two f(), it will return FALSE
Try this:
sum_list([], 0, []).
sum_list([H|T], E, [RH|RT]):- f(H, X),
sum(X, RH),
sum_list(T, E2, RT),
((RH mod 2) =:= 1 -> E is E2; E is E2 + 1).
sum([], 0).
sum([H|T], S1):- sum(T, S2), S1 is H + S2.