Can't hibernate search sort in #OneToMany association? - sorting

I try to sort a list of Items for a customer by ordered Date. The Date is only avalable through Item.orderPositions.order.orderDate . But #IndexedEmbedded doesn't work. There's no Exeption or Error but the result is only sorted by HS-logic.
public class Item{
private long id;
#Field(index = Index.YES, store = Store.YES, analyse = Analyse.YES, analyser = #Analyzer(definition = Constant.ANALYSER))
private String description;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "item")
private List<OrderPosition> orderPositions;
private Company company;
public class OrderPosition{
private long id;
private Item item;
private Order order;
public class Order{
private long id;
private Customer customer;
#Field(index = Index.NO, store = Store.NO, analyze = Analyze.NO)
private String orderDate;
public class Company{
private long id;
#Field(index = Index.NO, store = Store.NO, analyze = Analyze.NO)
private String name;
If I sort the List by it works fine.
queryService.buildFullTextQuery("searchText", Item.class, "description", "").getResultList();
If I sort the List by Item.orderPosition.order.orderDate it's sorted by default(HS-logic)
queryService.buildFullTextQuery("searchText", Item.class, "description", "orderPositions.order.orderDate").getResultList();
I build the FullTextQuery this way:
public FullTextQuery buildFullTextQuery(#NonNull String searchText, #NonNull Class<?> clazz, #NonNull String... fields) throws Exception {
FullTextEntityManager fullTextEntityManager = Search.getFullTextEntityManager(getEntityManager());
QueryBuilder qb = fullTextEntityManager.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder().forEntity(clazz).get();
Query query = qb.keyword().onField(fields[0]).matching(searchText).createQuery();
SortField sortField = new SortField(fields[1], SortField.Type.STRING, false);
Sort sort = new Sort(sortField);
return fullTextEntityManager.createFullTextQuery(query, clazz).setSort(sort);
I think HS can't find the association for #OneToMany. Is there a way to solve this prob?
Thank you in advance

I can't tell you what's going on exactly without the results of your queries, but you're definitely doing something wrong here: you are trying to sort on a multi-valued field. One item is linked to multiple orders, each having its own date. So there is multiple dates per item.
When you ask to compare two items that each have three dates, what should Hibernate Search do? Compare only the latest dates? Compare only the earliest dates? You didn't say, so your query is bound to return inconsistently ordered results.
Thing is, there is no way to tell Hibernate Search which value to pick in multi-valued fields, so your easiest way out is to explicitly create a single-valued field to sort on.
For instance, you could add a getter on Item to return the latest order, and add the #IndexedEmbedded there:
public class Item{
private long id;
#Field(index = Index.YES, store = Store.YES, analyse = Analyse.YES, analyser = #Analyzer(definition = Constant.ANALYSER))
private String description;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "item")
private List<OrderPosition> orderPositions;
private Company company;
public Order getLatestOrder() {
Order latestOrder;
// ... compute the latest order ...
return latestOrder;
Then sort on latestOrder.orderDate and you should be good.


