How to display WIRIS formula without the Editor - rich-text-editor

I am using WIRIS in my website to add questions to database. I need to display the question on the on the website without the editor.
I have retrieved the question from the database but unable to get the styling right. Instead, the question only displays numbers instead o a well formatted formula.
Is there a way to get the equations styled without the editor

You have to add <script src=""></script> to your html page's head tag and it will render your MathML formula as image.
Please refer documentation provided by wiris


How to set automatically highlite.js style for all pre tag

I am making blogging site using quill.js. To view post in frontside I am using highlite.js.
In following image first 2 block are displayed with default side just <pre> tag.
and last one with <pre><code class="dart">{code}</code></pre>
My question is
I don't want to add manually html with <code class="dart">
I want automatic set styling by using just tag
I read all document but not found any specific answer how to set?
please any one?
I found answer. Using custom selector.
document.querySelectorAll('pre').forEach((block) => {

How to use IMPORTXML to extract a list of images with/without ALT and title tags?

I have just started using Google sheet's "IMPORTXML" formular to extract webpage meta data for a SEO project.
I am stuck with the following questions:
How to use this formular and XPATH to extract a list of images (on a
page), which don't have an alt tag?
Similar as the question above, how to extract a list of images (on a page), which have an alt tag?
How to extract a list of images (on a page), which do or don't have a
title tag?
Thank you for your help in advance!
See an example of my question here:
I also referenced the formular on this post, which is very old and seemd no longer working.
For the images that have an alt tag, use
=IMPORTXML(A2, "//img/#alt")
For those that don't, use
=IMPORTXML(A2, "//img[not(./#alt)]")
Note that in your example, there is only one img with no alt, so the cell will appear empty, but the selection is made.

Joomla - use full article image instead of intro image

I wanted to ask if there is a possibility to force Joomla to use full article image if intro image is empty (everywhere where image should be visible).
Is there a setting for this? Is it a feature of a template or Joomla engine itself? Right now I always have to specify both of this images, cause if I specify one only full article image Joomla does not display miniature in many places. If I specify the other one miniature is there but when I enter article it is missing.
I always end up having to specify the same image twice. Is there any way around this?
I ended up overwriting the template for article to display $images->intro_image whenever $images->image_fulltext is not available.
This solves my problems yet one joomla user tells me she is sure that they were able to do that before without any modifications in the template. So now I'm just wondering if there is a setting for this in Joomla Admin so that it does not have to be forced in template code
It turned out that each element of my page except full article used intro_image. So what I did was to copy out the part responsible for showing article into the html folder of my template and just added a php code to use intro image instead of fulltext image (if it is present). You basically need to change $image->fulltext to $image->intro_image in the condition. But remember to keep the original condition as an elseif condition if you want to be able to still use full text image

Problems with the maximum font size in TinyMCE editor on a Joomla website

I am using TinyMCE as editor on my Joomla website and I have a problem with the maximum font size.
When I insert some text into the TinyMCE editor I can change the font size but the maximum size seems to be: t (36pt), why?
I need to insert larger text into my pages. What can I do to fix?
There are many ways you could tackle this, but I would try one of these first:
You can change the dropdown font options using the theme_advanced_font_sizes option, in general, it is something like this:
theme_advanced_font_sizes : "10px,12px,14px,16px,24px"
For more info on this, look here.
Now, since you're using Joomla, you can try to pass your parameters in an array to the display editor call, like is explained in the official joomla documentation (keep in mind that you need to check this is one of the adjustable parameters) or you could also try to change the setting for the editor you're interested in by adding some javascript to a specific view, but I'm not sure it'll work. It should be something like: tinymce.get('editor_id').settings.theme_advanced_font_sizes="10px,12px,14px,16px,24px";.
Depending on what you want to do, you could also try using tinyMce indepently or duplicating the plugin with your own tweaks, so that it doesn't get overwritten when you update your site.
Don't do anything at all. You can control the appearance of any block by inserting css code directly, just use the code view.

Tumblr: how do I remove the description/sidebar box on the submit page in the default Peter Vidani theme?

I have a tumblr account that has submission enabled, and I have a short description with a form in the "description" area that appears on the sidebar. However, this description also appears on I'd like to remove it.
I looked at the documentation on, but haven't been able to figure out how to prevent the sidebar description from showing at the top of the submit page.
Can anyone help?
I'm not sure if I understood your question correctly. But if I did, a work around would be using jQuery to check if the current url contains the string /submit and simply disable the sidebar, or the element that contains the description.
I don't know jQuery but I know it's possible. I'd suggest you to look into this post:
How to check if the URL contains a given string?
and combine it with this line (replace the "alert part")
Another solution would be if Tumblr provided you with a way to only render for specific pages. They usually do that. I'd look into this part {block:SubmissionsEnabled} {/block:SubmissionsEnabled} before I go with the workaround.
