Vbscript to run .Bat file with parameters and search for error in result txt file - vbscript

I am preparing vbscript to run bat files where bat file name contains version number, Script have to search for bat file with matching version name . Once Ran,The result Text file will be generated with same version number. I have to search for Text file with same version number and read the txt file for error or msg, if error found i want to display it.
I know my requirement is little too much.
But I am finding little difficulty in debugging the code.I am stuck.
Can any one help me to resolve the issue.
Thank You
here is my script,
I am passing values for sql query from excel sheet.
Dim Ver, Version_Number
Dim con
Dim rs
Set con=createobject("adodb.connection")
Set rs=Createobject("adodb.recordset")
Set PinXL = CreateObject("Excel.application")
Set PinWB = PinXL.Workbooks.Open("C:\maspects\Trial.xls") '// Login and Enable Debug Window in application
Set PinWS = PinWB.Worksheets("Sheet1")
varr = Cstr(PinWS.Cells(2,1).Value)
varr1 = trim(varr)
usename = Cstr(PinWS.Cells(2,2).Value)
UN = trim(usename)
password = Cstr(PinWS.Cells(2,3).Value)
PWD = trim(password)
IrisDB = Cstr(PinWS.Cells(2,4).Value)
DB = trim(IrisDB)
Site_Name = Cstr(PinWS.Cells(2,5).Value)
Site = trim(Site_Name)
con.open"provider=sqloledb.1;server=" & varr1 & ";uid=" & UN & ";pwd=" & PWD & ";database=" & DB &""
Wscript.sleep 1000*3
rs.Open "select * from tblSettingsUnique where [Setting Name] like '%Revision%'" ,con
Wscript.sleep 1000*2
Version_Number = rs.Fields("Setting Value")
Ver = Version_Number
msgbox Ver
Call Execute
Function Execute
If Ver < PinWS.Cells(2,6).Value = "True" Then ' if Ver is less than Cell(2,6) value then application should come out of loop
For i = Ver to PinWS.Cells(2,6).Value step 1
msgbox i
Set WShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
For each f in Wshell.Getfolder("C:\maspects\DB_script").Files
BatFile = instr(f.File , "4_0_"&i )
WShell.Run ("CMD /K C:\maspects\DB_script\"&batFile &".bat" & Varr1 &" "& UN &" "& password )
Call msg
End If
End Function
Function msg
Set TxtObject = CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject")
For each ResFile in TxtObject.GetFolder("C:\maspects\DB_script").Files
TargetFile = InStr(ResFile.File , "4_0_"&i )
Set TxtFile = TxtObject.openTextFile("C:\maspects\DB_script\"&TargetFile, 1 ,true)
Do until TxtFile.AtEndOfStream
For each F in TxtFile.Readline
if InStr (F,"msg" ) = "True" and InStr (F,"msg 207" )= "False" Then
msgbox "Error in:"&TargetFile
React =Cint(Inputbox("Go through the Result file:"&TargetFile &"Enter '1' to Continue '0' to Quit"))
If React = "0" Then
End if
End If
End Function


Using vbscript to save OpenOffice/Spreadsheet csv file [duplicate]