Join Column between entities get NULL value instead of parent entity id number

I am Using Spring Boot on Java to create user's order on his checkout. A new Orders object is created which has a Linked Set of Items. Those items are user's cart contents.
Order is created, but its set of Items is null. The set size is 0. I checked that in JUnit tests. Can you help me to find out what is wrong? Maybe I have defined entities incorrectly? Have a look at the picture of the database:
And check the entities, Orders:
public class Orders {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Integer id;
#DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
private LocalDateTime submitedAt;
private String orderName;
private String username;
private OrderStatus status;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "orders", cascade = { CascadeType.ALL}, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Set<Item> items;
public class Item {
private Integer id;
private String dishName;
#Column(name = "`DESCRIPTION`", length = 2000)
private String dishDescription;
#Column(name = "`QUANTITY`")
private Integer quantityInCart;
#Column(name = "`USER`")
private String username;
#ManyToOne(cascade = { CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.DETACH, CascadeType.REFRESH })
#JoinColumn(name = "ORDERS_ID")
private Orders orders;
How to do entities relation correctly? Should it be one direction or bi-directional relationship?
What are differences of these relations? And what kind of relationship I should use? Why?
I was doing JUnit tests for the Orders service methods. It turns out that it can create orders. And Order items from user's cart.
But when it is time to show order (GetMapping) then it returns Orders entity with empty items set.
I think it happens because JPA cannot find foreign key of items for its designated order. It is null.
Why is it null?
And this is the service method that creates such order by user request:
public ResponseEntity<String> createOrder (String username) {
User user = userService.findByUsername(username);
List<CartItem> items = cartRepo.findByUser(user);
if(items.size() > 0) {
Orders newOrder = new Orders();
Set<Item> orderItems = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for(CartItem item : items) {
// new Item(Integer id, String dishName, String dishDescription, Integer quantityInCart, String username)
Item orderItem = new Item(item.getId(), item.getDish().getName(),
item.getDish().getDescription(), item.getQuantity(), item.getUser().getUsername());
newOrder.setOrderName(user.getUsername()+"'s order");
cartService.removeAllUserProducts(username);"[{}]: A new order is created successfully.", username);
return new ResponseEntity<String>("A new order is created successfully.", HttpStatus.CREATED);
I tried to do one direction relationship for other entities and it really created foreign keys on joined column fields. But I want to find out why my bidirectional way of joining is wrong. Maybe someone who really knows can explain.
The Order class should be like this:
public class Orders {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Integer id;
#DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
private LocalDateTime submitedAt;
private String orderName;
private String username;
private OrderStatus status;
#OneToMany(cascade = { CascadeType.ALL}, fetch = FetchType.LAZY, orphanRemoval = true)
private Set<Item> items;
And Item class without Orders class and its ManyToOne relationship.
Now relationship is unidirectional. Item entity has foreign keys column name ORDERS_ID that has id's of Orders for which Items belong.

OrderBy is not working with the In clause in Spring Data JPA

I have a method whose signature is like this.
public Page<Config> searchByCriteria(Map<String, String> params, Pageable pageable) {
if (zoneIds.equals(BLANK_STRING)) {
return repository.findByUserIdAndNameContains(userId, name, pageable);
List<Integer> zones = Arrays
return repository.findByUserIdEqualsAndNameContainsAndZonesInAndOrderByUpdatedOnDesc(userId, name, zones, pageable);
Here the second query is not working when the OrderBy clause is being appended.
However, it works fine when I remove the OrderBy clause.
eg: repository.findByUserIdEqualsAndNameContainsAndZonesIn(...) This works fine.
Please suggest how can I use In and OrderBy clauses together.
here is the error which I am getting here in the stack trace.
Caused by: No property inAnd found for type Integer! Traversed path:
Config Object
public class Config extends AbstractEntity implements Serializable {{
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Integer configId;
private Integer userId;
private String name;
private State state;
#CollectionTable(name = "zone", joinColumns = #JoinColumn(name = "config_id"))
#Column(name = "zone_id")
private Set<Integer> zones = new HashSet<>();
#CollectionTable(name = "param", joinColumns = #JoinColumn(name = "config_id"))
private Set<ApParam> apParams = new HashSet<>();
private String remarks;
I think the problem is you are connecting the method query and the order by with And. This should work: repository.findByUserIdEqualsAndNameContainsAndZonesInOrderByUpdatedOnDesc(userId, name, zones, pageable);
Document reference:

Hibernate search across two entities without an embedded index

I am trying to use Hibernate Search 6 and elastic search
A simple example of what I am trying to build is as follows.
I have a Book entity, which has information like title, authorName, genre, price
I have a Shop entity which has information like shopName, phone, email, location
I have a "joining table" which does a many to many mapping between nooks and shops. ( A book can be at many shops, and a shop can have many books)
I am trying to do a search by name and location, ideally to find a book at a location nearest to the input. The standard book-author example in the documentation requires a IndexedEmbedded annotation, which is not really possible in my case because I am using a joining table.
Is there an alternative approach to solve this problem
My entities
public class Book extends PanacheEntity{
public String title;
public String authorName;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "book", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = { CascadeType.REMOVE })
public List<BookShopRelation> bookShopRelation = new ArrayList<>();
public class Shop extends PanacheEntity{
public String name;
public String city;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "shop", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = { CascadeType.REMOVE })
private List<BookShopRelation> bookShopRelation = new ArrayList<>();
public class BookShopRelation extends PanacheEntity{
#JoinColumn(name = "shop_id")
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, optional = false)
private Shop shop;
#JoinColumn(name = "offer_id")
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, optional = false)
private Book book;
For me what was key was to understand, was that the relation table could be indexed and used as the basis for the search
List<BookShopRelation> result = Search.session(entityManager)
.search(BookShopRelation.class) .predicate(f ->
pattern == null || pattern.trim().isEmpty() ?
f.matchAll() :

Project embedded document fields after lookup operation

I want to do a join between Timesheet:
#Document(collection = TIMESHEET_COLLECTION)
public class Timesheet {
private ObjectId id;
private ObjectId employeeId;
private LocalDate date;
private String occupationTitle;
private BigDecimal salary;
private List<TimesheetEntry> entries;
and Employee (as embedded document):
#Document(collection = Employee.EMPLOYEE_COL)
public class Employee {
private ObjectId id;
private String registry;
private String cpf;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String nickname;
private String phone;
private LocalDate dateOfBirth;
private LocalDate admissionDate;
private EmployeeOccupation occupation;
private EmployeePaymentPreferences paymentPreferences;
private Map<String, String> equipmentPreferences;
private Boolean active;
So I have this aggregation query, with match, lookup, unwind and projection operations.
Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(matchTimesheetFilter(timesheetFilter), lookupEmployee(), unwindEmployee(), projectEmployee());
There are lookup and unwind implementations. I'm unwinding because employee should be a single object, not an array.
private LookupOperation lookupEmployee(){
return LookupOperation.newLookup()
private UnwindOperation unwindEmployee(){
return Aggregation.unwind("employee");
It returns successfully a Timesheet document with a embedded Employee document. The point is: I don't want all data from employee. I only want a few fields.
So, I tried to exclude unwanted fields from employee, using my projection operation:
private ProjectionOperation projectEmployee() {
return Aggregation.project().andExclude("employee.nickname", "employee.firstName", "employee.fullName");
It didn't work. My embedded employee is still being returned with all fields. However I can successfully exclude fields from Timesheet, if I do something like this:
private ProjectionOperation projectEmployee() {
return Aggregation.project().andExclude("startDate", "endDate");
How can I project custom fields from a document embedded through a lookup operation?
i think you need to exclude "employee.nickname", "employee.firstName", "employee.fullName", instead of "nickname", "firstName", "fullName"
Try this:
private ProjectionOperation projectEmployee() {
return Aggregation.project().andExclude("employee.nickname", "employee.firstName", "employee.fullName");
i did it this way (not sure if it's right but it works):
private LookupOperation lookupEmployee(){
return LookupOperation.newLookup()
no unwind used

Spring elasticsearch merge documents from two different indexes

I am new to elastic-search and i am trying to use spring data elastic search in the application.
I have a requirement where in there are two separate indexes and i want to fetch documents from both indexes in one query based on some condition.
I would try to explain it with sample example with the same scenario.
There are two Different classes for individual indexes.
#Document(indexName = "Book", type = "Book")
public class Book {
private String id;
#Field(type = FieldType.String)
private String bookName;
#Field(type = FieldType.Integer)
private int price;
#Field(type = FieldType.String)
private String authorName;
//Getters and Setters
There is one more class Author
#Document(indexName = "Author", type = "Author")
public Class Author{
private String id;
#Field(type = FieldType.String)
private String authorName;
//Getters and setters
So there are two indexes one Book and Other Author.
I want to fetch all the documents where authorName in Book index is equal to authorName in Author index.
Can i get the details from both the index as a single document like merged result.
It would be very helpful if anyone can suggest solution for this usecase.
Thanks & Regards
