IIS experiences super slow requests intermittently - performance

I have been trying to pinpoint an error in a legacy application for our customers. They have complained about slow response times and checking IIS logs I can see that sometimes requests that shouldn't take over 500 ms take 10-30 seconds.
There seems to be no pattern: these requests happen with requests handled by our application, they happen with small static files (pictures and .js-files), they happen during high and low traffic. There doesn't seem to be a request type happening before or during these requests that would cause this to happen.
I have tried failed request tracing for long requests but everything happening in IIS pipeline seems to take 0 ms or at least close to that. Could this be caused by extremely slow network connections or our legacy application blocking threads (or something completely different)?

Resolved my own issue.
The slowness experienced by our customer is likely caused by other factors. Compared request statistics to other services (with completely different technology) and found that they all have similar slow requests now and then probably caused by slow connections.
Useful tools:
Failed request logging for long requests
Performance monitor and server performance logging
Logging application pool recycle events in log
Log parser studio for querying and analyzing IIS logs


ASP.NET 5 Web API application intermittently unresponsive

We are working on an ASP.NET 5 Web API project that is in production now but we are experiencing an issue where it becomes unresponsive intermittently throughout the day.
A few notes about the application architecture. It is an ASP.NET Web API project using a MariaDB database on a separate EC2 instance within the same private network. The connection string uses the private IP of the database server to avoid any name resolution issues. The site is hosted via IIS 10.
The application itself has been developed carefully following the best practices provided by Microsoft. Heavy focus on async operations, minimizing query response times and offloading more expensive operations into background services.
The app is extremely responsive. It performs with sub 100ms responses on almost all requests, even the more complicated requests, and all the way up until it becomes unresponsive this high level of performance remains the same. We tend to see between 10-30 requests per second and 300-500 select queries per second at peak usage so not too extreme. However, randomly (2-3 times over a 24 hour period) it will begin hanging on requests and simply not respond to the request. During this time, the database is still extremely responsive and we are never over 300 connections out of our 512 connection limit.
The resources on the application server itself are never really taxed much at all. The CPU never gets above ~20% and the memory usage sits around 20-30%.
If I were to stop the site in IIS and start it again while this is happening, it will quickly come back online. If I don't it will be down for a few minutes until IIS finally kills it due to a failed health check. There are no real errors generated as a response to the issue other than typical errors caused by the hanging of the process such as connection terminated errors. The only thing I have seen before that gave me pause was the fact that there a few connection timeouts when getting the connection from the pool, but like I said, the connections to the server are never close to the limit.
Also, this app and version has been in production for months and it wasn't until the traffic volume started to grow that we started seeing these issues. At this point, I am at a loss for next steps of troubleshooting and I'm seeking suggestions.
In IIS App Pool advanced settings set Start Mode to AlwaysRunning
I never found a root cause for this issue, however, after updating to newer versions of .NET MVC this issue went away. My best guess is that changes with the Kestrel possibly resolved this issue, although, I have no idea what specific change that might have been. I have gone through the change logs a few times and didn't see anything that specifically jumped out at me.

503 Error while Running JMeter for Thread 400,Is it Because of Server issues?

Getting 503 Error while Running the JMeter for the Thread User 400,Is it Because of Server issues.? When I run the thread group for 100 user with ramp up period 25 seconds then it will be working fine but for the user 400 users its giving 503 error.
Given you don't experience any issues with 100 users and have issues with 400 users most probably it's a server issue connected with the overload so congratulations on finding the bottleneck.
You can either report it as is or perform a little bit deeper investigation in order to find the cause, suggested steps:
Instead of kicking off 400 users at once try increasing the load gradually at the same time looking at Response Times vs Threads and Transaction Throughput vs Threads charts. Ideally response time should remain the same and throughput should be growing as the number of threads increase. When response time starts increasing and throughput starts decreasing it indicates the saturation point and at this stage you can state that this is the maximum number of users your application can support
Check your application logs and configuration as it might be not properly tuned for the high loads, you can use 15 Simple ASP.NET Performance Tuning Tips as a reference or look for a similar guide for your application technology stack
Ensure that your application has enough headroom to operate in terms of CPU, RAM, Network, etc. as it might be the case that it's basically a lack of resources, it can be done using i.e. JMeter PerfMon Plugin
Repeat your test with profiler tool telemetry in place, this way you will be able to localize the problem and state where is the problematic piece of code or inefficient algo lives.
If server isn't down/restarted, then yes, 503 indicate overload
Common causes are a server that is down for maintenance or that is overloaded
You need to find what stop server from serving 400 concurrent requests/users
Notice that if you are testing on a test environment which isn't equal/similar to production environment, it may not reflect the load that production server can endure