I'm trying to write a script for a while now but it seems that one part of it just does not work.
Situation: I need a VB script that can use any LibreOffice (/ OpenOffice) Calc (3.5.4 in my case) installation on any Windows XP or 7 system for export of xls to csv (as many csv files as there are sheets in the xls). It has to be VBS and LibreOffice in this case. No macro installed, everything controlled externally by vbscript.
So, first step was to use the macro recorder in order to get the right filter settings.
StarBasic macro:
dim document as object
dim dispatcher as object
document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
dim args1(2) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
args1(0).Name = "URL"
args1(0).Value = "file:///C:/Users/lutz/Desktop/test.csv"
args1(1).Name = "FilterName"
args1(1).Value = "Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)"
args1(2).Name = "FilterOptions"
args1(2).Value = "9,0,76,1,,0,false,true,true"
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:SaveAs", "", 0, args1())
This macro (in LibreOffice) writes a CSV of the current sheet (after LO telling me that only the current sheet will be saved), encoding UTF-8, field separator Tab, no text separator. This works.
I tried to get this to work in my vbs but it absolutely did not. So I searched a lot in OpenOffice and LibreOffice forums, here at stackoverflow, etc. and used another method.
Problem: Everytime it saves the file(s) it saves them as ODS, no matter which filter or filter options I use. It always saves to zipped OpenDocument. I tried numerous Filters, even PDF. It seems that it works with pdf when I only use the FilterName property but somehow it doesn't work anymore. And I don't know why.
The code:
' Scripting object
Dim wshshell
' File system object
Dim objFSO
' OpenOffice / LibreOffice Service Manager
Dim objServiceManager
' OpenOffice / LibreOffice Desktop
Dim objDesktop
' Runcommand, if script does not run with Cscript
Dim runcommand
Dim Path
Dim Savepath
Dim Filename
Dim url
Dim args0(0)
Dim args1(3)
' Create File system object
Set wshshell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' If not run in cscript, run in cscript
if instr(1, wscript.fullname, "cscript.exe")=0 then
runcommand = "cscript //Nologo xyz.vbs"
wshshell.run runcommand, 1, true
end if
' If files present, run Calc
If objFSO.GetFolder(".").Files.Count>0 then
Set objServiceManager = WScript.CreateObject("com.sun.star.ServiceManager")
' Create Desktop
Set objDesktop = objServiceManager.createInstance("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop")
' If no files in directory
wscript.echo "No files found!"
End If
on error resume next
For each File in objFSO.GetFolder(".").Files
if lcase(right(File.Name,3))="xls" then
' Access file
url = ConvertToURL(File.Path)
objDesktop = GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLIbrary( "Tools" )
Set args0(0) = objServiceManager.Bridge_GetStruct("com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue")
Set objDocument = objDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(url, "_blank", 0, args0 )
' Read filenames without extension or path
Path = ConvertToURL( File.ParentFolder ) & "/"
Filename = objFSO.GetBaseName( File.Path )
Savepath = ConvertToURL( File.ParentFolder )
' set arguments
Set args1(0) = objServiceManager.Bridge_GetStruct("com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue")
Set args1(1) = objServiceManager.Bridge_GetStruct("com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue")
Set args1(2) = objServiceManager.Bridge_GetStruct("com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue")
sFilterName = "Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)"
sFilterOptions = "9,0,76,1,,0,false,true,true"
sOverwrite = True
Set args1(0) = MakePropertyValue( "FilterName", sFilterName )
Set args1(1) = MakePropertyValue( "FilterOptions", sFilterOptions )
Set args1(2) = MakePropertyValue( "Overwrite", sOverwrite )
' Save every sheet in separate csv file
objSheets = objDocument.Sheets
For i = 0 to objDocument.Sheets.getcount -1
objSheet = objDocument.Sheets.getByIndex(i)
Call objDocument.CurrentController.setActiveSheet(objSheet)
Call objDocument.storeToURL( ConvertToURL( File.ParentFolder & "\" & Filename & "_" & objDocument.sheets.getByIndex(i).Name & ".csv" ), args1 )
' Close document
Set objDocument = Nothing
Path = ""
Savepath = ""
Filename = ""
End If
' Close / terminate LibreOffice
Set objDesktop = nothing
Set objServiceManager = nothing
The function ConvertToUrl is not listed here. It is a vbscript function that converts Windows paths to URL paths (file:/// etc.). It is tested and works.
What I also tried:
Saving in ods first (StoreAsUrl) then try to save in different format.
