Tomcat, Jenkins, etc. charts in ICP 2.1 install - ibm-cloud-private

I have recently installed IBM Cloud Private 2.1 after trying out ICP 1.2 for a while. After the new install, I no longer see local-charts options such as Jenkins and Tomcat. I see the local-charts entry in the repository, but those charts don't seem to be loading. Thanks...

We are porting over the charts and will shortly make them available in our new online repo at

While waiting for the IBM Charts, you can try the open source charts as well.
To be able to deploy jenkins, you can try to add repository as follow.
Name: stable
For Tomcat, try the incubator from bitnami
Name: bitnami-incubator
Click sync after you add and you should be able to see the charts in the catalog.
Alternatively, you can download the charts and load it into the local charts with the IBM Cloud Private command line tool (bx pr load-helm-chart).


How To Decorate PullRequest in BitBucket (Cloud) Pipelines with SonarQube 7.9

I have a private SonarQube 7.9 installation on EC2 in AWS. I have successfully integrated our BitBucket (cloud (ie, not server/stash)) Pipeline build to use the SonarQube instance. I would like to take the next step and use the information to decorate our PullRequests with the analysis results from SonarQube; however, it seems like it may not be possible. It seems SonarCloud nicely integrates with BitBucket. Meanwhile, SonarQube only perhaps integrates well with a BitBucket server repository?
The only BitBucket plugin for SonarQube is this: and it explicitly states that it only works with SonarQube 7.7 or earlier.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
I would like to share my research so far, which supports your conclusion:
PR decoration by Sonarqube does not support Bitbucket Cloud. OR
"Bitbucket Cloud plug-in for SonarQube" only supports <7.7, but our Sonarqube is 7.9.
"Sonar for Bitbucket Cloud" is only applicable to PUBLIC repository.
As of SonarQubte 8.9LTS Developer edition or higher,
PR decoration to Bitbucket Cloud seems to be supported.

SCDF not picking up the latest application docker image

I have a SCDF running in opneshift. The batch application I want to register in SCDF is a docker image configured with latest tag. The docker image also has a webhook configured with corresponding git repo. So the docker image is always the latest.
But once I register the application, consecutive changes to my applications are not picked up by SCDF. Though the docker image was built (via webhook) once the code committed. How do I configure the SCDF to pick up the latest version or newly pushed version ? Right now the only option is to register a new application for the changes to take effect.
I tried using the FORCE option in app registration page. but it seems it'll work only if not being used already.
Is there any configuration I could add to deployment.yaml to get the latest version? Thanks.
Due to this I couldn't restart a failed job with a fixed version of code. As the Restart job always pointing to older version.
You need to set the image pull policy for the task as part of the deployer property when launching the task.
For more info, you can refer the documentation here

Is there any way to upload Artifacts to the Apache ACE server without Web UI?

We are working on an enterprise system writed by Java. And we use an Apache ACE server to deploy the OSGi bundles, a Jenkins as CI server. When we want to update a bundle, we make a jar file in Eclipse, and upload it to ACE server through Web UI. When we want to release a new version, we must upload all bundles through Web UI. I think that is foolish.
I think there must be a simple way just like when I finish coding, then I can do something just in Elipse to upload the bundle to the ACE server. When we release a version, the Jenkins should also update all of the bundles to ACE server itself.
Certainly, you basically have two options if you want to automate things:
Use the REST based interface to talk to ACE.
Use the shell based interface to script to ACE.
Both are explained on the website, so for more detailed steps refer to:

Bluemix and CMS (Joomla) and CF Push

I have installed a Joomla site with CF on bluemix.
As you know Joomla as other CMS allows to install components for adding functionalities.
This uploads the php code needed for the component and add additional tables/entries in the Database.
My issue is that when I CF PUSH, the new component script is removed from the joomla folders on bluemix, and the database still contains component's tables/entries.
I guess this is the situation for all CMS (Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla, Vbulletin, etc..).
How could I get a kind of CF PULL (?) to keep the modified CMS code including the new component locally on the computer side ?
So when i will redo the CF PUSH the installed component will not be erased.
Thank you in advance for your support,
Best regards
There is no cf pull command in Cloud Foundry. The closest you would have is the cf files app-name command that you can navigate the directory structure of your cloud application and get specific files as needed, but this would be really tedious if you have multiple files to copy to your local computer.
It looks like Joomla fits better with the IBM Containers service in Bluemix. With the IBM Containers you can have an Docker image from Joomla ( and use persistent Volumes to save your added functionality. You can also use any Bluemix services (like a database) with IBM Containers.
The article below provides more details and step by step instructions to create an IBM Container for Wordpress. You can easily modify it for Joomla:
When you push an application on a runtime, php Java or whatever, it will restage all the application sources, included what has been configured and modified before through the cms interface, leaving the db databases untouched. And it is for joomla, but also for drupal or WP or any other cms. By this way to achieve what you wish you have 3 options:
- push exactly the filesystem structure you need on Bluemix, including the configuration files and modules to use on it
- use (as suggested above) a container instead of a runtime: anyway also with a container you have to install your cms on an external docker volume, otherwise the cms will be reset every time you restart the container
- use a Bluemix VM

Does Ingenieux beanstalk plugin support AWS4-HMAC-SHA256

I'm using the Beanstalk Maven Plugin, v1.3.5, to deploy WAR files onto m Elastic Beanstalk instances. All was well until I recently started a new AWS account, which seems to have forced me onto some new policies (previous account was about 5 years old). Now I can no longer deploy to S3.
I get success when validate my security setup, so all is well there.
but running:
mvn -X beanstalk:upload-source-bundle
spits out
The authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256.
I've grepped the plugin code, and there is reference to AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 in there, but I don't see how to 'turn it on'.
Does anyone have beanstalk:upload-source-bundle working in the newer AWS S3 environments?
Yes it does, using the 1.4.0 SNAPSHOT. The main developer says this will be turned into a release soon.
See!topic/beanstalker-users/c6GeuA3NA6U for discussion on this topic.
