Get results from Spring call of Mongo MapReduce - spring

I try to get the results of my mapReduce function on MongoDB directly after the call of my function in my Java Spring code :
MongoOperations mongoOperations = new MongoTemplate(new SimpleMongoDbFactory(new Mongo(""), "xxx"));
MapReduceResults<Object> results = mongoOperations.mapReduce(
new MapReduceOptions().scopeVariables(scopeVariables).outputTypeInline(),
String jsonString = "";
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
try {
jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(results);
System.out.println("jsonString = " + jsonString);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Console result :
jsonString = {"rawResults":null,"outputCollection":null,"timing":{"mapTime":-1,"emitLoopTime":-1,"totalTime":576},"counts":{"inputCount":100287,"emitCount":7102,"outputCount":104}}
The mapReduce works well when I specify a collection output, but I don't understand how to get the results directly like with the out: {inline: 1} property used in the mongodb command.
Someone to help me please?

I just had to add the following class :
public class ValueObject {
private int id;
private float value;
public String toString() {
return "ValueObject [id=" + id + ", value=" + value + "]";
Then change the way to display the result :
MapReduceResults<ValueObject> results = mongoOperations.mapReduce(
new MapReduceOptions().scopeVariables(scopeVariables).outputTypeInline(),
for (ValueObject valueObject : results) {


Loading value from json upon start up application

I want to load the values from json file upon the Spring Boot Application is started.
My code for the Configuration File is like the below:
public class FedexAPIConfig {
private final static String JSON_FILE = "/static/config/fedex-api-credentials.json";
private final boolean IS_PRODUCTION = false;
private FedexAPICred apiCredentials;
public FedexAPIConfig() {
try (InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream(JSON_FILE);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
// this.apiCredentials = new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(reader));
json = new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(reader)).getJSONObject("production");
} else {
json = new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(reader)).getJSONObject("test");
this.apiCredentials = FedexAPICred.builder()
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
} catch (Exception e) {
and with this, when the application is in progress of startup, values are successfully printed on the console.Startup console log
When I tried to call this value from other ordinary class, like the below:, it brings nothing but just throws NullPointerException... What are my faults and what shall I do?
public class FedexOAuthTokenManager extends OAuthToken {
private static final String VALIDATE_TOKEN_URL = "/oauth/token";
private static final String GRANT_TYPE_CLIENT = "client_credentials";
private static final String GRANT_TYPE_CSP = "csp_credentials";
private FedexAPIConfig fedexApiConfig;
private Token token;
public void validateToken() {
// This is the part where "fedexApiConfig" is null.
FedexAPICred fedexApiCred = fedexApiConfig.getApiCredentials();
Response response = null;
try {
RequestBody body = new FormBody.Builder()
.add("grant_type", GRANT_TYPE_CLIENT)
.add("client_id", fedexApiCred.getApiKey())
.add("client_secret", fedexApiCred.getSecretKey())
response = new HttpClient().post(fedexApiCred.getUrl() + VALIDATE_TOKEN_URL, body);
if (response.code() == 200) {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response.body().string());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
fedexApiConfg is null even though I autowired it in prior to call.
And this FedexOAuthTokenManager is called from other #Component class by new FedexOAuthTokenManager()
Did you try like below?
Step 1: Create one Configuration class like below
public class DemoConfig implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationPreparedEvent> {
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationPreparedEvent event) {
//Load the values from the JSON file and populate the application
//properties dynamically
ConfigurableEnvironment environment = event.getApplicationContext().getEnvironment();
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("spring.datasource.url", "<my value>");
//Add more properties
environment.getPropertySources().addFirst(new PropertiesPropertySource("myProps", props));
To listen to a context event, a bean should implement the ApplicationListener interface which has just one method onApplicationEvent().The ApplicationPreparedEvent is invoked very early in the lifecycle of the application
Step 2: Customize in src/main/resources/META-INF/spring.factories
Step 3: #Value in spring boot is commonly used to inject the configuration values into the spring boot application. Access the properties as per your wish.
private String valueFromJSon;
Try this sample first in your local machine and then modify your changes accordingly.
Refer -
Refer -

