Unable to debug issue Apache cordova project in vs 2017 - visual-studio

I have install visual studio 2017 with almost all components on my PC (windows 8.1) but when I Add new Apache Cordova project and run it will show
"unable to start debugging. The startup project cannot be launched. Ensure that the correct project is set as the startup project. The startup project can be changed by selecting 'Set as startup project' command from right click menu solution explorer. Additionally make sure its debug settings are correctly configured in the project properties" Other project types are work fine. Project Properties
I have already set startup project but it is not working please help

In case someone is struggling with the same, here's the step to fix it. Go to Visual Studio "Tools" > "Extension and Updates" > then search for "Cordova". Make sure it is turned on:

I just lost a couple of hours to this error. For me, the solution was to follow the instructions available at this link:
In case that link ever dies, here is a copy of the instructions:
If you get a message in Visual Studio that says you can't start debugging your app, try these steps. Also, try these steps if no emulators or devices are listed in the debug target dropdown list.
Close all instances of Visual Studio.
Open this folder:
C:\Users\username%appdata%\Local\Microsoft\Phone Tools
Rename the CoreCon folder to any other name (CoreCon will get recreated when you rebuild).
Restart Visual Studio and try again.


Why is there no Remote Machine option underneath the start menu in my Visual Studio 2019 Community version

I had the free trial for the Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise version. Now that it has run out, I am trying to run my build from Unity using that .sln file in visual studio using the community version. I need to use the remote machine option because I am trying to deploy it to the HoloLens. I already tried rebuilding the unity project but I still had the same problem. Is it because when I created this Unity project I was using the enterprise version and now it can't translate the same way over to the community version? Does the community version not have the remote machine capability? I've attached a picture below of what I mean by "the start menu." Back in the enterprise version I would press that little down arrow to expand the Start menu and I would press "Remote Machine," but that option is no longer there when I try to run a .sln build from my Unity project.
Are you sure you have selected the correct project for the startup project? If you have a mistake in setting the startup project, there will only be a Start option under the menu. You can change the startup project from the Solution Explorer, right-click the desired project and choose Set as StartUp Project from the context-sensitive menu that is displayed.
If you still get this issue, can you see the Remote machine field under Project settings’ Debug tab: Configure the project for remote debugging
If yes, you just need to enter the network name or IP address in the Remote machine field, or select Find to search for the device in the Remote Connections dialog box.
If not, I believe you need to repair the VS installation.
I had the same problem. I put my machine in "developer mode" via the Settings and then opened my project in VS 2022. I'm now able to see the "Remote Machine" option.

Visual Studio Project Wizard fails

The Autodesk ObjectARX project wizards fail to create projects in visual studio professional. I only see in the status bar at the bottom that it has failed. How can I tell what's wrong?
I've checked the visual studio logs (using devenv.exe /log) with nothing reported. And I don't see any other logs. What else can I do?
I should add that there should be a ui, but nothing appears. It fails right away.
Uninstall the wizard.
Right click on wizard setup file
Troubleshoot compatibility and follow steps to install
Try, it works
You should put the ObjectARX folders (inc, lib or so) to "C:\ObjectARX".
Another place is unacceptable.
I had the same problem because on wizard 2018 installation leave field "Registered Developer Symbol" empty. Then on using wizard you can change this symbol to any other.
Other name for ObjectARX directory allow successfully install wizard 2018 but then will be problem in project settings where this path hardcoded as c:\ObjectARX. So better use c:\ObjectARX.

Unable to get launched browser process for Ripple

When I create new mobile application in visual studio, I can run it and no problems happen.
But when I start running another application (created by other developer, and shared on TFS), I got the following messages:
Unable to get launched browser process for Ripple.
Unable to get Ripple session info for port 0.
No build errors or warnings! just 2 messages!!
Any idea?
My environment:
Visual studio 2013 community edition (with Update 4)
Windows 7, x64
It worked by right-clicking project name in solution explorer | Debug | start new instance
But still didn't work by hitting F5 or clicking Run button in toolbar!!
Go to project
Properties > Configuration Manager
(left top corner) and check
Close Visual Studio, delete solution .suo files.
Open Solution .sln and test it, this work for me.
In Visual Studio go to Tools -> Options -> Tools for Apache Cordova, select Clear Cordova Cache.
This worked for me to solve the issues above and has been the solution to a few other issues when using these tools.
Need to set Visual Studio F5 action for Build and Deploy for Mobile project from Configuration Manager
Right click on the solution and select the Properties
Select Configuration Properties from left panel
Select your Mobile Project
Set (Tick) Build and Deploy checkboxes
Delete Suo file from solution will fix it for you.
In Visual Studio 2015 I had to separately install Ripple as a package of my Apache Cordova Project and restart Visual Studio. To start Ripple, right click on your project and select deploy.