Load testing WCF services gives huge (>200 sec) responses

I have a service being load tested by a third party. A few minutes after starting, we start to see requests hanging for a very long period of time and the caller ultimately times out (after 60 seconds).
They are testing with 15 users with each user using two devices at once, so a total of 30 connections.
The service is a simple façade to a more complex operation, calling an external system. Benchmarking our communications to the external system looks as though everything is responding in the time we would expect (sub 200ms).
The IIS logs reveals a bunch of very high requests (> 200sec) which ultimately do return a 200 and have Win32 error code ERROR_NETNAME_DELETD (error 64). I have checked the Service Log and can match up the response to the request (based on the SOAP message id) and can see that we do eventually respond with the correct information (although the client has long given up).
Any ideas as to what could be causing this behavior? We're hosting in IIS using wsHttpBinding and we're using WS-Security with x509 certificates (message & transport encryption).
We don't have benchmark logging inside of our service but the code is a very simple mapping of the WCF request to the server request, making the request, and mapping the response to the WCF response. We do this manually and there is no parsing involved (straight assignments).
After a detailed investigation, including getting Microsoft support involved we were hitting up against the serviceThrottling defaults, specifically the maxConcurrentSessions. We determined this from perfmon - there is a counter for this. We were unsure as to why we saw this as the service behaved when called with a .NET client.
It turns out that the Java consumer of this application, using CXF, was not respecting the WSDL (specifically the bit about WS-SecureConversation) and closing sessions out when it closed its connection.
Our solution was to jack up the maxConcurrentSessions to a high number, set the inactivityTimeout down low (to a minute) to force session abandonment. In addition, we set establishSecurityContext to false to avoid the WSS negotiation consuming an additional session.
The solution is inelegant as the service logs are littered with errors about forced session closures, but it fixed the issue we were seeing here. Unfortunately we had a requirement for WS-Security so our solution needed to stick with that.
I hope this helps someone as this was an interesting and time consuming problem to pin down.

Parse.com Throttling and Server Resource Monitoring

Our app is experiencing an extremely high number of timeouts at times and we are fielding hundreds of inquiries from users each day. The performance of the app is intermittent - one minute running AMAZINGLY fast and the next 10 minutes, timing out non-stop. We have optimized our cloud code and when timeouts are happening, they are happening anywhere and everywhere - there is no pattern to the failure so I am lead to believe this is related to server resource issues or throttling. Is there anyway to gain insights into throttling or server performance / resource usage?

Troubleshooting MVC4 Web API Performance Issues

I have an asp.net mvc4 web api interface that gets about 54k requests a day.
I have 3 web servers behind a load balancer that are setup to handle the http requests.
On average response times are ~300ms. However, lately something has gone awry (or maybe it has always been there) as there is sporadic behavior of response times coming back in 10-20sec. This would be for the same request hitting the same server directly instead of through the load balancer.
- System has been passed down to me so there may be gaps with IIS confiuration, etc,.
- Database: SQL Server 2008R2
- Web Servers: Windows Server 2008R2 Enterprise SP1
- IIS 7.5
- Using MemoryCache aggressively with Model and Business Objects with eviction set to 2hrs
- Looked at the logs but really don't see anything significantly relevant
- One application pool...no other LOB applications running on this server
Assumptions & Ask:
Somehow I'm thinking that something is recycling the application pool or IIS worker threads are shutting down and restarting thus causing each new request to warmup and recache itself. It's so sporadic that it's tough to trouble shoot right now. The same request to the same server comes back fast as expected (back to back N requests) since it was cached in about 300ms....but wait about 5-10-20min and that same request to the same server takes 16seconds.
I have limited tracing to go by as these are prod systems so I can only expose so much logging details. Any help and information attacking this or similar behavior somebody else has run into is appreciated. Thx
The w3wpe.exe process grows to ~3G. Somehow it gets wiped out and the PID changes so itself or something is killing it every 3-4min I see tons of warnings in my webserver (IIS) log:
A process serving application pool 'MyApplication' suffered a fatal
communication error with the Windows Process Activation Service. The
process id was '1732'. The data field contains the error number.
After 4-5 days of assessing IIS and configuration vs internal code issues I finally found the issue with little to no help with windbg or debugdiag IIS tools. Those tools contain so much information even with mini dumps or log trace stacks that they can be red herrings. Best bet was to reproduce it by setting up a "copy intelligently" instance of a production system, which we did not have at the time and took a bit for ops to set something up.
Needless to say the problem had to do with over cacheing business objects. There was one race condition where updates on a certain table were updating an attribute to that corresponding business object (updates were coming from multiple servers) which was causing an OOC stackoverflow that pretty much caused the cacheing to recursively cache itself to death thus causing the w3wp.exe process to die and psuedo-recycle itself. It was one of those edge cases that was incredibly hard to test and repro in a non-production environment.