JUnit4 with Mockito for unit testing

public class DgiQtyAction extends DispatchAction {
private final Logger mLog = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass());
public ActionForward fnDgiQty(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
ActionErrors errorMessage = new ActionErrors();
errorMessage.add(Globals.MESSAGE_KEY, new ActionMessage(EcoConstants.error_message,EcoConstants.SESSION_TIMEOUT));
saveMessages(request, errorMessage);
return mapping.findForward(EcoConstants.SESSION_FORWARD);
String ecoPidID = (String) request.getParameter(EcoConstants.ecopidid);
String pidId = ESAPI.encoder().encodeForHTML((String) request.getParameter(EcoConstants.pidid));
mLog.debug("pidid --------" + pidId);
mLog.debug("ecopidpid --------" + ecoPidID);
ArrayList dgiQty = new ArrayList();
NeedDgiForm niForm = new NeedDgiForm();
try {
NeedDgiBD niBD = new NeedDgiBD();
if (ecoPidID != null) {
dgiQty = niBD.getDgiQty(ecoPidID);
if (dgiQty.size() != 0) {
if (dgiQty.get(0).toString().equals(EcoConstants.hundred)) {
niForm.setGlqtyList(new ArrayList());
request.setAttribute(EcoConstants.pidId, pidId);
return mapping.findForward(EcoConstants.SuccessInfo);
} else {
mLog.debug("fnBug 1----------------> " + dgiQty.get(0));"dgiQty sizeeeee: :" + dgiQty.size());
} catch (Exception e) {
//log.error("General Exception in DgiQtyAction.fnDgiQty: "
// + e.getMessage(), e);
request.setAttribute(EcoConstants.ERROR_MESSAGE, e.getMessage());
return mapping.findForward(EcoConstants.ERROR_PAGE);
mLog.debug("pidid after wards--------" + pidId);
request.setAttribute(EcoConstants.pidId, pidId);
request.setAttribute(mapping.getAttribute(), niForm);
return mapping.findForward(EcoConstants.SuccessInfo);
public class DgiQtyActionTest {
ActionMapping am;
ActionForm af;
DgiQtyAction dat;
private MockHttpSession mocksession;
private MockHttpServletRequest mockrequest;
private MockHttpServletResponse mockresponse;
public void fnDgiQty() throws Exception
mocksession = new MockHttpSession();
mockrequest = new MockHttpServletRequest();
mockresponse = new MockHttpServletResponse();
((MockHttpServletRequest) mockrequest).setSession(mocksession);
RequestContextHolder.setRequestAttributes(new ServletRequestAttributes(mockrequest));
Encoder instance = ESAPI.encoder();
dat.fnDgiQty(am,af,mockrequest, mockresponse);
I wrote the unit test case for above class. i ran this code through jenkins and used sonarqube as code coverage.I need to cover the ESAPi encoder for the parameter, it got build success but the coverage percentage doesn't increase. i couldn't found the mistake in it. pls help me guys. Thanks in Advance

Invoke lambda function handler java

I have a lambda function which has a handler which inturn has multiple routers. Each router corresponds to an API.
I have created a lambda client in java and need to call those APIs. To call these APIs, I need to invoke the handler and pass a payload to the client along with it. Can you guys help me with the syntax for invoking the handler and passing the payload.
If I understand your question correctly I first created a Lambda that looked like:
public class SampleHandler implements RequestStreamHandler {
private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(SampleHandler.class);
public void handleRequest(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream, Context context) throws IOException {"handlingRequest");
LambdaLogger lambdaLogger = context.getLogger();
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
String inputString = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)).lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
JsonNode jsonNode = objectMapper.readTree(inputString);
String route = jsonNode.get("route").asText();
RouterResult routerResult = new RouterResult();
switch( route ) {
case "requestTypeA":
RequestTypeA requestTypeA = objectMapper.readValue(inputString, RequestTypeA.class);
case "requestTypeB":
RequestTypeB requestTypeB = objectMapper.readValue(inputString, RequestTypeB.class);
logger.error( "don't know how to handle route of type \"" + route + "\n" );
outputStream.write(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(routerResult).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));"done with run, remaining time in ms is " + context.getRemainingTimeInMillis() );
private String handleRequestTypeA(RequestTypeA requestTypeA) {"handling requestTypeA, requestTypeA.requestA is " + requestTypeA.getRequestA() );
return "handled requestTypeA";
private String handleRequestTypeB(RequestTypeB requestTypeB) {"handling requestTypeB, requestTypeB.requestB is " + requestTypeB.getRequestB() );
return "handled requestTypeB";
public class RouterRequest {
protected String route;
public String getRoute() {
return route;
public class RequestTypeA extends RouterRequest {
private String requestA;
public RequestTypeA() {
route = "requestTypeA";
public String getRequestA() {
return requestA;
public void setRequestA(String requestA) {
this.requestA = requestA;
public class RequestTypeB extends RouterRequest {
private String requestB;
public RequestTypeB() {
route = "requestTypeB";
public String getRequestB() {
return requestB;
public void setRequestB(String requestB) {
this.requestB = requestB;
And a result class,
public class RouterResult {
private String result;
public String getResult() {
return result;
public void setResult(String result) {
this.result = result;
public String toString() {
return "RouterResult{" +
"result='" + result + '\'' +
Then, to invoke this Lambda, you will need a role that has the lambda:InvokeFunction permission. The code to invoke looks like:
public class RouterRunner {
private static final String AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = "<access key>";
private static final String AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = "<access secret>";
public static void main( String[] argv ) throws IOException {
AWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials( AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY );
AWSLambda lambda = AWSLambdaClientBuilder.standard()
.withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(credentials)).build();
RequestTypeA requestTypeA = new RequestTypeA();
requestTypeA.setRequestA("set from the runner, request type A");
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
InvokeRequest invokeRequest = new InvokeRequest()
InvokeResult invokeResult = lambda.invoke(invokeRequest);
String resultJSON = new String(invokeResult.getPayload().array(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
System.out.println( "result from lambda is " + resultJSON );
RouterResult routerResult = objectMapper.readValue(resultJSON, RouterResult.class);
System.out.println( "result.toString is " + routerResult.toString() );
RequestTypeB requestTypeB = new RequestTypeB();
requestTypeB.setRequestB("set from the runner, request type B");
invokeRequest = new InvokeRequest()
invokeResult = lambda.invoke(invokeRequest);
resultJSON = new String(invokeResult.getPayload().array(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
System.out.println( "result from lambda is " + resultJSON );
routerResult = objectMapper.readValue(resultJSON, RouterResult.class);
System.out.println( "result.toString is " + routerResult.toString() );
There likely needs to be some error handling improvement and I'm sure you could make this a bit more efficient. But that's the overall idea. Ultimately on the Lambda side I convert the InputStream to a String and convert that String to some sort of object based on a common field in the request types. On the client side I convert the objects into JSON, send them out, and convert the result back from a JSON String back into the result object.