VS2013 Build "Does not support previewing"

Every time I try to build my solution in VS2013, nothing builds, no errors - But in the status bar it says: "This item does not support previewing"
I googled around a bit but have come up empty.
But if I right click on each project and select build it works fine.
Any ideas?
Perhaps this message is totally unrelated... Post hoc ergo propter hoc
Steps to reproduce on my machine:
Right Click any project in solution: select build
Status bar displays Build successful
Right click solution select build
Status bar displays : "This item does not support previewing"
Perhaps it isnt related, but it sure does appear to be.
I was able to fix this... Somehow nothing was selected to build in the solution configuration. I right clicked on the solution, went to properties and then selected COnfiguration Properties and clicked the Build box for all the projects...
I have no idea how they became unchecked, only thing I can think of is a co-worker was trolling me.....
I've had this problem (i.e. debug not starting, and no error message) with Visual Studio 2015 in the following two cases:
after loading a solution that had previously been built with Visual Studio 2010
and also after using the "save as" function in Visual Studio 2015 to update a solution that had been started with Visual Studio 2010 (using Save as updates the solution file and sets the active Visual Studio version to 14 - i.e. VS 2015).
In both cases, deleting the bin and obj directories under the startup project fixed the problem. It's also worth closing visual studio and making sure that there are no {yourprojectname}.vshost.exe processes still running - if there are then kill them before running visual studio again. On that note, if you have multiple versions of visual studio on your machine, you should also check that you don't have the same solution open in the other version of visual studio at the same time (I've done that one myself).
One of the comments here suggests disabling the "enable visual studio hosted process" option. Don't do that if you can at all avoid it: you'll lose lots of debugging functionality (particularly in the area of being able to edit code while your solution is running).
Hope that helps someone out there.
Solution for VS2015
"this item does not support previewing" vs2015 (Visual Studio 2015/2016)
Step 1. Go to Control Panel -> Programs and Features
Step 2. Uninstall all: Windows Software Development Kit - Windows 10.0.10586.15 (maybe you have diff ver)
Step 3. Download new latest Windows Software Development Kit
Install & Create new project, Done!
Dclick on MainPage.xaml and you will see Loading designer...
1: Add below lines in App.conf
<unitTestProvider name="MSTest"></unitTestProvider>
2: add a reference to Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTestTools.UnitTestFramework.dll
right click on your project and select: Add Reference
3: add using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; in Step Defination
4: goto feature file and run it. This is what solve my problem on vs2013
I faced same issue with .aspx file. I just right click on the .aspx file and select open with (HTML Editor). You can choose any form the list.
I have come across the same issue for me, I have opened a project in VS 2010 and then when I open the same in VS 2015 then his error has occurred.
By Closing the VS2010 project solution fixed the issue.

Visual studio 2005 crashes attempting to add new project setting in Project Settings pane. How to fix?

While trying to add a new user or application setting to the project properties pane of a project, visual studio 2005 hangs and then prompts after a minute to debug or restart. Have tried deleting the app.config and user.config files to no avail. Have tried resetting the ide's application settings. Have tried hitting sychronize under the pane. Is there a corrupt file that is causing this mess? What is the solution? More info: visual basic development, vista, vs 2005.
I've had problems like this before. I would approach it like:
Install the latest service pack
If you've got time, reinstall
Worst-case, manually edit your project file to add the settings
After deleting the Settings.Designer.vb file and hitting 'Synchronize' under the project properties pane, it appears that everything is working again. It seems that the Settings.settings file and Settings.Designer.vb files became corrupted or unsynchronized and the ide could not recover.