Use MakePropertyValue( "SelectionOnly", true )
None of that worked nor did it combined. I used http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/de/project/OOcalc_multi_sheets_export as a source of inspiration. But it is a macro, not direct access from an external vb script.
It seems that the problem is a general one with StoreToUrl or the properties / arguments:
Even FilterName "writer_pdf" or "Calc MS Excel 2007 XML" don't work. Problem is: I don't know what's the culprit here. The settings that the macro recorder uses are the same and if one uses the macro directly in LibreOffice it works.
Maybe someone knows what needs to get changed in the code or how I can get the dispatcher used in the macro to work.
Thank you for your help in advance!
Ok, I found the solution after days of research and tiny little information scattered everywhere. I hope that this code will serve someone well:
' Variables
Dim wshshell ' Scripting object
Dim oFSO ' Filesystem object
Dim runcommand ' Runcommand, if not run in Cscript
Dim oSM ' OpenOffice / LibreOffice Service Manager
Dim oDesk ' OpenOffice / LibreOffice Desktop
Dim oCRef ' OpenOffice / LibreOffice Core Reflections
Dim sFileName ' Filename without extension
Dim sLoadUrl ' Url for file loading
Dim sSaveUrl ' Url for file writing
Dim args0(0) ' Load arguments
' Create file system object
Set wshshell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' If not run in cscript, run in cscript
if instr(1, wscript.fullname, "cscript.exe")=0 then
runcommand = "cscript //Nologo xyz.vbs"
wshshell.run runcommand, 1, true
end if
' If there are files, start Calc
If oFSO.GetFolder(".").Files.Count>0 then
' If no LibreOffice open -> run
Set oSM = WScript.CreateObject("com.sun.star.ServiceManager")
' Create desktop
Set oDesk = oSM.createInstance("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop")
Set oCRef = oSM.createInstance( "com.sun.star.reflection.CoreReflection" )
' If no files in directory
End If
' Error handling
on error resume next
' CSV settings for saving of file(s)
sFilterName = "Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)"
sFilterOptions = "9,0,76,1,,0,false,true,true"
sOverwrite = True
' load component for file access
oDesk = GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLIbrary( "Tools" )
' load argument "hidden"
Set args0(0) = oSM.Bridge_GetStruct("com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue")
Set args0(0) = MakePropertyValue("Hidden", True)
For each oFile in oFSO.GetFolder(".").Files
if lcase(right(oFile.Name,3))="xls" then
' open file
sLoadUrl = ConvertToURL(oFile.Path)
Set oDoc = oDesk.loadComponentFromURL(sLoadUrl, "_blank", 0, args0 )
' read filename without extension or path
sFileName = oFSO.GetBaseName( oFile.Path )
' save sheets in CSVs
For i = 0 to oDoc.Sheets.getcount -1
oActSheet = oDoc.CurrentController.setActiveSheet( oDoc.Sheets.getByIndex(i) )
sSaveUrl = ConvertToURL( oFile.ParentFolder & "\" & sFileName & "_" & oDoc.sheets.getByIndex(i).Name & ".csv" )
saveCSV oSM, oDoc, sSaveUrl, sFilterName, sFilterOptions, sOverwrite
' Close document
Set oDoc = Nothing
Set oActSheet = Nothing
sFileName = ""
sLoadUrl = ""
sSaveUrl = ""
End If
' Close LibreOffice
Set oDesk = nothing
Set oSM = nothing
Function ConvertToURL(sFileName)
' Convert Windows pathnames to url
Dim sTmpFile
If Left(sFileName, 7) = "file://" Then
ConvertToURL = sFileName
Exit Function
End If
ConvertToURL = "file:///"
sTmpFile = oFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(sFileName)
' replace any "\" by "/"
sTmpFile = Replace(sTmpFile,"\","/")
' replace any "%" by "%25"
sTmpFile = Replace(sTmpFile,"%","%25")
' replace any " " by "%20"
sTmpFile = Replace(sTmpFile," ","%20")
ConvertToURL = ConvertToURL & sTmpFile
End Function
Function saveCSV( oSM, oDoc, sSaveUrl, sFilterName, sFilterOptions, sOverwrite )
' Saves the open document resp. active sheet in a single file
Dim aProps( 2 ), oProp0, oProp1, oProp2, vRet
' Set filter name and write into property array
Set oProp0 = oSM.Bridge_GetStruct( "com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue" )
oProp0.Name = "FilterName"
oProp0.Value = sFilterName
Set aProps( 0 ) = oProp0
' Set filter options and write into property array
Set oProp1 = oSM.Bridge_GetStruct( "com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue" )
oProp1.Name = "FilterOptions"
oProp1.Value = sFilterOptions
Set aProps( 1 ) = oProp1
' Set file overwrite and write into property array
Set oProp2 = oSM.Bridge_GetStruct( "com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue" )
oProp2.Name = "Overwrite"
oProp2.Value = sOverwrite
Set aProps( 2 ) = oProp2
' Save
vRet = oDoc.storeToURL( sSaveUrl, aProps )
End Function
I hope that at least this small contribution from me helps others.