couldn't find method readString(Path) while loading BulkApi

I'm going to load the bulk of data using BulkApi but while compiling the code it shows me the error.
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BulkApiService.class);
public ElasticSearchConfig elasticSearchConfig;
private static String FOLDER_PATH = "src/main/resources/allFiles";
public void loadAllDataUsingBulkApi() {
Client client = elasticSearchConfig.client();
AtomicReference<BulkRequestBuilder> request = new AtomicReference<>(client.prepareBulk());
AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();
try (Stream<Path> filePathStream = Files.walk(Paths.get(FOLDER_PATH))) {
filePathStream.forEach(filePath -> {
if (Files.isRegularFile(filePath)) {
try {
String content = Files.readString(filePath);
JSONObject contentJson = new JSONObject(content);
HashMap contentMap = new Gson().fromJson(contentJson.toString(), HashMap.class);
request.get().add(client.prepareIndex("indexName", "default").setSource(contentMap));
} catch (IOException ignore) {
BulkResponse bulkResponse = request.get().execute().actionGet();
} catch (Exception e) {
Expected Output : it should load all the data on specified path to ES.
Actual output :
Error on "String content = Files.readString(filePath);" that couldn't find symbol.
symbol: method readString(Path)
location: class Files

#Around advice returning correct response but at client side response is null or undefined

I am trying to apply Around advice to my "Login.jsp" with angular js. And the problem is my controller method is check and I am applying around advice to check method but when I run my application I will get undefined as response at Login.jsp. And but the result which I had printed in my advice contains expected result.But I am not getting it on client side.
#Aspect #Component
public class AroundAdvice {
static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AfterLoginAspect.class.getName());
#Around("execution(* com.admin.controller.LoginController.check(..))")
public void logWrittter(ProceedingJoinPoint jp) throws Throwable {
SimpleDateFormat date=new SimpleDateFormat();"Date Time :: " + date.format(new Date().getTime()));
Object result = jp.proceed();
System.out.println("result around");"result :: " + result);
// returns {"get Status":"home"}
// authentication check
#RequestMapping(value = "/PostFormData", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody JSONObject check(#RequestBody LoginBo login) {
System.out.println("checkCredentials::" + login.getUserName());
String username = login.getUserName();
//"uswername ::"+username);
JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
String encrptedpassword = encryptdPwd.encrypt(login.getPassWord());
boolean login_status = loginService.checkCredentials(username, encrptedpassword);
//"login_status ::"+login_status);
// System.out.println("staus ::"+login_status);
if (login_status == true && login.isIs_system_generated_pwd() == true) {
System.out.println("sys gen chnge pwd:: " + login.isIs_system_generated_pwd());
result.put("getStatus", "change");
// System.out.println(resultPage);
// login.setIs_system_generated_pwd(false);
} else if (login_status == true && login.isIs_system_generated_pwd() == false) {
result.put("getStatus", "home");
// System.out.println("Home paege ");
} else {
result.put("getStatus", "error");
System.out.println("result ::" + result);
//"result ::"+resultPage);
return result;
Your pointcut does not match because the advice has a void return type, but your method returns a JSONObject. So maybe you want to change your advice declaration to:
#Aspect #Component
public class AroundAdvice {
static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AfterLoginAspect.class.getName());
#Around("execution(* com.admin.controller.LoginController.check(..))")
public JSONObject logWriter(ProceedingJoinPoint jp) throws Throwable {
SimpleDateFormat date=new SimpleDateFormat();"Date Time :: " + date.format(new Date().getTime()));
JSONObject result = (JSONObject) jp.proceed();
System.out.println("result around");"result :: " + result);
return result;
Please note
public JSONObject logWriter instead of public void logWrittter,
JSONObject result = (JSONObject) jp.proceed(); instead of Object result = jp.proceed(); and
return result; instead of no return value.