Where is the variable to tell the script where the text file is located?

I have this script but cannot figure out for the life of me how to use it. In powershell I would just set the location of the file as
`$location = get-content (c:\folder\servers.txt)`
But I cannot figure out how to read in a text file through VBscript.
All I want to do is install an app on a list of servers :(
Here is the error I am getting
test.vbs(6, 9) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Object required: 'objMasterVariablesFile'
strUser = ""
strPassword = ""
strMSI = ""
'load and read from a text file
Do While objMasterVariablesFile.AtEndOfStream <> True
strLine = objMasterVariablesFile.ReadLine
'skip if ' found at start of line, to allow for comment lines
If inStr(1, strLine, "'") Then
servername = strLine
'install code here
Const wbemImpersonationLevelDelegate = 4
Set objWbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
Set objConnection = objwbemLocator.ConnectServer _
(servername, "root\cimv2", strUser, strPassword)
objConnection.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = wbemImpersonationLevelDelegate
Set objSoftware = objConnection.Get("Win32_Product")
errReturn = objSoftware.Install(strMSI,,True)
End If

VBS Run cmd.exe output to a variable; not text file

This is what I have so far. It works; outputing the folder path to temp to a text file.
What I really want, is to output the data to a variable. Every example I see online, show how to do this using something like:
set objScriptExec = wshShell.Exec (strCommand)
followed by
strresult = LCase(objScriptExec.StdOut.ReadAll. // code
I want this to run with Run, not Exec, because I want the command prompt windows to be hidden as I will performing many commands with the code below. How can I capture that output to a variable?
Set wsShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strCommand = "cmd /c echo %temp% > %temp%\test.txt"
wsShell.Run strcommand,0,True
This may be done with the Windows Script Host Exec command. StdOut, StdIn, and StdErr may all be accessed, and ERRORLEVEL is available when the command completes.
Dim strMessage, strScript, strStdErr, strStdOut
Dim oExec, oWshShell, intErrorLevel
Dim ComSpec
Set oWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ComSpec = oWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%comspec%")
intErrorLevel = 0
strScript = ComSpec & " /C echo %temp%"
On Error Resume Next
Set oExec = oWshShell.Exec (strScript)
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
strMessage = "Error: " & Err.Message
intErrorLevel = 1
Do While oExec.Status = 0
Do While Not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
strStdOut = strStdOut & oExec.StdOut.ReadLine & vbCrLf
Do While Not oExec.StdErr.AtEndOfStream
strStdErr = strStdErr & oExec.StdErr.ReadLine & vbCrLf
WScript.Sleep 0
intErrorLevel = oExec.ExitCode
strMessage = strStdOut & strStdErr & CStr(intErrorLevel)
End If
WScript.Echo (strMessage)
NOTE: Replacing "ReadLine" above with "Read(1)" accomplishes the same thing, but adds an ability to process characters rather than whole lines.
Of course Wscript.Shell would be a lot easier, but, since you want more fine grain control of your session, consider using Win32_Process. Usually, one uses this to control the placement of a new window, but, in your case, you want it hidden, so I set startupInfo.ShowWindow = 0 which means SW_HIDE. The following declares a VBScript function called RunCmd and which will run a command in an invisible window saving the output to a text file and then return the contents of the text file to the caller. As an example, I invoke RunCmd with the HOSTNAME command:
Function RunCmd(strCmd)
Dim wmiService
Set wmiService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
Dim startupInfo
Set startupInfo = wmiService.Get("Win32_ProcessStartup")
Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim cwd
cwd = fso.GetAbsolutePathname(".")
startupInfo.ShowWindow = 0
' startupInfo.X = 50
' startupInfo.y = 50
' startupInfo.XSize = 150
' startupInfo.YSize = 50
' startupInfo.Title = "Hello"
' startupInfo.XCountChars = 36
' startupInfo.YCountChars = 1
Dim objNewProcess
Set objNewProcess = wmiService.Get("Win32_Process")
Dim intPID
Dim errRtn
errRtn = objNewProcess.Create("cmd.exe /c """ & strCmd & """ > out.txt", cwd, startupInfo, intPID)
Dim f
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("out.txt", 1)
RunCmd = f.ReadAll
End Function
MsgBox RunCmd("HOSTNAME")
Create method of the Win32_Process class
Win32_ProcessStartup class

vbscript+function calling function - return value

I have a vbscript that calls a second vbscript and runs a function. This second function returns a value. But I can't figure out how to get this value, as the result of the first function returns the status code.
original call: fileCASTRING(12345678)
vbscript 1
function fileCASTRING(varRAW)
lresult = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run ("c:\windows\syswow64\cscript.exe C:\ERMXData\Config\query-castring.vbs " & varRAW,0,true)
end function
Dim strCon
strCon = "DSN=*****; " & _
Dim oCon: Set oCon = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Dim oRs: Set oRs = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oCon.Open strCon
Set oRs = oCon.Execute("select ESBLINK_ADMR_CODE from ESBLINK where ESBLINK_DTYP_CODE like '%" + doctype + "%'"")
Set oRs = Nothing
Set oCon = Nothing
I have to do it like this because the program that runs vbscript 1 runs in 64 bit mode and the code in query-castring.vbs needs to run in 32bit mode in order for it to work. How can I get the queryB value back to the original caller? I am trying to not have to write the value to a file.
The only easy way to communicate between two command line processes is via StdOut.
(Be aware the code is not tested but should get you into the right direction.)
VBScript 1
Option Explicit
' ...
Function fileCASTRING(varRAW)
Dim program, script, cmdline, output
program = "c:\windows\syswow64\cscript.exe /nologo"
script = "C:\ERMXData\Config\query-castring.vbs"
cmdLine = program & " " script & " """ & varRAW & """"
output = ""
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec(cmdLine)
While Not .StdOut.AtEndOfStream
output = output & .StdOut.ReadAll
End With
fileCASTRING = output
End Function
see the documentation of the WshScriptExec object
Option Explicit
Dim doctype: doctype = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
Dim strCon: strCon = "DSN=*****;uid=*****;pwd=*****;"
Dim strSql: "select ESBLINK_ADMR_CODE from ESBLINK where ESBLINK_DTYP_CODE like '%' + ? + '%'"
Dim oCon: Set oCon = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Dim oCmd: Set oCmd = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
oCon.Open strCon
With WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set .ActiveConnection = oCon
.CommandText = strSql
.Parameters(0).Value = doctype
With .Execute
If Not .EOF Then
WScript.Echo .Fields("ESBLINK_ADMR_CODE").Value
End If
End With
End With
See the documentation of the ADODB Command and Parameter objects. Don't build SQL from strings.
Also, look into "integrated security" connection strings - do not store plain text passwords in in code files. ADODB can easily use the security context of the account that runs the script, if you tell it to.
VBScript 1
Function getADMRCODE(varRAW)
Dim program, script, cmdline, output
program = "c:\windows\syswow64\cscript.exe /nologo"
script = "C:\ERMXData\Config\common_app\queries\admrcode.vbs"
cmdLine = program & " " & script & " """ & varRAW & """"
output = ""
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec(cmdLine)
While Not .StdOut.AtEndOfStream
output = output & .StdOut.ReadAll
End With
getADMRCODE = output
End Function
Dim doctype: doctype = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
Dim strCon
strCon = "DSN=*****; " & _
Dim oCon: Set oCon = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Dim oRs: Set oRs = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oCon.Open strCon
Set oRs = oCon.Execute("select ESBLINK_ADMR_CODE from ESBLINK where ESBLINK_DTYP_CODE LIKE '%" + doctype + "%'")
WScript.Echo oRs.Fields(0).Value
Set oRs = Nothing
Set oCon = Nothing

VB script to run a Query

I am trying to connect command prompt through VB script and further its connecting with Oracle enviroment to execute some reports of Oracle discoverer.
But the problem is with this VB script only.
line 2: for establishing the connection.
line 7:fetching the current REQUEST_ID.
line 16:XXDIS_EXPORT_CMD_V is a view and cmd is a column.which select a value like this for corresponding REQUEST_ID.
/CONNECT DISCADMIN:"FAI Financials Intelligence"/discbi#deverp /OPENDB "1 Scheduling" /SHEET "Sheet_1" /EXPORT HTML o27673334.out /LOGFILE l27673334.log /BATCH
In the end i want to execute this cmd using VBScript.
Error coming :
"In line 32 tkgoShell was not
This is My code:
' Process job
Set objADO =CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objADO.Open "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}; CONNECTSTRING=deverp; UID=apps; PWD=apps11i;"
MsgBox "Connection Established to Server.", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "System"
Do While True
' Check if there is a job to process
Set moRS=objADO.execute("SELECT apps.xxdis_schedule_pkg.start_job REQUEST_ID FROM dual")
msRequest = moRS("REQUEST_ID")
'MsgBox msRequest,msRequest
' If no jobs then exit
' If msRequest = "0" Then
Exit Do
' End If
Set moRS=objADO.execute("SELECT cmd EXPORT_CMD FROM apps.xxdis_export_cmd_v " & _
"WHERE request_id = " & msRequest)
MsgBox msRequest,msRequest
msExpCmd = moRS("EXPORT_CMD")
' write command into a temporary file
msCmdFile = "r" & msRequest & ".cmd"
dim moOutputStream,filesys,msCommand
Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set moOutputStream = filesys.CreateTextFile(msCmdFile, True)
' Substitute $SAMBA$ and $TNS$ locally configured variables
moOutputStream.Write Replace(Replace(msCmd, "$SAMBA$", gsOutDir),_
"$TNS$", gsInstance) & vbCRLF
' Call Discoverer to process the command
msCommand = gsBinDir & gsDiscoExe & " /EUL " & gsEUL & " /CMDFILE " & msCmdFile
Call tkgoShell.Run (msCommand, 1, true)
If I understand your code correctly I can't see anywhere where you're actually creating the tkgoShell.
Try inserting the following 2 rows before your last line:
Dim tkgoShell
Set tkgoShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
See here for more information about Shell.Run.
